Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

Actually, Kerry and Romney do have one thing very much in common.

Neither one of them was loved or even liked by the people who supported them.

Except: I had no great love for Senator Kerry when I volunteered to back him. I ended up with great admiration for the man after meeting the people who actually served in the boats with him. After being old by these honorable men that they would follow Kerry back into hell again, I had to wonder What was I not seeing?" and wonder what it was about Kerry that kept me from seeing it.

His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war,

Kerry, along with Jane Fonda, was a part of the leadership of VVAW which conducted a deliberate premeditated campaign of lies and false allegations against our military personel in Vietnam. They also served to disciminate communist popaganda and otherwise gave important aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war. They could and probaby should have been put on trial for their crimes.

"His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war."

Really? What cave have you been living in? Who do you think put the spotlight on his lies?
He brought nobody home. He used his VIP status to sleeze his way into being allowed to abandon his crew and the post he had voluntered for a few weeks incountry.

"Enemy documents from 1971 show that Vietnamese communists guided the American antiwar movement via meetings between the communist delegations to the Paris Peace talks and American antiwar activists. John Kerry and the VVAW were working toward the exact goals set forth in the communist directives."
Read about it in John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets? by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Scott Swett.

"In Yesterday's Lies: Steve Pitkin and the Winter Soldiers, Scott Swett tells the story of a former VVAW member and participant in the Winter Soldier Investigation who has now filed an affidavit stating that John Kerry and others pressured him to give false testimony about American atrocities in Vietnam.

In the smash best-seller Unfit for Command, John O'Neill presents eyewitness accounts from Kerry's fellow Swift sailors that demolish his tales of combat heroism, while Dr. Jerry Corsi draws on the WinterSoldier.com research and other new material to expose Kerry's radical activities as a leader of the VVAW.

John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during the Vietnam War.'
According to the US Military John Kerry is a genuine war hero.:clap2:

Actually, Kerry and Romney do have one thing very much in common.

Neither one of them was loved or even liked by the people who supported them.

Except: I had no great love for Senator Kerry when I volunteered to back him. I ended up with great admiration for the man after meeting the people who actually served in the boats with him. After being old by these honorable men that they would follow Kerry back into hell again, I had to wonder What was I not seeing?" and wonder what it was about Kerry that kept me from seeing it.

His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war,

Kerry, along with Jane Fonda, was a part of the leadership of VVAW which conducted a deliberate premeditated campaign of lies and false allegations against our military personel in Vietnam. They also served to disciminate communist popaganda and otherwise gave important aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war. They could and probaby should have been put on trial for their crimes.

"His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war."

Really? What cave have you been living in? Who do you think put the spotlight on his lies?
He brought nobody home. He used his VIP status to sleeze his way into being allowed to abandon his crew and the post he had voluntered for a few weeks incountry.

"Enemy documents from 1971 show that Vietnamese communists guided the American antiwar movement via meetings between the communist delegations to the Paris Peace talks and American antiwar activists. John Kerry and the VVAW were working toward the exact goals set forth in the communist directives."
Read about it in John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets? by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Scott Swett.

"In Yesterday's Lies: Steve Pitkin and the Winter Soldiers, Scott Swett tells the story of a former VVAW member and participant in the Winter Soldier Investigation who has now filed an affidavit stating that John Kerry and others pressured him to give false testimony about American atrocities in Vietnam.

In the smash best-seller Unfit for Command, John O'Neill presents eyewitness accounts from Kerry's fellow Swift sailors that demolish his tales of combat heroism, while Dr. Jerry Corsi draws on the WinterSoldier.com research and other new material to expose Kerry's radical activities as a leader of the VVAW.

John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during the Vietnam War.'

your source for facts is the Us Military: "Newly Discovered Army Reports"

The US Military According to the US Military John Kerry is a genuine war hero. :D

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Navy Inspector General report on medals

In September 2004, Vice Admiral Ronald A. Route, the Navy Inspector General, completed a review of Kerry's combat medals, initiated at the request of Judicial Watch. In a memo to the Secretary of the Navy, Gordon England, Route stated:[79]
"Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed. In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards

Conducting any additional review regarding events that took place over 30 years ago would not be productive. The passage of time would make reconstruction of the facts and circumstances unreliable, and would not allow the information gathered to be considered in the context of the time in which the events took place.

Our review also considered the fact that Senator Kerry's post-active duty activities were public and that military and civilian officials were aware of his actions at the time. For these reasons, I have determined that Senator Kerry's awards were properly approved and will take no further action in this matter."

On September 23, 2004, Judicial Watch appealed on the basis that "no specific documentary examples … were cited or offered as exhibits" in the Navy Inspector General's letter of reply to Judicial Watch.[80] Judicial Watch also filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documentation of the investigation. On October 4, 2004 the Navy Inspector General's office responded with documentation of the investigation.[58]

Included within the Navy Inspector General's documentation was a discussion of the duplicate medal citations Kerry had received in 1985:
"…t is apparent that duplicate citations issued under then-Secretary Lehman's and others' signatures in June 1985 were in response to a request from Senator Kerry or his office. … [T]here is considerable correspondence indicating efforts over the years to chase down various citations, etc. The citations under Secretary Lehman's name appear to have been signed by a machine, which would explain why he now doesn't recall any involvement.[58]"

In an October 5, 2004 letter to Judicial Watch, Secretary England deferred to the Navy Inspector General's authority as the investigating officer, and declined to initiate a separate review.[81]

On October 12, 2004, Judicial Watch released comments on the Navy Inspector General's investigation and U.S. Navy Secretary England's "embrace" of that investigation[82] which stated in part...
"The substance of what would have been a legitimate investigation – interviews of eyewitnesses, reviews of travel records, transcripts, FBI files and other relevant material – were not pursued by Naval IG investigators. Instead, Admiral Route and his investigators exhausted their investigative efforts reviewing a Washington Post article from Aug. 22, 2004, and a Newsweek report from the Aug. 30, 2004, edition. The unnamed investigator(s) also relied on Kerry’s presidential campaign Internet site to conduct the investigation...“It’s clear that both the uniformed and civilian leadership of the U.S. Navy view the Kerry matter as a political ‘hot potato.’ The leadership of the Navy has failed to ensure its awards process was not corrupted. This is shameful,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
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According to the US Military John Kerry is a genuine war hero.:clap2:

Except: I had no great love for Senator Kerry when I volunteered to back him. I ended up with great admiration for the man after meeting the people who actually served in the boats with him. After being old by these honorable men that they would follow Kerry back into hell again, I had to wonder What was I not seeing?" and wonder what it was about Kerry that kept me from seeing it.

His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war,

Kerry, along with Jane Fonda, was a part of the leadership of VVAW which conducted a deliberate premeditated campaign of lies and false allegations against our military personel in Vietnam. They also served to disciminate communist popaganda and otherwise gave important aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war. They could and probaby should have been put on trial for their crimes.

"His aloofness, his elitism? Most probably. But the man is a genuine hero according to the men he brought back from the Vietnam war."

Really? What cave have you been living in? Who do you think put the spotlight on his lies?
He brought nobody home. He used his VIP status to sleeze his way into being allowed to abandon his crew and the post he had voluntered for a few weeks incountry.

"Enemy documents from 1971 show that Vietnamese communists guided the American antiwar movement via meetings between the communist delegations to the Paris Peace talks and American antiwar activists. John Kerry and the VVAW were working toward the exact goals set forth in the communist directives."
Read about it in John Kerry and the VVAW: Hanoi's American Puppets? by Dr. Jerome Corsi and Scott Swett.

"In Yesterday's Lies: Steve Pitkin and the Winter Soldiers, Scott Swett tells the story of a former VVAW member and participant in the Winter Soldier Investigation who has now filed an affidavit stating that John Kerry and others pressured him to give false testimony about American atrocities in Vietnam.

In the smash best-seller Unfit for Command, John O'Neill presents eyewitness accounts from Kerry's fellow Swift sailors that demolish his tales of combat heroism, while Dr. Jerry Corsi draws on the WinterSoldier.com research and other new material to expose Kerry's radical activities as a leader of the VVAW.

John Kerry's photograph hangs in the War Protestors Hall of the War Remnants Museum in Ho Chi Minh City -- an indication of the value the Vietnamese communists place on Kerry's support of their efforts during the Vietnam War.'

your source for facts is the Us Military: "Newly Discovered Army Reports"

The US Military According to the US Military John Kerry is a genuine war hero. :D

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

John Kerry military service controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Navy Inspector General report on medals

In September 2004, Vice Admiral Ronald A. Route, the Navy Inspector General, completed a review of Kerry's combat medals, initiated at the request of Judicial Watch. In a memo to the Secretary of the Navy, Gordon England, Route stated:[79]
"Our examination found that existing documentation regarding the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart medals indicates the awards approval process was properly followed. In particular, the senior officers who awarded the medals were properly delegated authority to do so. In addition, we found that they correctly followed the procedures in place at the time for approving these awards

Conducting any additional review regarding events that took place over 30 years ago would not be productive. The passage of time would make reconstruction of the facts and circumstances unreliable, and would not allow the information gathered to be considered in the context of the time in which the events took place.

Our review also considered the fact that Senator Kerry's post-active duty activities were public and that military and civilian officials were aware of his actions at the time. For these reasons, I have determined that Senator Kerry's awards were properly approved and will take no further action in this matter."

On September 23, 2004, Judicial Watch appealed on the basis that "no specific documentary examples … were cited or offered as exhibits" in the Navy Inspector General's letter of reply to Judicial Watch.[80] Judicial Watch also filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documentation of the investigation. On October 4, 2004 the Navy Inspector General's office responded with documentation of the investigation.[58]

Included within the Navy Inspector General's documentation was a discussion of the duplicate medal citations Kerry had received in 1985:
t is apparent that duplicate citations issued under then-Secretary Lehman's and others' signatures in June 1985 were in response to a request from Senator Kerry or his office. … [T]here is considerable correspondence indicating efforts over the years to chase down various citations, etc. The citations under Secretary Lehman's name appear to have been signed by a machine, which would explain why he now doesn't recall any involvement.[58]"

In an October 5, 2004 letter to Judicial Watch, Secretary England deferred to the Navy Inspector General's authority as the investigating officer, and declined to initiate a separate review.[81]

On October 12, 2004, Judicial Watch released comments on the Navy Inspector General's investigation and U.S. Navy Secretary England's "embrace" of that investigation[82] which stated in part...
"The substance of what would have been a legitimate investigation – interviews of eyewitnesses, reviews of travel records, transcripts, FBI files and other relevant material – were not pursued by Naval IG investigators. Instead, Admiral Route and his investigators exhausted their investigative efforts reviewing a Washington Post article from Aug. 22, 2004, and a Newsweek report from the Aug. 30, 2004, edition. The unnamed investigator(s) also relied on Kerry’s presidential campaign Internet site to conduct the investigation...“It’s clear that both the uniformed and civilian leadership of the U.S. Navy view the Kerry matter as a political ‘hot potato.’ The leadership of the Navy has failed to ensure its awards process was not corrupted. This is shameful,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Unfortunately, the poor souls that had to serve with that piece of shit, they had a diferent take on John F'n Kerry.
Unfortunately, the poor souls that had to serve with that piece of shit, they had a diferent take on John F'n Kerry.

as a matter of fact I met the men who actually served in the boats with John Kerry. :cool:

To a man they would kick your ass back into your brain if you had the balls to dishonor them to their faces. :lol:

true story.

two men I didn't meet:

Jim Rassman is a lifelong Republican whose life Kerry saved in Vietnam, and he is speaking out to set the record straight and dismiss the lies of the Swift Boat Liars for Bush

Jim Rassman, Green Beret Rescued by John Kerry in Vietnam

Rassman is not the only Republican whose life John Kerry saved. Former U.S. Senator Chic Hecht of Nevada (R) is another and he thanks Kerry to this day.

Relationship with John Kerry

Hecht's name reappeared in the news in the course of the 2004 presidential election because of an event during his term in the Senate. On July 12, 1988, Hecht was leaving a Republican weekly policy lunch when he began to choke on an apple slice from his lunch of fruit salad and cottage cheese. Unable to talk to his colleagues and not wanting to vomit on them, he ran into the hallway, where Senator Kit Bond, a Republican from Missouri, unsuccessfully tried to help Hecht. Senator John Kerry, stepping off an elevator at the time, recognized what was happening and quickly performed the Heimlich maneuver, saving Hecht's life.[6]

For the rest of his life, Hecht called Kerry on Christmas Day (December 25) each year to thank him. Though a conservative Republican who contributed the maximum amount to the re-election campaign of George W. Bush, Hecht said that he would appear in support of Kerry if asked,[7] though he declined to reveal whether he planned to vote for Kerry or for Bush.[6] One of Hecht's daughters, Leslie Helmer, who worked for the presidential campaigns of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, helped raise funds for Kerry's campaign, out of gratitude for his action.[8] wikipedia

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Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

That had to be while you were sweatin' DADT, too!!!!

Kerry's military record was a fucking joke. Some jack-ass "JG" shoots himself in the leg and puts himself I'm for a Purple Heart, then comes home and tosses his salad over the fence. I used to take little JG's like that prick and chew their fucking ass out in the paint locker.

Some cried.

Please post Obama's military bio.


You slanderous piece of fucking dog shit. You better have proof.
How many of these medals did Bush actually "earn"?

How many of these medals did Bush actually "earn"?


Dependswhat you mean by "earn" doesn't it?

The problem with Kerry was never his medals.

It is what he said after the war that people are angry about, and rightfully so.
"According to the US Military John Kerry is a genuine war hero."

That's a lie. Of course Kerry would be proud because does love his lies.
How many of these medals did Bush actually "earn"?


Dependswhat you mean by "earn" doesn't it?

The problem with Kerry was never his medals.

It is what he said after the war that people are angry about, and rightfully so.

Vietnam was a terrible mistake. So was Iraq. Republicans feel the people of Iraq were ungrateful. Republicans don't understand why Iraqis hated President "you killed my uncle" Bush.

Iraq was one of the biggest examples of Republican failed policy. That and the ruined economy.
Vietnam was a terrible mistake. So was Iraq. Republicans feel the people of Iraq were ungrateful. Republicans don't understand why Iraqis hated President "you killed my uncle" Bush.

Iraq was one of the biggest examples of Republican failed policy. That and the ruined economy.

Why do you care what the Iraqis think?
At least Romney earned his wealth, instead of chasing the skirts of rich women.

so true

If you define "earning wealth" as "leverage buy outs of company, loading them down with debt to pay yourself an outsized salary, and leaving the place in bankruptcy and people without jobs and health insurance."

Yeah, he totally did that.

All Kerry did was make one rich lady happy.

Geez, can't believe I'm defending Kerry.
John "I'm Just A Gigolo" Kerry married his money. Romney earned it. Kerry has a long history as an America smashing son of a b!tch starting with the Congressional hearings in which he described American Soldiers as being the same as Genghis Kahn's raping and pillaging hordes. Incidentally, Kerry was introduced to America's attention by none other than Ted Kennedy, another America hating son of a b!tch, writing a letter to the Soviet premier imploring him to participate in the Democrat's election campaign to paint Ronald Reagan as a war monger.
John "I'm Just A Gigolo" Kerry married his money. Romney earned it. Kerry has a long history as an America smashing son of a b!tch starting with the Congressional hearings in which he described American Soldiers as being the same as Genghis Kahn's raping and pillaging hordes. Incidentally, Kerry was introduced to America's attention by none other than Ted Kennedy, another America hating son of a b!tch, writing a letter to the Soviet premier imploring him to participate in the Democrat's election campaign to paint Ronald Reagan as a war monger.

Wrong. Romney inherited his money. He later made more.

Kerry did not get Heinz money.

American soldiers have told me stories that back up Kerry. What about fragging too?

Ted Kennedy was an American hero, just because he pushed people like you over the edge into imbecility

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