Will former presidents finally have to speak up?

Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
Their disdain for Trump seems obvious
Trump is counting on them to stay quiet.

LOL, What makes you think that ? Trump has made it pretty clear he prefers it when the objects of his ridicule "fight back", you need to pay more attention to detail.

What if they don't?
He'll do what he always does, up the ante by intensifying his criticism and petty name calling along with playing the victim card, it's one of the tools that he constantly uses to gin up his base.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You people would have been spitting blood if any former President had said anything about Obama's policies.
It is not his policies but his behavior

Former Presidents are the guardians of the dignity of the office
Trump is an insult to the office
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You people would have been spitting blood if any former President had said anything about Obama's policies.
It is not his policies but his behavior

Former Presidents are the guardians of the dignity of the office
Trump is an insult to the office
The current President is the product of contemporary American politics. The two party dictatorship and the effective coup d'état conducted gradually over recent decades is what the Trump triumph indicts.
I hope they do come out. Let Trump bitch slap them all and continue to drain the swamp.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You people would have been spitting blood if any former President had said anything about Obama's policies.
It is not his policies but his behavior

Former Presidents are the guardians of the dignity of the office
Trump is an insult to the office

Says the poster who supports the President who cheated on the 1st Lady with an intern in the Oval Office, is accused of rape of several women and perjured himself. Suddenly now when his party isn't in office we have moral standards to uphold.
We all know where Obama stands. Him coming out and saying stuff about Trump doesn't mean anything. Trump ran directly against Obama's agenda and has undone as much of it as he could so far. So, there's that. Anything he says, while it may be accurate (depending on what he says) it'll sound like sour grapes. There's no one who will move on their stance based on anything Obama says.

Carter is much like Obama, but he's praised Trump for his handling of North Korea, so there doesn't appear to be anything there. Carter is a relic and universally recognized as a pretty bad president anyway.

Bush Sr. is in no position to really be in public let alone speak in public.

The left has eaten up Bill Clinton. The #MeToo stuff along with attacking Trump relentlessly over sexual infidelity effectively makes Bill Clinton a liability for them. As soon as they start suggesting that what he has to say matters is the second they have to confront the fact that he's a sexual predator and that's very problematic for them. It would also look like they're calling in the man to take care of business because his wife just couldn't get the job done, and that's also a big no-no for their agenda as well.

The only one who could stand a chance to move the needle is W, but it would only be a little bit. He could possibly convince the more moderate republicans to walk back their support of Trump, but that would be hurting his own party. The left can't really use him cause it would force them to acknowledge that everything they've ever said about Bush wasn't really true, and they were just being hyperbolic for political gain, but trust us now though cause when we told you Bush was awful and dangerous for the country we didn't really mean it but we do really mean it this time Trump has to be stopped ahhhhhh!!
I hope they do come out. Let Trump bitch slap them all and continue to drain the swamp.
The Trump swamp is more inept and corrupt than any previous

Do you have a shred of proof? Nope!


Trump appointees to his cabinet and the bench are unqualified for the positions they hold

In terms of corruption, Trump and his people have been under nonstop investigation since he took office

That is creating a swamp not draining it
The current President is the product of contemporary American politics. The two party dictatorship and the effective coup d'état conducted gradually over recent decades is what the Trump triumph indicts.
Kinda sorta. I think it has more to do with the fact that republicans didn't have much going on other than the same message they forged in the 80s, and ran a couple of milquetoast candidates who just laid down and took all the arrows from the left without putting up a fight and lost because of it. McCain never stood a chance in the first place but the race was within reach for republicans in 2012.

Trump was primarily two things:

1. A fighter. The dude fights anyone and anything that crosses him and he doesn't care about collateral damage. He has no restraint, no tact, no filter. Republican voters wanted a claw hammer for the job of driving the nail in 2016 after having been given a couple nails the previous two races, and Trump was a sledgehammer. But, better that than more nails so we'll take it. He was the imperfect but necessary tool for the job.

2. A populist. He correctly identified that the republican party is lacking a message for a lot of people, namely working class people that the democrats have turned their backs on in favor of identity politics. He ran in the swing states on bringing jobs back that will never truly be brought back, and he does believe in flawed economic principles like protectionism so he was able to sell it effectively. For a lot of working class folks in areas that have been hit hard by the continuing change to a specialized economy, he was a beacon of light for them.

But, were it not for the democrats running the worst candidate possible, he still wouldn't have won. It really was a perfect storm of shit as evidenced by the low voter turnout which is a big part of why he was able to win.
let the old president pwicks say anything they like . I think that The TRUMP would relish the opportunity to get'er going DeanRD .

Yeah! Cause He's a macho tough guy who's not gonna take any shit from anybody.

Too bad about those bone spurs keeping Him form being a Viet Nam war hero.
let the old president pwicks say anything they like . I think that The TRUMP would relish the opportunity to get'er going DeanRD .

Yeah! Cause He's a macho tough guy who's not gonna take any shit from anybody.

Too bad about those bone spurs keeping Him form being a Viet Nam war hero.
--------------------- oh . its YOU again , hows it going MrClean . Bone Spurs , aw , the TRUMP got a LEGAL Deferment so its cool Mr. Clean .
and that being said , hey , i'd love to see The TRUMP go after the 'bush's' , clintons and some others . Don't really care about Carter as i see him as a naive type [bad President] that was not a traitor Mr Clean .
I hope they do come out. Let Trump bitch slap them all and continue to drain the swamp.
The Trump swamp is more inept and corrupt than any previous

Do you have a shred of proof? Nope!


Trump appointees to his cabinet and the bench are unqualified for the positions they hold

In terms of corruption, Trump and his people have been under nonstop investigation since he took office

That is creating a swamp not draining it

LOL your proof they are unqualified? Nope! Here let me laugh in your face. :auiqs.jpg:
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
/——/ If Trump’s claims the election was rigged is an assault on our democracy (BTW we’re a Republic) what is Muller’s Investigation all about? Rigged elections?
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
/——/ If Trump’s claims the election was rigged is an assault on our democracy (BTW we’re a Republic) what is Muller’s Investigation all about? Rigged elections?
-------------------------------- yeah , a Republic if you can keep it . Course as everyone including media and politicians says 'democracy' enough times the 'know nothings' and fifth column also work to replace the Republic with a 'democracy' Cellblock .
let the old president pwicks say anything they like . I think that The TRUMP would relish the opportunity to get'er going DeanRD .

Yeah! Cause He's a macho tough guy who's not gonna take any shit from anybody.

Too bad about those bone spurs keeping Him form being a Viet Nam war hero.
And Clintons deferment was for Oh yeah, he did NOT have one. He just LIED.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.
Yes, Presidents historically did not publicly criticize a sitting President, especially overseas...until Democrats began to sh!t all over that time-honored show of respect / loyalty.

And what are other Presidents - besides DEMOCRATS - going to step up and criticize about the current President?

How he has reacted to the continuous revelations of how the Previous President, his Cabinet, and his US AGs and Directors / Deputy Directors of the DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, and others collaborated, colluded, and engaged in a Conspiracy to prevent a political opposing candidate from winning an election and then engaged in acts of Sedition, Conspiracy, and Treason to 'un-elect' / remove from office a newly democratically elected President because the national security-damaging, proven treasonous felon they obstructed justice to protect and gave the DNC nomination do did not win the 2016 election?

The country has experienced successes under this President it has not seen in decades while simultaneously having to fight a Democratic Party that openly declared itself to be obstructionists 100% dedicated to fight any success this country might have under this President and the GOP, that has been exposed as having many crimes committed by their 'leaders' in key positions against him...
let the old president pwicks say anything they like . I think that The TRUMP would relish the opportunity to get'er going DeanRD .

Yeah! Cause He's a macho tough guy who's not gonna take any shit from anybody.

Too bad about those bone spurs keeping Him form being a Viet Nam war hero.
--------------------- oh . its YOU again , hows it going MrClean . Bone Spurs , aw , the TRUMP got a LEGAL Deferment so its cool Mr. Clean .

A LEGAL Deferment bought and paid for no doubt.

How convenient.

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