Will Trump Save the nation like Andrew Jackson and stop the Unwise From getting brainwashed ?

No. Jackson was a man of his time who, like it or not, proved his valor in battle many times, and advance the cause of expansionism by helping steal established and settled land owned by peaceful tribes who had adopted Western ways. Trumpybear not so much, he always been a NY entitled mega wealthy liberal playboy.

It would take a military coup to overthrow the Constitution, and to do what you suggest would subvert our Constitution.

Is that what you suggest President "Corelone" attempts?

The wise forced the unwise to stop their life of pain and misery

The native Americans were saved from hitler who destroyed the Jews for the same reason

America’s great progress came because Jackson stopped the unwise from slowing down progress and this had America beating hitler that saved America’s and the worlds unwise

In reality, men with horses and weapon, rounded up peaceful men, woman and children, forced them out of their homes, then marched them at gunpoint a thousand miles away during winter. Sounds more like some thing Hitler did to the Jews. Humm maybe we should think about removing that old Indian Killing Bastard from the 20.

Wrong Jackson saved the indians from themselves like the founders did the women

Jackson’s progress made it where America could beat hitler. That saved the Indians from getting what the Jews got with hitler
Milestones: 1830–1860 - Office of the Historian

To save the unwise natives from bringing down America’s progress Jackson separated them from the higher logic and more progress type people and from influences of monster greed —-Jackson defied the congress to get this done !!!

Hitler would have murdered the Indians like he did the Jews if the unwise was not separated from all influences ....He t saved the Indians

Will trump follow and remove the unwise from America’s Influences???,

America’s northeast Catholics seemed to have helped America to weaken when they delayed entering the world wars maybe to help the Catholics who joined with hitler

Protestants started beating the Catholics 200 years ago and brought more prosperity and with that military power

Trump and his supporters are white Christian Protestants and the liberals like from the northeast are white catholic christians

So this shows trump is like Andrew Jackson with the real power to push America to progress ... Trump has the same real power supporters White Protestant men !!

Trump may save the women from themselves like he did the Indians by not letting them around influences where they could vote and elect crooks

Will Jackson Trump remove the crooked deep state to prison reservations ???

If not America may lose the next coming big war and suffer mass murder by the winner ??
There is something wrong with you
No he moved them so progress can come

Nah he just wanted their land and gold. He moved them into the dust, with a Hitleresque type force march during winter.

No person with high logic sees this as good progress. Savvy?

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