Will Obama do anything about ISIS

Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

well, thats not what happened, but if you choose to believe the obama propaganda, go right ahead.

That is exactly what happened.
ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

well, thats not what happened, but if you choose to believe the obama propaganda, go right ahead.

That is exactly what happened.

NO, but you can believe that if it makes you feel good. Obozo's red line was an international joke. Assad violated it and we did nothing. Putin did not remove the chemicals because he was afraid obama might authorize air strikes, he did it to take the focus off of what he was doing in Ukraine, and once again, obama looked the other way.

You Barry worshipers give your hero way too much credit. You probably think he got OBL on his own too, right?
And now tell us how Obama could have kept Russia out of the Crimea. Be specific.

Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

That you can come here and say with a straight face that Obama backed up his "red line" statement shows how far you're willing to go to put a good face on this failure of a President.
Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

That you can come here and say with a straight face that Obama backed up his "red line" statement shows how far you're willing to go to put a good face on this failure of a President.

its very sad, but the left will never admit that the first black president was a failure. They are so invested in this minority bullshit that they will never see reality.
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Uhhh, well he could have drawn a red line like he did in Syria.

What do you think Reagan, Truman, Kennedy, or even Clinton and Bush would have done? A US president needs a set of balls, obama has a pussy. Hillary has bigger balls than obama does.

ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

That you can come here and say with a straight face that Obama backed up his "red line" statement shows how far you're willing to go to put a good face on this failure of a President.
Just means I don't have the derangement illness that the haters have. Job of removing chemical weapons from Syria battlefield got done. No American casualties. Job well done.
ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

That you can come here and say with a straight face that Obama backed up his "red line" statement shows how far you're willing to go to put a good face on this failure of a President.
Just means I don't have the derangement illness that the haters have. Job of removing chemical weapons from Syria battlefield got done. No American casualties. Job well done.

Riiiight Obama has just done a bang up job in that region. I believe some of you libs would French kiss Obama's big toe.
Just means I don't have the derangement illness that the haters have. Job of removing chemical weapons from Syria battlefield got done. No American casualties. Job well done.

Know what Chemicals got removed? Of course you don't.

The chemicals that got removed were old, unreliable, out of date, dangerously unstable chemicals that Syria and Russia didn't know what to do with.

Chemical weapons aren't like a mortar shell. You can't make them and then put them on the shelf for the next thirty or forty years until you need them.

Chemical weapons have a very strict sell-by date. After that, they become dangerous and unstable.

So what Assad and Putin did was trick the Lying Cocksucker in Chief and his idiot pals in the UN into getting rid of them -- At great cost, I might add.

The only thing that got removed was The Lying Cocksucker's panties when he took it in the ass from Putin and Assad.

You people are just morons. No wonder you gotta lie all the time
back to ISIS.

ISIS isn't squat without constant recruiting. They were quite for a period of time, so they burn a pilot alive and are back in the spotlight again. The main players are pissed off and they should be. I know I am. Regardless, if ,and when the US sends boots on the ground to fight the terrorists, it gives ISIS the power of advertising their cause and recruiting as many new freedom fighters as they can, and gives new freedom fighters the desire to join ISIS and die for the cause. Even if we crush ISIS, some new group of Sunni shitheads emerge from the bowels of Baghdad and here we go again. SSDD in the mid east. This country should be smarter than to let a bunch of ragheads taunt us into another streetfight. Enough of this crap is enough, and 12 years is damn well ENOUGH.
You mean in addition to the more than 2000 air strikes?

Look, man. Bombing ISIS 2000 times doesn't count if it doesn't fit into the "he's doing nothing" narrative.

The bombings never happened, okay? We have wished them away. Put your hands over your eyes and ears and stick with the "he's doing nothing" talking points. Don't be harshing our buzz.

America wanted a president but elected The Kingfish.
America wanted an attorney general but The Kingfish appointed Algonquin J. Calhoun

IDIOT ^^^^
nothing but silence from our resident dems and libs-----------------wonder why.

Because the most sensible amongst us, realize we are on the Titanic, for the Captain at the helm, created a vacuum in Iraq which gave birth to ISIS, and will do nothing to own or resolve it. The best way he can avoid it all, is to ignore it otherwise risk being beheaded or going down in American history as the worst and most effective traitor of all time. Those who voted to reelect him, will share in his legacy.
Will Congress allocate the resources necessary or will he have to wade through a series of partisan shenanigans to take more action?

When will the Republican Congress do something about ISIS affiliated , Ebola laden children coming from Latin America?

Obama cut the military. Let him deal with.

Military spending will continue to rise under President Obama’s plan, just at a slightly slower rate. Why has this sparked so much controversy? Self-identified neoconservative Bill Kristol said that the so-called cuts “would decimate our military.” Some Republican lawmakers such as Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (Calif.) called the nonexistent cuts “dangerous and irresponsible.”

How much of an increase in military spending will satisfy them? It’s interesting to note that Rep. McKeon’s top campaign contributors include Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing Co. and General Dynamics. These defense contractors lobby for more military spending that would add to their company’s bottom line.

President Obama is Not Actually Cutting Military Spending But He Should FreedomWorks
Your link, or at least the title is bull shit and 3 years old. Obama has been gutting the military from the day he walking into the White House.
OBAMA: I'm bombing the shit out of ISIS.

RUBE: Duhhhh, is Obama going to do anything about ISIS, or what?
You mean in addition to the more than 2000 air strikes?

Look, man. Bombing ISIS 2000 times doesn't count if it doesn't fit into the "he's doing nothing" narrative.

The bombings never happened, okay? Put your hands over your eyes and stick with the talking points. Don't be harshing our buzz.

You're lying, Brian.

Didn't you just get through single-handedly charging a nest of ISIS butchers, (who were readying themselves to strip a fair young maiden and diddle her to death), and rescue her?
I would like to hear some opinions on whether Obama will take any action against the growing threat of ISIS in light of the recent murders of innocent Japanese and Jordanians.

Who does he really side with on this issue? Why does he refuse to call them islamic terrorists? What is his real agenda?

Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.
You're lying, Brian.

Didn't you just get through single-handedly charging a nest of ISIS butchers, (who were readying themselves to strip a fair young maiden and diddle her to death), and rescue her?
Time to whip out your dick and tell us what Obama should be doing about ISIS.

Go ahead.
ISIS is Obama not finishing what he started in Syria. He runs is big mouth talking tough then runs and hides when they call him out, now they are openly taunting the U.S. and mocking this clown.

Let the half a million troops Iraq has deal with ISIS. It's their country, afterall.

Why do you want Americans dying in place of Iraqis?

Why don't you puke liberals grow a pair, it was your man Obama who drew the red line.
The red line was a threat to take action if chemical weapons were used. Chemical weapons were used and a threat of air strikes caused the Russians to offer the removal of Syria's chemical weapons. With that offer came the backing off of the air strike threats and Russia's removal of the weapons. Problem solved without risk to US Airmen or collateral damage from air strikes. Which part of the Red Line resolution ultimatum are you dissatisfied with?

That you can come here and say with a straight face that Obama backed up his "red line" statement shows how far you're willing to go to put a good face on this failure of a President.

its very sad, but the left will never admit that the first black president was a failure. They are so invested in this minority bullshit that they will never see reality.

The first mulatto president was a success in their minds.

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