Will Michael Jackson Be Convicted Or Not?

Will Michael Jackson Be Convicted Of Child Molestation Or Not?

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Shattered said:
He scraped outta the last one.. I really don't think he's going to scrape outta this one...

And you have to wonder why if Jackson was innocent of the charges from the first accuser, why he settled out of court for money??? He could have fought it and won if so.
Oh, I don't believe he's innocent.. But money does have a tendency to talk...at least once.
Shattered said:
Oh, I don't believe he's innocent.. But money does have a tendency to talk...at least once.

I wish this case had been televised, following it on Court TV has proven to suck, all second hand info. I can't get a lid on how the jury is going to decide on this. But for me If I was a jurist it would be hard for me to ignore the facts of the first accuser and his testimony, to me it gives credence to this accuser now.
colehart said:
Guilty, but he'll walk with a heavy fine.

His lawyers would probably argue that Prison would be cruel and unusual punishment for somebody as pansy-ass as he is, and in CA they have a good chance of winning such a silly argument.

In order to believe that he is innocent we must believe that he surrounds himself, on purpose, with gold-digging liars who all gather together with the same story. This rather than believing that he likes blond thirteen year-old young men and surrounds himself with them for his own purpose.
Pale Rider said:
With the prosecution done, and the defense wraping up, before the jury brings back a verdict, give your prediction.


All comments welcome.
I have no idea...Like all of you I wasn't in the courtroom everyday of the trial.
Mr. P said:
I have no idea...Like all of you I wasn't in the courtroom everyday of the trial.

It is hard to make a decision when one is not in court and privvy to all the info
and body language of those who testify...Michael is as all can attest weird...as for the prior civil suit alluded to by Bonnie...well civil suits have a lower standard...and sometimes people or corporations pay off to avoid increased cost in defending...does not mean the person or corp is guilty...just saving costs...just food for thought! :eek:
archangel said:
It is hard to make a decision when one is not in court and privvy to all the info
and body language of those who testify...Michael is as all can attest weird...as for the prior civil suit alluded to by Bonnie...well civil suits have a lower standard...and sometimes people or corporations pay off to avoid increased cost in defending...does not mean the person or corp is guilty...just saving costs...just food for thought! :eek:

At what price? More kids being molested? That's some savings. :(
archangel said:
It is hard to make a decision when one is not in court and privvy to all the info
and body language of those who testify...Michael is as all can attest weird...as for the prior civil suit alluded to by Bonnie...well civil suits have a lower standard...and sometimes people or corporations pay off to avoid increased cost in defending...does not mean the person or corp is guilty...just saving costs...just food for thought! :eek:

I suppose I have an overly simplistic view that if you are innocent you defend yourself at all costs if for no other reason than anything less is capitulation of guilt and will come back to haunt you someday??
Shattered said:
At what price? More kids being molested? That's some savings. :(

I for one do not know if he is guilty or not...all I know is that he is weird...my comment was purely from a law enforcement perspective...I was not in court and neither were you...I was not in his bedroom or ranch...neither were you...
The witnesses were for the most part...subjective with a cause... and to be honest...from a law enforcement perspective not really credible...I for one will defer to the jury...which I was not a part of! ;)
Shattered said:
At what price? More kids being molested? That's some savings. :(
The plaintiff must accept the settlement...it's a two way street.
Mr. P said:
The plaintiff must accept the settlement...it's a two way street.

I'm not denying that.. But you really don't want to know what I think of the parents that *accept* that settlement.
Bonnie said:
I suppose I have an overly simplistic view that if you are innocent you defend yourself at all costs if for no other reason than anything less is capitulation of guilt and will come back to haunt you someday??

In a perfect world I would wholeheartedly agree with you..it is not! To be realistic... is and always will be... paramont when a person defends oneself :crutch:
Bonnie said:
The results of this poll are divided exactly three ways. So far
It will be interesting to see how the poll compares to the verdict..
Well if a guilty conscience is demonstated by ill health and weight loss, he's a goner....
Kathianne said:
Well if a guilty conscience is demonstated by ill health and weight loss, he's a goner....
Well even without that...he's toast..
On the otherhand the PUBLIC seems to love bad boys..Sad.
Kathianne said:
Well if a guilty conscience is demonstated by ill health and weight loss, he's a goner....

Or is it just a sympathy ploy??? He really does look very sickly, at least that's the way he is presenting himself??
Who here thinks he'll bolt before the jury comes back with a verdict?

Strange goings on right now, with four SUV's having left Neverland 'to get washed', (They looked pristine already) and M.J.'s family is looking for him.
Comrade said:
Who here thinks he'll bolt before the jury comes back with a verdict?

Strange goings on right now, with four SUV's having left Neverland 'to get washed', (They looked pristine already) and M.J.'s family is looking for him.

Who thinks he'll fake his own death and that is why he has been working at looking so fricking sickly lately?

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