Will Republicans ever admit the mess they left President Obama?

All that proves is that you folks on the left have so much invested in Barry's "success" that you're willing to approve of him even when he's underachieved at every turn, Faun. You'll spend the next twenty years pushing the Obama "myth" that he was a great President even as his successors struggle to fix all of the things that he's messed up.
Ummm... Liberals only comprise a mere ¼ of the population. Clearly, Obama enjoys success from many moderates and even some conservatives as well.

But thanks for admitting you'll make up any bullshit to prop up your vacuous positions.
Much appreciated.

What's amusing is that the only "success" Barry seems to be enjoying at the moment is his job approval, Faun. What else is working for him? Can you name an economic plan to put people back to work that he's the author of? Can you name a spot on the globe that isn't more of a problem NOW than it was when George W. Bush left office? Can you name an Administration was less transparent than this one? Can you name a President who has fostered more of a partisan divide than this one?

Can you name an economic plan to put people back to work that he's the author of?

The American Jobs Act. Scored by the CBO to have lowered the deficit by $6 billion, lowered unemployment nearly .7% and added 1.4% to GDP growth all in 2012.
Now, name one jobs/growth plan put forth by the Repubs that was scored and rated similarly.

Would full passage of Obama’s Jobs Act have added another million jobs?

"Had Congress enacted the full AJA, we project real GDP growth for 2012 would have been 1.4 percentage points higher, bringing growth to 3.4 percent relative to the Congressional Budget Office’s baseline forecast. Nonfarm payroll employment would be more than 1.6 million jobs higher by the end of 2012, and as a result, the unemployment rate would be 0.5 to 0.7percentage points lower..

Obama Jokes at Jobs Council: 'Shovel-Ready Was Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected'
Obama Jokes at Jobs Council: 'Shovel-Ready Wasn't Not as Shovel-Ready as We Expected'

Imagine if the Repubs had decided to work on that. They could have added provisions for streamlining the implementation of the various components of the plan. But why would they? Why would they want to give Obama a bump in an election year? They don't because they put party over people.
What Republican plan was scored and found to be as robust? None. They haven't even attempted anything. Why? So morons like those on this thread can bitch about Obama of course.
The Repubs in hindsight, might have been better served working with Obama as the failings of the establishment are tearing them apart. If they had thrown a few bones out there and promoted a little more general prosperity, they may be in a better position then they find themselves in.

If the GOP were cognizant of Obama's hatred of capitalism as most of us Obama critics are they probably recognized what Obama was doing was building MORE
socialist dependence on the government.
Obama HAS blatantly told Americans he wants to disband 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion in taxes plus employ 450,000 people. That is hatred of companies.
Obama HAS told Americans he wants America dependent on foreign countries for oil. Remember his statement to Brazil "we want to be your biggest customer"! HUH???
Obama has told us he'd like to see utilities go bankrupt and he's actually put into place executive actions to destroy utilities.
Obama has told us he prefers government run programs to privately for profit specifically with Medicare. The GWB 2003 Medicare Modernization Act gave us
Medicare Advantage plans that handle Medicare patients for a flat fee from Medicare. In doing so Advantage plans work to reduce future expenses by education
of their members. As a result, Advantage plans have better health management and consequently lower operating costs and therefore more profits.
BUT Obama hates profits!
This all seems pretty silly. Hardcore partisans are predictable:

When my guy is in office and something good happens, it's because of my guy.

When my guy is in office and something bad happens, it's because of the other guy.

Bush left behind a disaster. Either a President is responsible for what happens during his term or he is not. Either the buck stops with him, or it does not.

When has the buck EVER stopped with Barack Obama, Mac? I don't know as I've ever seen a President who blames his own short comings on others more than this President! He's quick to take credit for things that happen that he's had very little to do with...like the price of gasoline going down...but even quicker to blame George W. Bush or the Republicans for the slow recovery by the economy and a dismal record of job creation.

It's really less of Obama than it is his supporters that do it. Some (life Franco) go all the way back to Reagan to shift the blame. That's a pretty far stretch, but they do it all the time.

On one hand they tell us of this miraculous recovery, and on the other they tell us why we need so many people on government programs. Republicans are the ones responsible for those on government programs, and Obama is responsible for this lower unemployment rate.

That's how it works with these guys.
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around
The largest 500 U.S. companies would owe an estimated $620 billion in U.S. taxes were it not for the more than $2.1 trillion in offshore cash that most of the firms hold in foreign tax havens, according to a study released Tuesday.

The report (PDF), based on an analysis of company filings to the IRS and the Securities and Exchange Commission, was authored by the Citizens for Tax Justice and the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Education Fund.

It found that close to three-quarters of the 500 biggest companies by gross revenue utilize tax havens through foreign subsidiaries in countries with low tax liability, including Bermuda, Ireland, the Netherlands and the Cayman Islands.

“Most of America’s largest corporations maintain subsidiaries in offshore tax havens,” the report said. “At least 358 companies, nearly 72 percent of the Fortune 500, operate subsidiaries in tax haven jurisdictions as of the end of 2014.”
Top 500 US firms keep $2.1 trillion in tax havens, study finds

What Trump and other smart people are suggesting is a reduction in corporate income taxes which are the highest in the world...why these companies have over $2 trillion
off shore.
If the tax rate was lowered to 15% from the 30% today...
How much of that money would flow back into the USA?
Well one reason why companies would do that is the tax would be less for sure BUT in the long run the capital borrowing cost these companies do to run their businesses
would decrease because they'd have internal capital for expenditures.... with no interest payments!
Assuming nearly $1 trillion would flow back and taxes of $150 billion leaving $850 billion used to build plants, hire Americans! How much of a spur to the GDP would
that do???
This all seems pretty silly. Hardcore partisans are predictable:

When my guy is in office and something good happens, it's because of my guy.

When my guy is in office and something bad happens, it's because of the other guy.

Bush left behind a disaster. Either a President is responsible for what happens during his term or he is not. Either the buck stops with him, or it does not.

When has the buck EVER stopped with Barack Obama, Mac? I don't know as I've ever seen a President who blames his own short comings on others more than this President! He's quick to take credit for things that happen that he's had very little to do with...like the price of gasoline going down...but even quicker to blame George W. Bush or the Republicans for the slow recovery by the economy and a dismal record of job creation.

It's really less of Obama than it is his supporters that do it. Some (life Franco) go all the way back to Reagan to shift the blame. That's a pretty far stretch, but they do it all the time.

On one hand they tell us of this miraculous recovery, and on the other they tell us why we need so many people on government programs. Republicans are the ones responsible for those on government programs, and Obama is responsible for this lower unemployment rate.

That's how it works with these guys.
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around

Since I was critical of Bush for many of his policy decisions...I guess that makes me the second coming of Benedict Arnold!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Criticizing our politicians is as American as apple pie. It's what makes us who we are. If you don't want criticism of government leaders...move to North Korea or Cuba.

Did you want to help out Faun and tell us all what Obama policy initiative created jobs? Or help him explain why if raising taxes supposedly created the Clinton era economic boom...it is that Slick Willie is now saying that the corporate tax rate is too high and needs to be lowered?
This all seems pretty silly. Hardcore partisans are predictable:

When my guy is in office and something good happens, it's because of my guy.

When my guy is in office and something bad happens, it's because of the other guy.

Bush left behind a disaster. Either a President is responsible for what happens during his term or he is not. Either the buck stops with him, or it does not.

When has the buck EVER stopped with Barack Obama, Mac? I don't know as I've ever seen a President who blames his own short comings on others more than this President! He's quick to take credit for things that happen that he's had very little to do with...like the price of gasoline going down...but even quicker to blame George W. Bush or the Republicans for the slow recovery by the economy and a dismal record of job creation.

It's really less of Obama than it is his supporters that do it. Some (life Franco) go all the way back to Reagan to shift the blame. That's a pretty far stretch, but they do it all the time.

On one hand they tell us of this miraculous recovery, and on the other they tell us why we need so many people on government programs. Republicans are the ones responsible for those on government programs, and Obama is responsible for this lower unemployment rate.

That's how it works with these guys.
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around

Since I was critical of Bush for many of his policy decisions...I guess that makes me the second coming of Benedict Arnold!:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: Criticizing our politicians is as American as apple pie. It's what makes us who we are. If you don't want criticism of government leaders...move to North Korea or Cuba.

Did you want to help out Faun and tell us all what Obama policy initiative created jobs? Or help him explain why if raising taxes supposedly created the Clinton era economic boom...it is that Slick Willie is now saying that the corporate tax rate is too high and needs to be lowered?
Certainly oldone you don't want to give republicans any credit for those 73 straight months of job gains Do you?....maybe it was yellen maybe obama but one thing for sure ,,It would have been more and better if republicans thought of america instead of their party first
This all seems pretty silly. Hardcore partisans are predictable:

When my guy is in office and something good happens, it's because of my guy.

When my guy is in office and something bad happens, it's because of the other guy.

Bush left behind a disaster. Either a President is responsible for what happens during his term or he is not. Either the buck stops with him, or it does not.

When has the buck EVER stopped with Barack Obama, Mac? I don't know as I've ever seen a President who blames his own short comings on others more than this President! He's quick to take credit for things that happen that he's had very little to do with...like the price of gasoline going down...but even quicker to blame George W. Bush or the Republicans for the slow recovery by the economy and a dismal record of job creation.

It's really less of Obama than it is his supporters that do it. Some (life Franco) go all the way back to Reagan to shift the blame. That's a pretty far stretch, but they do it all the time.

On one hand they tell us of this miraculous recovery, and on the other they tell us why we need so many people on government programs. Republicans are the ones responsible for those on government programs, and Obama is responsible for this lower unemployment rate.

That's how it works with these guys.
Do you remember when republicans said criticizing our president was treasonous?? Quite a turn around

No. When did they say that?

I do remember DumBama saying that the debt under Bush was irresponsible and un-patriotic.
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Wow...you looked at that chart and saw Reagan as raising taxes? Seriously?
I see him increasing them in 1983 after lowering them too much prior to that. I have no idea what you see. :cuckoo:

Ah, so you can see that he lowered them earlier? "Too much" as you put it? So was Reagan a tax raiser if he raised them slightly only after lowering them "too much"? Your own post and your own graph shows that he obviously wasn't!

So let's look at Bill Clinton. Did his tax raises stimulate the economy as you've claimed...or did the Dot Com Boom stimulate the economy allowing Clinton to raise taxes and did those tax increases eventually lead to a slowing of the economy? Do you know that Clinton himself ended up realizing he probably raised taxes to much? Do you not realize that Clinton now says we should cut the corporate tax rate?
Even Bill Clinton says taxes too high, would repeal his 35% corporate rate
More bullshit. Wht you describe as raising them "slightly," was in fact...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

Simple math here, Faun! So simple even a progressive like you shouldn't have a problem with it!

If you take Reagan's tax cuts and compare them to his tax raises...which is substantially more than the other?

Look at the chart Ray From Cleveland posted yesterday. While the decrease was bigger than the increase... the same is true about the corporate tax rate under Obama.

That's why the two of you look like complete idiots. Reagan lowered corporate taxes in a recession and then raised them back to about 27% after the recession ended. You credit that for a booming economy which followed. Obama did exactly the same thing. Ray moronically cites that as a failure for Obama.


Obama lowered corporate tax rates? When?
Wouldn't it be nice if Obama acted like a man and owned up to the fact that he has been President for seven years and can no longer blame his multiple failures on another President?
I notice you don't want to address Bill Clinton saying we should cut corporate tax rates, Faun...why is that?
Because I don't speak for Bill Clinton. Why he feels 35% is too high whereas it wasn't too high in 1993 is for him to say.

So you can't come up with an Obama policy that created jobs or grew the economy...and you don't have a clue why Bill Clinton wants to cut corporate taxes? Why is it that you're here again, Faun?
Well I'm not here to speak for Bill Clinton or make up bullshit like you've been doing.
You held up Bill Clinton as the shining example of how raising taxes makes an economy "boom" only to have me cite Bill Clinton calling for corporate tax cuts to make the economy boom. How bad does THAT sting?
It doesn't sting at all since I couldn't have been more clear that I was not citing Clinton's tax hikes as causation for the boom which followed. I'm also not responsible for your reading comprehension issues.
Obama will be remembered as the worst President in U.S. history. That will be his legacy.

Unless Trump, Clinton or Sanders is elected. Then Obama will be remembered as the second worst.
I see him increasing them in 1983 after lowering them too much prior to that. I have no idea what you see. :cuckoo:

Ah, so you can see that he lowered them earlier? "Too much" as you put it? So was Reagan a tax raiser if he raised them slightly only after lowering them "too much"? Your own post and your own graph shows that he obviously wasn't!

So let's look at Bill Clinton. Did his tax raises stimulate the economy as you've claimed...or did the Dot Com Boom stimulate the economy allowing Clinton to raise taxes and did those tax increases eventually lead to a slowing of the economy? Do you know that Clinton himself ended up realizing he probably raised taxes to much? Do you not realize that Clinton now says we should cut the corporate tax rate?
Even Bill Clinton says taxes too high, would repeal his 35% corporate rate
More bullshit. Wht you describe as raising them "slightly," was in fact...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

Simple math here, Faun! So simple even a progressive like you shouldn't have a problem with it!

If you take Reagan's tax cuts and compare them to his tax raises...which is substantially more than the other?

Look at the chart Ray From Cleveland posted yesterday. While the decrease was bigger than the increase... the same is true about the corporate tax rate under Obama.

That's why the two of you look like complete idiots. Reagan lowered corporate taxes in a recession and then raised them back to about 27% after the recession ended. You credit that for a booming economy which followed. Obama did exactly the same thing. Ray moronically cites that as a failure for Obama.


Obama lowered corporate tax rates? When?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Did you not look at the chart you posted?
Ah, so you can see that he lowered them earlier? "Too much" as you put it? So was Reagan a tax raiser if he raised them slightly only after lowering them "too much"? Your own post and your own graph shows that he obviously wasn't!

So let's look at Bill Clinton. Did his tax raises stimulate the economy as you've claimed...or did the Dot Com Boom stimulate the economy allowing Clinton to raise taxes and did those tax increases eventually lead to a slowing of the economy? Do you know that Clinton himself ended up realizing he probably raised taxes to much? Do you not realize that Clinton now says we should cut the corporate tax rate?
Even Bill Clinton says taxes too high, would repeal his 35% corporate rate
More bullshit. Wht you describe as raising them "slightly," was in fact...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

Simple math here, Faun! So simple even a progressive like you shouldn't have a problem with it!

If you take Reagan's tax cuts and compare them to his tax raises...which is substantially more than the other?

Look at the chart Ray From Cleveland posted yesterday. While the decrease was bigger than the increase... the same is true about the corporate tax rate under Obama.

That's why the two of you look like complete idiots. Reagan lowered corporate taxes in a recession and then raised them back to about 27% after the recession ended. You credit that for a booming economy which followed. Obama did exactly the same thing. Ray moronically cites that as a failure for Obama.


Obama lowered corporate tax rates? When?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Did you not look at the chart you posted?

So you can not show where Obama lower the corporate tax rate..

Typical far left drone that can only follow their religious programming!
Obama will be remembered as the worst President in U.S. history. That will be his legacy.

Unless Trump, Clinton or Sanders is elected. Then Obama will be remembered as the second worst.
Sure, uh-huh. :lol:

That's why Obama's job approval rating is higher today according to Gallup than Reagan's was at this same point in his presidency.

If ya wanna see what a failed president looks like, check out Bush's JAR on this day in 2008... 32% :ack-1:
I don't give a flying fuck about Obama's job approval.

He's a bad President.
Ah, so you can see that he lowered them earlier? "Too much" as you put it? So was Reagan a tax raiser if he raised them slightly only after lowering them "too much"? Your own post and your own graph shows that he obviously wasn't!

So let's look at Bill Clinton. Did his tax raises stimulate the economy as you've claimed...or did the Dot Com Boom stimulate the economy allowing Clinton to raise taxes and did those tax increases eventually lead to a slowing of the economy? Do you know that Clinton himself ended up realizing he probably raised taxes to much? Do you not realize that Clinton now says we should cut the corporate tax rate?
Even Bill Clinton says taxes too high, would repeal his 35% corporate rate
More bullshit. Wht you describe as raising them "slightly," was in fact...

Two bills passed in 1982 and 1984 together"constituted the biggest tax increase ever enacted during peacetime," Thorndike said.

Taxes: What people forget about Reagan - Sep. 8, 2010

Simple math here, Faun! So simple even a progressive like you shouldn't have a problem with it!

If you take Reagan's tax cuts and compare them to his tax raises...which is substantially more than the other?

Look at the chart Ray From Cleveland posted yesterday. While the decrease was bigger than the increase... the same is true about the corporate tax rate under Obama.

That's why the two of you look like complete idiots. Reagan lowered corporate taxes in a recession and then raised them back to about 27% after the recession ended. You credit that for a booming economy which followed. Obama did exactly the same thing. Ray moronically cites that as a failure for Obama.


Obama lowered corporate tax rates? When?
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

Did you not look at the chart you posted?

Yes I did. And did you not pay attention enough to understand that it's the previous administrations tax reduction and not Obama? He spent his first year entirely on Commie Care. He never lowered the corporate tax rate. He increased it--yes, but never lowered it.
The economy is still in the shitter, and the only people who are prospering are Obama's buddies on Wall Street.

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