Will cases of young white men spell the end of the Death Penalty?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Junk Science? Unreliable Witnesses? No Matter, Texas Plans to Execute Robert Pruett Anyway – Mother Jones

Between this man getting on death row at 15 for a stabbing murder committed by his FATHER Sam Pruett (for which the son Robert got capital punishment as a felony accessory of accomplice)
then getting "framed" for the killing of a prison guard long targeted by many others,
there was no proof connecting him to the actual act. The lawyers with David Dow and the Innocence Project
fought for further DNA testing after past tests proved "inconclusive" but the State wants to proceed with
execution instead of pursuing further testing that could prove guilt or prove innocence, which Robert still claims.

If this case gets so botched, it could spell the end of "trusting the state with the process of the death penalty"
if authorities REFUSE to allow DNA testing for fear it might prove innocence.

If this man gets executed anyway,
could this spell the end of the death penalty by incompetence by the state to fulfill due process?

Look at the case of the capital murder shooting
of the office at Texas Tech by a student from a well respected family.
A Texas Tech student was charged with capital murder in fatal shooting of a campus police officer
(one article says the mother called authorities in fear her son was sounding suicidal
and may have a weapon. So if this was suicidal/drug related, that might explain
how this happened to someone who is not normally a "threat to society" or to police.)

Could that spell the end of capital punishment if people have sympathy for him?
Why not for others?

Could this change things if young white men change the image of
putting people to death who might be seen as standing a chance in society
of not posing a "continuing threat".

BTW for the 77th birthday of prison reform advocate RAY HILL
I would like to establish the equal choice to fund RESTORATIVE JUSTICE instead of only funding the death penalty in capital cases. why not separate funding by BELIEFS where taxpayers can CHOOSE to fund universal health care
instead of paying for executions and prisons/detention that makes
worse criminals by keeping or making people sicker!! www.earnedamnesty.org
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Sorry I didn't hear about this case in time to do more. Maybe each state should vote on confirming executions by using the electoral districts, so each case is reviewed instead of waiting until the last minute to hear of conflicts with evidence or during process.

I sent an email at the last minute through the Catholic Mobilizing Network
but wrote out my own statement.

It was only a few sentences, a lot shorter than the long letter about beliefs and human dignity I didn't think was the issue.

I basically said the death penalty should never be abused to execute an innocent
man or it will cause the State to lose credibility and authority to decide capital punishment.

I asked to please allow the necessary DNA testing
and the chance for Robert Pruett to prove his innocence as he proclaims,
and copied his name and ID numbers as given by the form letter.

I hope this case is successfully resolved, and we learn to prevent such needless
waste of life and resources lost to both capital crime and punishment. Both can, should and will be prevented
when we focus on real long term solutions.
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Restorative justice is garbage. It's purpose is to get as many innocent people killed as possible.
Restorative justice is garbage. It's purpose is to get as many innocent people killed as possible.
Not if it's done right.
When you do things wrong, even with regular policing , anything to do with law and justice can get ppl killed.

And who says dangerous criminals should be allowed to kill ppl in society or guards in prison.

Currently prison overcrowding and mismanagement means early release of dangerously ill criminals that is getting ppl killed.

Restorative justice means restoring relations to healthy whole and law abiding, including correcting the wrongs healing the causes and paying debts damages and restitution so justice is established.

If that isn't done, then you're right it's fraudulent and abused. But then it isn't real restorative justice that I am talking about.

Medical fraud exists but it's not the same as real medicine and effective practice.

I mean the real process of restorative justice, not the fake justice for politics that doesn't work correct solve or protect anything
Dangerous criminals get released because we don't use the death penalty enough. Old Sparky should be humming along 24 hours a day.

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