Will Trump's Indictment in Georgia cost us the state in 2024? I’m concerned

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One more for good measure!!
The voter fraud only needed to be targeted to areas within DemoKKKrat control. THREE STATES!!!

I've seen countless comments and what could be construed as evidence; it'll be interesting when Trump finally gets a chance to present it to a Court especially if it goes to the USSC as I am expecting.

Georgia is democratically controlled at the state level? Boy, you better wake up soon.
Book "smart"=/=street smart. That's why people who work in the building trades make far more than most degreed positions and vote Conservative.
Each year the past decade we are learning that College
or University educations are truly the bane of Americanism.
The more expensive the University the more rotted the
student.The Pandemic proved it.It virtually took off it's mask
and showed us how Educated professions like Doctors
can turn Woke virtually on a dime.Not merely falling down
over themselves to prove how loyal they can be to peer
pressure and their Livilihood.Like the AMA. Like Pharmacist.
Doctors getting paid bonuses for writing on Death Certificates
cause of Death { Covid a contributing factor }. Hospitals
on the Take.Like Nursery Homes in New York under Cuomo.
Harvard was the First University to Shut down { Lockdown }
due to Covid.
The voter fraud only needed to be targeted to areas within DemoKKKrat control. THREE STATES!!!

I've seen countless comments and what could be construed as evidence; it'll be interesting when Trump finally gets a chance to present it to a Court especially if it goes to the USSC as I am expecting.

Yes,Biden won due to just 3 states and around 40,ooo votes.
Biden took 477 counties to Trump taking 2,497 counties.
The voter fraud only needed to be targeted to areas within DemoKKKrat control. THREE STATES!!!

I've seen countless comments and what could be construed as evidence; it'll be interesting when Trump finally gets a chance to present it to a Court especially if it goes to the USSC as I am expecting.

The nonsense he's about to regale his followers with hasn't passed the smell test in any court in two and a half years. Only a sucker believes there's more snake oil to buy coming right up.
In the mean while... something that's more than "what could be construed as evidence" is in the indictment. I'll post the link if you need it but here is a good summary:

This is how the conspiracy played out according to the indictment:

Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell made false statements at a press conference in Nov 2020 with wild accusations of fraud.
Trump, Mark Meadows, and John McEntee draft a memo for their plan to disrupt and delay counting electoral votes from 6 states on J6. Pence was to refuse to count those states and return the issue to the state legislatures who would the adopt the alternate slate of Trump electors, citing "fraud."
Rudy, Jenna, John Eastman and Atlanta lawyer Ray Smith solicited 14 GA Senators to sign off on their fake electors based on voter fraud.
Rudy and Trump made separate phone calls to the President of the GA Senate claiming voter fraud.
Trump calls Gov Brian Kemp to pressure him to call a Special Session. Kemp refused.
Trump then tweets that Kemp and Lt. Gov Duncan are ignoring fraud and refusing to call a Special Session. This begins a pattern where Trump would lie, GA officials would say he is wrong, then Trump would tweet to his millions of followers that they are being traitors and the public should pressure them to go along with the scheme. This happens over and over.
Powell hires a firm to illegally breach voting machines to collect data to try to show votes were "flipped."
Eastman and GA lawyer Robert Cheeley plan to set up meetings in 6 states where alternate slates of electors would be selected and would sign false certificates for Trump.
Cheeley sends an email to a GA Senator saying Eastman told him a Special Session must be called immediately where the GA legislature would approve the alternate electors on the grounds of fraud.
A "Patriot Call to Action" is tweeted calling on people to pressure GA officials to call a Special Session.
Trump has campaign official Bill White get personal and contact info on the GA Senate President and Majority Leader. White sends the info to Rudy.
Trump then calls the Speaker of the House to demand a Special Session.
Trump then calls the GA AG asking him to investigate false claims of fraud and to join the lawsuit filed by other state AGs in Texas.
Trump and Eastman call Ronna McDaniel to ask her to help them recruit people to serve as fake electors.
Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro writes a memo to Trump campaign attorney outlining how the fake elector scheme would work.
Documents were then sent out to the state GOP Chairs for the 6 contested states for the fake electors to sign.
Rudy then testifies to the GA House the following fabricated things: Video showed election workers stealing votes, Ruby Freeman was using USB ports to flip votes, 96,000 fraudulent mail-in ballots were counted. This was all made up.
Rudy calls WI GOP official to tell him to keep the fake elector scheme secret.
Chesebro sends email to Rudy with multiple different plans to disrupt or delay counting the electoral votes on J6.
Rudy sends email telling everyone in each state to keep the fake elector meetings secret.
Trump tweets out, "Demand this clown call a special session now!" referring to Kemp.
Fake electors in 6 states meet and sign the false certificates under oath that they were "the duly elected and qualified electors" for their states.
Illinois pastor Stephen Lee is recruited to drive to Ruby Freeman's house in an attempt to coerce her into falsely confessing to fraud.
When Freeman refused to speak to Lee, he asked Harrison Floyd with Black Voices for Trump to help him. He said he thought Freeman wouldn't speak to him because he was white.
Rudy and Powell meet with Trump at the WH to discuss strategy, which included seizing voting machines and appointing Powell as Special Counsel to investigate fraud.
Powell hires a firm to hack and copy voting data from Dominion machines.
Meadows flies to GA and attempts to observe an audit of signature-verification ballots by investigators. He is denied entry because it isn't a public meeting.
Trump then calls the Chief Investigator, tells him that he won, and pressures him to find fraud: "When the right answer comes out, you'll be praised."
Eastman then sends email to Chesbro saying that the best plan was to get Pence (or Grassley if Pence was absent for some reason) to "act boldly and be challenged," because that would cause a delay that could throw things back to state legislatures.
Meadows then offers to pay the Chief Investigator out of Trump campaign funds if he will speed up the audit.
Trump then asks AG Jeffrey Rosen and Dep. AG Richard Donoghue to "just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and GOP congressmen." They refuse.
Jeff Clark writes up a document falsely claiming that DOJ "identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome" of the election. Clark then asks Rosen and Donoghue to sign it so he can send it to Kemp. They refuse.
Trump then tweets that Kemp should resign.
A hearing is then held before the GA Senate, where three Trump witnesses gave the following false testimony:
Rudy testified falsely that the same ballots were counted 5 times, 2,560 felons voted, and 10,315 dead people voted.
Ray Smith testified falsely that the Sect of State admitted 8,000 people voted illegally and claimed the Sec of State said the election was only 90% accurate.
Cheeley testified falsely that election workers counted some ballots over and over again.
Jenna then wrote a memo to Trump that Pence should not open the envelopes with the votes from the 6 states because they were "in dispute."
Trump and Eastman then file an injunction against Kemp citing multiple false claims of fraud. Earlier that day, Eastman had sent a memo to Trump campaign attorneys that he knew that some of the allegations of fraud in the lawsuit were false.
Trump and Meadows then call Brad Raffensperger on the recorded call. Trump makes 12 different false statements in that call.
Trump then tweets out that Raffensperger won't listen to him. "He has no clue!"
Lee, Harrison Floyd, and Kanye West publicist Trevian Kutti all make 11 different phone calls to Ruby Freeman. She won't talk to them.
Kutti then flies to GA from Chicago and drives to Freeman's house. She told the neighbor she was a "crisis manager" and was there to help her.
Kutti finally meets with Freeman for an hour and offers her "protection and help" if she will confess to fraud. She asks her to sign a statement that she committed fraud. She refuses.
Trump then tweets, "The VP has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."
Eastman then meets with Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short to get Pence to reject electors.
Trump then meets with Pence. Pence refuses to go along with it. Trump told him he was naïve and lacked courage.
Trump later calls Pence and tried again.
Trump then calls Pence another time and tells him "you got to be tough tomorrow."
Trump then puts out a statement falsely claiming that Pence agreed with him that he has the power to reject electors.
Then the indictment details what happened on J6.
The indictment then lays out the scheme orchestrated by Sidney Powell where they hacked voting machines in Coffee County, took ballots, took confidential voter info, data and software illegally.
The bottom line is that the proof in this case is overwhelming. The fact that this trial is going to be public and televised will be extremely valuable. The American public can see and hear and all facts, and don't have to rely on media filters. The evidence in this case is devastating for Trump and his co-conspirators. I fully expect many of them to cut deals to testify against Trump, where even more incriminating evidence will come to light.

Yes,Biden won due to just 3 states and around 40,ooo votes.
Biden took 477 counties to Trump taking 2,497 counties.
Lots of those flyover counties trump won had 100 people in them. Last time I checked elections werent decided by a county count.
Yes there were a few republicans that voted twice for trump. Thanks for admitting that.
Name just one.
I'll play along.
in 2012 Meloweese Richardson was caught bragging how
she voted Twice for Obama.So someone made a big deal
about.She was investigated and found to have voted more
than once a few times.She got 5 years.
The nonsense he's about to regale his followers with hasn't passed the smell test in any court in two and a half years. Only a sucker believes there's more snake oil to buy coming right up.
In the mean while... something that's more than "what could be construed as evidence" is in the indictment. I'll post the link if you need it but here is a good summary:

This is how the conspiracy played out according to the indictment:

Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell made false statements at a press conference in Nov 2020 with wild accusations of fraud.
Trump, Mark Meadows, and John McEntee draft a memo for their plan to disrupt and delay counting electoral votes from 6 states on J6. Pence was to refuse to count those states and return the issue to the state legislatures who would the adopt the alternate slate of Trump electors, citing "fraud."
Rudy, Jenna, John Eastman and Atlanta lawyer Ray Smith solicited 14 GA Senators to sign off on their fake electors based on voter fraud.
Rudy and Trump made separate phone calls to the President of the GA Senate claiming voter fraud.
Trump calls Gov Brian Kemp to pressure him to call a Special Session. Kemp refused.
Trump then tweets that Kemp and Lt. Gov Duncan are ignoring fraud and refusing to call a Special Session. This begins a pattern where Trump would lie, GA officials would say he is wrong, then Trump would tweet to his millions of followers that they are being traitors and the public should pressure them to go along with the scheme. This happens over and over.
Powell hires a firm to illegally breach voting machines to collect data to try to show votes were "flipped."
Eastman and GA lawyer Robert Cheeley plan to set up meetings in 6 states where alternate slates of electors would be selected and would sign false certificates for Trump.
Cheeley sends an email to a GA Senator saying Eastman told him a Special Session must be called immediately where the GA legislature would approve the alternate electors on the grounds of fraud.
A "Patriot Call to Action" is tweeted calling on people to pressure GA officials to call a Special Session.
Trump has campaign official Bill White get personal and contact info on the GA Senate President and Majority Leader. White sends the info to Rudy.
Trump then calls the Speaker of the House to demand a Special Session.
Trump then calls the GA AG asking him to investigate false claims of fraud and to join the lawsuit filed by other state AGs in Texas.
Trump and Eastman call Ronna McDaniel to ask her to help them recruit people to serve as fake electors.
Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro writes a memo to Trump campaign attorney outlining how the fake elector scheme would work.
Documents were then sent out to the state GOP Chairs for the 6 contested states for the fake electors to sign.
Rudy then testifies to the GA House the following fabricated things: Video showed election workers stealing votes, Ruby Freeman was using USB ports to flip votes, 96,000 fraudulent mail-in ballots were counted. This was all made up.
Rudy calls WI GOP official to tell him to keep the fake elector scheme secret.
Chesebro sends email to Rudy with multiple different plans to disrupt or delay counting the electoral votes on J6.
Rudy sends email telling everyone in each state to keep the fake elector meetings secret.
Trump tweets out, "Demand this clown call a special session now!" referring to Kemp.
Fake electors in 6 states meet and sign the false certificates under oath that they were "the duly elected and qualified electors" for their states.
Illinois pastor Stephen Lee is recruited to drive to Ruby Freeman's house in an attempt to coerce her into falsely confessing to fraud.
When Freeman refused to speak to Lee, he asked Harrison Floyd with Black Voices for Trump to help him. He said he thought Freeman wouldn't speak to him because he was white.
Rudy and Powell meet with Trump at the WH to discuss strategy, which included seizing voting machines and appointing Powell as Special Counsel to investigate fraud.
Powell hires a firm to hack and copy voting data from Dominion machines.
Meadows flies to GA and attempts to observe an audit of signature-verification ballots by investigators. He is denied entry because it isn't a public meeting.
Trump then calls the Chief Investigator, tells him that he won, and pressures him to find fraud: "When the right answer comes out, you'll be praised."
Eastman then sends email to Chesbro saying that the best plan was to get Pence (or Grassley if Pence was absent for some reason) to "act boldly and be challenged," because that would cause a delay that could throw things back to state legislatures.
Meadows then offers to pay the Chief Investigator out of Trump campaign funds if he will speed up the audit.
Trump then asks AG Jeffrey Rosen and Dep. AG Richard Donoghue to "just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and GOP congressmen." They refuse.
Jeff Clark writes up a document falsely claiming that DOJ "identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome" of the election. Clark then asks Rosen and Donoghue to sign it so he can send it to Kemp. They refuse.
Trump then tweets that Kemp should resign.
A hearing is then held before the GA Senate, where three Trump witnesses gave the following false testimony:
Rudy testified falsely that the same ballots were counted 5 times, 2,560 felons voted, and 10,315 dead people voted.
Ray Smith testified falsely that the Sect of State admitted 8,000 people voted illegally and claimed the Sec of State said the election was only 90% accurate.
Cheeley testified falsely that election workers counted some ballots over and over again.
Jenna then wrote a memo to Trump that Pence should not open the envelopes with the votes from the 6 states because they were "in dispute."
Trump and Eastman then file an injunction against Kemp citing multiple false claims of fraud. Earlier that day, Eastman had sent a memo to Trump campaign attorneys that he knew that some of the allegations of fraud in the lawsuit were false.
Trump and Meadows then call Brad Raffensperger on the recorded call. Trump makes 12 different false statements in that call.
Trump then tweets out that Raffensperger won't listen to him. "He has no clue!"
Lee, Harrison Floyd, and Kanye West publicist Trevian Kutti all make 11 different phone calls to Ruby Freeman. She won't talk to them.
Kutti then flies to GA from Chicago and drives to Freeman's house. She told the neighbor she was a "crisis manager" and was there to help her.
Kutti finally meets with Freeman for an hour and offers her "protection and help" if she will confess to fraud. She asks her to sign a statement that she committed fraud. She refuses.
Trump then tweets, "The VP has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."
Eastman then meets with Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short to get Pence to reject electors.
Trump then meets with Pence. Pence refuses to go along with it. Trump told him he was naïve and lacked courage.
Trump later calls Pence and tried again.
Trump then calls Pence another time and tells him "you got to be tough tomorrow."
Trump then puts out a statement falsely claiming that Pence agreed with him that he has the power to reject electors.
Then the indictment details what happened on J6.
The indictment then lays out the scheme orchestrated by Sidney Powell where they hacked voting machines in Coffee County, took ballots, took confidential voter info, data and software illegally.
The bottom line is that the proof in this case is overwhelming. The fact that this trial is going to be public and televised will be extremely valuable. The American public can see and hear and all facts, and don't have to rely on media filters. The evidence in this case is devastating for Trump and his co-conspirators. I fully expect many of them to cut deals to testify against Trump, where even more incriminating evidence will come to light.

My guess is there will be a rush to cut deals. Better get one while the gettin is good and not get caught with your pants down like Rudy was in that movie.
The nonsense he's about to regale his followers with hasn't passed the smell test in any court in two and a half years. Only a sucker believes there's more snake oil to buy coming right up.
In the mean while... something that's more than "what could be construed as evidence" is in the indictment. I'll post the link if you need it but here is a good summary:

This is how the conspiracy played out according to the indictment:

Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell made false statements at a press conference in Nov 2020 with wild accusations of fraud.
Trump, Mark Meadows, and John McEntee draft a memo for their plan to disrupt and delay counting electoral votes from 6 states on J6. Pence was to refuse to count those states and return the issue to the state legislatures who would the adopt the alternate slate of Trump electors, citing "fraud."
Rudy, Jenna, John Eastman and Atlanta lawyer Ray Smith solicited 14 GA Senators to sign off on their fake electors based on voter fraud.
Rudy and Trump made separate phone calls to the President of the GA Senate claiming voter fraud.
Trump calls Gov Brian Kemp to pressure him to call a Special Session. Kemp refused.
Trump then tweets that Kemp and Lt. Gov Duncan are ignoring fraud and refusing to call a Special Session. This begins a pattern where Trump would lie, GA officials would say he is wrong, then Trump would tweet to his millions of followers that they are being traitors and the public should pressure them to go along with the scheme. This happens over and over.
Powell hires a firm to illegally breach voting machines to collect data to try to show votes were "flipped."
Eastman and GA lawyer Robert Cheeley plan to set up meetings in 6 states where alternate slates of electors would be selected and would sign false certificates for Trump.
Cheeley sends an email to a GA Senator saying Eastman told him a Special Session must be called immediately where the GA legislature would approve the alternate electors on the grounds of fraud.
A "Patriot Call to Action" is tweeted calling on people to pressure GA officials to call a Special Session.
Trump has campaign official Bill White get personal and contact info on the GA Senate President and Majority Leader. White sends the info to Rudy.
Trump then calls the Speaker of the House to demand a Special Session.
Trump then calls the GA AG asking him to investigate false claims of fraud and to join the lawsuit filed by other state AGs in Texas.
Trump and Eastman call Ronna McDaniel to ask her to help them recruit people to serve as fake electors.
Trump attorney Kenneth Chesebro writes a memo to Trump campaign attorney outlining how the fake elector scheme would work.
Documents were then sent out to the state GOP Chairs for the 6 contested states for the fake electors to sign.
Rudy then testifies to the GA House the following fabricated things: Video showed election workers stealing votes, Ruby Freeman was using USB ports to flip votes, 96,000 fraudulent mail-in ballots were counted. This was all made up.
Rudy calls WI GOP official to tell him to keep the fake elector scheme secret.
Chesebro sends email to Rudy with multiple different plans to disrupt or delay counting the electoral votes on J6.
Rudy sends email telling everyone in each state to keep the fake elector meetings secret.
Trump tweets out, "Demand this clown call a special session now!" referring to Kemp.
Fake electors in 6 states meet and sign the false certificates under oath that they were "the duly elected and qualified electors" for their states.
Illinois pastor Stephen Lee is recruited to drive to Ruby Freeman's house in an attempt to coerce her into falsely confessing to fraud.
When Freeman refused to speak to Lee, he asked Harrison Floyd with Black Voices for Trump to help him. He said he thought Freeman wouldn't speak to him because he was white.
Rudy and Powell meet with Trump at the WH to discuss strategy, which included seizing voting machines and appointing Powell as Special Counsel to investigate fraud.
Powell hires a firm to hack and copy voting data from Dominion machines.
Meadows flies to GA and attempts to observe an audit of signature-verification ballots by investigators. He is denied entry because it isn't a public meeting.
Trump then calls the Chief Investigator, tells him that he won, and pressures him to find fraud: "When the right answer comes out, you'll be praised."
Eastman then sends email to Chesbro saying that the best plan was to get Pence (or Grassley if Pence was absent for some reason) to "act boldly and be challenged," because that would cause a delay that could throw things back to state legislatures.
Meadows then offers to pay the Chief Investigator out of Trump campaign funds if he will speed up the audit.
Trump then asks AG Jeffrey Rosen and Dep. AG Richard Donoghue to "just say the election was corrupt, and leave the rest to me and GOP congressmen." They refuse.
Jeff Clark writes up a document falsely claiming that DOJ "identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome" of the election. Clark then asks Rosen and Donoghue to sign it so he can send it to Kemp. They refuse.
Trump then tweets that Kemp should resign.
A hearing is then held before the GA Senate, where three Trump witnesses gave the following false testimony:
Rudy testified falsely that the same ballots were counted 5 times, 2,560 felons voted, and 10,315 dead people voted.
Ray Smith testified falsely that the Sect of State admitted 8,000 people voted illegally and claimed the Sec of State said the election was only 90% accurate.
Cheeley testified falsely that election workers counted some ballots over and over again.
Jenna then wrote a memo to Trump that Pence should not open the envelopes with the votes from the 6 states because they were "in dispute."
Trump and Eastman then file an injunction against Kemp citing multiple false claims of fraud. Earlier that day, Eastman had sent a memo to Trump campaign attorneys that he knew that some of the allegations of fraud in the lawsuit were false.
Trump and Meadows then call Brad Raffensperger on the recorded call. Trump makes 12 different false statements in that call.
Trump then tweets out that Raffensperger won't listen to him. "He has no clue!"
Lee, Harrison Floyd, and Kanye West publicist Trevian Kutti all make 11 different phone calls to Ruby Freeman. She won't talk to them.
Kutti then flies to GA from Chicago and drives to Freeman's house. She told the neighbor she was a "crisis manager" and was there to help her.
Kutti finally meets with Freeman for an hour and offers her "protection and help" if she will confess to fraud. She asks her to sign a statement that she committed fraud. She refuses.
Trump then tweets, "The VP has the power to reject fraudulently chosen electors."
Eastman then meets with Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short to get Pence to reject electors.
Trump then meets with Pence. Pence refuses to go along with it. Trump told him he was naïve and lacked courage.
Trump later calls Pence and tried again.
Trump then calls Pence another time and tells him "you got to be tough tomorrow."
Trump then puts out a statement falsely claiming that Pence agreed with him that he has the power to reject electors.
Then the indictment details what happened on J6.
The indictment then lays out the scheme orchestrated by Sidney Powell where they hacked voting machines in Coffee County, took ballots, took confidential voter info, data and software illegally.
The bottom line is that the proof in this case is overwhelming. The fact that this trial is going to be public and televised will be extremely valuable. The American public can see and hear and all facts, and don't have to rely on media filters. The evidence in this case is devastating for Trump and his co-conspirators. I fully expect many of them to cut deals to testify against Trump, where even more incriminating evidence will come to light.

If any of that were true, have you ever heard of free speech?

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