William Barr debunks Trump's claim that he was only "inspecting" the bunker during protests

Why does anyone even care about that anymore? It's yesterday's news. :rolleyes:
Probably because it started as just another trump lie. Trump supporters are OK with lies, liars and being lied to especially if it is trump doing the lying. It catches the attention of the rest of us who do not support lies, liars and being lied to even if (as is often the case) it is trump doing the lying. You may think it a lot to ask, but he is your boy and what he does and says is your fault. Can't you control him or even voice you disapproval of his crap?
Did you get to "keep your doctor if you wanted to"?
Did you get one of those "shovel ready" jobs?
Or did you get one of the "thousands of good paying jobs" at Solyndra?
I kept my doctors until we both retired. Of course we have always maintained multiple family plans through work or military and work.
We didn't have any shovel ready plans in our area, thous construction on normal work in progress continued, never actually saw a list of jobs that were (shovel ready) as in planned and laid out up to the point of bringing in the equipment (and screwing up our existing traffic pattern on a moment's notice.
I had a job. Could have kept it or moved up with same company that shut down here during the Bush crash, but wouldn't move as I was debt free and near retirement, and that was with a company I had worked for years with. I certainly never thought of moving to wherever Solindra was. I took an interim job as a contractor for the Department of Defense and then moved back to private sector for the last few years before retiring. I voted Obama out of spite for Bush fkn up the economy and almost messing up my retirement plans and took it person because it effected me personally.
Were you personally on insurance from the Affordable Healthcare Act? Or, is this just a rant?
Did your company have a shovel ready plan, ready to meet the needs of the country, ready to go, that did not get funded and brought you to harm? Or, is this just a rant?
Did you apply to Solyndra and lost it, bringing you to harm? Or is this just a rant.
If it is a rant, I can't help you.
Remember it is not like you were promised a free border wall that our current president promised another country would pay for (without asking first) just to get elected, and then stole the money from the military (for schools, hospitals, military post water systems, repairs to hurricane ravaged military bases, etc) to build a wall becasue he and both houses of congress had agreed to and signed off on the military funding, not knowing his word was no good and he would steal the money for his own pet project at the expense of the military and then you had to finance all those military projects anyway, just because you really didn't have a choice but to make those repairs, is it?
I wish to God the Democrats would run someone NOT criminal, NOT old / white / rich / elitist, and better than Trump.

I wish Democrats didn't cling to / promote fascist, racist, anti-American policies and agendas...

That Democrats weren't bat-shit crazy, pushing f*ed-up ideas like 'Eliminate The Police'....

Until then.....
Name one politician that wasn’t a lier! Like attorneys when politicians lips move their lying.
I wish to God the Democrats would run someone NOT criminal, NOT old / white / rich / elitist, and better than Trump.

I wish Democrats didn't cling to / promote fascist, racist, anti-American policies and agendas...

That Democrats weren't bat-shit crazy, pushing f*ed-up ideas like 'Eliminate The Police'....

Until then.....
I wish you didn’t support narcissist who can’t go 10 seconds without sounding like a retard.
Trump has a sense of humor, his remark was humorous. The left makes a mountain out of it every time. And then we all laugh at you lefties. Thanks!
Lies are now humor?! Ok great, I’ll have to remember that
Oh gee what a convenient point of view to take on the subject.

What can I say, your constant whining just does that to me.
Right I’m sure you’re under the delusion that there is never any reason to say something negative about Trump.

Definitely not under the delusion of needing to say multiple negative things about Trump every fricken day. But hey, I'm not you, thank god.
I wish to God the Democrats would run someone NOT criminal, NOT old / white / rich / elitist, and better than Trump.

I wish Democrats didn't cling to / promote fascist, racist, anti-American policies and agendas...

That Democrats weren't bat-shit crazy, pushing f*ed-up ideas like 'Eliminate The Police'....

Until then.....
I wish you didn’t support narcissist who can’t go 10 seconds without sounding like a retard.
He doesn't support you.
Oh gee what a convenient point of view to take on the subject.

What can I say, your constant whining just does that to me.
Right I’m sure you’re under the delusion that there is never any reason to say something negative about Trump.

Definitely not under the delusion of needing to say multiple negative things about Trump every fricken day. But hey, I'm not you, thank god.
Every frikken minute, you mean
Oh gee what a convenient point of view to take on the subject.

What can I say, your constant whining just does that to me.
Right I’m sure you’re under the delusion that there is never any reason to say something negative about Trump.

Definitely not under the delusion of needing to say multiple negative things about Trump every fricken day. But hey, I'm not you, thank god.
Every frikken minute, you mean

Trying to improve my tolerance level.
Trump has a sense of humor, his remark was humorous. The left makes a mountain out of it every time. And then we all laugh at you lefties. Thanks!
Lies are now humor?! Ok great, I’ll have to remember that
Nah, they were funny back when Barry Hussein was spewing them on a daily basis cus you idiots lapped it up with a spoon.
Of course you only see the Left reporting on it why would the Pro Trump media report it? There’s nothing to defend. Trump lied again.
That is why the left is always reporting the lies...it's biased. There is always something to defend. :) And that is to defend the senseless lies.
Why does anyone even care about that anymore? It's yesterday's news. :rolleyes:
You’re just looking for a reason to deflect....again lol

I do agree that after a while it is the poster that seems lame when they refuse to let things go. To me the bunker hasn't quite yet grown stale. Now if only I had a nickel dollar (inflation) for the times I've read here, "57 states".

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