Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

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CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

It is about the woman, because she is the one who is alive, breathing, and who needs to make decisions about her life.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

Of course, first you denied it existed and now you state it has never been enforced. I linked to article where people are being charged with crimes under these laws and you ignored that too and in fact denied the law even existed in the first place.

You deride the US for the same laws Australia has. Tisk, tisk.
CaféAuLait;7404436 said:
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

Of course, first you denied it existed and now you state it has never been enforced. I linked to article where people are being charged with crimes under these laws and you ignored that too and in fact denied the law even existed in the first place.

You deride the US for the same laws Australia has. Tisk, tisk.

Find me a person who has been charged under those laws, and against whom a conviction was recorded.
CaféAuLait;7404436 said:
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

Of course, first you denied it existed and now you state it has never been enforced. I linked to article where people are being charged with crimes under these laws and you ignored that too and in fact denied the law even existed in the first place.

You deride the US for the same laws Australia has. Tisk, tisk.

looks like she has no idea about the laws in her own country - all of them, not just feticied ones.
That shows NEITHER responsibility or accountability. That shows selfishness!

I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.

don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

It is about the woman, because she is the one who is alive, breathing, and who needs to make decisions about her life.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

No, having an abortion is SELFISH. We already determined that.

Remeber when you tried to change the argument to guns because you know that it's just selfishness? It was pretty obvious that you know that your selfishness drives your desire to abort human life!
I know where I stand on the issue, do you?

That's the problem, Noomi. It's not all about you.

It is about the woman, because she is the one who is alive, breathing, and who needs to make decisions about her life.

Yeah, and women just happen to magically asexually reproduce. Well, if we were in your world of course. Man and Woman come together to make a child, a sperm and an ovum unite to start the process. This is basic human developmental biology. It isn't all about the woman because she is only one half of the equation. You give her the unrequited choice of killing or having her baby, with of course concurrence of the male who contributed to the process (if he had the erhm... balls to stay). But the only choice you think she is rightfully entitled to is the right to end life, not to preserve it.

How ironic, that those of you who already exist, demand that no other child has the same right to their own existence.
I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.

don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)

repeating for the thick-head - losers - you gave up your guns :cuckoo:
now stop envying us - we still have them :razz:
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

It is about the woman, because she is the one who is alive, breathing, and who needs to make decisions about her life.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

Like I said, she hasn't a choice. So much for that "choice" thing you liberals chant from one end of kingdom come to the other.
I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.

don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)

Except for all those babies that are being massacred by selfish, irresponsible women!
I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.

don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)

its a good thing for you we never gave up our guns
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.


That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

No, having an abortion is SELFISH. We already determined that.

Remeber when you tried to change the argument to guns because you know that it's just selfishness? It was pretty obvious that you know that your selfishness drives your desire to abort human life!

No, YOU have decided that because YOU don't like abortion, it therefore must be selfish.

How about you fuck off and let women make their own decisions?
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.
313 (2) Criminal Code Queensland
313 Killing unborn child
(1) Any person who, when a female is about to be delivered of a
child, prevents the child from being born alive by any act or
omission of such a nature that, if the child had been born alive
and had then died, the person would be deemed to have
unlawfully killed the child, is guilty of a crime, and is liable to
imprisonment for life.
(2) Any person who unlawfully assaults a female pregnant with a
child and destroys the life of, or does grievous bodily harm to,
or transmits a serious disease to, the child before its birth,
commits a crime.

Maximum penalty—imprisonment for life.

Posted before I saw that. Thank you for that information.
It isn't. They can have the baby and raise it, they can give it up for adoption, or they can have an abortion. Choicers give them three choices - lifers want them to have the baby no matter what.

That is not choice.


1. don't have unprotected sex
2. have the baby
3. have the baby, put it up for adoption.

Killers don't want choices...they just want the right to kill another human without legal consequences.

If contraception fails, you still want her to have the baby regardless.

Oh, that makes 4 choices...you don't want to risk pregnancy don't have sex.

YES...I still want her to be responsible to her prior choice and not use killing an unborn baby because its not convenient. Have the baby and place it for adoption if you don't wish to raise it, there are parents who do.
don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)

its a good thing for you we never gave up our guns

Yeah, because who knows. Those innocent Sandy Hook kids could still be alive today.
CaféAuLait;7404436 said:
That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

Of course, first you denied it existed and now you state it has never been enforced. I linked to article where people are being charged with crimes under these laws and you ignored that too and in fact denied the law even existed in the first place.

You deride the US for the same laws Australia has. Tisk, tisk.

looks like she has no idea about the laws in her own country - all of them, not just feticied ones.

Indeed! There were several articles where people are being charged for killing unborn babies in Australia and New Zealand, "but it never happened and the law was not there" according to Noomi.
don't be jealous - you gave your guns up yourself, losers

Voluntarily - over 90% of us willingly handed over our guns to prevent another massacre.

Guess what? 16 years later, not one single massacre since. That's gun control for ya. ;)

its a good thing for you we never gave up our guns

she is jealous but there is nothing she can do to get it back, so she just keeps posting nonsense

1. don't have unprotected sex
2. have the baby
3. have the baby, put it up for adoption.

Killers don't want choices...they just want the right to kill another human without legal consequences.

If contraception fails, you still want her to have the baby regardless.

Oh, that makes 4 choices...you don't want to risk pregnancy don't have sex.

YES...I still want her to be responsible to her prior choice and not use killing an unborn baby because its not convenient. Have the baby and place it for adoption if you don't wish to raise it their are parents who do.

So a married woman who doesn't want kids should just NOT have sex with her husband, eh?

Are you really that stupid?

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