Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

The Right Wing Noise Machine went after Kerry's military record saying it was fair game because Kerry used his military record in his campaign.

The Right Wing Noise Machine cries foul when people attempt to hold Romney's main claim to competency, his business record and ability to create jobs, to the very same standard they held John Kerry to.


Kerry and Romney come from elitist backgrounds that irk the average American. While some people claim class warfare against Romney is unAmerican, the GOP and right wing noise machine used class warfare against John Kerry.


there is more. care to contribute?


I think what Romney did or didn't do at Bain is most definitely fair game...

exactly, but it is Romney's whining and renting of his holy robes, and the screams from the right wingers, that keeps this angle on the story alive.


tell it to them

so the story was concocted and is driven because Romney wants it driven really?he should just stfu and sit still for it? up your drip.
Willard Mitt Romney & John Forbes Kerry: The comparisons

The Right Wing Noise Machine went after Kerry's military record saying it was fair game because Kerry used his military record in his campaign.

The Right Wing Noise Machine cries foul when people attempt to hold Romney's main claim to competency, his business record and ability to create jobs, to the very same standard they held John Kerry to.


Kerry and Romney come from elitist backgrounds that irk the average American. While some people claim class warfare against Romney is unAmerican, the GOP and right wing noise machine used class warfare against John Kerry.


there is more. care to contribute?


Romney and Kerry have a way of irritating people when they attempt to relate to the average hard working American. And they both have personalities that turn boiling water into ice cubes

Mitt Romney Asks If Pennsylvania Bakery's Cookies Were Made At 7-Eleven

Could Kerry slum it in the White House? - Telegraph

Yea, just two average American boys.
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Negging is for circle jerk Pub dupe ugly 'Merican POSs. Your lies and your party are a disgrace. Thanks for ruining the country, chumps of the greedy incompetents...
As is the outsourcing facts against Obama.

you want to run with that FOX News type talking point? :lol:

please, do....please do. :eusa_clap:

Every president of the last 50 years has outsourced including Obama. Give me a break. :eusa_boohoo:

No one can name people who lost jobs when a President shipped their jobs overseas. Presidents don't do that.


Romney did veto a measure that would have prevented the state from doing business with a state contractor that was locating state customer-service calls in India.

The comparison I would make as someone who didn't vote for Kerry and won't vote for Romney.

They both tried to present themselves as something they weren't, while trying to downplay the things that were unfavorable.

Kerry tried to play up his military valor while trying to deny his anti-war activities...

Romney tried to play up his business acumen while trying to downplay the downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring and just bad business deals that he encountered.

Meanwhile partisan republicans, conservatives, and Obama-haters in general must paint a smile on their collective face and pretend like Romney’s ‘their man.’
I think what Romney did or didn't do at Bain is most definitely fair game...

exactly, but it is Romney's whining and renting of his holy robes, and the screams from the right wingers, that keeps this angle on the story alive.


tell it to them

so the story was concocted and is driven because Romney wants it driven really?he should just stfu and sit still for it? up your drip.

Concocted? Nope. Spin? Most likely some of it. Name a political argument that has no spin in it at all...

Romney made his business record the issue in the GOP primaries. In those primaries GOP conservatives argued Romney was not great businessman or job creator.

your argument is with the arguments put forth by GOP candidates in the GOP primaries.
88% of the new eco jobs Obama invests in out sourced jobs .....And you idiots want to talk about him not being a pussy like Kerry? By the way it was sailors who served with Kerry that hung him not the right wing. Sailors dont seem to like treasonous bastards....Who would have thunk it?
The comparison I would make as someone who didn't vote for Kerry and won't vote for Romney.

They both tried to present themselves as something they weren't, while trying to downplay the things that were unfavorable.

Kerry tried to play up his military valor while trying to deny his anti-war activities...

Romney tried to play up his business acumen while trying to downplay the downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring and just bad business deals that he encountered.

Meanwhile partisan republicans, conservatives, and Obama-haters in general must paint a smile on their collective face and pretend like Romney’s ‘their man.’

Not to worry, five minutes after he loses, they will be singing the song about how he wasn't "conservative enough".
88% of the new eco jobs Obama invests in out sourced jobs .....And you idiots want to talk about him not being a pussy like Kerry? By the way it was sailors who served with Kerry that hung him not the right wing. Sailors dont seem to like treasonous bastards....Who would have thunk it?

The comparison I would make as someone who didn't vote for Kerry and won't vote for Romney.

They both tried to present themselves as something they weren't, while trying to downplay the things that were unfavorable.

Kerry tried to play up his military valor while trying to deny his anti-war activities...

Romney tried to play up his business acumen while trying to downplay the downsizing, outsourcing, offshoring and just bad business deals that he encountered.

Meanwhile partisan republicans, conservatives, and Obama-haters in general must paint a smile on their collective face and pretend like Romney’s ‘their man.’

well let's just say it's for damn sure obummer ain't our man never has been.
88% of the new eco jobs Obama invests in out sourced jobs .....And you idiots want to talk about him not being a pussy like Kerry? By the way it was sailors who served with Kerry that hung him not the right wing. Sailors dont seem to like treasonous bastards....Who would have thunk it?


Green Jobs | Scared Monkeys

Link doesn't go anywhere... and when you have a source called "Scared Monkeys", it doesn't have much credibility.

Do you have any sources from people who don't need their medication adjusted?
Kerry and Romney were both the best of a weak field of candidates going against an incumbent who could be beaten.
Kerry, on principle, refused to release some documents during the campaign. He got viciously attacked by the right wing. He later released the documents and voila! - nothing was there.

That same smugness will sink Romney. Maybe there is nothing there, but being an elitist snob..

Poor Romney, sucks to be rejected by the little people.
Kerry and Romney were both the best of a weak field of candidates going against an incumbent who could be beaten.

and both are elitists who just refused to meet the demands of the little people. even when it could help them.

sucks being elitist snobs during elections.

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