Wish Kasich would just switch parties and get it over with

I WAS a Kasich supporter. I supported him for his reelection as Governor, and I supported him for his presidential bid. But now I regret and am even ashamed that I did.

Besides his childish behavior during the primaries, he not only went back on his word to support whoever the Republican nominee might be, he also didn't attend the RNC held by his own party in his very own state. Afterwards had nothing kind to say about our new President. But now he's gone off the deep end.

Gov. John Kasich blasts President Donald Trump, invites immigrant 'Dreamers' to Ohio

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Does he now believe he's the king of Ohio where he can say "And, by the way, if the Dreamers want to go somewhere and live? Come to Ohio. We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute to America."

Who is this "we" that he's talking about here? There is no "we" that feels this way, there is you and speak for yourself! I would expect a statement like this out of California, Massachusetts or New York, but not out of my state of Ohio.

Kasich is finished as Governor because he can only serve two terms; not that he would get reelected again anyway, but I seriously doubt he will just go away. If he runs for any other public office, he should just switch to the Democrat party first and get it over with. After all, Republicans have no use for this guy anymore, and so it seems, Democrat voters really like him. Now I can understand why. He's petulant, feels he's entitled, thinks like a liberal, and has little in the way of integrity.
Because Kasich has logic & makes sense he should leave the party that loves stupid uninformed people like Trump.
Kasich is not a conservative in anyway, he's a progressive through and through. And his butt buddies - spineless McCain and cross-dressing Graham… Don't you understand?
Far right Republicans want to Throw out Republicans that put country of ahead of the party packed full of assholes, white supremacists, & bigots.
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I WAS a Kasich supporter. I supported him for his reelection as Governor, and I supported him for his presidential bid. But now I regret and am even ashamed that I did.

Besides his childish behavior during the primaries, he not only went back on his word to support whoever the Republican nominee might be, he also didn't attend the RNC held by his own party in his very own state. Afterwards had nothing kind to say about our new President. But now he's gone off the deep end.

Gov. John Kasich blasts President Donald Trump, invites immigrant 'Dreamers' to Ohio

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Does he now believe he's the king of Ohio where he can say "And, by the way, if the Dreamers want to go somewhere and live? Come to Ohio. We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute to America."

Who is this "we" that he's talking about here? There is no "we" that feels this way, there is you and speak for yourself! I would expect a statement like this out of California, Massachusetts or New York, but not out of my state of Ohio.

Kasich is finished as Governor because he can only serve two terms; not that he would get reelected again anyway, but I seriously doubt he will just go away. If he runs for any other public office, he should just switch to the Democrat party first and get it over with. After all, Republicans have no use for this guy anymore, and so it seems, Democrat voters really like him. Now I can understand why. He's petulant, feels he's entitled, thinks like a liberal, and has little in the way of integrity.
Because Kasich has logic & makes sense he should leave the party that loves stupid uninformed people like Trump.
Kasich is not a conservative in anyway, he's a progressive through and through. And his butt buddies - spineless McCain and cross-dressing Graham… Don't you understand?
Far right Republicans want to Throw out Republicans that put country of ahead of the party packed full of assholes, white supremacists, & bigots.
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
I WAS a Kasich supporter. I supported him for his reelection as Governor, and I supported him for his presidential bid. But now I regret and am even ashamed that I did.

Besides his childish behavior during the primaries, he not only went back on his word to support whoever the Republican nominee might be, he also didn't attend the RNC held by his own party in his very own state. Afterwards had nothing kind to say about our new President. But now he's gone off the deep end.

Gov. John Kasich blasts President Donald Trump, invites immigrant 'Dreamers' to Ohio

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Does he now believe he's the king of Ohio where he can say "And, by the way, if the Dreamers want to go somewhere and live? Come to Ohio. We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute to America."

Who is this "we" that he's talking about here? There is no "we" that feels this way, there is you and speak for yourself! I would expect a statement like this out of California, Massachusetts or New York, but not out of my state of Ohio.

Kasich is finished as Governor because he can only serve two terms; not that he would get reelected again anyway, but I seriously doubt he will just go away. If he runs for any other public office, he should just switch to the Democrat party first and get it over with. After all, Republicans have no use for this guy anymore, and so it seems, Democrat voters really like him. Now I can understand why. He's petulant, feels he's entitled, thinks like a liberal, and has little in the way of integrity.
Because Kasich has logic & makes sense he should leave the party that loves stupid uninformed people like Trump.

Actually I think he should leave the party because of his liberal stance on things.

If the guy had logic, he would have hired professionals to tell him to quit talking about his past and talk about the future during the debates. If he had any logic, he would have gained respect from the voters by honoring his word about supporting whoever the Republican candidate was. If he had any integrity, he would have at least stopped by Cleveland to welcome "his party" to his state for the Republican National Convention. If he had any logic, he would not have spoken for all of us by saying Ohio welcomes illegals.

I don't think he's logical at all, I think he's a liberal.
FUCK THE PARTY. What the fuck is wrong with you people. You want everyone to support your orange leader even though he makes stupid decisions & acting in his own financial interests over the country's interests.

Fuck yoi Ray. Supporting your country instead of the asshole you elected President should be your concern.

Being against liberalism is supporting our country. Liberalism is trying to change our country into another Socialist state, and there are plenty of them around the globe already.

Liberal ideas are saving this country. Trump & dipsticks like you are destroying this country. Pulling away from trade agreements, pulling out of the Climate accord. Both were extremely stupid & short sighted.

Trashing regulations to give us dirtier air & water are STUPID.

Pulling back regulations on corporations is STUPID. I guess Ray is too stupid to remember the Bush recession. & the great bail out.

Trying to lock in the US market for US made products is STUPID. Locking in a 300 million market at the expense of a 6 billion market is STUPID.

Conservatives are STUPID.

You are sofa king stupid you don;t know birth control is tied to the abortion rate.

You are sofa king stupid you slobber all over Trump's tax cut. He throws you a few pennies while pocketing millions for himself.want to make their lives more difficult due to global warming.

My God, but hey, you got your gun.

You Trumpettresc are the dumbest people on the fucking planet. You hsate your own children as you
I WAS a Kasich supporter. I supported him for his reelection as Governor, and I supported him for his presidential bid. But now I regret and am even ashamed that I did.

Besides his childish behavior during the primaries, he not only went back on his word to support whoever the Republican nominee might be, he also didn't attend the RNC held by his own party in his very own state. Afterwards had nothing kind to say about our new President. But now he's gone off the deep end.

Gov. John Kasich blasts President Donald Trump, invites immigrant 'Dreamers' to Ohio

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Does he now believe he's the king of Ohio where he can say "And, by the way, if the Dreamers want to go somewhere and live? Come to Ohio. We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute to America."

Who is this "we" that he's talking about here? There is no "we" that feels this way, there is you and speak for yourself! I would expect a statement like this out of California, Massachusetts or New York, but not out of my state of Ohio.

Kasich is finished as Governor because he can only serve two terms; not that he would get reelected again anyway, but I seriously doubt he will just go away. If he runs for any other public office, he should just switch to the Democrat party first and get it over with. After all, Republicans have no use for this guy anymore, and so it seems, Democrat voters really like him. Now I can understand why. He's petulant, feels he's entitled, thinks like a liberal, and has little in the way of integrity.
Because Kasich has logic & makes sense he should leave the party that loves stupid uninformed people like Trump.

Actually I think he should leave the party because of his liberal stance on things.

If the guy had logic, he would have hired professionals to tell him to quit talking about his past and talk about the future during the debates. If he had any logic, he would have gained respect from the voters by honoring his word about supporting whoever the Republican candidate was. If he had any integrity, he would have at least stopped by Cleveland to welcome "his party" to his state for the Republican National Convention. If he had any logic, he would not have spoken for all of us by saying Ohio welcomes illegals.

I don't think he's logical at all, I think he's a liberal.
FUCK THE PARTY. What the fuck is wrong with you people. You want everyone to support your orange leader even though he makes stupid decisions & acting in his own financial interests over the country's interests.

Fuck yoi Ray. Supporting your country instead of the asshole you elected President should be your concern.

Being against liberalism is supporting our country. Liberalism is trying to change our country into another Socialist state, and there are plenty of them around the globe already.

Liberal ideas are saving this country. Trump & dipsticks like you are destroying this country. Pulling away from trade agreements, pulling out of the Climate accord. Both were extremely stupid & short sighted.

Trashing regulations to give us dirtier air & water are STUPID.

Pulling back regulations on corporations is STUPID. I guess Ray is too stupid to remember the Bush recession. & the great bail out.

Trying to lock in the US market for US made products is STUPID. Locking in a 300 million market at the expense of a 6 billion market is STUPID.

Conservatives are STUPID.

You are sofa king stupid you don;t know birth control is tied to the abortion rate.

You are sofa king stupid you slobber all over Trump's tax cut. He throws you a few pennies while pocketing millions for himself.want to make their lives more difficult due to global warming.

My God, but hey, you got your gun.

You Trumpettresc are the dumbest people on the fucking planet. You hsate your own children as you
The myth of man-made global warming is all about power and corruption...
Robin Hood was a fucking cowardly criminal
The EPA is all about controlling votes
More frivolous gun control laws will not save a single soul in fact opposite will happen
The larger the federal government the worse off the country is
Envy is in the progressives blood
Healthcare/Obama care/single payer are all about controlling the population

So take your globalist/socialist/progressive fucked up village and shove it up your ass... we ain't buying what you're sell'n
Because Kasich has logic & makes sense he should leave the party that loves stupid uninformed people like Trump.
Kasich is not a conservative in anyway, he's a progressive through and through. And his butt buddies - spineless McCain and cross-dressing Graham… Don't you understand?
Far right Republicans want to Throw out Republicans that put country of ahead of the party packed full of assholes, white supremacists, & bigots.
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
Kasich is not a conservative in anyway, he's a progressive through and through. And his butt buddies - spineless McCain and cross-dressing Graham… Don't you understand?
Far right Republicans want to Throw out Republicans that put country of ahead of the party packed full of assholes, white supremacists, & bigots.
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Far right Republicans want to Throw out Republicans that put country of ahead of the party packed full of assholes, white supremacists, & bigots.
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Sorry, I'm the wrong race to qualify for white supremacists… LOL
Kasich who happens to be a full-blown progressive, and his buddies spineless McCain and cross dressing graham put themselves ahead of the country every time being career politicians and all. Lol
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
I WAS a Kasich supporter. I supported him for his reelection as Governor, and I supported him for his presidential bid. But now I regret and am even ashamed that I did.

Besides his childish behavior during the primaries, he not only went back on his word to support whoever the Republican nominee might be, he also didn't attend the RNC held by his own party in his very own state. Afterwards had nothing kind to say about our new President. But now he's gone off the deep end.

Gov. John Kasich blasts President Donald Trump, invites immigrant 'Dreamers' to Ohio

Who does this clown think he is anyway? Does he now believe he's the king of Ohio where he can say "And, by the way, if the Dreamers want to go somewhere and live? Come to Ohio. We want all the immigrants to come to Ohio, because we know how much they contribute to America."

Who is this "we" that he's talking about here? There is no "we" that feels this way, there is you and speak for yourself! I would expect a statement like this out of California, Massachusetts or New York, but not out of my state of Ohio.

Kasich is finished as Governor because he can only serve two terms; not that he would get reelected again anyway, but I seriously doubt he will just go away. If he runs for any other public office, he should just switch to the Democrat party first and get it over with. After all, Republicans have no use for this guy anymore, and so it seems, Democrat voters really like him. Now I can understand why. He's petulant, feels he's entitled, thinks like a liberal, and has little in the way of integrity.
I am also a Republican who refuses to support Trump. Trump is a thieving liar and a purely evil person. I am not going to support someone just because he recently taped an R at the end of his name so he could hoax the pseudocons for his personal gain. The man stood opposed to every conservative cause until he decided he had a better shot as a Republican.

Don't be one of those idiots who suffers from a serious false dichotomy. Don't assume if someone is opposed to Trump, they have to support Clinton and/or the Democrats.

Nope. Not even close.

Trump is the big supporter of the Clintons. Always has been. He's been their friend for a very long time, and even wished Hillary would be President one day.

It astounds me ANYONE could be fooled by this obviously blatant huckster, much less millions.

There are a lot more retards in this country than I realized.

A lot more.

And your rant is on behalf of Kasich?????

If you're going to look for a Republican that stood with Republicans on every issue, you will be looking a long time. That's besides the fact that most everybody realizes Trump is not conservative and never was. He got voted in because of the issues he was conservative about mostly on the border and of course a great Supreme Court judge among the many he has to pick.

And what personal gain does Trump get from being President? He's losing money every day and in fact, donated his first two quarterly paychecks as President.
When you are a billionaire, legacy and power far out way a few million in cashflow. I seriously doubt he is going to NET loses from the tremendous boost in popularity, name recognition, and political influence that the Trump brand is getting post president.

I wouldn't put any money on that if I were you. I don't think you'll see Trump make one speech unless it's at one of his clubs or something. I wouldn't look for many book deals either.

Trump had it all before joining the race to win the presidency. He had the money, he had the fame, he had the likability, he had everything a man could want. He ran because he really wanted to do the job--not to make money on speeches or whatever. Even if he decides one term is enough, he will have the SS following him and his family everywhere he goes. He will never again enjoy the freedom he once had.
I'll bet you right now that he is the most actively outspoke post president we have ever seen once he is out of the white house. There will be Trump Media print/web/and TV stations. I bet he partners with Bannon on those ventures. The speech circuit will be flowing at a million a pop and the books will be flowing. I have little doubt. You will not only see his name and legacy solidified in history but you will see that net worth sky rocket.

Nobody became a billionaire in politics during or after their term. Trump became a billionaire in the private market. In other words, if his motive was money, the last thing he would have done is run for President. He could have easily made much more what he was doing.

Trump is one of the few people if any where moving into the White House was a step down in life. He had the world by the balls. He gave that up because he thought he could do something for our country. If you could put your hatred aside for a moment, ask yourself, if you had Trumps life, would you have given all that up to be President?
Why is Kasich a "full-blown Progressive" use facts if you're going to make those claims, not empty accusations
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
Your point was the Kasich didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. Trump isn't conservative either. Again, Cruz was the big conservative and he didn't win. Your point doesn't hold
I am also a Republican who refuses to support Trump. Trump is a thieving liar and a purely evil person. I am not going to support someone just because he recently taped an R at the end of his name so he could hoax the pseudocons for his personal gain. The man stood opposed to every conservative cause until he decided he had a better shot as a Republican.

Don't be one of those idiots who suffers from a serious false dichotomy. Don't assume if someone is opposed to Trump, they have to support Clinton and/or the Democrats.

Nope. Not even close.

Trump is the big supporter of the Clintons. Always has been. He's been their friend for a very long time, and even wished Hillary would be President one day.

It astounds me ANYONE could be fooled by this obviously blatant huckster, much less millions.

There are a lot more retards in this country than I realized.

A lot more.

And your rant is on behalf of Kasich?????

If you're going to look for a Republican that stood with Republicans on every issue, you will be looking a long time. That's besides the fact that most everybody realizes Trump is not conservative and never was. He got voted in because of the issues he was conservative about mostly on the border and of course a great Supreme Court judge among the many he has to pick.

And what personal gain does Trump get from being President? He's losing money every day and in fact, donated his first two quarterly paychecks as President.
When you are a billionaire, legacy and power far out way a few million in cashflow. I seriously doubt he is going to NET loses from the tremendous boost in popularity, name recognition, and political influence that the Trump brand is getting post president.

I wouldn't put any money on that if I were you. I don't think you'll see Trump make one speech unless it's at one of his clubs or something. I wouldn't look for many book deals either.

Trump had it all before joining the race to win the presidency. He had the money, he had the fame, he had the likability, he had everything a man could want. He ran because he really wanted to do the job--not to make money on speeches or whatever. Even if he decides one term is enough, he will have the SS following him and his family everywhere he goes. He will never again enjoy the freedom he once had.
I'll bet you right now that he is the most actively outspoke post president we have ever seen once he is out of the white house. There will be Trump Media print/web/and TV stations. I bet he partners with Bannon on those ventures. The speech circuit will be flowing at a million a pop and the books will be flowing. I have little doubt. You will not only see his name and legacy solidified in history but you will see that net worth sky rocket.

Nobody became a billionaire in politics during or after their term. Trump became a billionaire in the private market. In other words, if his motive was money, the last thing he would have done is run for President. He could have easily made much more what he was doing.

Trump is one of the few people if any where moving into the White House was a step down in life. He had the world by the balls. He gave that up because he thought he could do something for our country. If you could put your hatred aside for a moment, ask yourself, if you had Trumps life, would you have given all that up to be President?
I never said his motive was money. I just said he isn't suffering financially from this move and futhermore, my point was moreso that money wasn't the motivating factor for the run... It was power, influence, and legacy...
Wow, you really are a BOT... A malfunctioning one. Out of ammo are ya? gotta keep digging into the well of failed arguments?? haha, what a joke. Go power down for a bit, your circuits are fried.
I hope you're kidding?

That Silly fucker Chris Matthews supports the motherfucker, that alone disqualifies him as a decent human being.

He supports more frivolous gun control laws which makes him a fucking traitorous piece of fucking shit.
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
Your point was the Kasich didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. Trump isn't conservative either. Again, Cruz was the big conservative and he didn't win. Your point doesn't hold
Actually it does, first of all Kasich is a career politician which disqualifies him from the very start same way with the cruz.
Second of all Kasich has a voting record that is far from conservative.
These points that Chris Matthews likes so much absolutely disqualify him from being a conservative...

He's tried many times to get into the conservative circles and he has failed, cant the motherfucker take a hint?
And your rant is on behalf of Kasich?????

If you're going to look for a Republican that stood with Republicans on every issue, you will be looking a long time. That's besides the fact that most everybody realizes Trump is not conservative and never was. He got voted in because of the issues he was conservative about mostly on the border and of course a great Supreme Court judge among the many he has to pick.

And what personal gain does Trump get from being President? He's losing money every day and in fact, donated his first two quarterly paychecks as President.
When you are a billionaire, legacy and power far out way a few million in cashflow. I seriously doubt he is going to NET loses from the tremendous boost in popularity, name recognition, and political influence that the Trump brand is getting post president.

I wouldn't put any money on that if I were you. I don't think you'll see Trump make one speech unless it's at one of his clubs or something. I wouldn't look for many book deals either.

Trump had it all before joining the race to win the presidency. He had the money, he had the fame, he had the likability, he had everything a man could want. He ran because he really wanted to do the job--not to make money on speeches or whatever. Even if he decides one term is enough, he will have the SS following him and his family everywhere he goes. He will never again enjoy the freedom he once had.
I'll bet you right now that he is the most actively outspoke post president we have ever seen once he is out of the white house. There will be Trump Media print/web/and TV stations. I bet he partners with Bannon on those ventures. The speech circuit will be flowing at a million a pop and the books will be flowing. I have little doubt. You will not only see his name and legacy solidified in history but you will see that net worth sky rocket.

Nobody became a billionaire in politics during or after their term. Trump became a billionaire in the private market. In other words, if his motive was money, the last thing he would have done is run for President. He could have easily made much more what he was doing.

Trump is one of the few people if any where moving into the White House was a step down in life. He had the world by the balls. He gave that up because he thought he could do something for our country. If you could put your hatred aside for a moment, ask yourself, if you had Trumps life, would you have given all that up to be President?
I never said his motive was money. I just said he isn't suffering financially from this move and futhermore, my point was moreso that money wasn't the motivating factor for the run... It was power, influence, and legacy...
The most retarded thing that Trump could've done for financial gain is run for president, he was already far more successful than his dad could ever dream of being. You can only spend so much money. And if he fucks up the federal government that's a good thing for the country
How about we look at the full spectrum if you are going to make the ignorant claim that he is a "full blown progressive". A few cherry picked bullet points with no details doesn't quite cut it bud. Like I said earlier. Elevate yourself and stop with the low IQ arguments.

John Kasich on the Issues

John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
Your point was the Kasich didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. Trump isn't conservative either. Again, Cruz was the big conservative and he didn't win. Your point doesn't hold
Actually it does, first of all Kasich is a career politician which disqualifies him from the very start same way with the cruz.
Second of all Kasich has a voting record that is far from conservative.
These points that Chris Matthews likes so much absolutely disqualify him from being a conservative...

He's tried many times to get into the conservative circles and he has failed, cant the motherfucker take a hint?
You can keep posting it but i've already countered your cherry picked talking points. If you aren't able to get your arguments out of first gear and need to keep repeating that what has failed, then you are never going to get anywhere. Like I said earlier, elevate yourself or go rest your circuits.
He has nothing in common with conservative values, otherwise he would've won the primary.
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
Your point was the Kasich didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. Trump isn't conservative either. Again, Cruz was the big conservative and he didn't win. Your point doesn't hold
Actually it does, first of all Kasich is a career politician which disqualifies him from the very start same way with the cruz.
Second of all Kasich has a voting record that is far from conservative.
These points that Chris Matthews likes so much absolutely disqualify him from being a conservative...

He's tried many times to get into the conservative circles and he has failed, cant the motherfucker take a hint?
You can keep posting it but i've already countered your cherry picked talking points. If you aren't able to get your arguments out of first gear and need to keep repeating that what has failed, then you are never going to get anywhere. Like I said earlier, elevate yourself or go rest your circuits.
OK, will put the ball in your court. On what issues that count is he conservative?
Wow, you really are a BOT... A malfunctioning one. Out of ammo are ya? gotta keep digging into the well of failed arguments?? haha, what a joke. Go power down for a bit, your circuits are fried.
Where is your proof that Kasich is a conservative, start with a gun control?
Already addressed in the links I posted to counter your ignorant talking points, which you obviously didn't read:

Gun Control
Kasich is a strong supporter and defender of the Second Amendment. He has signed pro-gun reform laws in Ohio to protect concealed carry laws. He once argued that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is a popular organization because "people feel like they have a right to protect themselves and their families."
John Kasich On 14 Important Issues - John Kasich's Political Platform and Stance on Issues
  • Registering mentally ill is first priority in gun control. (Nov 2015)
  • 2nd Amendment advocate: NRA rating changed from "F" to "A". (Aug 2015)
  • Keep existing restrictions, but tighten up on terrorist guns. (Nov 1996)
  • Cool off before making new gun laws after Littleton. (May 1999)
  • More parenting better than more gun laws. (May 1999)
  • Voted YES on decreasing gun waiting period from 3 days to 1. (Jun 1999)
  • Opposes restrictions on the right to bear arms. (Aug 2010)
John Kasich on the Issues
Cruz was the most conservative candidate in the primary and he didn't win. In fact, Trump is perhaps the furthest from "conservative" of all candidates and he won. That was a big strike out on that argument. Plus I just posted dozens of political stances that Kasich took that shows conservative values. From the timing of your response I can tell you didn't even read the links. Stay ignorant my friend! Just don't expect anybody to take you seriously
Trump was the only one that was no a career politician, Kasich does not have a conservative bone in his body that's why he won the election for Ohio governorship.
Your point was the Kasich didn't win because he wasn't conservative enough. Trump isn't conservative either. Again, Cruz was the big conservative and he didn't win. Your point doesn't hold
Actually it does, first of all Kasich is a career politician which disqualifies him from the very start same way with the cruz.
Second of all Kasich has a voting record that is far from conservative.
These points that Chris Matthews likes so much absolutely disqualify him from being a conservative...

He's tried many times to get into the conservative circles and he has failed, cant the motherfucker take a hint?
You can keep posting it but i've already countered your cherry picked talking points. If you aren't able to get your arguments out of first gear and need to keep repeating that what has failed, then you are never going to get anywhere. Like I said earlier, elevate yourself or go rest your circuits.
OK, will put the ball in your court. On what issues that count is he conservative?
Listen man, I've posted dozens of actual quotes and policy positions of Kasichs. You failed to read them and decided to ignorantly and emotionally respond to everything I say in a empty and repetitive way. I'm not going out of my way anymore to prove my points to you. I've done so time and time again. Like I said many times before, get out of the low IQ talking points and elevate yourself, educate yourself, learn how to back up your comments with substance rather than empty emotion. There is a reason why people don't take you seriously, its because of how you conduct yourself which is not much better than a grade schooler could do.

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