Will Republicans finally welcome George W. Bush to their convention this year?

So again, you have nothing? I was a resident of Florida during that period of the 2000 election.

I watched the DEMOCRATS screw up the butterfly ballots used in many parts of the state, including where I lived.

I watched the DEMOCRATS publish a voting guide distributed to minorities in my city telling them to make sure to vote on every page of the ballot, which invalidated the entire ballot.

I watched DEMOCRATS try to change the rules of the recount process numerous times when they realized that their numbers would still show Bush winning.

I watched a DEMOCRAT who was head of the Florida Supreme Court side with George W. Bush in his appeals.

You want to know who gave the election to Bush in 2000? DEMOCRATS!
We all know this is revisionist history and you only get away with it because the winners always get to write the history. The 2000 election was decided long before 2000.

There are probably 5 great op ed's in here Thom Hartmann's Op-Ed Pieces published on Common Dreams at www.commondreams.org if you feel like going through all these and finding them and then reading them. I don't have time for you Colonel

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Op eds? You know that the "Op" in Op-Ed stands for OPINION, right?

I am not interested in opinions. I gave you FACTS!

Live with it.
You've given me your bias revisionist history.

OK, give me something that I can refute! Give me your history! Not opinions.

You have done nothing towards proving your point, because if you could, Bush would have never been President and would never had been reelected in 2004.

You have nothing, will have nothing, and still cannot deal with the truth.

Grow up!
The rich/GOP stole 2000, you say it was a mistake. The GOP lied us into Iraq you say it wasn't on purpose it was just an accident. Then bush tarp'd us and you say that too wasn't on purpose.

How dumb are you?

They stole nothing.

The Director of the CIA was a Democrat.

TARP was passed by Congress.

Any other things you need cleared up?
We all know this is revisionist history and you only get away with it because the winners always get to write the history. The 2000 election was decided long before 2000.

There are probably 5 great op ed's in here Thom Hartmann's Op-Ed Pieces published on Common Dreams at www.commondreams.org if you feel like going through all these and finding them and then reading them. I don't have time for you Colonel

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View attachment 59521

Op eds? You know that the "Op" in Op-Ed stands for OPINION, right?

I am not interested in opinions. I gave you FACTS!

Live with it.
You've given me your bias revisionist history.

OK, give me something that I can refute! Give me your history! Not opinions.

You have done nothing towards proving your point, because if you could, Bush would have never been President and would never had been reelected in 2004.

You have nothing, will have nothing, and still cannot deal with the truth.

Grow up!
The rich/GOP stole 2000, you say it was a mistake. The GOP lied us into Iraq you say it wasn't on purpose it was just an accident. Then bush tarp'd us and you say that too wasn't on purpose.

How dumb are you?

They stole nothing.

The Director of the CIA was a Democrat.

TARP was passed by Congress.

Any other things you need cleared up?
Why would dumb ass bush put navy people in charge of Iraq? Iraq's a desert not an ocean.
Sealy, are you trying to convince YOURSELF that voting for Cruz, Rubio, or (gawd forbid) Jeb would be worse than coting for a career criminal who sacrificed American lives needlessly, has been a failure her whole life / career, and who is just about to go to jail for many, many, MANY CRIMES?!

You must be...because no one else is buying that shite! :p
My grandparents and parents and I did better because of democratic policies. If you like the GOP vote for Cruz.

I think the GOP will hurt the middle class and convince you it was the dems.

If a republican wins and they repeal the aca will that lower your insurance costs? I bet not one bit
Op eds? You know that the "Op" in Op-Ed stands for OPINION, right?

I am not interested in opinions. I gave you FACTS!

Live with it.
You've given me your bias revisionist history.

OK, give me something that I can refute! Give me your history! Not opinions.

You have done nothing towards proving your point, because if you could, Bush would have never been President and would never had been reelected in 2004.

You have nothing, will have nothing, and still cannot deal with the truth.

Grow up!
The rich/GOP stole 2000, you say it was a mistake. The GOP lied us into Iraq you say it wasn't on purpose it was just an accident. Then bush tarp'd us and you say that too wasn't on purpose.

How dumb are you?

They stole nothing.

The Director of the CIA was a Democrat.

TARP was passed by Congress.

Any other things you need cleared up?
Why would dumb ass bush put navy people in charge of Iraq? Iraq's a desert not an ocean.

He didn't. Army General Tommy Franks was in charge during the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Any other questions?
I remember full employment and no matter what the left said it wasn't that bad. It was easy to get a job and the deficit and debt was much lower than it was now. This isn't to say W was a great president but there is no way you can say it was the most horrible years of your life. Get over it!
It was! I live in Michigan. Manufacturing capital of the world. I suffered all of Bush's years. I'm in sales. Sales were bad all 8 years.

But good under Clinton and better now under Obama.

Snyder wants to take credit but you got to thank Obama too
when i was delivering mail under bush some people were doing great,some had lost their jobs or were not doing good,when obama came along,some were doing great and some were not doing so good or lost their jobs.....it depends on what the administration is favorable towards.....so bobo....who are you for this week?....last month you were touting bernie,a few weeks ago i seen you say clinton is your babe....so who is it now?....
I remember full employment and no matter what the left said it wasn't that bad. It was easy to get a job and the deficit and debt was much lower than it was now. This isn't to say W was a great president but there is no way you can say it was the most horrible years of your life. Get over it!
It was! I live in Michigan. Manufacturing capital of the world. I suffered all of Bush's years. I'm in sales. Sales were bad all 8 years.

But good under Clinton and better now under Obama.

Snyder wants to take credit but you got to thank Obama too
when i was delivering mail under bush some people were doing great,some had lost their jobs or were not doing good,when obama came along,some were doing great and some were not doing so good or lost their jobs.....it depends on what the administration is favorable towards.....so bobo....who are you for this week?....last month you were touting bernie,a few weeks ago i seen you say clinton is your babe....so who is it now?....
Hillary or bernie
Republicans wanted George W. Bush so bad to be president, his brother and the Supreme Court made sure it happened.

The country spent an unbelievable 8 years under Bush and the Republicans.

Supporting the middle class and jobs the way Republicans always seem to.

What they did in the Middle East with their Freedom Agenda.

The surprising way they handled the US economy and what their policies meant to the country.

Republicans should bring George W. Bush to the Republican Convention and let him talk about the amazing ways Right wing conservative policies have affected this country. Especially under his administration. They could bring up reconciliation and the unforeseen ways they used it.

I love that you guys are still pissing and moaning about Bush becoming President.
We stole that election fair and square..... heh heh heh
Why not, he was after all a former president, understood the war on terrorism for what it was. But for those naive soles of little intellect they will forever blame baby Bush for the financial crisis, and trust in the prior administrations proclamation that Iraq had WMD's.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
I think Bush should be a key note speaker during prime time at the GOP convention. He reminds people of what the GOP stands for.
Yep. The very epitome of right wing republican governance.
I think Bush should be a key note speaker during prime time at the GOP convention. He reminds people of what the GOP stands for.
Yep. The very epitome of right wing republican governance.
He served two terms. The GOP should be proud. Before they introduce him, they could put together a video of all his many accomplishments.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
Imagine this, you shut down over 40 thousand factories and move them to China. We lose millions of jobs. All that revenue is gone. And you cut trillions in taxes. All the revenue is gone. And you start two wars without paying for them. Then you turn it over to Obama.

The wars still need to be paid for.
The military still needs to be paid for.
Schools need to stay open.
Medicare still needs to be paid for.

So OBAMA pays for all that stuff.

Then Republicans say to him if he doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts, costing trillions more, they would block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under Bush. So he does. Because we know Republicans would do that disgraceful thing without a second's thought.

And then you scream that Obama spends too much.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
Imagine this, you shut down over 40 thousand factories and move them to China. We lose millions of jobs. All that revenue is gone. And you cut trillions in taxes. All the revenue is gone. And you start two wars without paying for them. Then you turn it over to Obama.

The wars still need to be paid for.
The military still needs to be paid for.
Schools need to stay open.
Medicare still needs to be paid for.

So OBAMA pays for all that stuff.

Then Republicans say to him if he doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts, costing trillions more, they would block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under Bush. So he does. Because we know Republicans would do that disgraceful thing without a second's thought.

And then you scream that Obama spends too much.
That's a childish interpretation. Bush didn't move a single business off shore. The wars were authorized and budgeted by congress, Republicans AND Democrats. 9/11, Katrina, bank and mortgage meltdowns all happened then but yeah, we need to pay for stuff we owe. What we should not do is take on more projects. The fact that you think doubling the deficit is what was needed is all one needs to know about your economic expertise.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
Imagine this, you shut down over 40 thousand factories and move them to China. We lose millions of jobs. All that revenue is gone. And you cut trillions in taxes. All the revenue is gone. And you start two wars without paying for them. Then you turn it over to Obama.

The wars still need to be paid for.
The military still needs to be paid for.
Schools need to stay open.
Medicare still needs to be paid for.

So OBAMA pays for all that stuff.

Then Republicans say to him if he doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts, costing trillions more, they would block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under Bush. So he does. Because we know Republicans would do that disgraceful thing without a second's thought.

And then you scream that Obama spends too much.
That's a childish interpretation. Bush didn't move a single business off shore. The wars were authorized and budgeted by congress, Republicans AND Democrats. 9/11, Katrina, bank and mortgage meltdowns all happened then but yeah, we need to pay for stuff we owe. What we should not do is take on more projects. The fact that you think doubling the deficit is what was needed is all one needs to know about your economic expertise.
The wars were NOT budgeted by congress. They weren't added to the Budget until Obama became president. That is common knowledge and has been discussed many, many times on the USMB. I notice you didn't say a single thing about the deficit creating Bush tax cuts or that Obama was blackmailed into extending them:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And what did Bush and the Republicans do to stop the hemorrhaging of moving factories off shore. You can't blame what happened under Republicans on Obama. You have to take the blame yourselves. Especially since for nearly 5 years the GOP held both houses and used reconciliation THREE times. Do you remember for what?

And we know the foreign funded US Chamber of Commerce gave to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats, how many times has that been posted on the USMB. And we know that China worked closely with Republicans giving seminars on how to move US Businesses to China:


If you feel I talk childish to Republicans it's because they refuse to learn the way children refuse spinach. What I look up Republicans have the same tools to look up but they refuse to bother. The truths hurts their children like feuwings.

The reason you have to post the same links and video over and over again i is because Republicans refuse to believe the truth.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
Imagine this, you shut down over 40 thousand factories and move them to China. We lose millions of jobs. All that revenue is gone. And you cut trillions in taxes. All the revenue is gone. And you start two wars without paying for them. Then you turn it over to Obama.

The wars still need to be paid for.
The military still needs to be paid for.
Schools need to stay open.
Medicare still needs to be paid for.

So OBAMA pays for all that stuff.

Then Republicans say to him if he doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts, costing trillions more, they would block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under Bush. So he does. Because we know Republicans would do that disgraceful thing without a second's thought.

And then you scream that Obama spends too much.
That's a childish interpretation. Bush didn't move a single business off shore. The wars were authorized and budgeted by congress, Republicans AND Democrats. 9/11, Katrina, bank and mortgage meltdowns all happened then but yeah, we need to pay for stuff we owe. What we should not do is take on more projects. The fact that you think doubling the deficit is what was needed is all one needs to know about your economic expertise.
The wars were NOT budgeted by congress. They weren't added to the Budget until Obama became president. That is common knowledge and has been discussed many, many times on the USMB. I notice you didn't say a single thing about the deficit creating Bush tax cuts or that Obama was blackmailed into extending them:

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

And what did Bush and the Republicans do to stop the hemorrhaging of moving factories off shore. You can't blame what happened under Republicans on Obama. You have to take the blame yourselves. Especially since for nearly 5 years the GOP held both houses and used reconciliation THREE times. Do you remember for what?

And we know the foreign funded US Chamber of Commerce gave to Republicans 9 to 1 over Democrats, how many times has that been posted on the USMB. And we know that China worked closely with Republicans giving seminars on how to move US Businesses to China:


If you feel I talk childish to Republicans it's because they refuse to learn the way children refuse spinach. What I look up Republicans have the same tools to look up but they refuse to bother. The truths hurts their children like feuwings.

The reason you have to post the same links and video over and over again i is because Republicans refuse to believe the truth.
If Republicans have different information, post it. I'm not a Republican. I like learning. So teach me. But beware, I actually go check up on the stuff to see if it's true or not. And if it's not, I post the contrary evidence.
But it was Bush who stopped looking for Bin Laden and created trillions in deficit with the Bish tax cuts.
What's your evidence the administration "stopped looking for bin Laden'? So, Bush's tax cuts created trillions in deficit so that's why obama spent so many more?
Imagine this, you shut down over 40 thousand factories and move them to China. We lose millions of jobs. All that revenue is gone. And you cut trillions in taxes. All the revenue is gone. And you start two wars without paying for them. Then you turn it over to Obama.

The wars still need to be paid for.
The military still needs to be paid for.
Schools need to stay open.
Medicare still needs to be paid for.

So OBAMA pays for all that stuff.

Then Republicans say to him if he doesn't extend the Bush Tax cuts, costing trillions more, they would block unemployment benefits for millions who lost their jobs under Bush. So he does. Because we know Republicans would do that disgraceful thing without a second's thought.

And then you scream that Obama spends too much.
That's a childish interpretation. Bush didn't move a single business off shore. The wars were authorized and budgeted by congress, Republicans AND Democrats. 9/11, Katrina, bank and mortgage meltdowns all happened then but yeah, we need to pay for stuff we owe. What we should not do is take on more projects. The fact that you think doubling the deficit is what was needed is all one needs to know about your economic expertise.
Bush tricked the country into going to war. That can't be denied.

Republicans threatened Obama with stiffing millions of unemployed if he didn't extend them.

Republicans used reconciliation three times. Do you know for what? Look it up. It explains a lot. Learn what your party is doing.
I still want Bush at the GOP convention. I would watch for sure and love it.

The guy is hilarious. No one speaks like him.

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