Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

  • Yes

  • No

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You know, I'm waiting to see what the electoral college does, and to see if there are "faithless voters" who don't cast their states vote for Biden because Trump paid them off to vote for him. Gonna be interesting to see how that turns out.

Yes, it is going to be very interesting. No doubt about that. I recommend a remote mountain lodge, miles from anywhere and surrounded by semi-hibernating bears, as the perfect place to pop all that popcorn we'll all be engorging ourselves on come December 14th. We will be secure in such a place, mixing White Russians and beholden to the ideal night sky through the lens of a telescope.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Trump didn't lose, Dems cheated with massive election fraud and are trying to steal the election. Fortunately president Trump is fighting back. Thug Dems will be held accountable.

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