Will The Democrats Finally Admit They Are a Socialist Party?

So why don't some of you tell us what makes the Democratic Party a socialist party?

Afterall, it's your accusation. Back it up.

100% stupid as always!! Sanders is an open socialist and Obama their president voted to left of Sanders in the Senate. Cased closed you idiot!!

In other words you can't tell us what makes the Democratic Party socialist.

Name the policies.
There is particularly uniform, widespread Democratic opposition to nationalizing all US industry.

100% stupid as always. All the idiotic arguments they used for Obamacare can be applied to all industries.

Really? Now how many private businesses were nationalized under Obamacare?

dear, the modern soviet liberal knows he's too stupid to own and manage a business so instead he seeks control from a distance with taxes and regulations. Its really called crony socialism or fascism.

With capitalist health care prices would be 20% of what they are now and life expectancy would be increased 10-20 years.

How would ending Medicaid help poor people live longer?
When did Hillary Clinton ever say she was a socialist? Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi?

too stupid, as long as liberals spied for Stalin and Hitler, and Obama and Sanders are socialists you can be sure the Party is very very close to socialist, if not socialist
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So why don't some of you tell us what makes the Democratic Party a socialist party?

Afterall, it's your accusation. Back it up.

100% stupid as always!! Sanders is an open socialist and Obama their president voted to left of Sanders in the Senate. Cased closed you idiot!!
That doesn't answer the question. It deflects away from it. Try another deflection or way to evade answering the question. That one was a fail.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.

Those things don't have anything to do with socialism and socialism does not require those things.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.

Those things don't have anything to do with socialism and socialism does not require those things.
You can do one of two things...

1. nit-pick over classical definitions

2. play to the common usage and understanding

I chose (2).

Your mileage may vary.

Next slide, please.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.

Those things don't have anything to do with socialism and socialism does not require those things.
You can do one of two things...

1. nit-pick over classical definitions

2. play to the common usage and understanding

I chose (2).

Your mileage may vary.

Next slide, please.
Nit pick over classical definitions? What is a non classical definition? Oh, I get it. We can just make stuff up to fit our agenda and call it common usage and understanding. So, if people misuse a word and lack the knowledge to know it's meaning, we should just go ahead and use the distorted wrong definition rather than learn the real meaning. The question is, who decides what is common usage and understanding? What you end up with when you do that with a multitude of words is called babble. Meaningless babble.
Liberalism and Socialism are different. The Democratic Party is most often viewed as a party of liberals. Liberals are about individual freedoms being primary. Liber is latin for freedom. The liberal ideology stresses individual freedom. Hence, the liberal Democrat is all about freedom of the individual. Capitalism is part of the liberalism ideology. They have always been in the majority in the party. Socialism is about society being primary. Hence, socialist put community before individualism. Both are in the Democratic Party. The American Democratic Party is a blend of both liberal ideology and and socialist ideology, however the "big tent" theory allows for those with primary liberal ideology to reject aspects of socialism and those with primary socialist ideology to reject aspects of liberal ideology. As long as the practitioners do not attempt to create a pure system of either ideology they are able to get along because social liberalism fits well with social democracy. It is why the Democratic's are always in flux and seemingly against each other. The question is, which is more important, the "I", or the "We"? That is the dilemma and struggle. When does the right of the individual stop and the good of the community supersede the individuals right and vice versa?
These questions do not arise in conservative ideology. Conservatism is rigid and conforming. Both Liberalism and Socialism invite progressive movement, change and non conformity.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.

It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.

Those things don't have anything to do with socialism and socialism does not require those things.
You can do one of two things...

1. nit-pick over classical definitions

2. play to the common usage and understanding

I chose (2).

Your mileage may vary.

Next slide, please.

Why don't we just be specific. Is Medicaid a socialist program or not?
When did Hillary Clinton ever say she was a socialist? Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi?

too stupid, as long as liberals spied for Stalin and Hitler, and Obama and Sanders are socialists you can be sure the Party is very very close to socialist, if not socialist

Ranch or Blu Cheese?

You're in a monkey jabber meltdown now. Let me repeat the question.

When did Hillary Clinton ever say she was a socialist? Joe Biden? Nancy Pelosi?
So one guy makes the Democrats socialists.

Does that mean one racist makes the Republicans racists? One Fascist makes the Republicans Fascists? etc etc etc????

No, they all make them socialists. Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on

Oh, jeez, any negative word and it's automatically a Democrat. You people must have great fun.

Funny how you disagreed with my post, yet you couldn't answer the question. Don't worry, none of you can. You gave the stereotype liberal answer. What? That's ridiculous! Example? Crickets...

Here is the question you whiffed on again: "Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on"

BTW, I'll be back in Europe again next week, we can resume our middle of the night debates

So what is the socialism that all Democrats agree on?

They all agree on the kind where the government runs the economy.
...Nit pick over classical definitions? What is a non classical definition? Oh, I get it. We can just make stuff up to fit our agenda and call it common usage and understanding...
Oh, lighten up, Francis...

You know damned-well that if you ask the Man in the Street to define Socialism, it will equate to wraparound Nanny Statism.

Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, are you playing the next-door-neighbor to Grammar Nazi today, harping on classical definitions?

We are talking about the Common Man's perception of what a Socialist is, and you know that just as well as I do.

But - rather than focus upon the topic, which is whether or not the Common Man now equates the Democrat Party with ITS perception of Socialism, and whether the Democratic Party might just as well go ahead and admit it, and get it over with... no, you've got to pick nits.

Well, you can do it without me.

I'm moving on, to say: "Yes, the Common Man does, indeed, largely perceive the Democrats to be Socialists nowadays, insofar as the Common Man loosely defines Socialism, and this is reinforced by the advent of folks like Bernie Sanders, who appears to have a very long and broad Socialist streak running through him."

You - on the other hand - are entirely free to moan and wail about the precise definition of Socialism, but I don't think you're gonna get too many takers, outside your own clique.

End of sequence.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.
So one guy makes the Democrats socialists.

Does that mean one racist makes the Republicans racists? One Fascist makes the Republicans Fascists? etc etc etc????

No, they all make them socialists. Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on

Oh, jeez, any negative word and it's automatically a Democrat. You people must have great fun.

Funny how you disagreed with my post, yet you couldn't answer the question. Don't worry, none of you can. You gave the stereotype liberal answer. What? That's ridiculous! Example? Crickets...

Here is the question you whiffed on again: "Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on"

BTW, I'll be back in Europe again next week, we can resume our middle of the night debates

So what is the socialism that all Democrats agree on?

They all agree on the kind where the government runs the economy.

Really? When did they nationalize the supermarket business?

...Why don't we just be specific. Is Medicaid a socialist program or not?
Personally, I think that Medicaid is, indeed, a "socialist" -like program - regardless of its merits and/or warts. Ditto for Social Security.

We have long been a "hybrid entity" - largely governed by Free Market ideals and policies, with a dash of Collectivism tossed into the pot for good measure here and there, as we've been obliged to take Group Action in a few key areas of Need on the part of The People, where there has been (nor are likely to be) privatized solutions that can be made to work.

But a Free-Market -leaning polity with a few hybrid Collectivist programs scattered about here and there are still a far cry from Nanny Statism.

Nanny Statism - playing to the unwashed Welfare Masses et al - and creating a frightful multi-generational dependency on Gubmint Cheese - is the modern Democratic mantra.

The OP merely asks whether their recent Turn At The Wheel and their next crop of upcoming candidates are sufficient to "out" the Democrats nowadays as Socialists.

It's a good question... and I'm not sure that I've even got a defensible personal opinion on the subject - but if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If the Party is engaged in advocacy or operations to build and sustain Nanny-Statism (cradle-to-grave care and freebies for the Plebians), then that should do the trick.
No, they all make them socialists. Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on

Oh, jeez, any negative word and it's automatically a Democrat. You people must have great fun.

Funny how you disagreed with my post, yet you couldn't answer the question. Don't worry, none of you can. You gave the stereotype liberal answer. What? That's ridiculous! Example? Crickets...

Here is the question you whiffed on again: "Name any significant issue that Democrats disagree on"

BTW, I'll be back in Europe again next week, we can resume our middle of the night debates

So what is the socialism that all Democrats agree on?

They all agree on the kind where the government runs the economy.

Really? When did they nationalize the supermarket business?

You cited the wrong person as the author of the post to which you were responding - that's not one of mine ("They all agree on the kind..." ).
...Why don't we just be specific. Is Medicaid a socialist program or not?
Personally, I think that Medicaid is, indeed, a "socialist" -like program - regardless of its merits and/or warts. Ditto for Social Security.

We have long been a "hybrid entity" - largely governed by Free Market ideals and policies, with a dash of Collectivism tossed into the pot for good measure here and there, as we've been obliged to take Group Action in a few key areas of Need on the part of The People, where there has been (nor are likely to be) privatized solutions that can be made to work.

But a Free-Market -leaning polity with a few hybrid Collectivist programs scattered about here and there are still a far cry from Nanny Statism.

Nanny Statism - playing to the unwashed Welfare Masses et al - and creating a frightful multi-generational dependency on Gubmint Cheese - is the modern Democratic mantra.

The OP merely asks whether their recent Turn At The Wheel and their next crop of upcoming candidates are sufficient to "out" the Democrats nowadays as Socialists.

It's a good question... and I'm not sure that I've even got a defensible personal opinion on the subject - but if it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

What is NOT socialist about Medicaid then?

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