With just 3 Republican votes the House passes $15 an hour minimum wage bill.

And yet.... CNN is running a story today talking about how automation and "near employless" stores are crushing the poor.
Well guess what Angelo .... you will see many, many more stores do away with clerks/cashiers and baggers if this actually became law.
Just like in Maine and Washington... the result was less employment for min. wage jobs.
They are doing it NOW with a $7.25 wage
And your point?
You think doubling the wage is not going to ramp that up faster?
They will do it regardless of an increase in minimum wage
They always have

Self serve gas pumps were put in when minimum wage was $2.25 an hour. Didn’t stop them
Different thing.
Self serv pumps were put in because stations couldn't keep up with the ever rising number of cars and the increased mileage people were putting on cars. That one wasn't related to getting rid of employees, but yes most others were.
And yet.... CNN is running a story today talking about how automation and "near employless" stores are crushing the poor.
Well guess what Angelo .... you will see many, many more stores do away with clerks/cashiers and baggers if this actually became law.
Just like in Maine and Washington... the result was less employment for min. wage jobs.
They are doing it NOW with a $7.25 wage
And your point?
You think doubling the wage is not going to ramp that up faster?
They will do it regardless of an increase in minimum wage
They always have

Self serve gas pumps were put in when minimum wage was $2.25 an hour. Didn’t stop them
Different thing.
Self serv pumps were put in because stations couldn't keep up with the ever rising number of cars and the increased mileage people were putting on cars. That one wasn't related to getting rid of employees, but yes most others were.
It was specifically related to getting rid of the low wage guys pumping gas
So the RW here would rather that workers get paid less than $10 an hour and be on food stamps...

No the RW here recognizes that raising min,. wage is treating a symptom and not the problem.
The problem is globalism/corporatism has outsourced jobs for the masses wherever cheapest across the globe. And is doing EXACTLY what those warning about it said it would do 30 years ago.
Minimum wage jobs are not equal to all of the good paying/full time/good benefit jobs that have been lost to outsourcing and automation.
And it never will be.
Right, because Burger King should pay their people $600 a week cuz progs feel it's earned.
So the RW here would rather that workers get paid less than $10 an hour and be on food stamps...
As long as businesses can make a profit off of low wage workers
All you need to do is look at the Waltons.
They've already made their fortune no matter what happens to our economy.
When the SHTF, hyperinflation hits and all the WalMart stores shut their doors,they'll still be sitting on their
$200 billion. The empty Superstores that they had leased will become homeless shelters and FEMA camps while the family scoots off to a private island somewhere. Bye ...thanks America.
So the RW here would rather that workers get paid less than $10 an hour and be on food stamps...
As long as businesses can make a profit off of low wage workers
The average PRE-TAX income of a McDonalds store is $150,000.
However, the cost to the owner is between $1 mil and $2 mil depending on size and location.
Currently the average number of employees per store is 18 (half what it was 10 years ago)
Let's say they average 26 hours a week. 26x18 = 468 hours. Average pay at McDonalds today is roughly $9/hr.
Increasing by $6 would cost the owner just over $146,000.
So the store would instantly break even at best.
What do you think will happen to the prices?
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
Nothing wrong with occasional fast food. People need to stop acting like elitist jerks.
We eat at different places every day depending on where our job takes us in the city.
No there’s not I just usually go to Whataburger or Wendy’s.
Right, because Burger King should pay their people $600 a week cuz progs feel it's earned.

Burger King doubled the cost of a Whopper when the price of a Whopper went up. Why didn’t they complain to their meat suppliers ?

Price of low wage labor hasn’t increased in ten years
Burger King should have raised wages on their own instead of pocketing the profit
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
Nothing wrong with occasional fast food. People need to stop acting like elitist jerks.
We eat at different places every day depending on where our job takes us in the city.
No there’s not I just usually go to Whataburger or Wendy’s.
Good choice
So the RW here would rather that workers get paid less than $10 an hour and be on food stamps...
As long as businesses can make a profit off of low wage workers
The average PRE-TAX income of a McDonalds store is $150,000.
However, the cost to the owner is between $1 mil and $2 mil depending on size and location.
Currently the average number of employees per store is 18 (half what it was 10 years ago)
Let's say they average 26 hours a week. 26x18 = 468 hours. Average pay at McDonalds today is roughly $9/hr.
Increasing by $6 would cost the owner just over $146,000.
So the store would instantly break even at best.
What do you think will happen to the prices?

The $15 wage takes effect in 2025
Let McDonalds handle it
Can't wait to see how much a Big Mac cost when you have to pay the worker at the drive up window $15.00 dollars an hour.
You shouldnt be eating that crap you and donnie.
If people didn’t then there would be no fast food places and those workers would not even have job much less needing to get paid 15 dollars an hour for doing it. FYI I don’t eat Big Macs.
Nothing wrong with occasional fast food. People need to stop acting like elitist jerks.
We eat at different places every day depending on where our job takes us in the city.
No there’s not I just usually go to Whataburger or Wendy’s.
I like Zaxbys, Schlotzskys and Popeye's
After minimum wage has been frozen for a decade and they propose a bill that will raise the wage to $15 SIX YEARS FROM NOW

Republicans can still not support it
Think about it . Only 30 years ago the federal minimum wage was $3.35 . 20 years ago - $5.15.
They've been screwing us forever.
too funny, you expect the government to get your education and job. what a lazy fk you are.

I went to college, earned a degree and went and got a well paying job five times the minimum wage. nobody grabbed my shirt to hold me back. I chose to better myself and take the opportunities that people were willing to pay. no one forced anyone to do anything for me.
So the RW here would rather that workers get paid less than $10 an hour and be on food stamps...
As long as businesses can make a profit off of low wage workers
The average PRE-TAX income of a McDonalds store is $150,000.
However, the cost to the owner is between $1 mil and $2 mil depending on size and location.
Currently the average number of employees per store is 18 (half what it was 10 years ago)
Let's say they average 26 hours a week. 26x18 = 468 hours. Average pay at McDonalds today is roughly $9/hr.
Increasing by $6 would cost the owner just over $146,000.
So the store would instantly break even at best.
What do you think will happen to the prices?
IRS can fix that with tax breaks etc.
We bailed out Wall Street, and now it's time to do the same for Main Street.
After minimum wage has been frozen for a decade and they propose a bill that will raise the wage to $15 SIX YEARS FROM NOW

Republicans can still not support it
Think about it . Only 30 years ago the federal minimum wage was $3.35 . 20 years ago - $5.15.
They've been screwing us forever.
too funny, you expect the government to get your education and job. what a lazy fk you are.
What an over-assuming snob you are. Run along Bartholamew Poindexter III.
After minimum wage has been frozen for a decade and they propose a bill that will raise the wage to $15 SIX YEARS FROM NOW

Republicans can still not support it
Think about it . Only 30 years ago the federal minimum wage was $3.35 . 20 years ago - $5.15.
They've been screwing us forever.
too funny, you expect the government to get your education and job. what a lazy fk you are.
What an over-assuming snob you are. Run along Bartholamew Poindexter III.
look at the government slacker. BTW, minimum wage was for kids working in summer during summer vacation and for students at college part time to make living money for their time in college. it was never for making a career with. the fact that you believe that's what it is tells everyone how uninformed you are.
The $15 wage takes effect in 2025
Let McDonalds handle it

Oh they will.
Just like I said they will.
And the end result will be less hours and less employees.
And that makes the problem worse - not better.
McDonalds can juggle their workforce any way they wish. They have done it through 60 years of minimum wage increases

The market adjusts and Mickey Ds survives

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