Will Republicans end social security?

Will Republicans end social security?

  • Yes, at least try

    Votes: 33 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 84 71.8%

  • Total voters
That makes no sense. If you fix them they are solvent into the future, duh.

The US federal government will never go insolvent.

A country with a sovereign fiat currency can't go insolvent, especially when it has a GDP of over 22 trillion dollars. Duh.
Kyze said raise the cap (meaning the wage cap), that doesn't raise the maximum benefit. That would be a separate action.

(Personally I have a totally different method of fixing SS,
LIAR. They worked well for 30-years. Now we need to get past the "baby boomers".
If the DC coxuckers didn't steal the surplus with their "unified budget" crap we wouldn't need to fix them again.
We paid for those benefits. We will get those benefits. Just say entitlements won't be fixed and see who gets voted out.

haha if it worked and fixed it, we wouldn’t have to be doing it again.

the problem is all you are doing is kicking the can down the road, which is what has to happen in a ponzi scheme, the problem is the model, that needs to be changed
The US federal government will never go insolvent.
A country with a sovereign fiat currency can't go insolvent, especially when it has a GDP of over 22 trillion dollars. Duh.
1. The National Debt is $32T and rising fast

2. The interest on that Debt is also rising fast, currently more than we spend on Defense.

3. The US dollar will be replaced by the yuan if we keep printing money dumbass. The US Debt will be rated as "junk" and we will be unable to borrow. Do the fucking math, revenue vs. spending.
Please point out the part of the Constitution that covers 800 foreign military bases, proxy wars, wars of choice, and a massive domestic and foreign intel operation.
Provide for the common defense. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of wasteful shit in the military that could be cut, but unfortunately globalism means conflicts can be worldwide. What happens in other countries has a huge affect on the US. I don't like it but sometimes the security of our free state requires intervention.

The military is mentioned in the Constitution, social programs are not
As if everyone can invest successfully in the wall street casino. We would have millions of unemployable, elderly homeless in this country, sleeping on park benches across America if one's retirement pension relied on one's "wise investing" in the stock market casino.
I said "Wisely invest". People do it all the time. As it is now, Social Security is just a government Ponzi scheme. If we do nothing, it will go broke!
It wasn't discussed during the elections but does any one doubt SS is going to be put on the chopping block?

No way one usmb Republican will say they like and want to keep SS.

And if they want to at least tell us in 2019 so we can vote on it.
You are a liberal idiot. No one is doing away with Social Security. The Republican plan since George W. Bush is to privatize Social Security. I don’t expect you to know what that means either. Idiots.
Bush wanted to allow 5% of Social Security to be invested in the stock market like 401k’s are with mutual funds. From there, build that up over much time. Never to reduce what current recipients are receiving. The stupid Democrats don’t want more capitalism. They want more socialism and control of those retired.
I said "Wisely invest". People do it all the time. As it is now, Social Security is just a government Ponzi scheme.
Good luck "wisely investing" in the wall street casino, for your pension fund when you're older. What happens to the millions of elderly who didn't have the investment "acumen" or wisdom? They didn't have the knack to trade successfully in the wall street casino, hence will be sleeping on a bench at the park or living in a cardboard box behind the Krispy Kreme.

Social Security isn't a "Ponzi" scheme. The US government will always be able to pay Social Security.
Good luck "wisely investing" in the wall street casino, for your pension fund when you're older. What happens to the millions of elderly who didn't have the investment "acumen" or wisdom? They didn't have the knack to trade successfully in the wall street casino, hence will be sleeping on a bench at the park or living in a cardboard box behind the Krispy Kreme.

Social Security isn't a "Ponzi" scheme. The US government will always be able to pay Social Security.

By their own admission, when the trust fund runs dry, they'll be paying out at 75% of current benefits.
Good luck "wisely investing" in the wall street casino, for your pension fund when you're older. What happens to the millions of elderly who didn't have the investment "acumen" or wisdom? They didn't have the knack to trade successfully in the wall street casino, hence will be sleeping on a bench at the park or living in a cardboard box behind the Krispy Kreme.

Social Security isn't a "Ponzi" scheme. The US government will always be able to pay Social Security.
I wish that I could agree with you, but I know better!
1. The National Debt is $32T and rising fast
View attachment 802872

2. The interest on that Debt is also rising fast, currently more than we spend on Defense.
View attachment 802873

3. The US dollar will be replaced by the yuan if we keep printing money dumbass. The US Debt will be rated as "junk" and we will be unable to borrow. Do the fucking math, revenue vs. spending.

The so-called "national debt" also has a national asset. Debts have assets connected to them. Do you know what that is? The US federal government isn't a household or mere user of the currency, it's the exclusive issuer of the USD, hence it's "debt" isn't really a debt at all. It's more like a ledger of how much money is in the economy, that is being saved in treasuries, deposited in savings, and invested. The government's "debt" is the people's surplus. Their red ink is our black ink. Get rid of the debt, and we fall into a recession. Watch this:

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I wish that I could agree with you, but I know better!
You obviously don't know better, if you believe the US federal government can go insolvent. The exclusive issuer of the USD will never run out of dollars. As long as there are people working and producing goods and services, the US federal government will be able to pay you your Social Security. We have a federal government with a sovereign fiat currency and the exclusive right to issue it/"print it". As long as our GDP is where it is today or higher, the government will always be able to create USD without hyperinflation. Our nation's production capacity or GDP (Gross Domestic Product), would have to be so low, for our government to be unable to print more money, that it's practically impossible. You will always get your Social Security.
Provide for the common defense. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of wasteful shit in the military that could be cut, but unfortunately globalism means conflicts can be worldwide. What happens in other countries has a huge affect on the US. I don't like it but sometimes the security of our free state requires intervention.

The military is mentioned in the Constitution, social programs are not
It’s not defensive. It’s offensive. Thus, unconstitutional.
Good luck "wisely investing" in the wall street casino, for your pension fund when you're older. What happens to the millions of elderly who didn't have the investment "acumen" or wisdom? They didn't have the knack to trade successfully in the wall street casino, hence will be sleeping on a bench at the park or living in a cardboard box behind the Krispy Kreme.

Social Security isn't a "Ponzi" scheme. The US government will always be able to pay Social Security.
The reason 401k’s and IRA’s were born is because the writing was on the wall with defined benefit plans “pensions.” They were heading towards bankruptcy and many did. There are few private pension planes now. The government keeps theirs going illegally and unconstitutionally. And, they fund them with fake money just like social security. No, it won’t go on forever. Japan started to force people to save for retirement. That’s what California is trying to do. Force businesses to have IRAs available at the very least through employers. Doesn’t mean people will take advantage of these anymore than now. Bush and the Republicans were correct to start privatizing social security and the dumbass communist Democrat Party wouldn’t allow it.
The reason 401k’s and IRA’s were born is because the writing was on the wall with defined benefit plans “pensions.” They were heading towards bankruptcy and many did. There are few private pension planes now. The government keeps theirs going illegally and unconstitutionally. And, they fund them with fake money just like social security. No, it won’t go on forever. Japan started to force people to save for retirement. That’s what California is trying to do. Force businesses to have IRAs available at the very least through employers. Doesn’t mean people will take advantage of these anymore than now. Bush and the Republicans were correct to start privatizing social security and the dumbass communist Democrat Party wouldn’t allow it.
The US Federal Government will never go insolvent. Only in your deluded fantasy world will it run out of money to meet its obligations. Rightwingers have been trying to defund Social Security since it was established in the 1930s, but they'll never manage to do it, at least not in our lifetime. You're probably on Social Security yourself, yet you're shitting on it. The Irony.

If the American Democratic Party is "communist", then all of Western Europe is likewise communist. All of those government policies that you consider "commie" which AOC, Bernie and a few other progressives support, are taken for granted and mainstream in Western Europe. Go figure.
The so-called "national debt" also has a national asset. Debts have assets connected to them. Do you know what that is? The US federal government isn't a household or mere user of the currency, it's the exclusive issuer of the USD, hence it's "debt" isn't really a debt at all. It's more like a ledger of how much money is in the economy, that is being saved in treasuries, deposited in savings, and invested. The government's "debt" is the people's surplus. Their red ink is our black ink. Get rid of the debt, and we fall into a recession.
You are simply wrong.
Debt means someone loaned you money and you owe interest on that money, and need to pay that money back.
The US borrowed $32T and is paying $1T a year in interest
The IRS brings in about $4T a year and the US government spends about $6T a year.
That is unsustainable. Interest on the Debt will crowd out "Mandatory Spending"
Speaker McCarthy said that only 11% of the US Budget can be cut.

Because the US has a $20T economy doesn't mean that the government can spend any of that private money.

In your communist world you can nationalize everything, in the real world that won't happen, its unconstitutional.
You are simply wrong.
Debt means someone loaned you money and you owe interest on that money, and need to pay that money back.
The US borrowed $32T and is paying $1T a year in interest
The IRS brings in about $4T a year and the US government spends about $6T a year.
That is unsustainable. Interest on the Debt will crowd out "Mandatory Spending"
Speaker McCarthy said that only 11% of the US Budget can be cut.

Because the US has a $20T economy doesn't mean that the government can spend any of that private money.

In your communist world you can nationalize everything, in the real world that won't happen, its unconstitutional.

You are simply wrong.

I'm actually correct, it's you who is "simply wrong" and brainwashed.

Debt means...

The so-called "national debt" is simply a ledger of how much money the US government has provided the private sector and the US economy in general, in the last 200+ years, that hasn't been collected in taxes and is now being saved and invested. The US federal government being the exclusive issuer of the USD will never go insolvent. It will always have enough dollars to pay out and meet its obligations because it has a monopoly on the creation of USD. Do you believe that our federal government (the exclusive creator and supplier of the dollar) is going to "run out" of dollars? If you do, you're laughably mistaken. That can't happen, any more than the scorekeeper in a football game can run out of points to give.

.... someone loaned you money...

I can get a USD loan, and owe someone that money, because I'm not the exclusive issuer of the dollar/USD, I'm just a little, misly user of the dollar. I have to get off my ass and get to work, in order to "earn" dollars. The US federal government doesn't need to "earn" dollars, because it creates dollars ex-nihilo (out of nothing), on a keyboard at THE FED. The FED is a chartered banking institution under the authority of the US Congress. It has permission from Uncle Sam, to "print money" or type it into a computer and deposit the amount in someone's account.

.....and you owe interest on that money, and need to pay that money back.

The US Federal government is the issuer of the USD, hence it only owes dollars to those who purchased US treasury bonds. If they are in the position to redeem those bonds, collect on their investment, the US federal government, will pay them what it has committed (obligated itself), to pay. However, your US federal government, can never "run-out" of money (go insolvent), because it is the exclusive CREATOR of the MAMMON (USD).

The US borrowed $32T and is paying $1T a year in interest....

No, it doesn't. You're conflating all of the money the US federal government has printed and typed into the computer in the last 200+ years, that hasn't been collected in taxes and is now in our hands (in your bank account or pocket), with treasury bonds. Yes indeed Uncle Sam promises you, that he will meet his obligation to pay you back with interest whenever you invest in US treasuries, but that "contract" or agreement isn't equal to you and me owing someone who lends us money. Our loans are actual loans because we don't create the money ex-nihilo, as the US federal government does. Uncle Sam has the power, and authority to create money from nothing.

The IRS brings in about $4T a year and the US government spends about $6T a year.

The actual, main function of the IRS is to help control inflation by taking money out of the economy, through taxation. All taxation assists in avoiding hyperinflation and forcing us (the people) to produce goods and services, to pay our taxes (property taxes), permits, licenses..etc, using the dollars that we earned. We can't pay our taxes and other government fees (permits..etc) in Mexican or Canadian currency, we must use USD. That increases the value of the dollar, makes us productive (pay your property taxes or live under a bridge, you need to generate an income), and takes money out of the economy to control inflation.

That is unsustainable. Interest on the Debt will crowd out "Mandatory Spending" Speaker McCarthy said that only 11% of the US Budget can be cut.

What you are describing are the limitations of a currency backed by gold. Our currency is a sovereign fiat currency, no longer hampered by how much gold we have. What determines the budgetary constraints of the US federal government is our GDP. If our production capacity is 24 trillion dollars, then our budget can be 15%, 25%, even 60% of that. Without any danger of run-away inflation. Hyperinflation occurs when the budget goes above our production capacity, hence there's too much money in the economy and not enough goods and services to meet consumer demand.

If the US federal government allocates funds to infrastructural works, it's practically impossible to cause inflation. When our government invests in the American people, building our nation's infrastructure (highways, bridges, transportation, energy, mining, healthcare, education, housing for the homeless..etc), it strengthens our economy, increases production (makes America more productive) and raises everyone's standard of living.

Because the US has a $20T economy doesn't mean that the government can spend any of that private money. In your communist world you can nationalize everything, in the real world that won't happen, its unconstitutional.

Unfortunately, you're living in an ignorant, right-wing fantasy world fed to you by Sean Hannity and friends. Educate yourself, it's never too late:

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Provide for the common defense. Don't get me wrong there is a lot of wasteful shit in the military that could be cut, but unfortunately globalism means conflicts can be worldwide. What happens in other countries has a huge affect on the US. I don't like it but sometimes the security of our free state requires intervention.

The military is mentioned in the Constitution, social programs are not

That is a far stretch, but not without some merit.

In some cases (closer to home), it might be so. But in many, you'd have a hard time justifying it.
If you haven’t heard Dumb Old Joe say he wants social programs cut, you must admit you’re uninformed. He’s said it many times in his worthless career.
BS. He called Republicans out for wanting to though.

What social programs? Not ss and medicare.

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