Will you protest if Donald Trump is indicted?

Will you protest if Donald Trump is indicted?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No

    Votes: 21 67.7%
  • I will send money to Trump instead.

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • I will write nasty posts on USMB.

    Votes: 3 9.7%

  • Total voters
Actually they do belong to the American people. That's why they are protected by the National Archives. Trump has no concept of national security either.
Nope. They belong to the United States’ government. And your thinking about what Trump does or doesn’t have a “concept of” is baseless and useless.
And give you some sort of answer you approve of? How about 'no'? How about go fuck yourself?
No thanks. Get back to munching on another bag o’ cocks, you bombastic simpleton.

The problem isn’t that you might give me an answer I approve of. Your actual concern is that you will either have to (for once) be honest OR that you will otherwise continue to be exposed as a rudderless piece of flotsam and jetsam.
No thanks. Get back to munching on another bag o’ cocks, you bombastic simpleton.

The problem isn’t that you might give me an answer I approve of. Your actual concern is that you will either have to (for once) be honest OR that you will otherwise continue to be exposed as a rudderless piece of flotsam and jetsam.
I will never give magaturds my approval of anything. I will always obstruct their goofy agendas.
Nobody should be surprised if trump is indicted.

That said, trump supporters are hardly rational.

They believe "The Big Lie" for example.

If you believe "The Big Lie" you'd believe anything.
Goebbels speak again.
Suck more bags of diseased dicks, libtard.

You worry about how to use your SNAP account funds. The adults will contemplate how to apportion their political contributions.
I'll worry about what I want to worry about, dickless. Keep your stupid magaturd opinions to yourself.
I'll worry about what I want to worry about, dickless. Keep your stupid magaturd opinions to yourself.
No libturd. When you try to give anyone suggestions or directions, you get what you give. Suck yet another bag of diseased dicks. Choke on them. Aspirate on your own vomit. 👍

Meanwhile, you pussy, You’re off topic.the topic is all about what you’ll do if and when Trump gets indicted. Since it will be without any valid basis, of course, you’ll cheer. Because fairness and Justice are alien concepts to you scumbag libturds.
No, but I would have lost all faith in our government and I'll definitely be stockpiling for the inevitable civil conflict. Tyranny comes in many forms and they rarely (if ever) end peacefully. I honestly couldn't care less about Trump. I'm worried about the underlying currents happening.
When you try to give anyone suggestions or directions, you get what you give.
Here's a suggestion from me to you, magaturd. stay in your lane. You're impotent. You don't have any power. Stop trying to be something you're not. :itsok:
the topic is all about what you’ll do if and when Trump gets indicted.
:dunno: I'll likely say 'it's about time', and go about my normal business.
Because fairness and Justice are alien concepts to you scumbag libturds.
You are an idiot.
Here's a suggestion from me to you, magaturd. stay in your lane. You're impotent. You don't have any power. Stop trying to be something you're not. :itsok:
Oh, you poor libturd. You imagine something about yourself that will never be true. You imagine you’re of any value in life. 😂🤣 I’ll accept any of your suggestions a few weeks after the end of time. Until then, shit in your hat and call it curls.
:dunno: I'll likely say 'it's about time', and go about my normal business.
Zzzz. You’re dull on all levels and at all times and in all dimensions.
You are an idiot.
Nah. But even if I were an idiot, I’d still be a Mensa member compared to you.

Get back to gargling dicks. Your opinions are without value or meaning. Also, you’re still off topic.

Demand the miscarriage of Justice you crave! 😎
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Oh, you poor libturd. You imagine something about yourself that will never be true.
Oh, you poor magaturd. You imagine me to be the strawman 'libturd villian' of your magaturd fever dreams. But, here's the real nightmare for a magaturd piece of trash like yourself: I just might have much, much more impact on fellow human lives and society in general than you could ever dream of.
Oh, you poor magaturd. You imagine me to be the strawman 'libturd villian' of your magaturd fever dreams. But, here's the real nightmare for a magaturd piece of trash like yourself: I just might have much, much more impact on fellow human lives and society in general than you could ever dream of.
You’re delusional. I am sure I’ve had more impact in life than you have, on any level.

But for now, you shit for brains pathetic cum-gargling hypocrite, it suffices to note that you’re just another libturd in an ocean of libturds making petty pointlesses on a small internet message board.

And you’re still off topic. Tell us all how you’ll be cheering if and when Trump gets indicted. We already know you detest truth and fairness.
You’re delusional. I am sure I’ve had more impact in life than you have, on any level.

But for now, you shit for brains pathetic cum-gargling hypocrite, it suffices to note that you’re just another libturd in an ocean of libturds making petty pointlesses on a small internet message board.

And you’re still off topic. Tell us all how you’ll be cheering if and when Trump gets indicted. We already know you detest truth and fairness.
I detest magaturds. No more, no less.
It's the old liberal media trick. They create a preposterous scenario and then start a poll as if it is reality. Meanwhile the freaking Country is falling apart.
Do you expect thinking people to protest on the behalf of any politician? If so, why? I would never consider it. I would however walk a picket line with workers versus their employer. That's always a cause worth joining.

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