Will you choose Trump and his awful HC bill or the the Tea Party?

How is this a choice? The bill is terrible for your family. 17% approval rate and increases the he'll out of premiums. But Trump is setting it up as a chpice between Trump and the people who don't like it in order to make you support something so bad.

How can this be a question? It's like he's telling you to cut your nose off because people who like noses are haters. Is it that simple to move you guys to support the unpopular?
I'd like to go for neither. I'm not defending our fee for service and paying insurance companies for policies that rarely get used, but cutting taxes for millionaries is not a happy thing for me either. (-:
By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

YES, next week Gorsuch, the week after that Infrastructure+Healthcare, then what? The Budget and Debt Ceiling? Then what? Trump will have most of his agenda thru in the first 100-days and can focus on improving the economy, which was his most important task, to get people working again. Tax Reform. Then what?
He's not getting any tax reform.
Trump's hands are clean, the Dem's gave Trump a get out of the Obamacare mess free card by voting no on the bill so Dem's again own Obamacare 100%.

Trump can move forward now on other important priorities freed from Obama's huge Obamacare mess. You libs blew your chance to stick the GOP and Trump with Obamacare.
The promise was to replace and repeal on day one. This is your baby and trying to spin it makes you look extremely foolish.One more time. "replace and repeal on day one (1)". He was expecting to get votes from dems when he said that?
How is this a choice? The bill is terrible for your family. 17% approval rate and increases the he'll out of premiums. But Trump is setting it up as a chpice between Trump and the people who don't like it in order to make you support something so bad.

How can this be a question? It's like he's telling you to cut your nose off because people who like noses are haters. Is it that simple to move you guys to support the unpopular?

Who could have expected Trump to become a champion for the GOP establishment?
Take him seriously, but not literally. He said he would cover everyone, which loosely means, everyone can buy their own healthcare.

only to, rightwingnut, uneducated, white Christian supremacist males.

normal people know he's a disaster...that's why he has a 36% approval rating.

you're such jokes

You do know that Crooked Hillary's core voting group were the uneducated big city welfare queens and illegal aliens, don't you?

Who in the hell in their right mind would vote for a dumbass that ran on a platform to increase taxes, curtail the right to keep and bear arms, have open borders and import a million fucking Muslims? Only stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats.

The Democrat Party's voting base is made up of the scum of America. Welfare queens, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, illegals, Feminazis, abortion supporting assholes, greedy union bosses, confused college kids and their Marxist professors, socialists and Blacks that vote their race and welfare check.
How is this a choice? The bill is terrible for your family. 17% approval rate and increases the he'll out of premiums. But Trump is setting it up as a chpice between Trump and the people who don't like it in order to make you support something so bad.

How can this be a question? It's like he's telling you to cut your nose off because people who like noses are haters. Is it that simple to move you guys to support the unpopular?

Uh-Huh, just like the Democrats did with Obamacare, the left didn't like Obamacare because they wanted single payer and the moderate Democrats didn't like because it went too far on the government interference side, so the citizenry got stuck with this 2,700 page piece of shit that's collapsing because the Democrat Establishment just had to pass something, even if the something was unpopular and ultimately made health care more expensive and lower quality.

The latest "TrumpCare" debacle just offers more evidence that Republicans are just as vapid and incompetent as the Democrats are.

Fortunately the freedom caucus had enough balls to stick with their principles for a change and tell Trump and the rest of the progressive Republican establishment to go pound sand on yet another massive government intrusion into the health care market.

Say no to "Repeal & Replace" , Say yes to "REPEAL and REPEAL some more".

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed their purpose, or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not attempt to discover whether legislation is "needed" before I have first determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later be attacked for neglecting my constituents' "interests," I shall reply that I was informed that their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am doing the very best I can." -- Barry M. Goldwater, Conscience of a Conservative
Say no to "Repeal & Replace" , Say yes to "REPEAL and REPEAL some more".

The Senate can kill the Repeal option by requiring 60 votes. The only viable option is to use "reconciliation" and "repair" the ACA. The real choice is "no action" and let the ACA collapse (where hospitals close and people suffer) or do an ACA repair and make it workable, if not perfect.
Say no to "Repeal & Replace" , Say yes to "REPEAL and REPEAL some more".

The Senate can kill the Repeal option by requiring 60 votes. The only viable option is to use "reconciliation" and "repair" the ACA. The real choice is "no action" and let the ACA collapse (where hospitals close and people suffer) or do an ACA repair and make it workable, if not perfect.

Er.. um .. N U C L E A R O P T I O N :blowup:

Which gets more viable the closer we get to the Obamacare butchers bill coming due.
OMG, a full "nuclear" senate, let the "canings" begin. It would look like the South Korean brawls...
OMG, a full "nuclear" senate, let the "canings" begin. It would look like the South Korean brawls...

Cool, if we're lucky the Republican and Democrat Senate Creatures will do us all a favor and kill each other ..... :D
Trump's hands are dirty, Ryan's are dirty, the TP's are dirty.

Let the two parties work together.

That's the opposite of what they did with ACA, they did not work with republicans at all. In the minds of those on the right, Obamacare was 10 steps in the wrong direction, working with dems to bring it 5 steps back is still in the wrong direction, why would we follow you're self serving advice?
because your way is no more correct than that of the left
the two parties need to work together to own the darn thing

the American people are suffering because of the partisans on either side
By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

I said a million times better. That Crooked Hillary bitch is such an incompetent, corrupt and fucked up piece of shit that is owned by every sleazy special interest group in the country it doesn't take much to be a million times better than her. She would have been a disaster for this country on the heels of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Trump won't be the Conservative Savior that we all hoped he would be. Especially having to fight that Democrat filth and the RINOs. Not only does he have to fight the Moon Bats in the Legislative Branch but also the Judicial Branch like that nitwit judge in Hawaii. However, he will do a much better job than that Crooked Hillary asshole. I think we all know that.

November 8th, 2016 was a great day for America. Not necessarily because Trump was elected but because Crooked Hillary wasn't .

only to, rightwingnut, uneducated, white Christian supremacist males.

normal people know he's a disaster...that's why he has a 36% approval rating.

you're such jokes

What is the bigger disaster? Trump, or the government that sunk so low people actually turned to Trump?

Congress has not had an approval rating over 20% for decades

Then you had the Hillary train wreck, yet all the fault belongs to Trump?

By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

I said a million times better. That Crooked Hillary bitch is such an incompetent, corrupt and fucked up piece of shit that is owned by every sleazy special interest group in the country it doesn't take much to be a million times better than her. She would have been a disaster for this country on the heels of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Trump won't be the Conservative Savior that we all hoped he would be. Especially having to fight that Democrat filth and the RINOs. Not only does he have to fight the Moon Bats in the Legislative Branch but also the Judicial Branch like that nitwit judge in Hawaii. However, he will do a much better job than that Crooked Hillary asshole. I think we all know that.

November 8th, 2016 was a great day for America. Not necessarily because Trump was elected but because Crooked Hillary wasn't .

You can always find solace in failure by imagining things would've been worse.
By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

I said a million times better. That Crooked Hillary bitch is such an incompetent, corrupt and fucked up piece of shit that is owned by every sleazy special interest group in the country it doesn't take much to be a million times better than her. She would have been a disaster for this country on the heels of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Trump won't be the Conservative Savior that we all hoped he would be. Especially having to fight that Democrat filth and the RINOs. Not only does he have to fight the Moon Bats in the Legislative Branch but also the Judicial Branch like that nitwit judge in Hawaii. However, he will do a much better job than that Crooked Hillary asshole. I think we all know that.

November 8th, 2016 was a great day for America. Not necessarily because Trump was elected but because Crooked Hillary wasn't .

You can always find solace in failure by imagining things would've been worse.

Trump won, how is that failure? In what kinda inside-out world do you live?
What is the bigger disaster? Trump, or the government that sunk so low people actually turned to Trump?
This was a winning message because ether pretended that anything was better than what we have now. They won the election with that garbage, they are pushing the HC bill for the same reasons, Trump asked for blacks to vote for him under the same reasons.

Basically it's Professional Political Pessimism.
By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

I said a million times better. That Crooked Hillary bitch is such an incompetent, corrupt and fucked up piece of shit that is owned by every sleazy special interest group in the country it doesn't take much to be a million times better than her. She would have been a disaster for this country on the heels of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Trump won't be the Conservative Savior that we all hoped he would be. Especially having to fight that Democrat filth and the RINOs. Not only does he have to fight the Moon Bats in the Legislative Branch but also the Judicial Branch like that nitwit judge in Hawaii. However, he will do a much better job than that Crooked Hillary asshole. I think we all know that.

November 8th, 2016 was a great day for America. Not necessarily because Trump was elected but because Crooked Hillary wasn't .

You can always find solace in failure by imagining things would've been worse.

Trump won, how is that failure? In what kinda inside-out world do you live?

That's the only win he has and it was with the help of Russia. Congrats!
By the way, just for the record. A Liberal Trump will do a million times better job than that batshit crazy far Left Crooked Hillary piece of shit.

Yeah, so far so good eh?

I said a million times better. That Crooked Hillary bitch is such an incompetent, corrupt and fucked up piece of shit that is owned by every sleazy special interest group in the country it doesn't take much to be a million times better than her. She would have been a disaster for this country on the heels of the Kenyan Catastrophe.

Trump won't be the Conservative Savior that we all hoped he would be. Especially having to fight that Democrat filth and the RINOs. Not only does he have to fight the Moon Bats in the Legislative Branch but also the Judicial Branch like that nitwit judge in Hawaii. However, he will do a much better job than that Crooked Hillary asshole. I think we all know that.

November 8th, 2016 was a great day for America. Not necessarily because Trump was elected but because Crooked Hillary wasn't .

You can always find solace in failure by imagining things would've been worse.

I have a feeling dims will run Hillary again. They have learned nothing.

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