Will Obama do anything about ISIS

Step 1: Grow a set of balls.

Step 2: Everything else falls into place

I say again, list the actions that Obama could have taken that would have forced Putin to either stay out or get out of Crimea.

Give the Ukraine military the weapons it needed and asked for. Tell Putin that his agression will not be tolerated.

lol, give them enough weapons to turn back the Russian military? another good one.

Can we count on your share of a tax increase to pay for that lost cause?

Redfish thinks Pootin puts his people first.

Go figure.

not what I said. I said he puts his country first, unlike obama.

Give examples of Pootin putting his country first.

And no, I don't mean bread lines.

Crimea and Ukraine-------------there, I named 2

And now tell us how Obama could have kept Russia out of the Crimea. Be specific.

Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?
Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq
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Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.
And now tell us how Obama could have kept Russia out of the Crimea. Be specific.

Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

well, thats not what happened, but if you choose to believe the obama propaganda, go right ahead.
Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.
Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

I assume you are questioning my comment on wounded american kids. Why do they have to depend on charities like Wounded Warriors (an excellent charity) for their medical and housing needs? Those kids should be taken care of by the government for the rest of their lives. Our govt sent them to fight these foolish wars, and it should take care of them and their families when they return handicapped. If the govt did its job there would be no need for WW and others like them.
nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

Fuck you asshole.

translation = you win, I cannot compete with truth and logic.
Nope. He's calling what you are. A spineless loser who knows nothing about Vietnam and our vets.

I am a viet nam vet, you fricken asshole. I know exactly what happened over there, ya fuckin douchbag.
I say again, list the actions that Obama could have taken that would have forced Putin to either stay out or get out of Crimea.

Give the Ukraine military the weapons it needed and asked for. Tell Putin that his agression will not be tolerated.

lol, give them enough weapons to turn back the Russian military? another good one.

Can we count on your share of a tax increase to pay for that lost cause?

Redfish thinks Pootin puts his people first.

Go figure.

not what I said. I said he puts his country first, unlike obama.

Give examples of Pootin putting his country first.

And no, I don't mean bread lines.


the oil and gas deals he negotiated with europe.
I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

I assume you are questioning my comment on wounded american kids. Why do they have to depend on charities like Wounded Warriors (an excellent charity) for their medical and housing needs? Those kids should be taken care of by the government for the rest of their lives. Our govt sent them to fight these foolish wars, and it should take care of them and their families when they return handicapped. If the govt did its job there would be no need for WW and others like them.

Have you ever been correct about anything?

Wounded Warriors Project A Legal Scam Veterans Today
Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

Just think about what I said. That's all I ask.

One thing I want everybody in here to understand..... Not just you, everybody.

Oppression and Slavery is the way of the world, not freedom and democracy.

The way things are today is an abberation, an experiment, unusual in its character.

People, good people like you, think that Freedom is a Right. It isn't. It is a privilege that has been earned and fought for. Not given.

communists, Nazis, Fascists, Rome, Persia, Vikings, Huns, Goths, Mongols, etc, etc, etc.....

That is the Natural Order of things. Not us.

Therefore, I respectfully submit that you are wrong. :) Really wrong.

communists, Nazis, people like ISIS and dimocrap scum?

The future is theirs if we don't stand and fight for what we have.

We are an accident of History
Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

well, thats not what happened, but if you choose to believe the obama propaganda, go right ahead.

The left choose to deny Obama did run his big mouth about getting rid of Assad.
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WWP started out as a good and honorable Charity but as soon as dimocrap scum got involved in it, it went to shit.

Think I'm kidding? You'd be wrong as usual

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nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

I assume you are questioning my comment on wounded american kids. Why do they have to depend on charities like Wounded Warriors (an excellent charity) for their medical and housing needs? Those kids should be taken care of by the government for the rest of their lives. Our govt sent them to fight these foolish wars, and it should take care of them and their families when they return handicapped. If the govt did its job there would be no need for WW and others like them.

Have you ever been correct about anything?

Wounded Warriors Project A Legal Scam Veterans Today

Americans have been beheaded by these animals. They want to kill YOU. They have cells in the USA that are working to find ways to kill YOU. Would you rather fight them here or there?

I can just hear assholes like you after we wasted another 500 billions borrowed dollars on a stupid fucking war brought to us by the same stupid fuckers (Republicans) that caused us to invade Iraq. You would POUND Obama for increasing the debt. With nothing to show for it. Except a bunch of dead and wounded Americans. Which you and your kind care nothing about.

Don't you dumb mother fuckers ever learn ANYTHING from your stupid mistakes?

nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

Just think about what I said. That's all I ask.

One thing I want everybody in here to understand..... Not just you, everybody.

Oppression and Slavery is the way of the world, not freedom and democracy.

The way things are today is an abberation, an experiment, unusual in its character.

People, good people like you, think that Freedom is a Right. It isn't. It is a privilege that has been earned and fought for. Not given.

communists, Nazis, Fascists, Rome, Persia, Vikings, Huns, Goths, Mongols, etc, etc, etc.....

That is the Natural Order of things. Not us.

Therefore, I respectfully submit that you are wrong. :) Really wrong.

communists, Nazis, people like ISIS and dimocrap scum?

The future is theirs if we don't stand and fight for what we have.

We are an accident of History

I agree with you 100%, but viet nam did not change anything. We did not stop the spread of communism. We did not deter China, we did not stop north viet nam from taking over the south. We accomplished nothing.

Our real problem today resides in Washington DC. All of the issues you raised are valid, and they are at risk because of the liberals who currently control washington DC.
nope, you have me totally wrong. What did the 58,000 americans die for in viet nam? absolutely nothing.

what did the thousands die for in Iraq and Afghanistan? absolutely nothing.

The point is that if we decide to enter a war, we first need to decide what constitutes winning, and then we should do whatever it takes to achieve that end as quickly as possible. We need to get over being afraid of collateral damage and hurting someone's feelings. War is hell, they way to prevent future wars is to win the ones we are forced to enter. and Yes, neither viet nam or iraq met that criteria.

ISIS is a threat to the entire civilized world, especially the mid east. The first thing we should do is wipe out all radical muslim cells in this country, then seal our borders so that no more can enter, then help europe do the same thing, then help our allies in the mid east do the same thing.

We don't need to put american soldiers at risk in the mid east. But we can hit them from the air and we can provide weapons systems to countries like Israel and Jordan.

Most people don't think this through properly.........

But the War in Viet Nam was the beginning of the end for Soviet communism. We destroyed them. Crushed them. Won every Battle.

Even during the Tet Offensive, 155 Villages, Towns and Hamlets were attacked in the hope that the Locals would rise up and help drive back the Americans.

They didn't. They went FOR us, not against us. Thus the atrocities in Hue City.

communism lost.

Reagan gets credit for defeating it, as he well should, but Viet Nam seldom gets the credit it deserves for crippling it.

Even the Chinese saw the light. And the Vietnamese are quickly trying to becoming more and more Capitalist.

We defeated communism in Viet Nam. That's what matters.

Asscrackistan? Too soon to tell. Same with Iraq

interesting take on history. The communists took over viet nam as soon as we left, the north took the south, we lost because we were not willing to win. Do you really think the Chinese were deterred in the least? Viet Nam was a total waste of american lives and dollars.

Now we are leaving Iraq and Afghanistan and the radicals are taking over, again nothing gained for the american lives and dollars. But we do have thousands of american kids missing arms and legs that have to depend on charity rather than the govt that sent them to get blown up for nothing.

We didn't "defeat communism" it defeats itself, it will always fail. Thats why China and Russia are becoming capitalist, because capitalism works, communism, socialism, marxism, progressivism, and obamaism do not work, never have, never will. We are foolish to fight wars against systems that will fail on their own.

Isis is another story, it is like the nazis and must be destroyed.

I assume you are questioning my comment on wounded american kids. Why do they have to depend on charities like Wounded Warriors (an excellent charity) for their medical and housing needs? Those kids should be taken care of by the government for the rest of their lives. Our govt sent them to fight these foolish wars, and it should take care of them and their families when they return handicapped. If the govt did its job there would be no need for WW and others like them.

Have you ever been correct about anything?

Wounded Warriors Project A Legal Scam Veterans Today

you are making my point. Why should our wounded kids have to rely on charities of any kind when the govt should be taking care of them?
answer me this to your best ability....

I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?


uh why would he? the growing threat of ISIS is coming directly from the united states government,they funded it.wakey wakey.

You Do Realize that the U.S. Funded and Trained ISIS Right -

PressTV-ISIL completely fabricated enemy by US
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