Will Trump declare a Federal State of Emergency to build The Wall?

Could Trump declare a State of Emergency and order the US military to build The Wall?

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Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
ok, Obama should have declared a state of emergency to get past republican obstruction on stimulus.

Border apprehensions near 50 year low, emergency?
People are dying, people are O.D'ing, young people in particular are losing out on entry level job opportunities, potential voter fraud.

Dying? Yea kids trying to cross over

Drugs? The wall would have next to nothing to do with that. Drugs come through ports of entry and airports. Jesus people. And drones could very simply fly over....

Jobs? Since half of all illegals get here by means other than the southern border (which would simply increase if the wall actually managed to have any effect at all) that's not going to change until we get serious about punishing employers (like Trump) who hire them

Voter fraud? What are you smoking?
I don't know if he will or not, but if they won't fund it, I think he should. It's not only the right thing to do, but, politically it will place the Democrats in a horrible spot. How do you tell the country, you want to send dozens of billions of dollars to foreign nations in the form of aid, but, you have little interest in a permanent and much needed border wall?

People are dying, people are O.D'ing, young people in particular are losing out on entry level job opportunities, potential voter fraud. The Whole Nine. The argument that "walls don't work" and "that's now who we are" is such a weak position that I dare say it HARMS Democrat prospects in 2020, especially when many of them voted for walls in the past.

I think this is a National Emergency, and it wasn't until 2015 when many Americans on Conservative websites were giving the numbers on illegal immigrants and I heard how passionate they were regarding a wall, that I started to understand and feel empathy for those defending your border.

Honestly, Trumps campaign shed light on so many issues I never knew Americans faced. Now the whole world knows, and this is why he has much more support from every day citizens around the world than people give him credit for. I suggest that informed people with an understanding of history and todays geopolitical realities, know what the world would look like if America fails.

Build the wall, protect your citizens and economy. Period.

Americans do not agree with you that the wall is needed. Voters completely rejected Trump's immigration arguments in turning the House over to the Democrats. If he does it then he should be impeached as he has no authority to do such a thing.

People are dying because they want drugs. No one is forcing them to take drugs and a wall will not change that. Also we are facing a shortage of workers in the near future. That is why a program like DACA needs to be continued. Trump is going to be hurt by this in 2020. Democrats may already have the 270 to win.

There is no National Emergency. When you talk about conservatives, you are talking about white supremacists and neo-nazis. It shows you are one as well.

Informed people are running from Republicans as fast as they can. America is failing because of Trump. Trump is throwing everything that America has stood for away. Ronald Reagan was against building walls.
He will not. It's an empty threat, as are most of his.

Sooner or later that is what will be attempted, if not by Don, by his successors. The empire is in decline, review the history of the collapse of empires. Britain's was rather tame, I would not wager that ours shall be. Revisit the Patriot Act, then Obama made some pretty good progress on this trend as, well while Don is attacking civil and voting rights. OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL were war games, so is this border charade. Best keep your eye on the growth of for profit prisons with slave labor leasing and corporate state for profit internment camps, the militarization of the police, the mass surveillance state, the roll out of the military out into society for "safety", the fact that merely an accusation of "terrorist" with zero evidence is enough to get someone swept up, and the fact that the police are now able to murder unarmed non-threatening citizens with impunity.

We are one mass corporate state media suggested "terrorist" event or "national security threat" away from martial law and a majority of the masses lack the backbone to resist. Whites are by and large clueless, wrapped in a cocoon of belief that surely they will not come for them. Once deemed beneficial as a buffer between the aristocracy and "the other", we are all now "the other"; your labor is no longer required by the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class for profit margin growth to infinity, that got outsourced while you were obediently engaged in mass consumption. These walls are for a return to neofeudalism.
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This is just another example of Trump not knowing the limits of the presidency, and not being curious enough to find out.
Does the Constitution give the President wide discretion in declaring a State of Emergency, either nationwide or more narrowly?

Does the Constitution give the President the authority to direct the US military to build defenses in time of National Emergency?

Does the Constitution give the President the authority to spend funds to build defenses in time of National Emergency?

I suggest you take a closer look at the powers of a US President with respect to declared Emergencies.

You are the one who needs to look at the Constitution. The Constitution creates a system of checks and balances. A President does not have unbridled power except maybe if Congress were not functioning. However it is functioning.
This is just another example of Trump not knowing the limits of the presidency, and not being curious enough to find out.
Does the Constitution give the President wide discretion in declaring a State of Emergency, either nationwide or more narrowly?

Does the Constitution give the President the authority to direct the US military to build defenses in time of National Emergency?

Does the Constitution give the President the authority to spend funds to build defenses in time of National Emergency?

I suggest you take a closer look at the powers of a US President with respect to declared Emergencies.

You are the one who needs to look at the Constitution. The Constitution creates a system of checks and balances. A President does not have unbridled power except maybe if Congress were not functioning. However it is functioning.
If it was functioning they would be building the wall. The fact that they're not proves they're not functioning.
I don't know if he will or not, but if they won't fund it, I think he should. It's not only the right thing to do, but, politically it will place the Democrats in a horrible spot. How do you tell the country, you want to send dozens of billions of dollars to foreign nations in the form of aid, but, you have little interest in a permanent and much needed border wall?

People are dying, people are O.D'ing, young people in particular are losing out on entry level job opportunities, potential voter fraud. The Whole Nine. The argument that "walls don't work" and "that's now who we are" is such a weak position that I dare say it HARMS Democrat prospects in 2020, especially when many of them voted for walls in the past.

I think this is a National Emergency, and it wasn't until 2015 when many Americans on Conservative websites were giving the numbers on illegal immigrants and I heard how passionate they were regarding a wall, that I started to understand and feel empathy for those defending your border.

Honestly, Trumps campaign shed light on so many issues I never knew Americans faced. Now the whole world knows, and this is why he has much more support from every day citizens around the world than people give him credit for. I suggest that informed people with an understanding of history and todays geopolitical realities, know what the world would look like if America fails.

Build the wall, protect your citizens and economy. Period.

The flaw in your premise is right at the top: "much needed" border wall. It isn't. It's a set of Feelings, which you sell in lieu of products, benefits or solutions.

Or to put it more succinctly, yer fuckin' gullible as all get-out.

Honestly, Trumps campaign shed light on so many issues I never knew Americans faced.

That's because we didn't. All Rump's campaign shed light on was "LOOKA ME! I'M NOT GETTING ENOUGH ATTENTION!"

People like that can go fuck themselves.
How are we not putting Schumer and other democrats in interment camps until we can find a country to take them in?
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
Lol if he can get away with that then we're in for some absolutely insane shit being done by Presidents over the next couple decades
Obama pulled the same, so shut up.
He will not. It's an empty threat, as are most of his.

Sooner or later that is what will be attempted, if not by Don, by his successors. The empire is in decline, review the history of the collapse of empires. Britain's was rather tame, I would not wager that ours shall be. Revisit the Patriot Act, then Obama made some pretty good progress on this trend as, well while Don is attacking civil and voting rights. OCCUPY, Ferguson and DAPL were war games, so is this border charade. Best keep your eye on the growth of for profit prisons with slave labor leasing and corporate state for profit internment camps, the militarization of the police, the mass surveillance state, the roll out of the military out into society for "safety", the fact that merely an accusation of "terrorist" with zero evidence is enough to get someone swept up, and the fact that the police are now able to murder unarmed non-threatening citizens with impunity.

We are one mass corporate state media suggested "terrorist" event or "national security threat" away from martial law and a majority of the masses lack the backbone to resist. Whites are by and large clueless, wrapped in a cocoon of belief that surely they will not come for them. Once deemed beneficial as a buffer between the aristocracy and "the other", we are all now "the other"; your labor is no longer required by the Wall Street/donor/"job creator" class for profit margin growth to infinity, that got outsourced while you were obediently engaged in mass consumption. These walls are for a return to neofeudalism.

Is that you in the center of the image?
It’s going to happen it has to happen! I had a hatian girl tell me today Fcuk America I want to move back home, this country was never great.

Democrats have killed America
It’s going to happen it has to happen! I had a hatian girl tell me today Fcuk America I want to move back home, this country was never great.

Democrats have killed America

That never happened. Yesterday you had another batshit story that never happened. Tomorrow you will have a new story about a Guatemalan who called you a c*nt that never happened. Just delete your account, and ask the mods to restore the one they banned before.
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?

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