Will Trump Turn Himself In On the 23rd?

Ah. I'm glad you reminded me. The mug shot will show Trump even lies about his height! :lol:
So what?

Biden lies about his son, his daughter, his brother, his grand-daughter....

You little Stalinist piglets need to go straight to hell.
Crooked Donald has until August 24th to turn himself in to Fulton County for his mug shot.

The first GOP debate is August 23rd.

What better way to suck all the air out of the room than for Traitor Trump to turn himself in on the 23rd and then hold a drawn out whine fest press conference, and draw all the attention away from his primary opponents?

I'm not sure giving a con man center stage is the best way to deal with them. But I guess we'll see.
The media cannot resist feeding the troll.
Yep. But the media didn't decide to prosecute a political opponent before a contentious election.

I realize that what he did "can't be ignored" (that's why he did it) but the real way to resolve this is for Democrats to nominate someone who can unite the country despite Trump, and let his populist shitshow slide into irrelevance. Then prosecute him after he loses undeniably at the ballot box, just to rub it in.

But of course they won't do that. There's a culture war to "win"!
Yep. But the media didn't decide to prosecute a political opponent before a contentious election.

I realize that what he did "can't be ignored" (that's why he did it) but the real way to resolve this is for Democrats to nominate someone who can unite the country despite Trump, and let his populist shitshow slide into irrelevance. Then prosecute him after he loses undeniably at the ballot box, just to rub it in.

But of course they won't do that. There's a culture war to "win"!

Leftards are plainly COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOTS. They'll voluntarily vote for $5 gas just because there's a gay affirmative action appointee on the roster. Leftard priorities are completely bassackwards, which is why everything they touch turns to shit.

Simple truth:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, 0 foreign wars

Biden: $5 gas, 10% inflation, and a nasty foreign war that's cost us 100 billion dollars already

Leftards vote for option B. That's how stupid they are.
Leftards are plainly COMPLETE FUCKING IDIOTS. They'll voluntarily vote for $5 gas just because there's a gay affirmative action appointee on the roster. Leftard priorities are completely bassackwards, which is why everything they touch turns to shit.

Simple truth:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, 0 foreign wars

Biden: $5 gas, 10% inflation, and a nasty foreign war that's cost us 100 billion dollars already

Leftards vote for option B. That's how stupid they are.
Nothing to do with thread. Will he run?
Another cheerleader for The Regime shaking his pom poms.

He doesn’t know that the guillotine he’s cheerleading doesn’t discriminate, and will be happy to take his head next.

Or he doesn’t care.

Either way, a murder/suicide pact with insanity.
I've read 3 of them.....and each one is more ridiculous than the one before.
They're simply using these indictments to get the news off of their absolute fuckups.

They'll have to indict Trump every other day for the next 18 months to cover up all of the shit they're pulling.

Love it. :)
What better way to suck all the air out of the room than for Traitor Trump to turn himself in on the 23rd and then hold a drawn out whine fest press conference, and draw all the attention away from his primary opponents?
Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me at all. I don't know if he has the balls to show up to any debates, including against (presumably) Biden.

I'd sure like to see him on stage with Christie, though.

Biden: $5 gas, 10% inflation, and a nasty foreign war that's cost us 100 billion dollars already
You idiots just can't stop lying.

Gas is currently $3.87. AAA Gas Prices

Inflation is 3.2 percent. The Current Inflation Rate is 3.2%. Here’s Why It Matters - NerdWallet

We have record low unemployment. There are ten million open jobs. Anyone who wants a job can have one. Wage increases are outpacing inflation. Our economy is the strongest on the planet.

So you can just cry into your MyPillow and ask God to destroy America for Trump, fucktard.

As for the "nasty foreign war", it's worth every penny to stop the Stalinist Putin from reconstituting the Soviet Union and holding the world's food supply hostage, you fucking useful idiot.
You idiots just can't stop lying.

Gas is currently $3.87. AAA Gas Prices

Inflation is 3.2 percent. The Current Inflation Rate is 3.2%. Here’s Why It Matters - NerdWallet

We have record low unemployment. There are ten million open jobs. Anyone who wants a job can have one. Wage increases are outpacing inflation. Our economy is the strongest on the planet.

So you can just cry into your MyPillow and ask God to destroy America for Trump, fucktard.

As for the "nasty foreign war", it's worth every penny to stop the Stalinist Putin from reconstituting the Soviet Union and holding the world's food supply hostage, you fucking useful idiot.
You can’t have any job if you want .. unless you want to be locked in a poor hatian or Latin village
Millions of Americans are participating in the work force because of the tribalism caused by democrats

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