Will you choose Trump and his awful HC bill or the the Tea Party?

the two parties need to work together to own the darn thing

the American people are suffering because of the partisans on either side

No Americans are suffering because people in control think they need to control our lives even more. If both sides compromise and decide to control our lives more, that's still bad. Just because both sides come together on something, does not make that something good. Like I said compromising on 10 steps in wrong direction is still 5 steps in the wrong direction. It's a logical fallacy to say that compromise is always a good thing, the 3/5s compromise certainly was not, all long with thousands of other bad compromises the US has made over the centuries.
Nonsense. You do not know about what you are talking. Only you said "compromise is always a good thing," no one else.

Health care nationally requires compromise from all players.

When did I ever say that? And who says health care nationally requires compromise from all players???? That's just coming from the left, because they lost all control of the legislative and executive branches. That certainly wasn't their mantra when they pushed through Obamacare. There is NO enumerated power for healthcare. Again your giving self serving advice, because it's what's benefiting you the most at this current time. In 4 years if dems take back control, are you going to oppose universal healthcare because the dems aren't compromising with republicans??
You said it was a fallacy, and it is not. Only you think it is so. Your type of partisanship is ruining the country.

Yes I said it was a fallacy to always assume compromise is good. I stand by that. You stated that I said "compromise is always a good thing."

So I'll ask again, in four years if dems have control of all 3 houses, and they want to push through universal healthcare, are you going to fight it and say we need to compromise with the republicans?
the two parties need to work together to own the darn thing

the American people are suffering because of the partisans on either side

No Americans are suffering because people in control think they need to control our lives even more. If both sides compromise and decide to control our lives more, that's still bad. Just because both sides come together on something, does not make that something good. Like I said compromising on 10 steps in wrong direction is still 5 steps in the wrong direction. It's a logical fallacy to say that compromise is always a good thing, the 3/5s compromise certainly was not, all long with thousands of other bad compromises the US has made over the centuries.
Nonsense. You do not know about what you are talking. Only you said "compromise is always a good thing," no one else.

Health care nationally requires compromise from all players.

When did I ever say that? And who says health care nationally requires compromise from all players???? That's just coming from the left, because they lost all control of the legislative and executive branches. That certainly wasn't their mantra when they pushed through Obamacare. There is NO enumerated power for healthcare. Again your giving self serving advice, because it's what's benefiting you the most at this current time. In 4 years if dems take back control, are you going to oppose universal healthcare because the dems aren't compromising with republicans??
You said it was a fallacy, and it is not. Only you think it is so. Your type of partisanship is ruining the country.

Yes I said it was a fallacy to always assume compromise is good. I stand by that. You stated that I said "compromise is always a good thing."

So I'll ask again, in four years if dems have control of all 3 houses, and they want to push through universal healthcare, are you going to fight it and say we need to compromise with the republicans?
Then you lied and now you are admitting you lied.

Consensus through compromise is the American Way.

Those like Sak are partisan ideologues and simply unable to discuss intelligently the issues.
I know it seems as if Trump has been in office for a long time considering all he has accomplished in spite of left wing sonewalling but for your own mental health you lefties have got to come to grips with the fact that the next election is four years away.
No Americans are suffering because people in control think they need to control our lives even more. If both sides compromise and decide to control our lives more, that's still bad. Just because both sides come together on something, does not make that something good. Like I said compromising on 10 steps in wrong direction is still 5 steps in the wrong direction. It's a logical fallacy to say that compromise is always a good thing, the 3/5s compromise certainly was not, all long with thousands of other bad compromises the US has made over the centuries.
Nonsense. You do not know about what you are talking. Only you said "compromise is always a good thing," no one else.

Health care nationally requires compromise from all players.

When did I ever say that? And who says health care nationally requires compromise from all players???? That's just coming from the left, because they lost all control of the legislative and executive branches. That certainly wasn't their mantra when they pushed through Obamacare. There is NO enumerated power for healthcare. Again your giving self serving advice, because it's what's benefiting you the most at this current time. In 4 years if dems take back control, are you going to oppose universal healthcare because the dems aren't compromising with republicans??
You said it was a fallacy, and it is not. Only you think it is so. Your type of partisanship is ruining the country.

Yes I said it was a fallacy to always assume compromise is good. I stand by that. You stated that I said "compromise is always a good thing."

So I'll ask again, in four years if dems have control of all 3 houses, and they want to push through universal healthcare, are you going to fight it and say we need to compromise with the republicans?
Then you lied and now you are admitting you lied.

Consensus through compromise is the American Way.

Those like Sak are partisan ideologues and simply unable to discuss intelligently the issues.

No, I've always stated seeing compromise as a good thing is a logical fallacy. Again I stand by that. And you accused me of saying, and I am quoting you here "compromise is always a good thing." I will state again, that's what you accused me of saying. I never said this. You said I said this. So where am I lying?

And yes saying compromise is always a good thing is a logical fallacy. Not hard to understand. I will use a few easily understood examples to illustrate why it's a logical fallacy. Example one: fairly well known story/proverb/whatever you want to call it, of Solomon cutting the baby in half. Two mothers claimed to be the rightful mothers of one child, Solomon said we'll compromise and cut the child in half. That's a bad compromise. I know that wasn't the point of that story, but it illustrates the point just fine. Even if Solomon made a better compromise of this mother has the baby for 2 weeks, then alternates with this mother for another 2 weeks, that's still a bad compromise, since one mother is obviously not the rightful mother. Example 2: Two people are lost in the woods, they come to a forked path with 3 paths to choose, one is pretty sure the path on the left is how to get back, one argues that it's the path on the right, one of them is correct. They compromise and choose the path in middle, which is the incorrect path and get further lost in the woods.

Applying the same logic today, if one side were to continually push further and further to one side, demand that the other side compromise on their current position, then move further once again and demand compromise on the new position, and continue on and on...the other side is always loosing ground in that battle. How is compromise good for both sides then? Do you see how compromise cannot always be good thing? This is a real thing and this concept is called The Overton window. Overton window - Wikipedia

And no consensus through compromise is not the American way. The American way is for Americans to make their own path, limit federal power and defer issues to the states, who then differ issues to their people, which is to say we don't all have to agree on everything, but I'm going to live in this region because it offers me this, this, and this, and you don't force your beliefs on me, I don't force them on you. That's the American way. My ideology says I don't want anyone to force their ideas on you, in turn you can't force you're ideas onto me, and as long as we're not hurting or stealing from anyone else, we're good.

And again I'll ask, am I to believe that if the dems have control in 4 years, and they want to push through universal healthcare, your going to say no we shouldnt, we need to compromise with the republicans on this?
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Repeating your silly mantra, sak, is not going to make your falsehoods come true.

Your way is the way to one-party control authoritarian control, and, buddyro, that ain't going to happen.
Repeating your silly mantra, sak, is not going to make your falsehoods come true.

Your way is the way to one-party control authoritarian control, and, buddyro, that ain't going to happen.

So prove these falsehoods as untrue. Prove that compromise is always a good thing, and not logical fallacy. Prove how I want to be authoritarian one party control. You have yet to address or back up your claims, you only have baseless accusations so far.

And I'll ask again since you're intent on dodging this question. Am I to believe that if the Dems are in control, and want to push for universal healthcare, you're going to argue against that and say they should compromise with republicans?
^^^^crazyfascistspeak^^^^ I don't have to disprove anything to you, sak, because you simply will not accept constructive and objective facts and analysis.

All we can do in the GOP is recognize your ilk for your antiAmerican ways and isolate you from the levers of power local and nationally and institutionally.

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