Will there be 15 Democrat Senators with a conscience?

In looking at this article about Obama's amnesty plan...
Though politically charged, such a move would allow Obama to present a sharp contrast with Republicans — who have remained staunchly opposed to loosening immigration enforcement — and cement Hispanic support for the Democratic Party for years to come, supporters said.
Obama appeared to relish the differences between the two parties that were evident Friday, as the Republican-led House struggled to pass a border funding measure and then voted to roll back Obama’s 2012 program that deferred deportations of many immigrants who had been brought to the country illegally as children. Obama’s program has been popular with Hispanic voters and was seen as a key factor in his ability to win 70 percent of that crucial electorate in his reelection.

Obama readies executive action on immigration - The Washington Post

I've come to the conclusion Obama won't do anything!
The amnesty discussion was to plant fear in Democrats for future Hispanic vote... but with this gigantic repudiation of Obama's agenda, I think
Obama will be giving up! He is a lame duck. He wants ONLY to play golf. He has no other ambition. He reached his goal of presidency.
These last two years will be a slow deterioration of Obama's agenda that got him elected. He doesn't care any more!
While the President and the people that surround him have stated that they’re “entirely unconcerned” with the optics of golfing and vacationing while the world around him descends further into chaos, there’s one viral picture making the rounds that proves Obama just isn’t interested in being leader of the free world. Period.

Read more: Is President Obama Even Aware He s President Anymore - The Political Insider
I agree that Congress cannot overturn Obama's EO on immigration, yes. Think.
No what you agree with is there are NOT 15 Democrat Senators willing to overcome the EO when as I pointed out the following steps are followed:

Congress may attempt to overturn an executive order by passing legislation (a bill) that opposes the order.
However, the President can veto that bill, and Congress would then need to override that veto to pass the bill.

So can Congress override a veto?

Congress can override the veto via a two-thirds vote with both houses voting separately, after which the bill becomes law. The president may also veto specific provisions on money bills without affecting other provisions on the same bill.

So Obama will grant amnesty by executive order.
Congress will overturn the executive Order with a law counter the Executive Order.

Obama vetos the law i.e. doesn't sign the bill.

Congress then with 15 Democrat senators that agree it is wrong for millions of illegals to by pass the laws that law abiding people have followed
will override with 67 Senate votes Obama's EO.

You agree there won't be 15 Democrat senators willing to support the current laws regarding citizenship naturalization.

Those democrats that do not vote to override the amnesty bill EO probably will not survive their next election.

The far right anti-immigration folks do not have the pulse of the American people. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will try to veto any EO on this

So you believe the majority of legal Americans are OK with Amnesty?
  • 80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013).
  • 59% of likely voters say that securing the U.S. border is more important than amnesty. 34% say that amnesty is more important than border security (Rasmussen, July 2013).
  • 69% of registered voters put border security first before any other changes are made in immigration policy (Fox News, March 2013).
  • 64% of likely voters believe that the U.S. border should be under control before any other facets of immigration reform move forward (Rasmussen, March 2013).
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls Federation for American Immigration Reform
Me???? Hell no!
Was referring to JakeStarkey's comment because he wrote:
"The far right anti-immigration folks do not have the pulse of the American people. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will try to veto any EO on this"
And the results of polls show the pulse of the American people .... INCLUDING YOU!!
If I was the new Speaker I'd load up EVERY bill that **** Reid has refused to put before the Senate and stack them up and pile them on his desk and invite the cable news networks into his office and say: "This is what Congress sent to Reid and this is what he refused to deal with. We are asking any Democrate who are willing to work to get the country moving to sit down with us and help."
I agree that Congress cannot overturn Obama's EO on immigration, yes. Think.
No what you agree with is there are NOT 15 Democrat Senators willing to overcome the EO when as I pointed out the following steps are followed:

Congress may attempt to overturn an executive order by passing legislation (a bill) that opposes the order.
However, the President can veto that bill, and Congress would then need to override that veto to pass the bill.

So can Congress override a veto?

Congress can override the veto via a two-thirds vote with both houses voting separately, after which the bill becomes law. The president may also veto specific provisions on money bills without affecting other provisions on the same bill.

So Obama will grant amnesty by executive order.
Congress will overturn the executive Order with a law counter the Executive Order.

Obama vetos the law i.e. doesn't sign the bill.

Congress then with 15 Democrat senators that agree it is wrong for millions of illegals to by pass the laws that law abiding people have followed
will override with 67 Senate votes Obama's EO.

You agree there won't be 15 Democrat senators willing to support the current laws regarding citizenship naturalization.

Those democrats that do not vote to override the amnesty bill EO probably will not survive their next election.

The far right anti-immigration folks do not have the pulse of the American people. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will try to veto any EO on this
Anti ILLEGAL immigration is not "far right". Go ask anyone with a fucking job in the country if they think making ten million people who entered the country illegally and are going to be competing for their job is good for the country in any way.
Well? Go ahead.
There is only one reason BOBO wants to 'legalize' ten million illegals is b/c the DNC is looking for the Hispanic vote to replace the negro vote.
!00% politics. Fucking sickening.
If BOBO attempts to push through his amnesty bill BOBO WILL be impeached. Guaranteed.
It depends how well Republicans perform in answer to the mandate the voters gave them. If they do well enough though all dim Representatives know they've got to face the voters again in '16 and ditto for 10-12 Senators too. Between now and then Barry will be lamest of lame ducks who will continue to try to drag our country further down the drain to the cesspool of liberal idiocy, and if those candidates want to be connected with the golfer-in-chief's scheme they deserve a free trip to oblivian.

Bring on the Hildebeast! It's time to start kicking her fat ass around.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
Takes NO funding to make an EO granting "amnesty" to 10 million illegals. Requires no funding.
Where has President Obama ever proposed granting amnesty to 10 million illegals by executive order?
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.

I'm sure Obama will learn to play ball as long as Republicans are willing to play ball

So far, they have been unwilling
There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.

I'm sure Obama will learn to play ball as long as Republicans are willing to play ball

So far, they have been unwilling

That is not true. The House (the only place Republicans are in power) passed hundreds of pieces of legislation that Reid wouldn't even allow to come up for a vote, legislation with bipartisan support. They've been playing ball, but the democrats won't even get on the field.
Ernie S. has an interesting idea about SCOTUS and an injunction on an anti-immigration EO.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.

I'm sure Obama will learn to play ball as long as Republicans are willing to play ball

So far, they have been unwilling

That is not true. The House (the only place Republicans are in power) passed hundreds of pieces of legislation that Reid wouldn't even allow to come up for a vote, legislation with bipartisan support. They've been playing ball, but the democrats won't even get on the field.
If Republicans would have played ball with Reid, he would have played ball with them
If Republicans allowed Reids bills to proceed without 60 vote cloture, Reid would have done the same

If Republicans way of "playing ball" is to keep sending up "kill Obamacare" bills they will find Obama is unwilling to play
If they send up bipartisan bills without the poison pills they love to insert, they will find Obama willing to play

I doubt if Republicans can do it
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
Takes NO funding to make an EO granting "amnesty" to 10 million illegals. Requires no funding.
Where has President Obama ever proposed granting amnesty to 10 million illegals by executive order?

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You're not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”

He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”
Report Exec Amnesty No Matter How Big a Shellacking For Dems
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.

Or else Congress can actually pass some legislation

Now that the obstructionists are out of the way, they can.

The obstructionists are still within the Republican Party. Cruz and company will continue to block and poison their own parties legislation
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
Takes NO funding to make an EO granting "amnesty" to 10 million illegals. Requires no funding.
Where has President Obama ever proposed granting amnesty to 10 million illegals by executive order?

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You're not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”

He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”
Report Exec Amnesty No Matter How Big a Shellacking For Dems

Good for the President
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
Takes NO funding to make an EO granting "amnesty" to 10 million illegals. Requires no funding.
Where has President Obama ever proposed granting amnesty to 10 million illegals by executive order?

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You're not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”

He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”
Report Exec Amnesty No Matter How Big a Shellacking For Dems

Good for the President
So you are all in favor of allowing millions of people that break the law to become citizens is that right?
I am like the majority of Americans that find it UNFAIR to people like my daughter in law and a good friend that abided by all the laws and
regulations of the USA to become a naturalized citizen. They didn't sneak across a border. They become GOOD Americans the legal way
and I think that most of the below Americans feel the same way.
Why should people that sneak in through the border bringing all sorts of diseases, criminal activities and then are given amnesty?
Totally UNFAIR!!!

80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013).
59% of likely voters say that securing the U.S. border is more important than amnesty. 34% say that amnesty is more important than border security (Rasmussen, July 2013).
69% of registered voters put border security first before any other changes are made in immigration policy (Fox News, March 2013).
64% of likely voters believe that the U.S. border should be under control before any other facets of immigration reform move forward (Rasmussen, March 2013).
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls Federation for American Immigration Reform
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
Takes NO funding to make an EO granting "amnesty" to 10 million illegals. Requires no funding.
Where has President Obama ever proposed granting amnesty to 10 million illegals by executive order?

ABC News Chief White House Correspondent Jon Karl reported that according to WH officials “the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform “no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight” during ABC’s Election coverage on Tuesday.
Karl said “White House officials are saying that you can expect the president to set an aggressive, and defiant tone tomorrow. You're not going to see any mea culpas, no big firings, no change in direction.”

He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”
Report Exec Amnesty No Matter How Big a Shellacking For Dems

Good for the President
So you are all in favor of allowing millions of people that break the law to become citizens is that right?
I am like the majority of Americans that find it UNFAIR to people like my daughter in law and a good friend that abided by all the laws and
regulations of the USA to become a naturalized citizen. They didn't sneak across a border. They become GOOD Americans the legal way
and I think that most of the below Americans feel the same way.
Why should people that sneak in through the border bringing all sorts of diseases, criminal activities and then are given amnesty?
Totally UNFAIR!!!

80% of American adults support "stricter border control to try to reduce illegal immigration." This includes 93% Republicans, 76% Democrats, 83% Independents, 74% Blacks, 61% Hispanics, and 75% of 18-39 year olds (ABC News/Washington Post, April 2013).
59% of likely voters say that securing the U.S. border is more important than amnesty. 34% say that amnesty is more important than border security (Rasmussen, July 2013).
69% of registered voters put border security first before any other changes are made in immigration policy (Fox News, March 2013).
64% of likely voters believe that the U.S. border should be under control before any other facets of immigration reform move forward (Rasmussen, March 2013).
Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Polls Federation for American Immigration Reform

I am in favor of a path towards citizenship and worker visas

For those who pay the fines and are good, hardworking and pay taxes....let em be citizens
Don't expect any help from Dims, they want illegals here, they work tirelessly to make it easier for them to get here and stay here.
You know those FEW of you that ignorantly support amnesty... you always claim "it is NOT fair"!!!
Well you tell my daughter in law and good friend that legally immigrated to the USA. Paid their fees. Studied hard the material required for
citizenship. Then passed the tests.
In the last 10 years 6.6 million people like them are like them very very pissed off!
With this ignorance by a few people who favor "amnesty" the disdain and disgust by all of us that are law abiding citizens as is
my daughter in law and good friend have for you unfair people!

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