Will there be 15 Democrat Senators with a conscience?

In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
I am asking the forum readers will there be 15 Democrat Senators willing to join 52 GOP Senators to override Obama's EO regarding immediately admitting millions of illegals becoming citizens?
Because again the LAW is if 2/3 of the House/Senate vote to override an EO it will be overridden.
I believe there are now 15 DEMs in the Senate who wish to continue their life in politics.
This time the GOP is going to publish the names of every House and Senate member and how they vote on every piece of legislation for all to see.
Now we will see which DEMs are willing to get something done and which ones are sticking with that **** Reid whose job it was to protect BOBO at all costs.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will
After changing the rules and gutting the filibuster while they were in the majority watch the democrat minority embrace filibuster again. I bet pathetic Harry Reid decides to retire.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

However, according to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), the House has passed a bevy of bills that are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk in the Senate.

How many bills? Blackburn told TheBlaze that 356 bills made it through the House and are languishing in the Senate.

Additionally, according to the congresswoman,
98 percent of those bills were passed with bipartisan support.
She also pointed out that 200 of the bills were passed in the House with unanimous support from the entire chamber and more than 100 were passed with 75% support of House Democrats.

To make her point that the House is working, but the Senate is where the obstruction exists,
Blackburn printed all of the bills that the House has passed and stacked them on a desk with a Harry Reid nameplate.
She took a photo standing next to the pile of bills and posted it on her Twitter account.
(When Blackburn started this campaign, 332 bills had been passed. At press time, that had number increased to 356.)
8216 Do Nothing Congress 8217 House Passed More Than 350 Bills That Sit on Harry Reid 8217 s Desk Says Congresswoman TheBlaze.com
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.
Conscience, I don't know. But their futures no longer depend on their bowing to Obama, race cards or the fictional RW war on woman.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

However, according to Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), the House has passed a bevy of bills that are sitting on Harry Reid’s desk in the Senate.

How many bills? Blackburn told TheBlaze that 356 bills made it through the House and are languishing in the Senate.

Additionally, according to the congresswoman,
98 percent of those bills were passed with bipartisan support.
She also pointed out that 200 of the bills were passed in the House with unanimous support from the entire chamber and more than 100 were passed with 75% support of House Democrats.

To make her point that the House is working, but the Senate is where the obstruction exists,
Blackburn printed all of the bills that the House has passed and stacked them on a desk with a Harry Reid nameplate.
She took a photo standing next to the pile of bills and posted it on her Twitter account.
(When Blackburn started this campaign, 332 bills had been passed. At press time, that had number increased to 356.)
8216 Do Nothing Congress 8217 House Passed More Than 350 Bills That Sit on Harry Reid 8217 s Desk Says Congresswoman TheBlaze.com

This is my point, and why Reid is the obstructionist. He knew the legislation had enough support to pass, and he didn't want to allow Republicans any credit for anything, so he sat on them. Now Congress can function again.
After changing the rules and gutting the filibuster while they were in the majority watch the democrat minority embrace filibuster again. I bet pathetic Harry Reid decides to retire.
The only rule that changed regarded presidential appointments to the Executive and Judicial Branch

Watch how many go through in the next two months
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
He added “officials tell me the president is prepared to aggressively pursue his agenda using his power of executive authority, where he can't work with Congress, and the big one is going to be on immigration reform. White House officials tell me that the president will move forward with an executive order on immigration reform no matter how big a shellacking Democrats get tonight.”
Report Exec Amnesty No Matter How Big a Shellacking For Dems

So what can Congress do with the will of most Americans NOT willing to accept illegals gaining citizenship like my daughter in law and a good friend of mine along with the 6.6 million naturalized citizens that followed the law?
  1. Congress may attempt to overturn an executive order by passing legislation (a bill) that opposes the order. However, the President can veto that bill, and Congress would then need to override that veto to pass the bill.
So can Congress override a veto?
  1. Congress can override the veto via a two-thirds vote with both houses voting separately, after which the bill becomes law. The president may also veto specific provisions on money bills without affecting other provisions on the same bill.
So Obama will grant amnesty by executive order.
Congress will overturn the executive Order with a law counter the Executive Order.
Obama vetos the law i.e. doesn't sign the bill.

So the reality comes down to getting 67 votes in the Senate.
Based on this election 52 GOP senators most likely will vote to override Obama leaving 15 Democrats.
So the question is will 15 Democrats believe the majority of Americans find it very wrong granting
illegals "amnesty"
Likely 54 GOP Senators once Alaska and Louisiana are settled.

I'm thinking at least 13 Democrat Senators will be coming up for reelection in 2016 and might like to keep their jobs. An executive order in the face of a Congress so opposed to it is a slap in the face of the system. Even Democrat Senators want to be relevant.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it

Well again that is the purpose of the thread. Will there be at least 15 Democrat senators with a conscience specifically regarding Obama's EO on amnesty. Obama does EO for amnesty. Congress passes counter bill IF 15 Democrat senators have a conscience that it is grossly unfair to the law abiding immigrants that work hard and follow EXISTING Laws.
If anyone has a conscience and understands the UNFAIRNESS of amnesty and the total thumbing the nose at the LAWS they will override the EO.
My conscious effort though will be to if amnesty is passed and it unfairly rewards the illegals, I am ignoring the laws of the land because it is not
treating me fairly.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?
Refuse to fund his executive orders, for one. Challenge their Constitutionality for another.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.

Obama doesn't need to "learn" after all he is a "Constitutional Law Adjunct Professor"!
Hence the EOs he will use vigorously! Thumbing his nose at Americans, the constitution and especially the Congress. He doesn't care!
After all this guy is perfectly happy to put 1,300 companies out of business that pay $100 billion in taxes and employ 400,000 so why would he care about Congress, etc.!
I agree that Congress cannot overturn Obama's EO on immigration, yes. Think.
No what you agree with is there are NOT 15 Democrat Senators willing to overcome the EO when as I pointed out the following steps are followed:

Congress may attempt to overturn an executive order by passing legislation (a bill) that opposes the order.
However, the President can veto that bill, and Congress would then need to override that veto to pass the bill.

So can Congress override a veto?

Congress can override the veto via a two-thirds vote with both houses voting separately, after which the bill becomes law. The president may also veto specific provisions on money bills without affecting other provisions on the same bill.

So Obama will grant amnesty by executive order.
Congress will overturn the executive Order with a law counter the Executive Order.

Obama vetos the law i.e. doesn't sign the bill.

Congress then with 15 Democrat senators that agree it is wrong for millions of illegals to by pass the laws that law abiding people have followed
will override with 67 Senate votes Obama's EO.

You agree there won't be 15 Democrat senators willing to support the current laws regarding citizenship naturalization.

Those democrats that do not vote to override the amnesty bill EO probably will not survive their next election.

The far right anti-immigration folks do not have the pulse of the American people. Neither Boehner nor McConnell will try to veto any EO on this
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama will continue to use executive orders

What does Congress propose to do about it?

There is finally a functioning Congress, now that Reid is out of the way. The real question is, what is Obama going to do now that he will be facing legislation he doesn't like? And Congress can refuse to fund his orders, leaving them toothless.
Why is this Congress any more functioning than we have had in the last four years?
What will get them away from being a Do Nothing Congress?
Congress would have to defund entire branches of government

If Congress cannot legislate, the President will

Simple. The obstructionist democrats aren't controlling the Senate any more. The sane party can now get their legislation through. Reid could have brought the legislation up for debate and vote, but apparently knew his own party would put through some of them, so he sat on them.

How do Republicans propose to get their legislation through the Senate without 60 votes? The Dems couldn't do it
Perhaps the same way Dems passed obamacare. Getting obama to sign bills... Far more difficult, BUT..... Absolutely no Dem or Presidential sponsored legislation will pass either house if we are met with vetoes and overridden vetoes.

obama WILL learn to play ball.
Neitherr chamber has the will not the numbers to override.
I believe that SCOTUS would entertain an injunction pending a full review.

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