Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
I just used that number to make it easy to understand the math. What do most get?

Im hoping to retire at 62. Maybe 65 because of healthcare
I don't know what most get but, people I know get anywhere from around 900 to 1500. I have read comments from others that support that claim.

One guy I know made lots of money and only gets 1100 a month, because he took a lot of cash under the table.
Lol, how would we know if they're lying, liar?
Who snl? Simple. Google it.

Both Trump and DeSantis have, in the past, supported plans that sought to rein in future spending on both Social Security and Medicare. None of those proposed changes would have cut current benefits for seniors or those nearing retirement age, but the plans DeSantis supported, while in Congress, would have done far more to restructure the programs than Trump ever proposed, or did, as president.

Looks like trump did accuse Ron of wanting to cut social security. And it looks like trump was right about Ron.

Which means I’m right when I say republicans want to cut social security.

The article goes on to say

We should note that few politicians say they would “cut” Social Security or Medicare, even if their proposals could result in fewer benefits for seniors. Often they frame their proposed changes as preserving or saving the popular programs. So proposals such as raising the retirement age or changing the way future benefits are calculated are presented as ways to preserve the long-term health of the programs, while opponents call them cuts to the existing programs.
They didn’t make up the fact trump accused Ron disantis of wanting to cut social programs. They just made fun of the story. Don’t get butt hurt when we use trumps words against you. You guys claim republicans don’t want to cut these social programs and trump says Ron wants to. Is trump lyin? Is snl lyin?
I just think it’s really stupid to use SNL as a news source, I don’t give a damn about Trump or DeSantis, it is just funny how you use SNL as a source. That is as stupid as it gets. Do you also get your science information from Big Bang Theory? What about your medical advice? What TV show do you use for that? Lol! The fact you defend your stupidity is really funny! How freakin lazy. Man that is just crazily stupid!
I don't know what most get but, people I know get anywhere from around 900 to 1500. I have read comments from others that support that claim.

One guy I know made lots of money and only gets 1100 a month, because he took a lot of cash under the table.
I have a buddy who hasn’t paid into it at all. He’s 50. Our friend could get him a $50k a year job in shipping he says he won’t wake up at 5am to work somewhere 9 hours a day. Such an idiot. If he would just work from 50-62 he would probably get $500 a month. Whatever. Something. My uncle did this. He retired to Florida from canada. Had rental properties but still he got a job as a cook at some company for 12 years, or whatever the minimum is to get some social security. Now he gets rental property income, Canada social security and America social security. Probably greek social security too.
The only thing that will end SS is insolvency and Biden's importation of millions of illegal aliens is helping that along much more quickly.
I just think it’s really stupid to use SNL as a news source, I don’t give a damn about Trump or DeSantis, it is just funny how you use SNL as a source. That is as stupid as it gets. Do you also get your science information from Big Bang Theory? What about your medical advice? What TV show do you use for that? Lol! The fact you defend your stupidity is really funny! How freakin lazy. Man that is just crazily stupid!
Actually, I got some really good health advice yesterday on a show about the Mediterranean diet and ho good olive oil is. And how to easily tell if a brand is is selling you shit and passing it off as extra virgin. I would tell you the secret but you don’t want to hear it because it came from a tv show.

Remember the Daily Show With John stewart? That was more credible than Fox. And that’s where young people were getting their news.
The only thing that will end SS is insolvency and Biden's importation of millions of illegal aliens is helping that along much more quickly.
It’s already going to run out the year I turn 62.

The secret is make them legal so they pay in but raise their retirement age to 70 and cut their payouts 20%.
I don’t know but probably not. Like dumb old Joe, much of our political class wants to cut social programs while increasing spending on the MIC.

What a country!
Using the People’s money to invest in our military offers ROi…it keeps America in control, it keeps Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran from taking over the world.
Using the People’s money to invest in wetbacks and negroes offers no ROi…it results in more wetbacks, more negroes, more crime, more poverty. FUCK SOCIAL PROGRAMS!

Joe wants to cut social programs?

I’ll give you this. When the time comes, I believe both sides will go along with cutting social security and Medicare 20% in order to save the programs. And raise retirement age to 70. I just hope it doesn’t happen to me. I’m 52. Maybe it will only be for people 40 and under. Or 50.

Imagine having to suddenly find out you have to work two more years and instead of $2000 a month you’re going to get $1600.

This is why I say America is great. If you can retire comfortably at 67 or younger, America is great. What’s not great about you lif if you can COMFORTABLY retire at 67?
If you haven’t heard Dumb Old Joe say he wants social programs cut, you must admit you’re uninformed. He’s said it many times in his worthless career.
Joe wants to cut social programs?

I’ll give you this. When the time comes, I believe both sides will go along with cutting social security and Medicare 20% in order to save the programs. And raise retirement age to 70. I just hope it doesn’t happen to me. I’m 52. Maybe it will only be for people 40 and under. Or 50.

Imagine having to suddenly find out you have to work two more years and instead of $2000 a month you’re going to get $1600.

This is why I say America is great. If you can retire comfortably at 67 or younger, America is great. What’s not great about you lif if you can COMFORTABLY retire at 67?
ANYONE banking on Father Government to spoon feed them….EVER…… is a fucking dumbass to the fullest extent. You have your entire life to position yourself for retirement, if you can’t or don’t do that….you deserve to starve to death.
ANYONE banking on Father Government to spoon feed them….EVER…… is a fucking dumbass to the fullest extent. You have your entire life to position yourself for retirement, if you can’t or don’t do that….you deserve to starve to death.
Yeah we all want to live in a country we’re people starve to death. Jesus WTF!
It’s already going to run out the year I turn 62.

The secret is make them legal so they pay in but raise their retirement age to 70 and cut their payouts 20%.
Sorry but I'm not enthusiastic about your odds of getting SS. That's because our government has no control over illegal immigration, which there should be none of. If we need workers, let employers petition for them and let them come here legally. The way it is now, Democrats are doing slave loving corporations a big favor by flooding the labor market which tends to drive wages down. We simply can't afford these millions of illegal aliens on many levels.
First of all the "cuts" would be for people under 30ish. Second, say you pay $100 a paycheck into SS. For people under 30 $50 would go to SS and the other $50 would go into a private savings account like an IRA. Places where they have private SS type savings the retires get on average 3 times what they would get under SS. Now for the liberal gnashing of teeth.
Yeah we all want to live in a country we’re people starve to death. Jesus WTF!
Yeah, ”we all want to live in a country” full of desperate thirdworlders and government rieliant beggars like sealybobo
Remember, early settlers built the greatest nation on the planet without free shit and a hand-holding from Father Government….you and sealybobo can make it on your own.
Actually, I got some really good health advice yesterday on a show about the Mediterranean diet and ho good olive oil is. And how to easily tell if a brand is is selling you shit and passing it off as extra virgin. I would tell you the secret but you don’t want to hear it because it came from a tv show.

Remember the Daily Show With John stewart? That was more credible than Fox. And that’s where young people were getting their news.
Already know about olive oil and have used it for years, thanks for proving still how lazy you are. You continue to get your info from TV, we can all tell, you look pretty stupid.
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
Any.Day. Now.

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