Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Not my problem.

Oh but it will be a problem. That is unless you can show me that Democrats will never have leadership again in this country. They love being the savior at our tax dollars, and when they save these people, we will find ourselves right in the same boat we are in.

Democrats love government dependents and government dependents love Democrats. Since Dementia took over, he increased food stamps the highest percentage since the program began. He expanded the child tax credit giving women a reason to stay home instead of working. Then there is the Biden Affordable Connectivity Act. Now our tax dollars are paying for lowlifes cable and internet services. And how do lowlifes vote again?

So there is no way around it. If we don't make contributions mandatory, we won't solve a thing.
if you work for money you are a slave to the business!!

tell me it's not.

Insurance doesn't imply you will take it out, it is different than expecting a paycheck monthly. Also, those all are written to say what your payout will be ahead of time. They also must follow restrictive elements. Not SS, you turn 70 you must take it.


If you take money in to pay current benefits, it's a Ponzi Scheme right? All insurance companies and extended warranty companies use that business model, therefore they are all Ponzi Scheme right?

Oh but it will be a problem. That is unless you can show me that Democrats will never have leadership again in this country. They love being the savior at our tax dollars, and when they save these people, we will find ourselves right in the same boat we are in.

Democrats love government dependents and government dependents love Democrats. Since Dementia took over, he increased food stamps the highest percentage since the program began. He expanded the child tax credit giving women a reason to stay home instead of working. Then there is the Biden Affordable Connectivity Act. Now our tax dollars are paying for lowlifes cable and internet services. And how do lowlifes vote again?

So there is no way around it. If we don't make contributions mandatory, we won't solve a thing.

We can't solve anything now, we're long past the tipping point. At this point, I just hope to keep things from completely imploding until after I'm dead. The only way to fix things would be to stop the parasites from voting.

If you take money in to pay current benefits, it's a Ponzi Scheme right? All insurance companies and extended warranty companies use that business model, therefore they are all Ponzi Scheme right?

no, one is expecting to receive monthly checks, it is to replace a defective product or house or car, or life that can't pay for funeral. It isn't a salary. Nope. Nice deflection on your part is what you really meant right?

We can't solve anything now, we're long past the tipping point. At this point, I just hope to keep things from completely imploding until after I'm dead. The only way to fix things would be to stop the parasites from voting.
can't argue that at all. The reality of that statement however isn't realistic. it is what it is.
How is it not the definition of:
  • Car Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Disability Insurance
  • Identify Theft Insurance
  • Homeowers Insurance
  • Mortgage Insurance
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Pet Insurance
  • Travel Insurance
  • Renters Insurance
  • Don't even get me started on "extended warranty" insurance, I'll run out of space to list them.

I'll wait.

so do you have an answer to my question on SS?

Talking about deflection, holy shit was that a major one. hahahahahahhahahahaha

I see you conceded.
who said it did? I love how demofks can't stay focused on the deficit and spending. That meme says why they aren't using SS right? why do demofks say the republicans will use it then?

hahahahahaahahahahaha stay stupid grasshopper.
no, one is expecting to receive monthly checks, it is to replace a defective product or house or car, or life that can't pay for funeral. It isn't a salary. Nope. Nice deflection on your part is what you really meant right?


So now you move the goal pasts.

From paying benefits (such as life insurance, car repairs, etc.) to receiving "monthly benefits".

Sorry I don't see anywhere in the definition limiting to "monthly payouts".

Using - what appears to be your definition, to paraphrase - "paying current benefits from current revenues", then pretty much all of the insurance and warranty businesses are a Ponzi Scheme. But, but, of course now you want to weasel out because even though the model is the same you want to only use the scare words "Ponzi Scheme" to describe SS.

You should really learn to be consistent if you are going to make emotion/scary based arguments.

So now you move the goal pasts.

From paying benefits (such as life insurance, car repairs, etc.) to receiving "monthly benefits".

Sorry I don't see anywhere in the definition limiting to "monthly payouts".

Using - what appears to be your definition, to paraphrase - "paying current benefits from current revenues", then pretty much all of the insurance and warranty businesses are a Ponzi Scheme. But, but, of course now you want to weasel out because even though the model is the same you want to only use the scare words "Ponzi Scheme" to describe SS.

You should really learn to be consistent if you are going to make emotion/scary based arguments.

how? I never said a word about any of your deflective post. You made the field and asked me to play and I don't play homy's game.

And you still haven't answered my question, concession accepted. You now agree SS is a ponzi scheme.

If you take money in to pay current benefits, it's a Ponzi Scheme right? All insurance companies and extended warranty companies use that business model, therefore they are all Ponzi Scheme right?

nope, but SS is. Tell me how it isn't?

Explain me this dilemma batman, if one doesn't insure one's personal property, why would someone be allowed to sue the homeowner?
so do you have an answer to my question on SS?

Talking about deflection, holy shit was that a major one. hahahahahahhahahahaha

I see you conceded.

False, I just showed your attempted use of the scary words "Ponzi Scheme" are incorrect.

You can tell when you have beat someone over the head with logic. They say you are wrong with no explanation and claim victory.

Bless your heart. (Said in Southern.)

False, I just showed your attempted use of the scary words "Ponzi Scheme" are incorrect.

You can tell when you have beat someone over the head with logic. They say you are wrong with no explanation and claim victory.

Bless your heart. (Said in Southern.)

another concession speech huh?

You didn't answer my question. you deflected, you just admitted the deflection occurred. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
nope, but SS is. Tell me how it isn't?

Explain me this dilemma batman, if one doesn't insure one's personal property, why would someone be allowed to sue the homeowner?

Counld you translate that into English please.

There is nothing that prevents a homeowner that doesn't have insurance from being sued.

Counld you translate that into English please.

There is nothing that prevents a homeowner that doesn't have insurance from being sued.

so what is the insurance for then batman?

hahahahahahahaha I caught you trap boi.
did you read your definition?

Yes. And if you leave off the part about "taking money for themselves" off.

That is the basic business model of all insurance and warranty companies. Take in revenue, pay benefits out of current revenues, then keep the profit. The SSA dosen't keep money for themselves. They pay benefits and pay employees to administer. There are no investors paid a profit.

Yes. And if you leave off the part about "taking money for themselves" off.

That is the basic business model of all insurance and warranty companies. Take in revenue, pay benefits out of current revenues, then keep the profit. The SSA dosen't keep money for themselves. They pay benefits and pay employees to administer. There are no investors paid a profit.

so again you avoided answering how SS isn't a ponzi scheme. why? still conceding. thanks. At least you're consistent with all your concessions.

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