Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
Don't you have a $1million dollars and you're retired before 62? Only in America huh? Thanks CLinton and Obama and Biden.

That social security will make it a little easier to deal with inflation. What are you complaining about?

Where's that recession you swore was coming? Still coming? That's bullshit. If the time passed, you were wrong. So shut up and let Uncle Joe do what he does. Then Kamala 2028 and 2032

Right, the most hated politician has a chance at the presidency.
Everywhere I go. Maybe your dumb red republican conservative governor turned down stimulus money. Most took it. I saw it being put to use in Florida and here in MI.

Is that your vinny barbarino impression by the way?
Where? Name a project one can look up!!
Mumbo jumbo soup is all he has. If he had created jobs, he wouldn’t need to forgive school debt. He wants everything that doesn’t exist

He can't name one job creating policy by that dementia patient. If we are to credit anybody, it's the private sector. More than that jobs are hurting for employees so the jobs being taken have been there the last couple of years.
Jobs added every month. The great resignation has allowed anyone who wants to make more money to go get it. Jobs are plentiful.

Infrastructure spending. See above. Also we needed it.

Got us out of Afganistan. See above. That's how we can afford it.

And he's fighting republicans who want to cut social security. Holding the line.

Global warming

He's dealing with inflation.

Shot down that Chinese balloon.

How he handled coronavirus.

Uncle Joe 2024
Every word of this is a lie.
You listen to fox right? They've been lying to you. Follow the Dominion Lawsuit. Discovery discovered Fox knowingly lies to you. Then you come here and repeat the shit.

I said nothing about that case because I could care less. I was responding to your ridiculous post of what you think Dementia is responsible for. It's like giving an arsonist credit for trying to put our a fire he started.
You listen to fox right? They've been lying to you. Follow the Dominion Lawsuit. Discovery discovered Fox knowingly lies to you. Then you come here and repeat the shit.
If you don’t listen, how is it you know they lie exactly?

What’s the lie??
I said nothing about that case because I could care less. I was responding to your ridiculous post of what you think Dementia is responsible for. It's like giving an arsonist credit for trying to put our a fire he started.
If only the gop had a candidate worth voting for this white Christian male might be able to vote for them. Desantis intrigues me. It'll either be a vote for him or third party.
If only the gop had a candidate worth voting for this white Christian male might be able to vote for them. Desantis intrigues me. It'll either be a vote for him or third party.

If you're going to vote third party you might as well not vote at all. It's throwing your vote away.
If only the gop had a candidate worth voting for this white Christian male might be able to vote for them. Desantis intrigues me. It'll either be a vote for him or third party.
Why not Nikki Haley? Is it because the preacher who she just happily had endorse her candidacy Rev. Hagee said hurricanes are punishment from God for gays?

Nikki said she wants to be him when she grows up. Weird.

"God sent Adolf Hitler to help the Jews reach the promised land."

She likes this guy?

DiSantis is looking like your best option right now. But he's divisive too. Mr. Anti Woke. He loves that message.
If you're going to vote third party you might as well not vote at all. It's throwing your vote away.
Depends on what state they live in. If I lived in a RED state, I would vote 3rd party because the more votes that third party gets the more money they get. So instead of the Republicans and Democrats getting it all, if you are a Republican in NY then vote Libertarian. Or if I was in Kansas I'd vote Green party.
Depends on what state they live in. If I lived in a RED state, I would vote 3rd party because the more votes that third party gets the more money they get. So instead of the Republicans and Democrats getting it all, if you are a Republican in NY then vote Libertarian. Or if I was in Kansas I'd vote Green party.

So what would more money get them? They'd still never have a chance on winning an election.

But lets say by some miracle they would get a Green or Libertarian Congressman. Who would work with him? Unless he leaned left the Democrats would have nothing to do with him. Unless he leaned right the Republicans would have nothing to do with him. If you want to know how these people treat outsiders, all you have to do is look at the 4 years of Trump.

So again, it's a waste of a vote. You might as well put your ballot in the shredder than the voting machine.
So what would more money get them? They'd still never have a chance on winning an election.

But lets say by some miracle they would get a Green or Libertarian Congressman. Who would work with him? Unless he leaned left the Democrats would have nothing to do with him. Unless he leaned right the Republicans would have nothing to do with him. If you want to know how these people treat outsiders, all you have to do is look at the 4 years of Trump.

So again, it's a waste of a vote. You might as well put your ballot in the shredder than the voting machine.
Republicans only didn't go along with Trump when he went too far.

Seems like both parties will be kissing her ass. And she will decide. Not always Democrat and not always Republican.

I'd love to see a real Trump happen. I mean some guy who wasn't a con man but actually did want to do what is best for America. I know you think Trump was for real but we now all know Trump and Fox have been lying to you. No question about it. So I am now talking to a person who we all know is brainwashed and has been swallowing lies for decades.

But you still persist. Amazing. Wake up Ray.

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