Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

  • Yes

  • No

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Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Trump didn't lose, Dems cheated with massive election fraud and are trying to steal the election. Fortunately president Trump is fighting back. Thug Dems will be held accountable.

What will you do if Biden is elected? Nothing.
Well, I'm glad that most Trumper's have accepted that the President is leaving the White House by January 20, 2020.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Trump didn't lose, Dems cheated with massive election fraud and are trying to steal the election. Fortunately president Trump is fighting back. Thug Dems will be held accountable.

What will you do if Biden is elected? Nothing.
Impeach him, silly!
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232
Correct. No. He'll probably flee to Florida on December 15th.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Yes. I believe so.

President Donald John Trump - 410

Joe Biden - 128
In your delusional fever dreams.

but Putin loves you

You really are a silly Satanic individual, now aren't you? Come on, own it.
You know, I'm waiting to see what the electoral college does, and to see if there are "faithless voters" who don't cast their states vote for Biden because Trump paid them off to vote for him. Gonna be interesting to see how that turns out.

That better not happen.

I voted for Trump....if that happens....we can kiss the national election good bye.

Kinda like that bitch in Iowa who wants Pelosi to declare her the winner even though SHE LOST.
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Trump didn't lose, Dems cheated with massive election fraud and are trying to steal the election. Fortunately president Trump is fighting back. Thug Dems will be held accountable.

What will you do if Biden is elected? Nothing.

Torture Biden and Democrats by telling them NO in the Senate while investigating the Biden crime family's corrupt foreign dealings. Tissue?
Will Donald Trump be inaugurated for a 2nd term as President on January 20, 2021?

No. Donald Trump lost the 2020 Presidential Election to Joe Biden.

Electoral Votes:

Joe Biden - 306

Donald Trump - 232

Trump didn't lose, Dems cheated with massive election fraud and are trying to steal the election. Fortunately president Trump is fighting back. Thug Dems will be held accountable.

What will you do if Biden is elected? Nothing.

Torture Biden and Democrats by telling them NO in the Senate while investigating the Biden crime family's corrupt foreign dealings. Tissue?

Like it's been investigated the last few months. Like Obama's birth certificate. Except that Trump has nothing on anybody, and he's a whiny faggot like his supporters. His entire career has been full of failed legal battles. He's a career failure, and he's failed again. Live with it.
I would like to see Trump sworn in for a second term, but I know it's not going to happen...

congratulations !!!! you have reached the third stage of grief, you are valiantly bargaining, much better than most deplorables who are stuck in denial along with pussygrabber...

As Justice John Roberts swears in Joe Biden as President expect Judge Amy to swear in Trump

You've got no basis for bringing Barrett into this.

Fuck you and anyone who remotely looks like you.
Trump OWNS Judge Amy, Overruling the voters and awarding a Second term was key to Trump naming her to the court.
Judge Amy knows what she must do
Trump’s one last chance of “winning” would be declaring martial law, using the military to shut down Capital Hill and over throwing our constitutional republic.

Trumpsters would gladly see the death of our Republic if Trump declares himself president for life.

That is after all what Trumpism is. A cult of personality.
Trump Republicans found a way to deal with news that they did not like.......Just call it FAKE NEWS without justification.

They apply the same tactic with election results they don’t like.
Just call it a FAKE ELECTION without justification

Even if there were absolute proof of rigging (including confessions from the bad guys), there is no way in Hades that the Dems will accept Mr. Biden and (especially) Ms. Harris being denied their inauguration on January 20.

If that were to happen, there WOULD BE an actual civil war, with many soldiers in the Army defecting to the other side.

Like it or not, the Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr., will be inaugurated (virtually, I hear) on January 20 as the (official) 46th President of the United (?) States of America.
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