With more information about January 6, why it happened is now obvious

The fake story that you have been fed so that you can crap on law enforcement is noted. You are desperate to exonerate the Loser you worship.

I'll stick with the documented reality, the substantive evidence for which has resulted in nearly a thousand Trump goons being convicted or confessing.
Of course you'll stick with the spoon-fed story for the Democrat gullible. I would expect no less. You do have to be really stupid to be a Democrat that's for sure
Of course you'll stick with the spoon-fed story for the Democrat gullible. I would expect no less. You do have to be really stupid to be a Democrat that's for sure
If you need to ignore the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, the police officers who were attacked, and the wealth of documented, recorded evidence, as well as the confessions of Trump goons, that is what you will do.
If you need to ignore the sworn testimony of dozens of Republicans, the police officers who were attacked, and the wealth of documented, recorded evidence, as well as the confessions of Trump goons, that is what you will do.
Yes it probably was a good idea to ignore the Sham j6 committee and their packs of Lies and biased testimony. Intelligent people doing what we normally do.

Yes it probably was a good idea to ignore the Sham j6 committee and their packs of Lies and biased testimony. Intelligent people doing what we normally do.
With so many Republican witnesses giving damning, corroborating, sworn testimony, all the Cry Baby Loser's cult can do is cling to their willful ignorance.
The fake story that you have been fed so that you can crap on law enforcement is noted. You are desperate to exonerate the Loser you worship.

I'll stick with the documented reality, the substantive evidence for which has resulted in nearly a thousand Trump goons being convicted or confessing.

If you want to whine about the American justice system, I won't be surprised.
Don't get me started on the obvious two-tiered justice system you gullible buffoon
With so many Republican witnesses giving damning, corroborating, sworn testimony, all the Cry Baby Loser's cult can do is cling to their willful ignorance.
January 6th was a sham. It was like a party of trump haters. You really want to base our democracy on the Soviet show trial? Nobody believes you

from X julie kelly

Part of me is gratified by this (biden's)maniacal speech Last night.

Why? Because it proves we are prevailing over the J6 narrative. Biden, Matthew Graves, Merrick Garland, celeb J6 cops--their stunts over the past few days show they are LOSING control over Jan 6--a fedsurrection they thought for sure would not just take out Trump but the entire MAGA movement.

They thought it would end the GOP and result in mass defections to the Democratic Party. They thought it would end questions about the 2020 election.

They didn't think anyone would ever question what happened, how it happened, or expose the lies it was built upon. They thought their dirty secrets would be hidden forever.

But it's all collapsing right when they need the narrative to hold most. Jack Smith's J6 prosecution of Trump is teetering. SCOTUS could overturn the most common felony count.

Polls show more people now vs 2021 think the 2020 election was illegitimate. They don't blame Trump (aside from nearly 100 percent of Democrats) for January 6.

The public, according to WashPo poll, is split as to whether Jan 6 was mostly peaceful or violent.

And suspicion about the animating role of the FBI and other government agencies continues to grow.

That's why Biden is ranting and raving and cheering the imprisonment of political dissidents and denouncing truth seekers and pretending he's George Washington at Valley Forge.


It was never supposed to happen.
Doc says, "House Speaker Mike Johnson’s release of more video and cell phone tapes from January 6 shows further evidence that the “insurrection” on that day was a federal setup."

The first time I heard that word "insurrection" applied to the January 6 conservatives' protest, I thought of corrupt Nancy Pelosi being the set up person, and I felt it strongly was just one more attempt to beat up on President Donald John Trump. It's a disgrace what the Democrats have been led into a point of no return politically, and it is an improprietary arsenal against the english language because it's so phony it's like letting a dog sleep on the foot of the bed and waking up with fleas. !Woke Fleas! :muahaha:
Doc 7505, I don't think my opinion is "fake news," any more than this unthinkably disrespectful deed is (Fox News, Picture below) I'm shocked that you think I would put up "fake news" when the Democrats have beaten unacceptable behaviors and ten thousand lies per diem on 300 American TV stations through the Mainstream Media that has pushed lie after lie against President Trump and 100% of those lies are found on the Democrat website talking points area for all to see and believe. Pelosi was in every attack put out against Trump through dark and deep state disorderliness. If she's your aunt or family friend, I'm sorry, but she is instrumental in having orchestrated more untrue hubris than any House Speaker in my lifetime, and the picture above what all of us saw on television of Pelosi tearing up President Trump's speech literally behind his back. That wasn't her only "cutsie plot" she's launched on President Trump. People get paid well for printing and doing things that please George Soros, including pass laws that make him so much money for some nebulous reason Ms. Pelosi went from middle class wealthy to

Fox News First

Pelosi tears up Trump's speech in stunning State of the Union scene​

Fox News
Published February 5, 2020 4:29am EST​

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., tears her copy of President Trump's s State of the Union address after he delivered it to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

Only a lot of hate and malice aforethought shows that Nancy Pelosi is demonizing the Presidential State of the Union Address. She wants to dominate hatred as her goal for everybody on earth to know she hates the President and is unwilling to support him for any reason. Nobody kicks their dogs in public nor in private in most homes. This is the most horrific bit of nastiness I have ever seen in American politics in my lifetime, and I'm 77 years old. We put up with a dervish, self-serving, out-of-touch House Speaker up into this point of an extremely puerile act in what should have been a solemn occasion.

This hateful vengeance seeker should NEVER have been allowed anywhere near DC. Her filth is that she plays a crooked card game, when there should be no gaming going on in DC, and she doesn't give a damn if her antics put this nation into another civil war. If it comes to that, her targeting of men who are found innocent of her lies, her false narratives, and her hatred is a blight on this nation, not to mention that her insider trading took her from being comfortably wealthy to a net worth (according to a 2021 estimate) was
Pelosi's net worth in 2021 was estimated to be as much as $171.4 million in an October, 2021 report by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative news outlet that arrived at that figure "by taking into account the ranges of all the individual assets and liabilities" in Pelosi's financial disclosure statement.

How Nancy Pelosi’s Long Game Led to Trump’s Indictment (recent)

Newsweek: How Nancy Pelosi's net worth vastly increased while House Speaker "Pelosi's net worth in 2021 was estimated to be as much as $171.4 million in an October report by The Washington Free Beacon"

Her hateful deeds against her loyal opposition exceeds normality. And the press lost their charisma of being journalists by printing lies that benefit Democrats and Democrat leaders only. Pelosi and her gang of Character Assination experts I hope will disappear from the politics of friendship and brotherhood that has been the American alliance of states since President George Washington and the Continental Congress planned a country of mostly Christians and Jews, like no other country on earth that acknowledges a Constitution filled with human rights allowances that have been enhanced to include former slaves to have both voting and office-holding benefits with making sure every adult in the country has freedoms in the Constitution, its Bill of Rights, and Amendments passed by Congress as needed.

It is my understanding that Nancy Pelosi is running for Congress in 2024. :puke:
The Trump cult continues to have a difficult time accepting reality, much preferring the Loser's documented lies.
The Trump cult continues to have a difficult time accepting reality, much preferring the Loser's documented lies.
The Biden cult celebrates the murder of a young Patriot and Revels the blood on their hands. Cowards all of them

The Biden cult celebrates the murder of a young Patriot and Revels the blood on their hands. Cowards all of them

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Your hysterical, hype-partisan nonsense does not alter the reality that Trump lost the election in 2020, no more than does his lying about it.

Screen Shot 2024-01-06 at 4.36.39 PM.png

Not even the most aroused Trumpwank is challenging the certified 2020 vote of any state in the nation in any judicial or legislative venue. That would require actual, credible evidence.

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Your hysterical, hype-partisan nonsense does not alter the reality that Trump lost the election in 2020, no more than does his lying about it.

Not even the most aroused Trumpwank is challenging the certified 2020 vote of any state in the nation in any judicial or legislative venue. That would require actual, credible evidence.

Yeah that's not what we're talking about here though we're talking about you ass wipe cowards who celebrate Ashley Babbitt's death. Immoral dishonest little fuckers who probably are afraid to even walk down the street. You should be

Yeah that's not what we're talking about here though we're talking about you ass wipe cowards who celebrate Ashley Babbitt's death.
Your fake outrage fails to provide any instance of patriots who support law and order "celebrating" anyone's death.

Trump should be ashamed of himself for wee-weeing up vulnerable people by his lies, and putting them in danger by breaking the law at his bidding.

Immoral dishonest little fuckers who probably are afraid to even walk down the street. You should be
You are pissy because the Cry Baby Loser you worship lost the 2020 presidential election, lost after all recounts, lost after all audits, lost all court challenges, lost in his goon attack on Congress, lost in his fake elector schemes, and lost in his attempts to intimidate Republican governors and secretaries-of-state into falsifying the vote for him.

Nowhere in America is any fanatical Trumpwank able to concoct evidence to challenge the People's will in any legislative or judicial venue anywhere.
vagina head first you said there was an insurrection. then I proved you wrong you said oh wait it was a sedition. Which was it again? Move the goal post much? LOL you're funny. What will it be next?


You don't even know how to post correctly. :badgrin:

Your forum challenges aside, I already proved to you that sedition is equivalent to insurrection...


A rising against civil or political authority; the open and active opposition of a number of persons to the execution of a law in a city or state. It is equivalent to sedition, except that sedition expresses a less extensive rising of citizens.

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