Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
it's exactly what it is, it takes input to feed output. Classic ponzi. dude, you just aren't intelligent enough to understand things you have no knowledge of. Then you litter the message board with posts of stupidity because you don't know what you're talking about.
Hrs intelligent enough to understand. He's just dishonest.
So you don't like social security and you would end the program. You're the only honest conservative here.

If you could tell me how ending the program for future generations wouldn't affect my payouts in 10 years I'd be all ears. Just as long as you don't cut anyone who's 50 plus' benefits not one dime. And don't raise my retirement age one day.

If you want to fuck 49 year olds, go for it.

Not a ponzi scheme. Yes, we force you because otherwise you won't and then we will have to take care of you. If you would sign an agreement that if you don't have enough money when you get older you can't crawl to the government for any help. Your kids can't ask for help. Medical bills will eat up everything you got first and then we pop a cap in your ass. Or euthenize you.

I like it. We all pay in our entire lives and if we die early, tough shit. But if we live to be 100, we will get a check every month till we are 100.

We all paid in. Our employers paid in. The fund should be full of money. When it runs out, pretend Iraq has WMD's and fill it back up with the money you would come up with if Saddam had WMD's. Right? You'd find the money then right? Idiot!
That's a lot of words to say, "Fuck you!" While holding your hand out.
If you want to fuck 49 year olds, go for it.
first off, do you know there will be funding available when those 49ers finally reach 70? If they end it now, allow those 49ers to invest their money in their own program, they'd be assured of money. They would be forced to save the same amount that was going into SS, but now a private fund.
first off, do you know there will be funding available when those 49ers finally reach 70? If they end it now, allow those 49ers to invest their money in their own program, they'd be assured of money. They would be forced to save the same amount that was going into SS, but now a private fund.
You'll have to explain that one or do the math for me. So you're saying let me take the money I pay into social security and put it in a private fund for 20 years? And it will for sure be more than what I would get if I just took my max social security and lived to be 100?

I say you are soooo full of shit.
first off, do you know there will be funding available when those 49ers finally reach 70? If they end it now, allow those 49ers to invest their money in their own program, they'd be assured of money. They would be forced to save the same amount that was going into SS, but now a private fund.

That's simply not enough time. However for people that age, they should be allowed to take a small percentage of their contributions and invest it into their own IRA. For people 39, a higher percentage, and people 29, even a larger percentage. It could be eventually faded out for people just joining the workforce.
That's simply not enough time. However for people that age, they should be allowed to take a small percentage of their contributions and invest it into their own IRA. For people 39, a higher percentage, and people 29, even a larger percentage. It could be eventually faded out for people just joining the workforce.

This is a reasonable proposal. People with a bump-sticker mentality though (not saying you Ray) want a slogan fix. The transition through will take generations and would have to happen over about 50 years. The problem is the SS Trust Funds as a shock absorber runs out of money in 10 years meaning current retirees still receive benefits, but they will be cut by 20-30%.

There are a couple of issues though:

#1 As money is shifted from paying current benefits to private accounts, what will be the revenue to maintain current benefits liabilities?

#2 What will be the structure of the account be:
  • Will funding be mandatory or optional?
  • Will it be totally self funded or will it use a model similar to SS where the EE pays part and the ER pays part?
  • Who manages the money? (The individual, private investment firms, government entities?)
  • Who manages the money? (Within the realm of the account manager, will the individual be able to make individual investment decisions stocks, bonds, index funds, time funds*** choices or will it just be an account where money is deposited and the responsible account manager takes care of overall investments.
  • Will there be in insurance vehicle in place to protect the individual from crashes similar to FDIC for savings accounts. Current FDIC limits is $250,000 per individual per account. Will there be any guarantees that the money will be there?

*** Time Funds = Where basically the individual targets a desired retirement year and the account manager adjust the portfolio based on time horizon. Typically with more aggressive strategies [higher return] while younger beginning to transition to decrease aggressive stocks to more blue-chip and bonds [principal protection] as retirement target year approaches.
This is a reasonable proposal. People with a bump-sticker mentality though (not saying you Ray) want a slogan fix. The transition through will take generations and would have to happen over about 50 years. The problem is the SS Trust Funds as a shock absorber runs out of money in 10 years meaning current retirees still receive benefits, but they will be cut by 20-30%.

There are a couple of issues though:

#1 As money is shifted from paying current benefits to private accounts, what will be the revenue to maintain current benefits liabilities?

#2 What will be the structure of the account be:
  • Will funding be mandatory or optional?
  • Will it be totally self funded or will it use a model similar to SS where the EE pays part and the ER pays part?
  • Who manages the money? (The individual, private investment firms, government entities?)
  • Who manages the money? (Within the realm of the account manager, will the individual be able to make individual investment decisions stocks, bonds, index funds, time funds*** choices or will it just be an account where money is deposited and the responsible account manager takes care of overall investments.
  • Will there be in insurance vehicle in place to protect the individual from crashes similar to FDIC for savings accounts. Current FDIC limits is $250,000 per individual per account. Will there be any guarantees that the money will be there?

*** Time Funds = Where basically the individual targets a desired retirement year and the account manager adjust the portfolio based on time horizon. Typically with more aggressive strategies [higher return] while younger beginning to transition to decrease aggressive stocks to more blue-chip and bonds [principal protection] as retirement target year approaches.

It would have to be mandatory. We have too many irresponsible people in our country to allow them to depend on themselves.

It would work much like the current system except privately ran. The deduction is mandatory, the employer would have to match funds, and there would be selected accounts and companies approved by the government you'd be allowed to use. You wouldn't be able to invest with anybody you want. No high or medium risk investments. All conservative growth accounts.

You would be allowed to withdraw the money the same as you can today with current IRA's which is 59 1/2. But unlike IRA's where you could invest any amount after 59 1/2, you would be allowed to contribute more than the government mandate if you so desire your entire life if you wanted.
You'll have to explain that one or do the math for me. So you're saying let me take the money I pay into social security and put it in a private fund for 20 years? And it will for sure be more than what I would get if I just took my max social security and lived to be 100?

I say you are soooo full of shit.
well you think there will be funding for SS. Why is it SS can fund it but a private fund cannot? Explain it to me.

Be careful, you'll have to expose the ponzi part to do it.

Hey, on another note, you know with you all taking people out of jobs, also means taking money from SS, you know this right?
That's simply not enough time. However for people that age, they should be allowed to take a small percentage of their contributions and invest it into their own IRA. For people 39, a higher percentage, and people 29, even a larger percentage. It could be eventually faded out for people just joining the workforce.
I agree, I was explaining how would happen.
Yeah.... no.
You're responsible for you, and your choices.
Better to move it to a private plan like what you described, and even better to make it a choice.
no, must be mandatory contribution. Has to be. if not, it won't work. As Ray stated, too many people irresponsible. And indeed, would lead us to providing for these stupid fks. Come on man, use your head.
This is a reasonable proposal. People with a bump-sticker mentality though (not saying you Ray) want a slogan fix. The transition through will take generations and would have to happen over about 50 years. The problem is the SS Trust Funds as a shock absorber runs out of money in 10 years meaning current retirees still receive benefits, but they will be cut by 20-30%.

There are a couple of issues though:

#1 As money is shifted from paying current benefits to private accounts, what will be the revenue to maintain current benefits liabilities?

#2 What will be the structure of the account be:
  • Will funding be mandatory or optional?
  • Will it be totally self funded or will it use a model similar to SS where the EE pays part and the ER pays part?
  • Who manages the money? (The individual, private investment firms, government entities?)
  • Who manages the money? (Within the realm of the account manager, will the individual be able to make individual investment decisions stocks, bonds, index funds, time funds*** choices or will it just be an account where money is deposited and the responsible account manager takes care of overall investments.
  • Will there be in insurance vehicle in place to protect the individual from crashes similar to FDIC for savings accounts. Current FDIC limits is $250,000 per individual per account. Will there be any guarantees that the money will be there?

*** Time Funds = Where basically the individual targets a desired retirement year and the account manager adjust the portfolio based on time horizon. Typically with more aggressive strategies [higher return] while younger beginning to transition to decrease aggressive stocks to more blue-chip and bonds [principal protection] as retirement target year approaches.
I was under the impression they invested our SS money? if that isn't so, then all bets are off I supposed. We're all fked by demofks who can't keep their hands out of the kitty.
I was under the impression they invested our SS money? if that isn't so, then all bets are off I supposed. We're all fked by demofks who can't keep their hands out of the kitty.
Politicians have been taking money out of the Social Security trust fund for many years.

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