Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
so what is the insurance for then batman?

hahahahahahahaha I caught you trap boi.

Insurance is there to pay the decision if you loose when being sued.

Having, or not having, doesn't prevent you from being sued.

If you don't have insurance and are sued, and loose, you have to pay the court decision out of your own pocket. Even if you have insurance and get sued, you are still liable for any portion of the judgement that exceeds the insured amount. Have a $500,000 accidential injury policy on your home, get sued by someone and the judgement is $750,000? The homeowner is on the hook for the extra $250.000

Boi, do you have a clue about how insurance works?

Yes. And if you leave off the part about "taking money for themselves" off.

That is the basic business model of all insurance and warranty companies. Take in revenue, pay benefits out of current revenues, then keep the profit. The SSA dosen't keep money for themselves. They pay benefits and pay employees to administer. There are no investors paid a profit.

then why do they tell seniors to not take the money until 70 because it's a guaranteed 85 interest on the money for those six years?

Son, your concession is accepted.
so again you avoided answering how SS isn't a ponzi scheme. why? still conceding. thanks. At least you're consistent with all your concessions.

Because Ponzi Scheme have to do with investments and individuals taking a profit.

The SSA doesn't take a profit, it using revenues to pay benefits and for operating expenses. There is no profit invovled.

False, I just showed your attempted use of the scary words "Ponzi Scheme" are incorrect.

The definition of Ponzi scheme is taking in money to pay money to others, but in the end, people that are paying into it get nothing back and are screwed. If our electors don't do anything to fix this mess, that's exactly what's going to happen.
The definition of Ponzi scheme is taking in money to pay money to others, but in the end, people that are paying into it get nothing back and are screwed.

Which is a model used by pretty much all insurance and extended warranty companies.

I've paid car insurance for over 40 years, paid into it and not got anything back. Therefore insurance is a Ponzi Scheme.

I've paid homeowners insurance for over 30 years, paid into it and not got anything back. Therefore insurance is a Ponzi Scheme.

...paying into it get nothing back and are screwed. If our electors don't do anything to fix this mess, that's exactly what's going to happen.

I agree in part and disagree in part.

I agree it will be bad if our elected officials don't do anything.

I disagree in that future beneficiaries will get nothing. If the SS Trust Fund isn't fixed, projections are that retirees in 2035 will still receive benefits. Tax revenues means benefits will be paid at 70-80 cents on the dollar compared to a full benefit. They will not get "0" dollars.

Which is a model used by pretty much all insurance and extended warranty companies.

I've paid car insurance for over 40 years, paid into it and not got anything back. Therefore insurance is a Ponzi Scheme.

I've paid homeowners insurance for over 30 years, paid into it and not got anything back. Therefore insurance is a Ponzi Scheme.

I agree in part and disagree in part.

I agree it will be bad if our elected officials don't do anything.

I disagree in that future beneficiaries will get nothing. If the SS Trust Fund isn't fixed, projections are that retirees in 2035 will still receive benefits. Tax revenues means benefits will be paid at 70-80 cents on the dollar compared to a full benefit. They will not get "0" dollars.


Insurance is not a Ponzi scheme because it's protection and not screwing people in the end. Now if you did get into an accident or have a major house fire and they wouldn't be able to pay, then it's a Ponzi scheme.

If you read five different articles on SS by members of our Congress you will get five different explanations of what it's future looks like. But it's now predicted that SS will be broke by 2035. Broke does not mean it will have a little less money, broke means no more money.
Are you entitled to collect any money if you don’t ever get sued?

That still makes no sense in terms of the conversation.

Of course not.

But having insurance does not mean you can't be sued, and if you are sued you are still responsible for any judgement in excess of what insurance pays.

It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

It wasn't discussed during the election because SS has never been put on the 'chopping block'.

The claim is a 'CONSPIRACY THEORY' and FEAR-MONGERING disinformation tactic intended to distract Americans from all of Biden's failures, violations of Constitution and Law, scandals, lies, gaffes, theft of TS/SCI documents dating all the way back to his time as a Senator, and more....a claim that had been repeatedly refuted / debunked by the GOP lesdership....and a false accusation against others in attempt to accuse them of what he - BIDEN - attempted to do / said needed to be done when he was a Senator!
And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.


You mean to tell me snowflakes have been pushing this 'CONSPIRACY THEORY' for the last 5 YEARS ... and it hasn't come true yet?

Damn, snowflakes - it is WAY past time for this debunked bullshit to be tossed down into 'CONSPIRACY THEORIES' where it belongs!
Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) on Friday changed his proposal to “sunset” federal laws every five years after Democrats and Republicans repeatedly pointed out that it could jeopardize popular programs like Social Security and Medicare.

Scott’s “Rescue America” plan now says that all federal legislation would sunset every five years “with specific exceptions of Social Security, Medicare, national security, veterans benefits, and other essential services.” It previously included no such exceptions.


Dirty/dishonest/evil people!
It wasn't discussed during the election because SS has never been put on the 'chopping block'.

The claim is a 'CONSPIRACY THEORY' and FEAR-MONGERING disinformation tactic intended to distract Americans from all of Biden's failures, violations of Constitution and Law, scandals, lies, gaffes, theft of TS/SCI documents dating all the way back to his time as a Senator, and more....a claim that had been repeatedly refuted / debunked by the GOP lesdership....and a false accusation against others in attempt to accuse them of what he - BIDEN - attempted to do / said needed to be done when he was a Senator!
BIden's doing a great job. It reminds me of when you said Clinton sucked, or Obama.

Trump got in and immediately passed a tax break we couldn't afford and didn't need. The economy improved .001% and Trump claimed the great economy America had ever seen.

What a joke you all are. You deserve the politicians you have.
It wasn't discussed during the election because SS has never been put on the 'chopping block'.

The claim is a 'CONSPIRACY THEORY' and FEAR-MONGERING disinformation tactic intended to distract Americans from all of Biden's failures, violations of Constitution and Law, scandals, lies, gaffes, theft of TS/SCI documents dating all the way back to his time as a Senator, and more....a claim that had been repeatedly refuted / debunked by the GOP lesdership....and a false accusation against others in attempt to accuse them of what he - BIDEN - attempted to do / said needed to be done when he was a Senator!

This is just like abortion. You guys are lying when you say your ultimate goal is NOT to end the program. Baby steps. Slowly chip away at it. Raise retirement age.

Here is a great example of how you guys can't even keep your stories straight. Here is the Republican leading the charge.

Rick Scott Backtracks On ‘Rescue America’ Plan After Social Security, Medicare Criticism​

It’s at least the second time Scott has changed his proposal after insisting it didn’t say what it said.

Scott’s “Rescue America” plan now says that all federal legislation would sunset every five years “with specific exceptions of Social Security, Medicare, national security, veterans benefits, and other essential services.” It previously included no such exceptions.

So he tried to cut ss but he couldn't get away with it. Same thing happened to George W Bush.

So now Rick Scott's plan doesn't tough SS but that's what I mean by baby steps. Give him this and the next time Republicans control the White House, Senate and House of Reps guess what will happen?

Try to deny it. Why should we believe the party of lies?

“The very idea the senator from Florida wants to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block every five years I find to be somewhat outrageous,” President Joe Biden said in Florida last week, continuing months of relentless criticism of Scott’s proposal.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) also tore into Scott’s plan, calling it a “bad idea” that wasn’t supported by other Republicans. The GOP leader suggested it could give Scott trouble with his own reelection campaign in Florida, a state with many retirees who rely on Social Security and Medicare.

Even Mitch agrees!!!

Republicans had hinted they would seek changes to the popular retirement benefits in their showdown with Biden over the federal budget this year, but new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and other GOP lawmakers have since said they wouldn’t touch the programs.

One of the original points said all Americans “should pay some income tax.” Since half of American households don’t make enough money to owe federal taxes, Scott was essentially calling for a tax hike on tens of millions of poor and low-income working families.
Scott deleted the poor tax plan within a few months, replacing it with a call for all able-bodied adults to work and not receive welfare. As he has now done with regard to Social Security and Medicare, he insisted all along that the tax plan didn’t say what it said.

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