Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
Like these too bri?
A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
19 Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
20 He who dives under the table today lives to profit tomorrow.
21 Never place friendship above profit. "
22 A wise man can hear profit in the wind. "
23 Nothing is more important than your health... except for your money. "
27 There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
29 What's in it for me?
30 "Confidentiality equals profit."
31 Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. Insult something he cares about instead. "
33 It never hurts to suck up to the boss. "
34 War is good for business.
Trump had those in his book?
Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
If you ever followed Star Trek it was what the low life Ferenghi believed in
You base your ideas on Star Trek? Really?
Gave me great insight into the republican mind
Gene Roddenberry was a Democrat, moron.
Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
Like these too bri?
A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
19 Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
20 He who dives under the table today lives to profit tomorrow.
21 Never place friendship above profit. "
22 A wise man can hear profit in the wind. "
23 Nothing is more important than your health... except for your money. "
27 There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
29 What's in it for me?
30 "Confidentiality equals profit."
31 Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. Insult something he cares about instead. "
33 It never hurts to suck up to the boss. "
34 War is good for business.
Trump had those in his book?
No not really but 10,13 21,27 29, 33 ,34 sure fit him to a T
Notice how Faun all over Itself always responds with an LOL
The most childish, vacuous “response”
possible but entirely anticipated from * idiot
Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
Like these too bri?
A Ferengi without profit is no Ferengi at all.
19 Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
20 He who dives under the table today lives to profit tomorrow.
21 Never place friendship above profit. "
22 A wise man can hear profit in the wind. "
23 Nothing is more important than your health... except for your money. "
27 There's nothing more dangerous than an honest businessman.
29 What's in it for me?
30 "Confidentiality equals profit."
31 Never make fun of a Ferengi's mother. Insult something he cares about instead. "
33 It never hurts to suck up to the boss. "
34 War is good for business.
Trump had those in his book?
No not really but 10,13 21,27 29, 33 ,34 sure fit him to a T
21,27 29, 33 ,34 are lines from a television science fiction script. 10 and 13 are self evident facts.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
she should be charged with obstruction of congress [senate] and abuse of power and demanding a quid pro quo [do what we want or we'll hold the articles] !
McConnell is far too measured for any of that. For now, I think he is going to give her an opportunity to transmit the articles the 73 feet from her door to his. The Federal Appeals Court is hearing the arguments for two of Trump's advisers that he asserted privilege for. I don't know how quickly they will render a decision, but for now, we wait while Nancy figures out what she wants to do. She has kind of left herself twisting in the wind, and there is probably no point in the GOP rushing out to rescue her.
i know .... i was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when they carry out the same acts that they accuse others of .
McConnell's offered Schumer the exact same procedures he accepted and voted for for Clinton, the procedures that passed the US Senate 100-0. Schumer thought those Senate rules were perfectly acceptable, for Bill Clinton.

Even if true - treason outweighs blowjobs.
darned right it does !! colluding with a foreign government to drum up a fake dossier in order to spy and attempt to overthrow an election is way worse than a blowjob !! its treason !
Even if true - treason outweighs blowjobs.

The "Articles" are "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" idiot.
1. Not a crime or impeachable.
2. Will be thrown out by Roberts because the USSC already decided that Trump does have the right to take issues to court
^^^ another rightard who never heard of the Graham Rule.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” ~ Lindsey Graham R-SC, 1.16.1999​
The Graham Rule isn't "Law" is it leftard, anymore than the partisan arguments from democrats supporting Clinton were.

The point still stands that the "Articles" against Trump are total bullshit, and will be easily defeated in the senate if not put up to a dismissal vote by Roberts first.

Dumbfuck, that's why I said it's the Graham "Rule" and not the Graham "Law." :eusa_doh:

And no, they are not total bullshit. Impeached Trump did break the law and got his MAGI ass impeached for it.

And since Republicans already announced even before the trial begins that they're going to acquit him, the ones who said that will now be violating the oath they're about to take.

Graham is one senator, so happy to see you have so much respect for one GOP senator's opinion.

What "laws" did Trump break as defined in the articles of impeachment? How about specific references please?

Hint: Article-2 is dead since the USSC already took the case of Trump vs House subpoena for his tax records. So article-2 is already dead. Article 1 isn't as dead, but it's not impeachable.

Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit. From the article:
"If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” If this is indeed the case, then the Senate will be confronted with a constitutional dilemma, if and when it will receive a void and invalid impeachment. It will have to decide whether to proceed with a trial of charges that are unconstitutional and therefore are void."
I wouldn't worry about it, so far Nancy can't seem to transmit the articles the feet from her door to Mitch McConnell's.

If she can't complete the act, then when this Congress adjourns next Christmas the articles expire.
The "Articles" are "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" idiot.
1. Not a crime or impeachable.
2. Will be thrown out by Roberts because the USSC already decided that Trump does have the right to take issues to court
^^^ another rightard who never heard of the Graham Rule.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” ~ Lindsey Graham R-SC, 1.16.1999​
The Graham Rule isn't "Law" is it leftard, anymore than the partisan arguments from democrats supporting Clinton were.

The point still stands that the "Articles" against Trump are total bullshit, and will be easily defeated in the senate if not put up to a dismissal vote by Roberts first.

Dumbfuck, that's why I said it's the Graham "Rule" and not the Graham "Law." :eusa_doh:

And no, they are not total bullshit. Impeached Trump did break the law and got his MAGI ass impeached for it.

And since Republicans already announced even before the trial begins that they're going to acquit him, the ones who said that will now be violating the oath they're about to take.

Graham is one senator, so happy to see you have so much respect for one GOP senator's opinion.

What "laws" did Trump break as defined in the articles of impeachment? How about specific references please?

Hint: Article-2 is dead since the USSC already took the case of Trump vs House subpoena for his tax records. So article-2 is already dead. Article 1 isn't as dead, but it's not impeachable.

Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit. From the article:
"If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” If this is indeed the case, then the Senate will be confronted with a constitutional dilemma, if and when it will receive a void and invalid impeachment. It will have to decide whether to proceed with a trial of charges that are unconstitutional and therefore are void."
I wouldn't worry about it, so far Nancy can't seem to transmit the articles the feet from her door to Mitch McConnell's.

If she can't complete the act, then when this Congress adjourns next Christmas the articles expire.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
If you ever followed Star Trek it was what the low life Ferenghi believed in
You base your ideas on Star Trek? Really?
Gave me great insight into the republican mind
Gene Roddenberry was a Democrat, moron.
And the Ferenghi were republicans??
Which ones aren't true?
If you ever followed Star Trek it was what the low life Ferenghi believed in
You base your ideas on Star Trek? Really?
Gave me great insight into the republican mind
Gene Roddenberry was a Democrat, moron.
And the Ferenghi were republicans??
The Ferenghi are fictional characters, you fucking moron.
she should be charged with obstruction of congress [senate] and abuse of power and demanding a quid pro quo [do what we want or we'll hold the articles] !
McConnell is far too measured for any of that. For now, I think he is going to give her an opportunity to transmit the articles the 73 feet from her door to his. The Federal Appeals Court is hearing the arguments for two of Trump's advisers that he asserted privilege for. I don't know how quickly they will render a decision, but for now, we wait while Nancy figures out what she wants to do. She has kind of left herself twisting in the wind, and there is probably no point in the GOP rushing out to rescue her.
i know .... i was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left when they carry out the same acts that they accuse others of .
McConnell's offered Schumer the exact same procedures he accepted and voted for for Clinton, the procedures that passed the US Senate 100-0. Schumer thought those Senate rules were perfectly acceptable, for Bill Clinton.

Even if true - treason outweighs blowjobs.
darned right it does !! colluding with a foreign government to drum up a fake dossier in order to spy and attempt to overthrow an election is way worse than a blowjob !! its treason !
It's not Treason, but it certainly approaches sedition.
If you ever followed Star Trek it was what the low life Ferenghi believed in
You base your ideas on Star Trek? Really?
Gave me great insight into the republican mind
Gene Roddenberry was a Democrat, moron.
And the Ferenghi were republicans??
The Ferenghi are fictional characters, you fucking moron.
No shit Dick Tracy
Republican Senator John Kennedy on impeachment: "9 out of 10 Senators secretly don't want to hear this case, and the 10th is lying. Now many of them are not going to say that publicly, but that's how they feel."

Murkowski is a disloyal weasel, my friends
YES. ANYONE WOULD BE HOPPING MAD ABOUT NOW: If I were one of those House Democrats in a Trump-friendly district who had been talked into voting against my better judgment for Trump’s impeachment…

To Pelosi and the leftist wing of the party: You made me put my seat at grave risk for this? And then you shelve the whole thing for an indeterminate time and a foggy reason?

What does Pelosi have planned next? More Steele dossiers? More “whistleblowing” moles with reports of horrible things the president supposedly said?

Or is she at a loss herself about what to do next?

I know a lot of people will say that what the Democrats actually have planned is a lot of cheating in the 2020 elections. I assume, however, that’s rather difficult to accomplish in Trump-friendly districts. It would be much easier to do successfully in large blue cities that they will likely carry anyway.
Republican Senator John Kennedy on impeachment: "9 out of 10 Senators secretly don't want to hear this case, and the 10th is lying. Now many of them are not going to say that publicly, but that's how they feel."

Murkowski is a disloyal weasel, my friends
Oh dear Jezzus She didn't bow down and kiss the AH's shoes?
Trumps 13 commandments
Once you have their money... you never give it back. "
2 The best deal is the one that brings the most profit.
2 Money is everything.
3 Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to. "
5 Always exaggerate your estimates.
6 Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity. "
7 Keep your ears open. "
8 Small print leads to large risk.
9 Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
10 Greed is eternal. "
13 Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
Which ones aren't true?
If you ever followed Star Trek it was what the low life Ferenghi believed in
You base your ideas on Star Trek? Really?
Gave me great insight into the republican mind
I think I've figured out your problem. You rely on fantasy to inform your world view.
Even if true - treason outweighs blowjobs.

The "Articles" are "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" idiot.
1. Not a crime or impeachable.
2. Will be thrown out by Roberts because the USSC already decided that Trump does have the right to take issues to court
^^^ another rightard who never heard of the Graham Rule.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” ~ Lindsey Graham R-SC, 1.16.1999​
The Graham Rule isn't "Law" is it leftard, anymore than the partisan arguments from democrats supporting Clinton were.

The point still stands that the "Articles" against Trump are total bullshit, and will be easily defeated in the senate if not put up to a dismissal vote by Roberts first.

Dumbfuck, that's why I said it's the Graham "Rule" and not the Graham "Law." :eusa_doh:

And no, they are not total bullshit. Impeached Trump did break the law and got his MAGI ass impeached for it.

And since Republicans already announced even before the trial begins that they're going to acquit him, the ones who said that will now be violating the oath they're about to take.

Graham is one senator, so happy to see you have so much respect for one GOP senator's opinion.

What "laws" did Trump break as defined in the articles of impeachment? How about specific references please?

Hint: Article-2 is dead since the USSC already took the case of Trump vs House subpoena for his tax records. So article-2 is already dead. Article 1 isn't as dead, but it's not impeachable.

Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit. From the article:
"If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” If this is indeed the case, then the Senate will be confronted with a constitutional dilemma, if and when it will receive a void and invalid impeachment. It will have to decide whether to proceed with a trial of charges that are unconstitutional and therefore are void."
"No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit."


You brain-dead cultists are a riot.

Now compare your op/ed with reality...

"I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God."

Folks like Mitch "I am not an impartial juror" McConnell will be in violation of that oath the moment they take it.
The "Articles" are "Abuse of Power" and "Obstruction of Congress" idiot.
1. Not a crime or impeachable.
2. Will be thrown out by Roberts because the USSC already decided that Trump does have the right to take issues to court
^^^ another rightard who never heard of the Graham Rule.

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.” ~ Lindsey Graham R-SC, 1.16.1999​
The Graham Rule isn't "Law" is it leftard, anymore than the partisan arguments from democrats supporting Clinton were.

The point still stands that the "Articles" against Trump are total bullshit, and will be easily defeated in the senate if not put up to a dismissal vote by Roberts first.

Dumbfuck, that's why I said it's the Graham "Rule" and not the Graham "Law." :eusa_doh:

And no, they are not total bullshit. Impeached Trump did break the law and got his MAGI ass impeached for it.

And since Republicans already announced even before the trial begins that they're going to acquit him, the ones who said that will now be violating the oath they're about to take.

Graham is one senator, so happy to see you have so much respect for one GOP senator's opinion.

What "laws" did Trump break as defined in the articles of impeachment? How about specific references please?

Hint: Article-2 is dead since the USSC already took the case of Trump vs House subpoena for his tax records. So article-2 is already dead. Article 1 isn't as dead, but it's not impeachable.

Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards

No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit. From the article:
"If the House votes to impeach President Trump on grounds not authorized by the Constitution, its action, in the words of Hamilton, is void. As he put it in the Federalist Papers, “no legislative act, therefore, contrary to the Constitution, can be valid.” If this is indeed the case, then the Senate will be confronted with a constitutional dilemma, if and when it will receive a void and invalid impeachment. It will have to decide whether to proceed with a trial of charges that are unconstitutional and therefore are void."
"No one is violating any oath when they already know that the articles are bullshit."


You brain-dead cultists are a riot.

Now compare your op/ed with reality...

"I solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be,) that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: so help me God."

Folks like Mitch "I am not an impartial juror" McConnell will be in violation of that oath the moment they take it.
So will approximately 88.67% of the Senators that take it.Or are you going to pretend all but a handful of democrats don't already know how they're going to vote?

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