Will I share Hell with Hitler when I die?

I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

Adolf will go to a special Hell for mass murderers.

You will go someplace else -- probably Purgatory first.
According to the general Christian view of the bible, yes. There is also the theory that there really is no hell and the 'eternal' punishment is literally death. IOW, you would cease to exist.
According to the general Christian view of the bible, yes. There is also the theory that there really is no hell and the 'eternal' punishment is literally death. IOW, you would cease to exist.
Misunderstanding and erroneous precepts. Jesus kept stressing the spirit but people throughout the millennia keep missing that spiritual part. Even hell is a place in the spirit. It is separation from the spirit of God with you, akin to be miserable and not understanding what or why you feel miserable or angry. Spirit
I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

According to the bible yes, there aren't more hells, just the one. So if your worst sin is rolling through a red light and you don't repent, get ready to spend eternity listening to Hitler explain why he was just misunderstood.

And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!
I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

According to the bible yes, there aren't more hells, just the one. So if your worst sin is rolling through a red light and you don't repent, get ready to spend eternity listening to Hitler explain why he was just misunderstood.

And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!
And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!

the christian bible is nothing more than a biased 4th century book covering fragmentally 1st century events.

the "religion" of all three desert religions is the same, The Triumph of Good vs Evil their particular books are interpretations for the stated goal to reach the Everlasting ... satan is dead, nothing more the same for any other Spirit that does not conquer evil to free itself while given the opportunity.
I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

According to the bible yes, there aren't more hells, just the one. So if your worst sin is rolling through a red light and you don't repent, get ready to spend eternity listening to Hitler explain why he was just misunderstood.

And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!
And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!

the christian bible is nothing more than a biased 4th century book covering fragmentally 1st century events.

the "religion" of all three desert religions is the same, The Triumph of Good vs Evil their particular books are interpretations for the stated goal to reach the Everlasting ... satan is dead, nothing more the same for any other Spirit that does not conquer evil to free itself while given the opportunity.

And the modern religions steal all their tenets from previous religions.

The virgin birth, redemption, the scape goat, an invisible deity, life after death...

There is nothing new under the sun. If Constantine had not installed Christianity as the state religion of Rome then all the Christians today would be worshiping Mythra.
I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

According to the bible yes, there aren't more hells, just the one. So if your worst sin is rolling through a red light and you don't repent, get ready to spend eternity listening to Hitler explain why he was just misunderstood.

And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!
And now, let the nonstop lawyering of the bible begin!

the christian bible is nothing more than a biased 4th century book covering fragmentally 1st century events.

the "religion" of all three desert religions is the same, The Triumph of Good vs Evil their particular books are interpretations for the stated goal to reach the Everlasting ... satan is dead, nothing more the same for any other Spirit that does not conquer evil to free itself while given the opportunity.

And the modern religions steal all their tenets from previous religions.

The virgin birth, redemption, the scape goat, an invisible deity, life after death...

There is nothing new under the sun. If Constantine had not installed Christianity as the state religion of Rome then all the Christians today would be worshiping Mythra.
Constantine assimilated Christianity and transformed it into the worship of mythra under the deliberately perverted image of Jew despised so much by the potentates of Rome they made the national religion of the empire an open defiance of the law of his God and the most holy obligation of the people of the empire, the ritual desecration of his teaching and a celebration of his torture and death made compulsory under threats of torture and death.
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^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.
According to the general Christian view of the bible, yes. There is also the theory that there really is no hell and the 'eternal' punishment is literally death. IOW, you would cease to exist.
I could live with that.
^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.

Up until the point where it was assimilated and perverted by Rome, Christianity was spreading just fine without coercion or violence. What makes you think it would have died out?

It wasn't the enemy of the state for no reason and Constantine didn't superimpose the cosmic mysteries of Mithras on what became Catholicism because he was a Christian sympathizer or believer in the teachings of a Jewish peasant..
According to the general Christian view of the bible, yes. There is also the theory that there really is no hell and the 'eternal' punishment is literally death. IOW, you would cease to exist.
Misunderstanding and erroneous precepts. Jesus kept stressing the spirit but people throughout the millennia keep missing that spiritual part. Even hell is a place in the spirit. It is separation from the spirit of God with you, akin to be miserable and not understanding what or why you feel miserable or angry. Spirit
At least according to your understanding and faith. Looking through the scriptures makes me believe that there is no support for this eternal existing punishment but rather that the eternal punishment is death. I just do not see the biblical support for the former.

25 Bible Verses That Disprove Eternal Conscious Hell
Dang I read like 200 of them, I like the simpler Christian 10 commandments better. More easy to remember

The 613 Commandments

Keep is simple stupid

Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
Dang I read like 200 of them, I like the simpler Christian 10 commandments better. More easy to remember

The 613 Commandments

Keep is simple stupid

Matthew 22:36-40 ESV

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”
This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. ...


orry, only a goebbels would make that a commandment ... and their 4th century book.
According to the general Christian view of the bible, yes. There is also the theory that there really is no hell and the 'eternal' punishment is literally death. IOW, you would cease to exist.
Misunderstanding and erroneous precepts. Jesus kept stressing the spirit but people throughout the millennia keep missing that spiritual part. Even hell is a place in the spirit. It is separation from the spirit of God with you, akin to be miserable and not understanding what or why you feel miserable or angry. Spirit
At least according to your understanding and faith. Looking through the scriptures makes me believe that there is no support for this eternal existing punishment but rather that the eternal punishment is death. I just do not see the biblical support for the former.

25 Bible Verses That Disprove Eternal Conscious Hell
I am not Catholic so I wouldn't be able to address a Catholic's total belief. Not that I would want to as it is all dependent on each one what or how they believe, plus what they have been shown by the spirit if anything. That they believe a portion is all that Jesus asked of those who were having a tough time believing anything because his goal was to save All that were lost.

Hell is that place in the spirit where one turns away from God. Throughout the Bible their are twins born (carnal flesh hosts/spirit of the son hosts) as the spiritual life progresses for the human-adam. The whole point is to have the wicked turn from their evil ways. Ecclesiastes (The Preacher) sums it up the best when describing how the beastly portion goes back to the dust and the spirit that makes alive returns to God. It is a very rare thing to find anyone with absolutely nothing "good" in them. As it is written the wicked are given over for a season and a time. The Lord opens the graves. Also reserves his angels in chains for the day of judgment. I only know of one set of (angels/hosts) that remain locked under the fire on hard pointed rocks in the desert for all of eternity. Their names depend on which scrolls or writings you are reading. The Book of Enosh/Enoch 'dedicated' describes this if I recall properly.
^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.

Up until the point where it was assimilated and perverted by Rome, Christianity was spreading just fine without coercion or violence. What makes you think it would have died out?

It wasn't the enemy of the state for no reason and Constantine didn't superimpose the cosmic mysteries of Mithras on what became Catholicism because he was a Christian sympathizer or believer in the teachings of a Jewish peasant..
In other words the way of life followed by Christians who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus and lived for the first 300 years actually did die out and was lost to time when Rome usurped authority over scriptural interpretations, killed anyone who objected and perverted fundamental early Christian beliefs with their universal dogma and degrading ritualistic practices aimed at subjugating all pagan religions through the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands under the umbrella of a made up counterfeit Jesus, an edible mangod, the antichrist that ding worships, an abomination that causes desolation that reflects the image and likeness of all their false gods.

Many people worry in error about the coming antichrist and the great tribulation..

The good news is that the great tribulation and unspeakable suffering and captivity of believers under the reign of the antichrist, as well documented by the shameful history of the roman church and the legions of denominations based on their fake three gods in one Jesus , is already over before anyone knew it began.
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^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.

Up until the point where it was assimilated and perverted by Rome, Christianity was spreading just fine without coercion or violence. What makes you think it would have died out?

It wasn't the enemy of the state for no reason and Constantine didn't superimpose the cosmic mysteries of Mithras on what became Catholicism because he was a Christian sympathizer or believer in the teachings of a Jewish peasant..
In other words the way of life followed by Christians who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus and lived for the first 300 years actually did die out and was lost to time when Rome usurped authority over scriptural interpretations, killed anyone who objected and perverted fundamental early Christian beliefs with their universal dogma and degrading ritualistic practices aimed at subjugating all pagan religions through the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands under the umbrella of a made up counterfeit Jesus, an edible mangod, the antichrist that ding worships, an abomination that causes desolation that reflects the image and likeness of all their false gods.

Many people worry in error about the coming antichrist and the great tribulation..

The good news is that the great tribulation and unspeakable suffering and captivity of believers under the reign of the antichrist, as well documented by the shameful history of the roman church and the legions of denominations based on their fake three gods in one Jesus , is already over before anyone knew it began.
I don't worry about anything. How can I? I have eternal life.
I do good, not because I'm worried about being judged, but because I care about what I think of me. I believe the Bible to be a work of fiction, created by the Aristocracy to control the Serfs. You don't want them giving up on life because they have no hope, instead you feed them false hope that they will be rewarded after they are dead.

So do I deserve to be in the same Hell as the guy who killed millions of Jews?

Why there is no god

# 27

I don’t want to go to hell/You will go to hell.
Pascal’s Wager does not actually argue in support of the existence of a god, rather, it simply attempts to coerce insincere worship. There are several issues with this approach:

  • A god could reward reasoning/skepticism.
  • An omniscient god would see through feigned belief as a result of coercion.
  • If a god wanted everyone to believe and knew exactly what was needed to convince people, then why are there atheists at all? Is god unable to prevent transgression of his will?
  • Most people adhere to the religion they were born into, they have not examined all other religions.
  • What is the fate of the unlearned? What happens to people who have not encountered the specific religion in which hell is an issue.
See also: Dawkins – What if you’re wrong? (a must watch), The Problem of Hell, Hell: An excessive punishment, The Atheist’s Wager.

“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” — Anonymous

“We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes.” – Gene Roddenberry
^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.

Up until the point where it was assimilated and perverted by Rome, Christianity was spreading just fine without coercion or violence. What makes you think it would have died out?

It wasn't the enemy of the state for no reason and Constantine didn't superimpose the cosmic mysteries of Mithras on what became Catholicism because he was a Christian sympathizer or believer in the teachings of a Jewish peasant..
In other words the way of life followed by Christians who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus and lived for the first 300 years actually did die out and was lost to time when Rome usurped authority over scriptural interpretations, killed anyone who objected and perverted fundamental early Christian beliefs with their universal dogma and degrading ritualistic practices aimed at subjugating all pagan religions through the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands under the umbrella of a made up counterfeit Jesus, an edible mangod, the antichrist that ding worships, an abomination that causes desolation that reflects the image and likeness of all their false gods.

Many people worry in error about the coming antichrist and the great tribulation..

The good news is that the great tribulation and unspeakable suffering and captivity of believers under the reign of the antichrist, as well documented by the shameful history of the roman church and the legions of denominations based on their fake three gods in one Jesus , is already over before anyone knew it began.
I don't worry about anything. How can I? I have eternal life.

So you believe you are a god? If you believe you will live forever that tells me you think you are a god. Interesting. You sure don't seem like one. You seem more like a

^^ translate to English.

Constantine was the Roman emperor that codified Christianity as the Roman state religion. If he hadn't done that Christianity would either be a little known religion or have died out. Before that Christianity was considered the enemy of the state.

Up until the point where it was assimilated and perverted by Rome, Christianity was spreading just fine without coercion or violence. What makes you think it would have died out?

It wasn't the enemy of the state for no reason and Constantine didn't superimpose the cosmic mysteries of Mithras on what became Catholicism because he was a Christian sympathizer or believer in the teachings of a Jewish peasant..
In other words the way of life followed by Christians who held the secrets to the kingdom of heaven taught by Jesus and lived for the first 300 years actually did die out and was lost to time when Rome usurped authority over scriptural interpretations, killed anyone who objected and perverted fundamental early Christian beliefs with their universal dogma and degrading ritualistic practices aimed at subjugating all pagan religions through the power of death consequent to defying the divine commands under the umbrella of a made up counterfeit Jesus, an edible mangod, the antichrist that ding worships, an abomination that causes desolation that reflects the image and likeness of all their false gods.

Many people worry in error about the coming antichrist and the great tribulation..

The good news is that the great tribulation and unspeakable suffering and captivity of believers under the reign of the antichrist, as well documented by the shameful history of the roman church and the legions of denominations based on their fake three gods in one Jesus , is already over before anyone knew it began.
I don't worry about anything. How can I? I have eternal life.

I don't worry about anything either. All I do is enjoy this life because it's the only one I'm ever going to have. And that doesn't worry me one bit. I feel like I will live forever and no one worries about dying until they are dying.

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