Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?


DONALD J TRUMP is your President.

No, I'm not saying Trump won because of the PC Police. Let's try to leave the binary thinking at the door on this one, m'kay? I said "ANY responsibility". A N Y.

But did PC play a role? Of course it did. Trump's success was largely based on emotion and frustration, and much of that was about being sick and tired of being told what they couldn't say, seeing others punished for expressing themselves, and having RACIST screamed at them if they dared to say, uh, pretty much fucking anything. So every time this guy said something stupid, they celebrated the fact that he was anti-PC, and his support continued to grow as he was attacked by you-know-who.

It was the Mother of Backlashes, and it was targeted at YOU.

So now, here we are. Trump is in the White House, the GOP runs the show across the board, and (perhaps worst of all) his supporters are gazing lovingly at the Supreme Court. Yeah, you played a role in this.

And anyway, to answer my own question, no, I'd be pretty surprised if any of them admitted this.
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
There were adequate warnings, but as usual the regressives refused to listen. Now they're crying like little babies. LMAO
They're so programmed into PC that it's a part of their political DNA. Look at this thread - not one admission that PC could have had .001% to do with anything. They won't give an inch on this because they don't know HOW to.

Hey, I cool with that, let them keep pissing people off, will the make the midterms sweet as well.
Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. But I don't blame you for that opinion.

While you're attacking liberals, as is your habit 80% of the time,

how about you stop to consider how much of a negative effect Trumps own 'politically incorrect' words and actions may have had on his vote totals.

That's a very good question.

IMO, the Boy Who Called Wolf effect greatly muted any effect from that.

70% in the exit poll said Trump's treatment of women bothered them.

Clinton won 65% of that vote.
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?
"We prove it's stupid"


It's like I'm communicating with a ten year old.
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?
"We prove it's stupid"


It's like I'm communicating with a ten year old.

I proved it's stupid when I asked you for evidence and you provided NONE.
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?
"We prove it's stupid"


It's like I'm communicating with a ten year old.

I proved it's stupid when I asked you for evidence and you provided NONE.





No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?

Wow are you ever way off base.
Clinton popular vote lead now is 2 million one hundred twenty eight thousand votes
Don't Forget It Happened

.............................................................................. we're now getting the first comprehensive studies showing that Russian propaganda campaigns played a major role in spawning and in other cases simply spreading "fake news" stories aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton and aiding Donald Trump.

This Washington Post piece does a nice job in explaining some of the patterns which have emerged.
Clinton popular vote lead now is 2 million one hundred twenty eight thousand votes
Don't Forget It Happened

.............................................................................. we're now getting the first comprehensive studies showing that Russian propaganda campaigns played a major role in spawning and in other cases simply spreading "fake news" stories aimed at damaging Hillary Clinton and aiding Donald Trump.

This Washington Post piece does a nice job in explaining some of the patterns which have emerged.

I'd like the OP to show us the million voters who would have voted for Hillary Clinton if it weren't for the so-called PC police.
No PC police will ever admit to themselves that they are PC police.
The hilarious thing is, they won't admit who they are, but they'll self-identify by going ape shit when I bring it up.

Just look at this thread.

Every one of your threads are identical. You post some stupid observation, we prove it's stupid, and you stumble around crowing about how upset you supposedly made everyone.

Who's upset in this thread?
"We prove it's stupid"


It's like I'm communicating with a ten year old.
Perhaps a 10 beer old?
You are the racist here Joe. You constantly use racist slurs against rural and/or southern whites.

because they are rural and southern, two truly fucked up cultures.

Not because they are white.

I keep explaining this to you, but you dun der don't get no learnin', Cleetus.

Your excuses for your racism is of no interest to me, or any decent person.

You are a racist asshole. That's the important part.

Why are you calling people racist? Are you trying to do harm to them?
It's glorious to watch as they double down.... as proven in this thread.

Trump's demise has been postponed by one term.

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