Wisconsin GOP: Forcing Women To Undergo Transvaginal Ultrasounds Is Our ‘Priority"

Yep. No welfare, because she should have kept her legs closed. Or got married. Sex outside of wedlock is a sin, you know.

You retards always revert to this.

If this was a high school debate team, you'd have been 86'd after the first time. But because it's the internet, your stupidity is allowed to go on...and on..and on....and you never progress in your logic or abilities.

I'm sorry, I thought you were describing yourself.

your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country
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Yeah, gotta love the liberal mindset. People are gonna make mistakes so how can we best coddle them after they screw up.

Would be smarter to demand responsibility and accountability from the get-go.

Women are responsible and capable of making their own decisions.

Right! So they should be responsible and accountible for the decisions they make!

They are. They take action by having abortions. As is their choice.
You retards always revert to this.

If this was a high school debate team, you'd have been 86'd after the first time. But because it's the internet, your stupidity is allowed to go on...and on..and on....and you never progress in your logic or abilities.

I'm sorry, I thought you were describing yourself.

your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country

LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?
Yeah, gotta love the liberal mindset. People are gonna make mistakes so how can we best coddle them after they screw up.

Would be smarter to demand responsibility and accountability from the get-go.

Women are responsible and capable of making their own decisions.

Then um, why is abortion the only choice?

It isn't. They can have the baby and raise it, they can give it up for adoption, or they can have an abortion. Choicers give them three choices - lifers want them to have the baby no matter what.

That is not choice.
I'm sorry, I thought you were describing yourself.

your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country

LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

I am mocking YOU, not your country, but you seem to have a reading comprehension disability
your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country

LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

I am mocking YOU, not your country, but you seem to have a reading comprehension disability

I know where I stand on the issue, do you?
I'm sorry, I thought you were describing yourself.

your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country

LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?
CaféAuLait;7404340 said:
Yet I find nothing at all to suggest that this law actually passed. Which probably means it didn't.

We have already covered Perth only drafted the legislation, however that legislation, which was being drafted is based on CURRENT law in Queensland, Australia.

Lawyers critical of foetal homicide laws - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

There is no point to this crap because those laws HAVE NOT, AND WILL NOT PASS.
Just because a bill was introduced means nothing.

Oh good grief, again Perth did not pass the law yet, Queensland has, and it is on YOUR /Australia'a books!

Queensland 313 (2) of the Criminal Code reads – Any person who unlawfully assaults a female pregnant with a child and destroys the life of, or does grievous bodily harm to, or transmits a serious disease to, the child before its birth, commits a crime. It could be expected that given the above circumstances, with the child having been killed, the assailant would receive the maximum penalty for this offence, life in prison.


Perth is basing the laws I previously spoke of, on the above law, current, in Queensland Australia.
Women are responsible and capable of making their own decisions.

Then um, why is abortion the only choice?

It isn't. They can have the baby and raise it, they can give it up for adoption, or they can have an abortion. Choicers give them three choices - lifers want them to have the baby no matter what.

That is not choice.


1. don't have unprotected sex
2. have the baby
3. have the baby, put it up for adoption.

Killers don't want choices...they just want the right to kill another human without legal consequences.
Then um, why is abortion the only choice?

It isn't. They can have the baby and raise it, they can give it up for adoption, or they can have an abortion. Choicers give them three choices - lifers want them to have the baby no matter what.

That is not choice.


1. don't have unprotected sex
2. have the baby
3. have the baby, put it up for adoption.

Killers don't want choices...they just want the right to kill another human without legal consequences.

If contraception fails, you still want her to have the baby regardless.
your stupidity is actually quite astonishing. it all sounds like in you are still struck in the seventies

plus, it seems you do not know the laws in your own country

LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.
313 (2) Criminal Code Queensland
313 Killing unborn child
(1) Any person who, when a female is about to be delivered of a
child, prevents the child from being born alive by any act or
omission of such a nature that, if the child had been born alive
and had then died, the person would be deemed to have
unlawfully killed the child, is guilty of a crime, and is liable to
imprisonment for life.
(2) Any person who unlawfully assaults a female pregnant with a
child and destroys the life of, or does grievous bodily harm to,
or transmits a serious disease to, the child before its birth,
commits a crime.

Maximum penalty—imprisonment for life.
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They are. They take action by having abortions. As is their choice.

That shows NEITHER responsibility or accountability. That shows selfishness!

I find it selfish that Yanks want to own guns despite the sheer number of gun deaths each year. And conservatives say they are not selfish?

Ha ha fucking ha.


As if the two were related... lmao! OMG-SMH

You jumped ship on your secular self loving ship awful quick!
CaféAuLait;7404404 said:
LOL. Your country can't even decide whether a fetus is a person or not, and you mock MY country?

At least we are at that juncture, your country as I can see is on that precipice as well but is unlikely to see the light, so who are you to ridicule our ways and customs?

Actually, they have laws on the books in some jurisdictions, she just does not want to admit it or wants to ignore them.
313 (2) Criminal Code Queensland
313 Killing unborn child
(1) Any person who, when a female is about to be delivered of a
child, prevents the child from being born alive by any act or
omission of such a nature that, if the child had been born alive
and had then died, the person would be deemed to have
unlawfully killed the child, is guilty of a crime, and is liable to
imprisonment for life.
(2) Any person who unlawfully assaults a female pregnant with a
child and destroys the life of, or does grievous bodily harm to,
or transmits a serious disease to, the child before its birth,
commits a crime.

Maximum penalty—imprisonment for life.

That law, I highly doubt, has even been enforced.

That's the problem, Noomi. It's not all about you.

It is about the woman, because she is the one who is alive, breathing, and who needs to make decisions about her life.

Decisions about her life? lol

You mean to run away from being responsible for her actions.

Having an abortion is being responsible.

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