Will former presidents finally have to speak up?

Still haven't figured out the Electoral vote vs Popular vote???

Actually I have you dumb nitwit......BUT, when one of your fellow morons states that "America voted" for the orange buffoon, I like to remind all of you half-brained Trump cult members that he won the EC.......and NOT the majority of US voters.

You're welcome for the clarification I just offered you.

:auiqs.jpg:a lot of good that did her, huh? oh let's not forget Gore too moronic dumb nitwit
The Bushes have made negative comments about Trump, made it plainly obvious they don’t like him and they’re not Democrats.

Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.
Yes, Presidents historically did not publicly criticize a sitting President, especially overseas...until Democrats began to sh!t all over that time-honored show of respect / loyalty.

And what are other Presidents - besides DEMOCRATS - going to step up and criticize about the current President?

How he has reacted to the continuous revelations of how the Previous President, his Cabinet, and his US AGs and Directors / Deputy Directors of the DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, and others collaborated, colluded, and engaged in a Conspiracy to prevent a political opposing candidate from winning an election and then engaged in acts of Sedition, Conspiracy, and Treason to 'un-elect' / remove from office a newly democratically elected President because the national security-damaging, proven treasonous felon they obstructed justice to protect and gave the DNC nomination do did not win the 2016 election?

The country has experienced successes under this President it has not seen in decades while simultaneously having to fight a Democratic Party that openly declared itself to be obstructionists 100% dedicated to fight any success this country might have under this President and the GOP, that has been exposed as having many crimes committed by their 'leaders' in key positions against him...
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as i said , The TRUMP had a legal Doctor approved Deferment . Course , YOU can ASSUME anything you like MrCLEAN .
The Bushes have made negative comments about Trump, made it plainly obvious they don’t like him and they’re not Republicans.

Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.
Yes, Presidents historically did not publicly criticize a sitting President, especially overseas...until Democrats began to sh!t all over that time-honored show of respect / loyalty.

And what are other Presidents - besides DEMOCRATS - going to step up and criticize about the current President?

How he has reacted to the continuous revelations of how the Previous President, his Cabinet, and his US AGs and Directors / Deputy Directors of the DOJ, CIA, NIA, FBI, and others collaborated, colluded, and engaged in a Conspiracy to prevent a political opposing candidate from winning an election and then engaged in acts of Sedition, Conspiracy, and Treason to 'un-elect' / remove from office a newly democratically elected President because the national security-damaging, proven treasonous felon they obstructed justice to protect and gave the DNC nomination do did not win the 2016 election?

The country has experienced successes under this President it has not seen in decades while simultaneously having to fight a Democratic Party that openly declared itself to be obstructionists 100% dedicated to fight any success this country might have under this President and the GOP, that has been exposed as having many crimes committed by their 'leaders' in key positions against him...
------------------------------ sure the 'bush' pwicks are republican , gop pwicks , all of them in national politics are republican rino types anyway BShaka ,
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
Another swing and a miss, deany, but don’t get discouraged. After all, you’re more or less a professional and been in this very situation dozens, maybe hundreds, of times in just the Trump era alone. So just relax, put your head down on your Thinking Pillow, and some other load of crap will crawl into that dark empty space between your ears soon. It always does.
The Bushes have made negative comments about Trump, made it plainly obvious they don’t like him and they’re not Republicans.
The Bushes are UniParty One World Order Globalists. Trump (with all his many, many, many, MANY faults) fucks up their unified goal of incrementally divesting America of its sovereignty. Of course, they hate him.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
BTW, it appears that you have changed your screen name. What's up with that?
America voted and former presidents can shut their Goddamn mouths.


According to the independent, non-partisan Cook Political Report, Clinton's final tally came in at 65,844,610, compared to Donald Trump's 62,979,636, with a difference of 2,864,974.Dec 20, 2016
Irrelevant. Illegal votes shouldn't count, anyway.
I wish former 2-time Presidential election candidates had a time-honored tradition of 'STFU and Go Away', not that Hillary would honor it. :p
The Bushes have made negative comments about Trump, made it plainly obvious they don’t like him and they’re not Democrats.

Have they made them overseas, in front of allies, as the Clintons. Obama, and even Carter has done?

Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You're a fucking idiot.

The first year those assholes wouldn't STFU.
Now they realize that any of them that speak out it only reveals that they're swamp creatures and part of the criminal conspiracy to remove Trump.
There's also Carter, Bush Sr. and Clinton. That's 5.

Carter has been praising Trump on NK, Bush Sr won't be around in a month and Clinton is hoping he won't have to visit the bitch in prison. 43 will stay quiet and no one give a shit what the mulatto messiah has to say. As for you, you should just STFU and buy a couple of more cases of butt hurt cream.




You are one hateful racist [email protected] aren't you?
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You're a fucking idiot.

The first year those assholes wouldn't STFU.
Now they realize that any of them that speak out it only reveals that they're swamp creatures and part of the criminal conspiracy to remove Trump.
Trump is the criminal. Haven't you figured that out yet?

Mueller reportedly investigating Ukrainian tycoon’s $150,000 donation to Trumps Criminal Foundation
There's also Carter, Bush Sr. and Clinton. That's 5.

Carter has been praising Trump on NK, Bush Sr won't be around in a month and Clinton is hoping he won't have to visit the bitch in prison. 43 will stay quiet and no one give a shit what the mulatto messiah has to say. As for you, you should just STFU and buy a couple of more cases of butt hurt cream.




You are one hateful racist [email protected] aren't you?
------------------------------------- its just a bit of FREE SPEECH DeanRD !!
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You're a fucking idiot.

The first year those assholes wouldn't STFU.
Now they realize that any of them that speak out it only reveals that they're swamp creatures and part of the criminal conspiracy to remove Trump.

The racism has your kind by the balls.

According to your kind, black men aren't supposed to be smart or good people. So your kind just assumes he's being arrogant and you're being mocked.
But all that's being mocked is reason and that's coming from your kind.
There's also Carter, Bush Sr. and Clinton. That's 5.

Carter has been praising Trump on NK, Bush Sr won't be around in a month and Clinton is hoping he won't have to visit the bitch in prison. 43 will stay quiet and no one give a shit what the mulatto messiah has to say. As for you, you should just STFU and buy a couple of more cases of butt hurt cream.




You are one hateful racist [email protected] aren't you?
------------------------------------- its just a bit of FREE SPEECH DeanRD !!

That's what Roseanne said.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You're a fucking idiot.

The first year those assholes wouldn't STFU.
Now they realize that any of them that speak out it only reveals that they're swamp creatures and part of the criminal conspiracy to remove Trump.

The racism has your kind by the balls.

According to your kind, black men aren't supposed to be smart or good people. So your kind just assumes he's being arrogant and you're being mocked.
But all that's being mocked is reason and that's coming from your kind.
According to you any black that leaves the plantation is labeled a House N**** and an Uncle Tom.
Former presidents historically have kept quiet once a new president is in office.

But watching Trump, I don't know. Is he driving them out into the open?

Remember during the election when Trump kept saying it's rigged, it's rigged? That was his first assault on our democracy.

Now during his Tennessee speech, he said Bush spent 7 trillion in Iraq.

And now, he's comparing Obama to Nixon in the way he keeps saying Obama tapped his phone and Obama planted a spy.

Will Obama and Bush and other presidents finally have to come out and slap that b@st@rd down? And if they do, what will Trump do? Right now, Trump is counting on them to stay quiet. What if they don't?
You're a fucking idiot.

The first year those assholes wouldn't STFU.
Now they realize that any of them that speak out it only reveals that they're swamp creatures and part of the criminal conspiracy to remove Trump.
Trump is the criminal. Haven't you figured that out yet?

Mueller reportedly investigating Ukrainian tycoon’s $150,000 donation to Trumps Criminal Foundation
$150k, paid to a private citizen????

Since when has doing business with foreign companies become illegal, you fucking retard???

And so what if it's a Ukrainian company.

They may be sworn enemies of Russia but who cares about fucking details.

Russia Russia Russia.
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