With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!

" Traitorous Usurpers Of Constitution "

* Ignorance Of The Law Is Not An Excuse *

Today the amendment process can only pass relatively non-controversy issues. It's been over 50 years since congress passed an amendment. In todays highly polarized political environment passing any amendment in congress (2/3 vote) and ratifying by 2/3 of the states is all but impossible. After getting 2/3 vote in the House and Senate which is nearly impossible. 7 red or blue states would have to flip. That means the only amendment that would pass would be one that would not favor either side.

The world and the country is changing faster than anytime in history, and changes in the constitution have never been slower. In the first 130 years of the country there were 20 amendments passed by congress. In the last 100 years there has been 7. The US Constitution is the 2nd oldest in the world and probably the most out of date. Thus the Supreme Court's primary job has been the making of laws and interpretation of the constitution.
The only option to overturning roe v wade was to send it back to the federal legislature with a ruling that a ZEF ( zygote , embryo ,fetus ) does not have constitutional protections for not having met a birth requirement for equal protection ( wright to life included ) and a constitutional amendment was required , and as that was not possible the traitorous scrotus chose sedition instead - Equal Protection Of Citizenship Is In A State Of Sedition Because Of Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion .
Oh please genderqueer is 99% a load of crap

I’m not confused. All 81, 68,72 (they can’t even make up their minds on that) genders/genderqueer are complete BS. I’m not participating in trying to figure out what flavor of the month you feel like today.

It's not up to you to figure out and judge the lives of other people. It's up to you to treat others the way YOU would like to be treated.

From that point of view it appears that the Christian right wingers want to be shunned and/or mocked for their life choices.
Yes, it's time for you people to relinquish authority to God. We will prevail. As matter of fact, we already are beginning with the smackdown of Roe v Wade. Pucker up, same-sex marriage is next.

Who's God - yours???? I don't think so. You've already rejected God who gave women "free will" and the ability to decide when it was best to have a child.

The problem with the religious right, or any religious fanatic for that matter, is that they believe that their version of "God" is the one true and correct version of God, and they want everyone else to follow their beliefs.

Religious wars plagued Europe for centuries. The Pilgrims emigrated from Europe because of religious persecution. THAT's why the USA was founded on the principle of "separation of church and state".

Nothing corrupts religion more than getting involved in secular matters - "render unto Caesar". Right wing religious zealots have been trying for years to take over the US government, regardless of what the Constitution says, and it seems they've managed to take control of the SC.
Where was that ever written anywhere by the Founders? Go ahead, put up the link, I'm waiting.

Apparently they do, just that you're not the majority after all. Not even close.

It's coming Baby. Gun Rights restored in NY saying we don't need no state's stinking permission to protect ourselves, and now, illegal federalism has been killed once again restoring democracy so that individual states can choose for THEMSELVES. Yea!

Now conservatives have more reason than ever to come out this November and keep cramming LIBERTY and DEMOCRACY down your fucking throat. :happy-1:
In Jefferson's own words, our Constitution is a living document. He encourages us to change as our “human minds” progress. We must hold righteous our social-democratic principles. In very simple terms, we as a country must continue to evolve.

Most of founders believe that the two party system would work. Men of integrity would serve in the congress from the two parties and make changes in our laws and the constitution as the country evolved.

However George Washington did not share their opinion. He warned against the creation of opposing political parties because he felt they “are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

I think time is proving George was right. The two political parties serve themselves not the people.

The last constitutional amendment congress passed was over 50 years ago. About the only thing the two parties agree on is opposing each other. I doubt any one alive today will see another amendment.
The Two-Party System - Hamilton's Final Act: Enemies & Allies
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Very odd indeed since many prominent men in the Old Testament were polygamists.
None of which were named Jesus Christ.

God allows people to sin, even his prominent men who sinned some of which faced consequences due to their polygamy.
In Jefferson's own words, our Constitution is a living document. He encourages us to change as our “human minds” progress. We must hold righteous our social-democratic principles. In very simple terms, we as a country must continue to evolve.

Most of founders believe that the two party system would work. Men of integrity would serve in the congress from the two parties and make changes in our laws and the constitution as the country evolved.

However George Washington did not share their opinion. He warned against the creation of opposing political parties because he felt they “are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

I think time is proving George was right. The two political parties serve themselves not the people.

The last constitutional amendment congress passed was over 50 years ago. About the only thing the two parties agree on is opposing each other. I doubt any one alive today will see another amendment.
The Two-Party System - Hamilton's Final Act: Enemies & Allies

Love your link! That was good reading. :lmao: Send me 99 cents so I can actually VIEW IT.

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With Our Victory Of Roe Being Overturned, Next Target--Same Sex Marriage!​

Then you’re going to claim they want to eliminate interracial marriage then a return to slavery.
One word for you. Precedent.
The Constitution was meant to be a living breathing document that changed with the times.
Unfortunately, the judges basing their rulings on their belief in a sky pixie don't reflect the views of the majority.

Again, this will be fun to watch.
Memba that red wave in November?...LOL.
Let's see if that holds. :)
It was not meant to change with the times. There is an amendment process which is a long and difficult process.

The constitution doesn’t simply expand and contract at the whims of society.
It was not meant to change with the times. There is an amendment process which is a long and difficult process.

The constitution doesn’t simply expand and contract at the whims of society.
When the Constitution was written, the framers could not have know the scope and complexities of the issues that we face in the modern world, or appreciated the changes to society and they knew it. That it was it is necessarily vague.

But maybe "change" is not the right word. A better coice might to to"interpret" or "adapt" to changing times. Consider: When the Constitution was written, Black People were considered less than human. Does that mean that a Constitutional Amendment should have been necessary to endschool segregation of the ban on interracial marriage?

It is not about "whims of society" It is about the evolving standards of human decency and and sensabilities
It was not meant to change with the times. There is an amendment process which is a long and difficult process.

The constitution doesn’t simply expand and contract at the whims of society.
Well, Jefferson certainly expected it to change with the times. The longer a constitution exists without changes the more interpretations we will have from the courts. And as we have seen some of those interpretations are pretty convoluted. As society progresses and the constitution remains frozen in time, it will be the courts that effective create a living constitution by interpreting previous court ruling that were interpretation of the constitution and existing law.
Well, Jefferson certainly expected it to change with the times. The longer a constitution exists without changes the more interpretations we will have from the courts. And as we have seen some of those interpretations are pretty convoluted. As society progresses and the constitution remains frozen in time, it will be the courts that effective create a living constitution by interpreting previous court ruling that were interpretation of the constitution and existing law.
Changing the constitution is slow and deliberate process. The constitution is not a “living and breathing “ document which automatically casts off that which it thinks it no longer needs.
Changing the constitution is slow and deliberate process. The constitution is not a “living and breathing “ document which automatically casts off that which it thinks it no longer needs.
Either the people change the constitution or the courts will through interpretations and court precedent.
It's not up to you to figure out and judge the lives of other people. It's up to you to treat others the way YOU would like to be treated.

From that point of view it appears that the Christian right wingers want to be shunned and/or mocked for their life choices.
If they are asking me to participate in their delusion it sure as hell is up to me isn’t it?
You are assuming I’d be deliberately rude.

BTW I get mocked as a Christian all the time even if I’m nice.

The LGBTQ community has sued over baking gay wedding cakes and showed no respect for those Christians or their beliefs did they? They targeted white Christian owned bakery’s until the court sided with the bakers and said the suit was malicious. The destroyed several businesses. They never approached black, Muslim, Jewish owned bakery’s, just white Christian. Maybe the LGBTQ should follow your advice and treat Christian’s the way they want to be treated. Now there’s a thought.
Maybe the LGBTQ should follow your advice and treat Christian’s the way they want to be treated.
What would that look like in the real world? Submitting to bigotry and discrimination? Let me remind you this is not a clear cut case of Christians vs. Gays. Many Christians and Christian denominations support gay people, and welcome them into their churches. Many Christians are in fact LGBT themselves. But, you people with this victum complex have to set up these fasle dichotomies and pit people against each other

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