Will the threat of mass riots, influence the election?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2015
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
They don't even have to vote for Biden...Enough kooks will come out and do that....It's the people who stay home or not that will make or break it for Trump.

That said, I have a feeling that this will be a repeat of 1968, and Humphrey was a far more credible and electable candadate than Creepy Joe.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

Given the blob supporter's penchant for mailing bombs, shooting up places, running over people with their cars....voter intimidation is a the lore of the right wing.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

Given the blob supporter's penchant for mailing bombs, shooting up places, running over people with their cars....voter intimidation is a the lore of the right wing.

we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting.

thus, in this case, the potential voter intimidation will be coming from your side.

does that please you? or does it disturb you?
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

I am certain that if DJT wins reelection the democratic terrorism will increase exponentially. That being said, I do not believe the threat alone of post November Armageddon will stop American voters from voting for President Trump as American voters do not tend to think that deeply or precisely about the inner workings of cultural and political machinery. Beyond that, I am absolutely certain that we've got about two to five months left before our great nation is totally overwhelmed by lethal chaos that will affect every last American.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

I am certain that if DJT wins reelection the democratic terrorism will increase exponentially. That being said, I do not believe the threat alone of post November Armageddon will stop American voters from voting for President Trump as American voters do not tend to think that deeply or precisely about the inner workings of cultural and political machinery. Beyond that, I am absolutely certain that we've got about two to five months left before our great nation is totally overwhelmed by lethal chaos that will affect every last American.

could lazy libs be motivated to vote, out of fear that of the riots? the impact could be to increase turnout for the anti-americans.

i mean, dems.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
You said "so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse."
You said "the consensus was yes.
You said "we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting." Bull$hit. You have no meaningful consensus. Not even if you are implying the white supremacist, Bugaloo Boys, and right wing gun nuts are going to take to the streets more than now and I don't see that happening either. I heard that one before Obama was elected. Didn't scare me then. Doesn't scare me now and doubt it scares enough of the weak of spirit to make a difference.
Now you are "assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way", so you are tying to "Trump" some fear up. You would be absolutely amazed at how many people Do Not Live In Fear, no matter how cowardly the far right react to change, preferring a fake strongman to lead them to safety.
You project a very weak argument, and it is based on a meaningless consensus, at that.
You should have been in the military. You could have learned to conquer your fear. Many did.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
You said "so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse."
You said "the consensus was yes.
You said "we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting." Bull$hit. You have no meaningful consensus. Not even if you are implying the white supremacist, Bugaloo Boys, and right wing gun nuts are going to take to the streets more than now and I don't see that happening either. I heard that one before Obama was elected. Didn't scare me then. Doesn't scare me now and doubt it scares enough of the weak of spirit to make a difference.
Now you are "assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way", so you are tying to "Trump" some fear up. You would be absolutely amazed at how many people Do Not Live In Fear, no matter how cowardly the far right react to change, preferring a fake strongman to lead them to safety.
You project a very weak argument, and it is based on a meaningless consensus, at that.
You should have been in the military. You could have learned to conquer your fear. Many did.

i am not trying to "trump" up fear. my concern is that the nightly riots, as seen on the tv scenes across the nation,

will cause fear in people.

fear of random violence is not "Cowardice", it is rationality.

the question i have asked, is, will this fear, influence the election.

that you personally do not fear violent mobs randomly murdering people in the streets, is interesting.

but regardless, rational people do fear shit like that.

so, my question stands. do you think that fear will influence the election?
Independents...........centrist............decide the election..........that and turn out.............

The riots and draconian measures will bring out the Trump supporters in droves again............the middle of the road crowd...............up in the air ......they are pissed at the riots and draconian measures.............the only offset being the ECONOMY...........JOBS................

Hard to win the election when the economy is tanked.....history shows the president in those times usually loses.......................Why the left is basically playing this game now.........and destroying the country in the process.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
You said "so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse."
You said "the consensus was yes.
You said "we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting." Bull$hit. You have no meaningful consensus. Not even if you are implying the white supremacist, Bugaloo Boys, and right wing gun nuts are going to take to the streets more than now and I don't see that happening either. I heard that one before Obama was elected. Didn't scare me then. Doesn't scare me now and doubt it scares enough of the weak of spirit to make a difference.
Now you are "assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way", so you are tying to "Trump" some fear up. You would be absolutely amazed at how many people Do Not Live In Fear, no matter how cowardly the far right react to change, preferring a fake strongman to lead them to safety.
You project a very weak argument, and it is based on a meaningless consensus, at that.
You should have been in the military. You could have learned to conquer your fear. Many did.

i am not trying to "trump" up fear. my concern is that the nightly riots, as seen on the tv scenes across the nation,

will cause fear in people.

fear of random violence is not "Cowardice", it is rationality.

the question i have asked, is, will this fear, influence the election.

that you personally do not fear violent mobs randomly murdering people in the streets, is interesting.

but regardless, rational people do fear shit like that.

so, my question stands. do you think that fear will influence the election?
It is a problem of those cities, not even in the state in which I live. Not even a problem in many smaller towns, suburbs, communities, and rural areas within the states that have cities where it is occurring. I advise the "normal" people to move if they do not agree with (and they certainly should not agree with) the way their city is run. Picking a national totalitarian wannabe to institute federal rule is certainly not an answer. Liars and provocateurs, lie and provoke. The do not solve.
Your dog won't hunt.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
You said "so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse."
You said "the consensus was yes.
You said "we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting." Bull$hit. You have no meaningful consensus. Not even if you are implying the white supremacist, Bugaloo Boys, and right wing gun nuts are going to take to the streets more than now and I don't see that happening either. I heard that one before Obama was elected. Didn't scare me then. Doesn't scare me now and doubt it scares enough of the weak of spirit to make a difference.
Now you are "assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way", so you are tying to "Trump" some fear up. You would be absolutely amazed at how many people Do Not Live In Fear, no matter how cowardly the far right react to change, preferring a fake strongman to lead them to safety.
You project a very weak argument, and it is based on a meaningless consensus, at that.
You should have been in the military. You could have learned to conquer your fear. Many did.

i am not trying to "trump" up fear. my concern is that the nightly riots, as seen on the tv scenes across the nation,

will cause fear in people.

fear of random violence is not "Cowardice", it is rationality.

the question i have asked, is, will this fear, influence the election.

that you personally do not fear violent mobs randomly murdering people in the streets, is interesting.

but regardless, rational people do fear shit like that.

so, my question stands. do you think that fear will influence the election?
It is a problem of those cities, not even in the state in which I live. Not even a problem in many smaller towns, suburbs, communities, and rural areas within the states that have cities where it is occurring. I advise the "normal" people to move if they do not agree with (and they certainly should not agree with) the way their city is run. Picking a national totalitarian wannabe to institute federal rule is certainly not an answer. Liars and provocateurs, lie and provoke. The do not solve.
Your dog won't hunt.

i'm thinking the fear might motivate people to vote against trump, for fear of the violence that will occur, if he wins.

ie FOR biden.

and even if the voter(s) don't feel personally threatened, they might still be motivated to vote against trump, for fear for their loved ones or friends who might live in less safe areas.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

Given the blob supporter's penchant for mailing bombs, shooting up places, running over people with their cars....voter intimidation is a the lore of the right wing.

we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting.

thus, in this case, the potential voter intimidation will be coming from your side.

does that please you? or does it disturb you?

The “mass concensus” amuses me considering if you were to ask the same single digit IQ morons whom your echoing swear Trump has never told a lie
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
Consensus on a message board is meaningless, so projecting the path based on poorly sourced assumptions is equally meaningless. Just food for thought before the good ole boy, right wing people ramp up the mutual back slapping and swapping of blow jobs on the board. Just sayin. :cool:

"assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way, is that really "poorly sourced"?

or just common sense?
You said "so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse."
You said "the consensus was yes.
You said "we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting." Bull$hit. You have no meaningful consensus. Not even if you are implying the white supremacist, Bugaloo Boys, and right wing gun nuts are going to take to the streets more than now and I don't see that happening either. I heard that one before Obama was elected. Didn't scare me then. Doesn't scare me now and doubt it scares enough of the weak of spirit to make a difference.
Now you are "assuming" that fear could motivate some people to vote a certain way", so you are tying to "Trump" some fear up. You would be absolutely amazed at how many people Do Not Live In Fear, no matter how cowardly the far right react to change, preferring a fake strongman to lead them to safety.
You project a very weak argument, and it is based on a meaningless consensus, at that.
You should have been in the military. You could have learned to conquer your fear. Many did.

i am not trying to "trump" up fear. my concern is that the nightly riots, as seen on the tv scenes across the nation,

will cause fear in people.

fear of random violence is not "Cowardice", it is rationality.

the question i have asked, is, will this fear, influence the election.

that you personally do not fear violent mobs randomly murdering people in the streets, is interesting.

but regardless, rational people do fear shit like that.

so, my question stands. do you think that fear will influence the election?
It is a problem of those cities, not even in the state in which I live. Not even a problem in many smaller towns, suburbs, communities, and rural areas within the states that have cities where it is occurring. I advise the "normal" people to move if they do not agree with (and they certainly should not agree with) the way their city is run. Picking a national totalitarian wannabe to institute federal rule is certainly not an answer. Liars and provocateurs, lie and provoke. The do not solve.
Your dog won't hunt.

i'm thinking the fear might motivate people to vote against trump, for fear of the violence that will occur, if he wins.

ie FOR biden.

and even if the voter(s) don't feel personally threatened, they might still be motivated to vote against trump, for fear for their loved ones or friends who might live in less safe areas.
Bad plan. Don't immolate the Russian troll farms.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?

Given the blob supporter's penchant for mailing bombs, shooting up places, running over people with their cars....voter intimidation is a the lore of the right wing.

we have a consensus that if trump wins, there will be a massive increase in rioting.

thus, in this case, the potential voter intimidation will be coming from your side.

does that please you? or does it disturb you?

The “mass concensus” amuses me considering if you were to ask the same single digit IQ morons whom your echoing swear Trump has never told a lie

the thread was open to all. that you liberals did not want to participate, was your call.

the thread is still open. you are welcome to go there and explain why you think that the consensus was wrong.

i look forward to seeing your reasoning for that position explained.

because right now, it just looks like you want the benefit, without being called on it.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
No President Trump will be reelected and the Republicans possibly controlling both Houses of Congress even with the probability of a bloody civil war Civil War starting in late 2020 or early 2021.
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
No President Trump will be reelected and the Republicans possibly controlling both Houses of Congress even with the probability of a bloody civil war Civil War starting in late 2020 or early 2021.
Civil War II. The time has come to clean out the BUTTERCUPS......
so, in a recent thread of mine, i asked the question, if trump wins, will the riots get worse.

the consensus was yes.

this raises another question.

if voters believe that electing trump will lead to increased violence and even immediate personal danger to them and their loved ones,

will this influence the election? what percentage of people might vote for biden, out of fear of the violence that will occur, if trump wins?
When Trump no longer has to worry about re-election...the communist agitators had better watch out.

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