Zone1 witnessing to a catholic

THIS kind of flippant response
Except, it was not a flippant response. I said it in all seriousness. Look at God's creation. Some species are meant to be herbivores; some carnivores; some omnivores. The earth's entire ecosystem is dependent upon all three for balance. Humans are not the only species that eat beef, we are not the only omnivores. God's creation requires all species to eat to survive. Yes, it breaks my heart to see a hawk grab a squirrel out of my yard, for wolves to bring down a deer. Bottom line...all earthly creatures are meant to eat, we were created to do so. I believe God cares equally about vegetation as it, too, is the even greater part of His creation.

That being said, other than gluttony, diet is not a part of Christian faith. Jainism, a faith originating in India, will not even till the soil because they do all in their power to not kill anything, even the tiniest bug.

I garden, and I willingly share its produce with the wildlife that finds its way by. I do not kill bugs or snails. This is the ecosystem around me, and all are welcome--even when a raccoon snatches my best tomato just before it is quite ripe enough for my liking. Used to grow strawberries and grapes solely for the blue jays, who inhaled them all before they were quite ripe enough for me. Now they have to make due with sunflower seeds, while I enjoy eggplant and peppers.
Is JESUS the ONLY WAY to the Father and His Kingdom?
Who leads us to Jesus? If someone is unsuccessful in leading someone to Jesus, does that mean the Spirit of God would/will be unsuccessful as well? For all of us who firmly believe Jesus is One with God, I find it kind of silly to worry/condemn those who have faith in God outside/despite Christianity.
Who leads us to Jesus? If someone is unsuccessful in leading someone to Jesus, does that mean the Spirit of God would/will be unsuccessful as well? For all of us who firmly believe Jesus is One with God, I find it kind of silly to worry/condemn those who have faith in God outside/despite Christianity.
You don't believe Christ.
People make CHOICES. You are comfortable where you're at. You are like the 99.

Then there are the "Nobel Bereans" -- the 1% --who, "searched the scriptures daily to see whether these things are true "

Back to the topic of God's instruction to care for His creation, and especially His LIVING "little ones" under Man's stewardship, I urge you to prayerfully consider this. For those who truly have the Spirit of Christ, this will ring true. Hopefully, you are capable of spiritual growth and can move beyond your comfort zone

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You don't believe Christ.
Jesus would be surprised to hear that. Have you considered that I am not one to emphasize one sentence Jesus says over another? Why the need to shove one sentence down everyone's throat and then self-righteously wonder why they are gagging over it?

How are you going to answer Jesus should he ask you, "Why did you cause people to gag when hearing my name?"
Jesus would be surprised to hear that. Have you considered that I am not one to emphasize one sentence Jesus says over another? Why the need to shove one sentence down everyone's throat and then self-righteously wonder why they are gagging over it?

How are you going to answer Jesus should he ask you, "Why did you cause people to gag when hearing my name?"
You said there are many paths to God. Jesus doesn't agree.

How you respond is YOUR CHOICE.

Do you know His apostles "turned the world upsidedown" and "caused" the hearers to become VIOLENT?

Don't you know, if you seek to be friends with the world, you are an enemy of God

EVERY Servant of Christ is PERSECUTED for their message. They are HATED by the vast majority.

If your goal is to be liked by the world, you may want to rethink your message.
You don't believe Christ.
Au contraire. What I don't believe in is viewing any link posted on a Message Board. Since you claim to know me and my destiny so well, I am truly surprised this little tidbit escaped your notice. :)
John 14:6 is as clear as can be.

People can either believe it, or not.

There's a reason why Jesus said the gate is narrow that leads to life, and wide is the path that leads to destruction.
You said there are many paths to God. Jesus doesn't agree.
Jesus said no one comes to him unless the Father draws him. Jesus said it is the Father's will that no one given to him be lost.

You seem to saying that God never gave me to Christ--but even if God did, you hope Christ loses me.

Jesus said he came for the lost, not the righteous. All who after Jews to convert to Christianity perhaps should reflect on this. Christians believe Jesus is one with God. We believe he is the Word of God. In other words, "No one comes to the Father except through the Word of God." I truly have no idea why some Christians harass Jews so much over this passage. God already has an everlasting Covenant with them. Jesus flatly said he came for those lost to that Covenant, not those keeping the Covenant. And Jews follow the Word of God as closely, some more so, than Christians.

I also believe in the great power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God works miracles beyond our grasp or our understanding. We should have great faith and great trust in that.
Except, it was not a flippant response. I said it in all seriousness. Look at God's creation. Some species are meant to be herbivores; some carnivores; some omnivores. The earth's entire ecosystem is dependent upon all three for balance. Humans are not the only species that eat beef, we are not the only omnivores. God's creation requires all species to eat to survive. Yes, it breaks my heart to see a hawk grab a squirrel out of my yard, for wolves to bring down a deer. Bottom line...all earthly creatures are meant to eat, we were created to do so. I believe God cares equally about vegetation as it, too, is the even greater part of His creation.

That being said, other than gluttony, diet is not a part of Christian faith. Jainism, a faith originating in India, will not even till the soil because they do all in their power to not kill anything, even the tiniest bug.

I garden, and I willingly share its produce with the wildlife that finds its way by. I do not kill bugs or snails. This is the ecosystem around me, and all are welcome--even when a raccoon snatches my best tomato just before it is quite ripe enough for my liking. Used to grow strawberries and grapes solely for the blue jays, who inhaled them all before they were quite ripe enough for me. Now they have to make due with sunflower seeds, while I enjoy eggplant and peppers.

I didn't read past the fourth sentence, because what you said there directly contradicts Genesis 1:30.
I didn't read past the fourth sentence, because what you said there directly contradicts Genesis 1:30.
As does animals populating the earth 800 million years indicates the first animals were carnivores/omnivores.

I need to read further.
In fact, it is not the verse I disagree with. I disagree with your interpretation of the verse. I see much more to it than you seem to glimpse.
To the angel of the church in Laodicea write:

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. 17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.
19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
OK, how about we start agreeing that nowhere in the Bible does it say:
The problem with Catholicism is not that they trust in Jesus, its the naked worshiping/devotion to a Babylonian goddess/demon, the fake manufactured sacraments, purgatory & indulgences, and the idea that the pope is an intercessor, along with praying to many many saints and angels. These collectively form up a not so trivial heresy, nay blasphemy, this is why I urged the two trolls to start in by reading the Book of Revelation, because in that book Jesus explains, along with John, just what is thought of false teaching and the leading astray of the flock!

I am not really taking a side here, I merely read the book and its an eye opener as they say, and as Jesus categorically states, there is only one way, and that is through him, not Mary, Joseph, saints, angels, or a guy called the pope, he also accentuated this by declaring the way to God narrow, and the door away from him wide, and that the vast majority will be taking that wider gate, and thus there will be an especially harsh judgement of those who led them to that wide open gate to hell!

The really big problem for all good people who believe, is they do NOT read the bible, they cherry pick it and that is not gonna get it done for them...
As does animals populating the earth 800 million years indicates the first animals were carnivores/omnivores.

I need to read further.
You understand that is IRRELEVANT to God's creation of Man and His instruction to look after His creation


Does Man do that? Or do we reflect the spirit of the devil.

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