Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

Kerry and Romney were both the best of a weak field of candidates going against an incumbent who could be beaten.

and both are elitists who just refused to meet the demands of the little people. even when it could help them.

sucks being elitist snobs during elections.

Kerry's POLICIES would have helped them. I don't know what stupid BS gossip you chumps of the greedy rich are going on...
Kerry and Romney were both the best of a weak field of candidates going against an incumbent who could be beaten.

and both are elitists who just refused to meet the demands of the little people. even when it could help them.

sucks being elitist snobs during elections.

Kerry's POLICIES would have helped them. I don't know what stupid BS gossip you chumps of the greedy rich are going on...

Kerry - Romney - same suit different face
Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

Some cried.

Please post Obama's military bio.


After u post Mittens military record.
Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

Some cried.

Please post Obama's military bio.


After u post Mittens military record.

Wow, was Willard in the military? What branch? French army?
Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

The Right Wing Noise Machine went after Kerry's military record saying it was fair game because Kerry used his military record in his campaign.

The Right Wing Noise Machine cries foul when people attempt to hold Romney's main claim to competency, his business record and ability to create jobs, to the very same standard they held John Kerry to.


Kerry and Romney come from elitist backgrounds that irk the average American. While some people claim class warfare against Romney is unAmerican, the GOP and right wing noise machine used class warfare against John Kerry.


there is more. care to contribute?



I wonder if the presumed nominee has ever dropped out this late in the game.

and both are elitists who just refused to meet the demands of the little people. even when it could help them.

sucks being elitist snobs during elections.

Kerry's POLICIES would have helped them. I don't know what stupid BS gossip you chumps of the greedy rich are going on...

Kerry - Romney - same suit different face

POLICIES, dimwit. Kerry would have cleaned up Wall St and saved us from a cronyism/corruption DEPRESSION. All your complaints are PUBCRAPPE. Unlike Romney, Kerry was SMART and not hiding ANYTHING. I know, let's cut taxes and regulation on the greedy rich, and destroy Medicare. You're brainwashed IDIOTS at this point....
Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

Some cried.

Please post Obama's military bio.


Wow. You must have served with some real vaginas parading around as officers......
Actually, Kerry and Romney do have one thing very much in common.

Neither one of them was loved or even liked by the people who supported them.

Both of them were essentially animated by the hatred their base had for the guy in the office. In Bush's case, because of the way he got elected and the war, Obama because of his race.

The same could be said of both Dole and Mondale, to that degree. They all seemed like the "most electable" and were able to manipulate the establishments of their parties to win the nomination.

At the end of the day, "Not That Guy" never wins. If you look at the guys who knocked off elected incumbants- FDR, Reagan and Clinton - they were about something, they didn't run on "I'm not that guy".
Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

Some cried.

Please post Obama's military bio.


Wow. You must have served with some real vaginas parading around as officers......

I suspect he served in the Salvation Army, but didn't realize the difference.
WinterSoldier.com - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims

"WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid."
WinterSoldier.com - Newly Discovered Army Reports Discredit "Winter Soldier" Claims

"WSI was the source of the allegations John Kerry presented to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in April 1971, at a hearing set up by antiwar Senators to showcase the VVAW's atrocity tales. The highly publicized appearance launched Kerry's political career and helped to create a lasting image of Vietnam veterans as drugged-out murderers too damaged to function in normal society. Justice was served in 2004 when a political movement led by some of the veterans John Kerry had defamed sank his presidential bid."

Lets us hope you're not a phony veteran. Phony veteran? Yep. Following your source...

What is Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW)?

The IVAW is a tax-exempt activist organization founded in July 2004 with the assistance of older radical organizations Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and Veterans for Peace (VFP). IVAW obtains its 501(c)3 tax exempt status from the latter group.

Who are IVAW’s Members?

The organization claims about 800 members, which would be 1/2000th of the 1.6 million who have served in Afghanistan (OEF) and Iraq (OIF) if all the IVAW members had actually served in either theatre.

The organization’s name is misleading. Service in Iraq (or Afghanistan) is not a requirement for membership. Membership criteria is that a veteran or active duty person had to serve in any capacity in the active duty military, National Guard or Reserves for any period of time after September 11, 2001.

Using the same standard:

Vietnam Era Veterans: The organization’s name is misleading. Service in Vietnam is not a requirement for membership.


You want to speak about military and investigations?

If Warrant Officer Hugh Thompson, Jr., had not trained his weapon on American troops, a Military investigation would have revealed nothing substantiated.

But for the courage, and sacrifice of Hugh and... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre#Helicopter_intervention

Helicopter intervention

Warrant Officer One Hugh Thompson, Jr., a helicopter pilot from an aero-scout team, saw a large number of dead and dying civilians as he began flying over the village—all of them infants, children, women, and old men, with no signs of draft-age men or weapons anywhere. Thompson and his crew witnessed an unarmed passive woman being kicked and shot at point-blank range by Captain Medina (Medina later claimed that he thought she had a grenade).[18] The crew made several attempts to radio for help for the wounded. They landed their helicopter by a ditch, which they noted was full of bodies and in which there was movement. Thompson asked a sergeant he encountered there (David Mitchell of the 1st Platoon) if he could help get the people out of the ditch, and the sergeant replied that he would "help them out of their misery". Thompson, shocked and confused, then spoke with Second Lieutenant Calley, who claimed to be "just following orders". As the helicopter took off, they saw Mitchell firing into the ditch.

Thompson then saw a group of civilians (again consisting of children, women and old men) at a bunker being approached by ground personnel. Thompson landed and told his crew that if the soldiers shot at the Vietnamese while he was trying to get them out of the bunker that they were to open fire at these soldiers. Thompson later testified that he spoke with a lieutenant (identified as Stephen Brooks of the 2nd Platoon) and told him there were women and children in the bunker, and asked if the lieutenant would help get them out. According to Thompson, "he [the lieutenant] said the only way to get them out was with a hand grenade". Thompson testified that he then told Brooks to "just hold your men right where they are, and I'll get the kids out". He found 12–16 people in the bunker, coaxed them out and led them to the helicopter, standing with them while they were flown out in two groups.

Returning to Mỹ Lai, Thompson and other air crew members noticed several large groups of bodies. Spotting some survivors in the ditch, Thompson landed again. A crew member entered the ditch and returned with a bloodied but apparently unharmed child who was flown to safety. The child was thought to be a girl, but later turned out to be a four-year-old boy. Thompson then reported what he had seen to his company commander, Major Frederic W. Watke, using terms such as "murder" and "needless and unnecessary killings". Thompson's reports were confirmed by other pilots and air crew.[19]

For their actions, Thompson was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) and his crew were awarded Bronze Star medals. Andreotta received his medal posthumously, as he was killed in action on April 8, 1968.[20] As the DFC citation included a fabricated account of rescuing a young girl from My Lai from "intense crossfire"[21] Thompson threw his medal away.[22][23] He later received a Purple Heart for other services in Vietnam.[24] In 1998, the helicopter crew's medals were replaced by the Soldier's Medal, "the highest the U.S. Army can award for bravery not involving direct conflict with the enemy". The medal citations state they were "for heroism above and beyond the call of duty while saving the lives of at least 10 Vietnamese civilians during the unlawful massacre of non-combatants by American forces at My Lai".[25] Thompson initially refused the medal when the US Army wanted to award it quietly. He demanded it be done publicly and that his crew also be honored in the same way.[26][27] The veterans also made contact with the survivors of Mỹ Lai.[28]

My Lai Massacre
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Actually, Kerry and Romney do have one thing very much in common.

Neither one of them was loved or even liked by the people who supported them.

Except: I had no great love for Senator Kerry when I volunteered to back him. I ended up with great admiration for the man after meeting the people who actually served in the boats with him. After being old by these honorable men that they would follow Kerry back into hell again, I had to wonder What was I not seeing?" and wonder what it was about Kerry that kept me from seeing it.

His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war,
Aloof, intellectual, ok, but his policies mean he wasn't an elitist. Romney IS an elitist.

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT
Aloof, intellectual, ok, but his policies mean he wasn't an elitist. Romney IS an elitist.

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Kerry is a Tribune of the People for sure. :eusa_drool:

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