Will the Democrat Strategy Win


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear.
Can they win with this or will it back-fire on them?
Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
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The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear. Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them? Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
What strategy? Sitting back and letting Trump shoot himself in the foot over and over again? I say, "Joe, get plenty of sleep. You're going to need it. There's a lot of messes to clean up."
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear. Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them? Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
What strategy? Sitting back and letting Trump shoot himself in the foot over and over again? I say, "Joe, get plenty of sleep. You're going to need it. There's a lot of messes to clean up."
Joe, get plenty of sleep. You're going to need it. There's a lot of messes to clean up."

He's been asleep for the last 40 years.

shouldn't he be well rested already?
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear.
Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them?
Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?

Does a giant temper tantrum by a child work?

Perhaps against a quite single mother...

But against a father who is the most American, and most alpha ever?

I don't think it will work.
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear.
Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them?
Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
Well democrats two full years of treason and flat refusal to honor sacred obligation of peaceful transfer after 2016 election, coupled to the naked flat out Obama engineered lie about "RUSSIA," was rewarded by ultra-stupid America with total control of the United States congress in 2018! Its all but certain democrats control all three after the 2020 November election and then we have to kill them!
Let's see...
Biden sits in his cave and doesn't answer any questions, speaks nothing but platitudes,
The Leftist media attack Trump for everything that happens or doesn't happen,
Whatever happens, DON'T TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES, because the Democrat position on every single issue is a separate abomination...
  • immigration,
  • global warming,
  • taxes,
  • policing,
  • imaginary racism/BLM,
  • socialized medicine,
  • free college for idiots and forgiveness of college loans,
  • "Fracking,"
  • Nuclear power,
  • Historical monuments,
  • and on and on.
DON'T TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES. Just slander Trump.
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear.
Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them?
Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?

Their ultimate strategy to destroy themselves will succeed. Our job as free individuals is to make certain they do not take our civilization to hell with them.
Let's see...
Biden sits in his cave and doesn't answer any questions, speaks nothing but platitudes,
The Leftist media attack Trump for everything that happens or doesn't happen,
Whatever happens, DON'T TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES, because the Democrat position on every single issue is a separate abomination...
  • immigration,
  • global warming
  • taxes
  • socialized medicine
  • free college for idiots and forgiveness of college loans
  • "Fracking,"
  • Nuclear power,
  • and on and on.
DON'T TALK ABOUT THE ISSUES. Just slander Trump.

The democrat position is, make the entire USA the Chaz.
If Biden wins, it will be via a wave of 18-24 year olds who have been emotionally hijacked by the Marxist BLM movement and a Social Media fueled voter registration blitz. Biden is hiding in his basement running on "Trump's bad, don't do Trump mmmmmK?". It usually takes a lot more to get elected, but these are strange times.
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear. Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them? Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
What strategy? Sitting back and letting Trump shoot himself in the foot over and over again? I say, "Joe, get plenty of sleep. You're going to need it. There's a lot of messes to clean up."
He's been asleep for the last 40 years. Shouldn't he be well rested already?
Trump's been lying even longer. Doesn't that bother you? As someone once said, “that government is best which governs least”, so Joe sleeping should be a good thing, right?
It's all Irrelevant.

The American Taliban weaponized the FBI against the American People and turned them into their Secret Police and SS. The American Taliban, unpunished, simply will not be allowed back into the Oval Office
We can look forward to President Trump winning a second term.

Biden, who has a 40 year history of accomplishing absolutely nothing, doesn’t have a chance of beating Trump.
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear. Can they win with this or will is back-fire on them? Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
What strategy? Sitting back and letting Trump shoot himself in the foot over and over again? I say, "Joe, get plenty of sleep. You're going to need it. There's a lot of messes to clean up."
He's been asleep for the last 40 years. Shouldn't he be well rested already?
Trump's been lying even longer. Doesn't that bother you? As someone once said, “that government is best which governs least”, so Joe sleeping should be a good thing, right?

The guy who ordered Flynn charged under Logan AFTER the FBI found no wrongdoing, "governs least"?

You must think Tide Pods and bleach pair well together
The Dems/Press/Hollywood are on a blitzkrieg of lies, hate and fear.
Can they win with this or will it back-fire on them?
Will there be a great awakening of the Voters by election day?
Will Trump kill off his base by Labor Day?

'Trump is killing his own supporters' – even White House insiders know it | Lloyd Green

"A plague is raging and the president is leaving the heartlands and blue-collar voters exposed. This could be the endgame


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