Will Trump declare a Federal State of Emergency to build The Wall?

Could Trump declare a State of Emergency and order the US military to build The Wall?

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Trump should just declare that the wall has been built and add it to his growing list of achievements.
Most of these knobheads would believe him and dismiss demurring reports as "fake news".
Jobs a good un!!.
Believe what Trump DOES, not what he SAYS. He says extreme things as a NEGOTIATING TACTIC. This is classic negotiating strategy, especially in business, but also in politics. Let the opponent THINK you will resort to extremes in order to get what you want. Say over the top things, and make statements that will SCARE THEM.

Classic. Guess many people either haven't negotiated, nor taken a negotiating course. This is fundamental strategy folks.
The Dems divided the nation refusing to provide the funds for the wall.


“What we’re asking the Republicans in the Senate to do is to take ‘yes’ for an answer. We are sending them back exactly, word for word, what they have passed,” Pelosi said. “Why would they not do that? Is it because the president won’t sign it? Did they not hear about the coequal branch of government, and that we the Congress send the president legislation and he can choose to sign or not?”
build the damn wall.
around Trump Tower?
There is a bigger caravan of 15000 so far heading to the border. He must close the border completely and build the wall as a matter of national security.
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?
Hell, I'm not defending him now... I asked the question COULD he... not SHOULD he, eh?
Ok, I'll play your game: DID I SAY YOU WERE DEFENDING HIM?

He can if he wants to divide the nation further.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?​
The Dems divided the nation refusing to provide the funds for the wall.

A majority of Americans oppose the wall. Trump is dividing Americans by holding them hostage.
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?
Hell, I'm not defending him now... I asked the question COULD he... not SHOULD he, eh?
Ok, I'll play your game: DID I SAY YOU WERE DEFENDING HIM?

He can if he wants to divide the nation further.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?​
The Dems divided the nation refusing to provide the funds for the wall.

A majority of Americans oppose the wall. Trump is dividing Americans by holding them hostage.

Says who, kos and HuffPo?
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?
Hell, I'm not defending him now... I asked the question COULD he... not SHOULD he, eh?

Even if one considers the wall the best idea since sliced bread, demanding it via executive privelege via holding Americans hostage is not presidential, not condusive to a representative democracy

It is what dictators do


Border security is dictoral?
Trump took a pledge to protect and defend the United States. In spite of mindless worthless leftist traitors.

It has to be done by the laws of this country. Otherwise it is dictatorial.

Trump is not defending the country. He is supporting his white supremacist base. He and you are the worthless traitors.
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?
Hell, I'm not defending him now... I asked the question COULD he... not SHOULD he, eh?

Even if one considers the wall the best idea since sliced bread, demanding it via executive privelege via holding Americans hostage is not presidential, not condusive to a representative democracy

It is what dictators do


Border security is dictoral?
Trump took a pledge to protect and defend the United States. In spite of mindless worthless leftist traitors.

It has to be done by the laws of this country. Otherwise it is dictatorial.

Trump is not defending the country. He is supporting his white supremacist base. He and you are the worthless traitors.
You sound like a racist in training. Carry on, racist.
Trump is toying with the idea of declaring a State of Emergency in order to build The Wall?

Can he get away with it?

If "yes", he may just have found the club he needs, to beat-on the Dems, on this issue.


Trump says he has considered national emergency powers to build wall - CNNPolitics
He can if he wants to divide the nation futher.

but worse...

Is what precedent will he be setting?

Some president you or I do not care for in the future can pull a stunt like this .. and will you defend them?
Hell, I'm not defending him now... I asked the question COULD he... not SHOULD he, eh?

Even if one considers the wall the best idea since sliced bread, demanding it via executive privelege via holding Americans hostage is not presidential, not condusive to a representative democracy

It is what dictators do


Border security is dictoral?
Trump took a pledge to protect and defend the United States. In spite of mindless worthless leftist traitors.

It has to be done by the laws of this country. Otherwise it is dictatorial.

Trump is not defending the country. He is supporting his white supremacist base. He and you are the worthless traitors.

Sorry, no.
This "immigrant" bullshit is a subversive ploy to change the make up of the United States. While I do NOT want Martial Law declared I DO want the wall. Trump has the power to build it, the power to declare Martial Law and the power to do things you can't even imagine.You should have paid more attention to the EO's Barry signed.
Trump has Billions - so he claims.

Can't he spare one or two?

Heck real billionaire are always giving away a billion here and a billion there for causes they so deeply believe in

I smell a Trump fraud

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