Zone1 witnessing to a catholic

I had a friend (died in 2011) who always used to say, the biggest difference between people and the animals is that God gave us the ability to live on this earth as "gods" or devil's. The vast majority have made the choice to live like the demons.

As far as the way we treat all of God's creation, WE ARE MONSTERS
I had a friend (died in 2011) who always used to say, the biggest difference between people and the animals is that God gave us the ability to live on this earth as "gods" or devil's. The vast majority have made the choice to live like the demons.

As far as the way we treat all of God's creation, WE ARE MONSTERS

Absolutely! In fact, I made a video with that very title. Maybe I should post it. lol
I place my trust in God. He is the Creator. His creation, as well as human accounts, reveal truths.

Good, but trust His word as well. When push comes to shove, if you side with what the world says, that shows who you're putting your trust in.
Good, but trust His word as well. When push comes to shove, if you side with what the world says, that shows who you're putting your trust in.
As I said before, I side with truth no matter the way God chooses to reveal it to us.
I'm sorry, I couldn't watch that more than half way through. Sad that so many can

Oh come on! It's not TOO graphic! Well, there was one short clip that was pretty bad. But apart from that, it was not too bad. I think there's an age restriction on it? I can't remember if there is, but if you were able to view it without being logged in then there must not be.
Oh come on! It's not TOO graphic! Well, there was one short clip that was pretty bad. But apart from that, it was not too bad. I think there's an age restriction on it? I can't remember if there is, but if you were able to view it without being logged in then there must not be.
It's bad. Not that you posted it, but the evil that Man is comfortable with
It's bad. Not that you posted it, but the evil that Man is comfortable with

That's exactly why I made that video. Ha.

Sadly, if people don't see it with their own eyes, they will continue to be numb to it. And some people can look at worse footage than that and STILL be numb to it. But those aren't the ones I try to reach, anyway, so....
And some people can look at worse footage than that and STILL be numb to it
Yep. THAT'S the problem.

I Timothy talks about accepting evil causes the conscience to be "seared" like with a hot iron. You become desensitized to evil. The frog in the hot kettle, but the frog doesn't even realize he's about to die.

Giving up television years ago has changed me. What I used to have no problem watching, today I can't and won't. The things you put in your mind is what you'll become.
Yep. THAT'S the problem.

I Timothy talks about accepting evil causes the conscience to be "seared" like with a hot iron. You become desensitized to evil. The frog in the hot kettle, but the frog doesn't even realize he's about to die.

Giving up television years ago has changed me. What I used to have no problem watching, today I can't and won't. The things you put in your mind is what you'll become.

I couldn't agree more.

I also quit watching TV a long time ago. They don't call it "programming" for no reason.

But I definitely agree with what you said about what we put into our minds. As Philippians 4:8 says...

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
I beg to differ:

In vain do they worship Me, teaching as doctrine the traditions of men"--Jesu yes, you can worship Jesus in vain
I am no preacher, but I agree with you and your conclusion... If you are a Catholic, and you really believe, and if all is true in the bible, meaning that there is a God and he has son he sent to reset the paradigm so you could be saved via his specific sacrifice and grace extended you, then you need to run, not walk away from the Church of Rome, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Roman Church is the "Mystery Babylon" extensively covered in the book of revelation.

I used to think, as almost certainly most Catholics and various Christian sects thought, that the so-named "Whore of Babylon" was entirely metaphor, not anymore though, I now believe, particularly considering Fatima, Lourdes, and many other so-called Marian appearances, that no, its not a metaphor its an actual entity, or entities intentionally misleading you. If you read the book I think such becomes all but apparent, at Fatima, and at Lourdes that entity requested churches, or shrines erected to herself, not Jesus!
I used to think, as almost certainly most Catholics and various Christian sects thought, that the so-named "Whore of Babylon" was entirely metaphor, not anymore though, I now believe, particularly considering Fatima, Lourdes, and many other so-called Marian appearances, that no, its not a metaphor its an actual entity, or entities intentionally misleading you. If you read the book I think such becomes all but apparent, at Fatima, and at Lourdes that entity requested churches, or shrines erected to herself, not Jesus!

You brought up the Fatima thing earlier on the thread, and I wanted to say something about it then... There's a REALLY good documentary about those "Marian" apparitions, and what is really behind it. I'll see if I can find it and if I find it I'll post it here.

ETA: I found it. I don't want to offend people, but the truth has to be put first. This documentary takes a while to get to the point, but I think it's worth watching. It's a really interesting topic... because something real IS happening. It's just not what a lot of those believers think it is.

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If you're addressing me, yes, the Bible (Jesus) says there is only ONE oath to the Kingdom

Do I really need to quote it? You wouldn't accept it anyway
What, ur saying that you found a place in the Bible where it says that Catholics are not Christians? Somehow this seems a bit hard to believe, but hey I learn new stuff all the time. Please share the quote or at least post the passage, I really need to see this.

Huh, "Catholics are not Christians" in the Bible. I can't wait...
REJECT Jesus as The Son
One thing at a time. First you said (rightly) that if u accept Jesus u can enter the Kingdom, but now ur saying that what, Muslims don't accept Jesus good enough to suit you so they don't count? Sounds awfully exclusive to me.

Seriously, our job (as I understand it) is to understand what the Bible says, not twist the Bible to agree w/ what we say. But that's my take.
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The problem with Catholicism is not that they trust in Jesus, its the naked worshiping/devotion to a Babylonian goddess/demon, the fake manufactured sacraments, purgatory & indulgences, and the idea that the pope is an intercessor, along with praying to many many saints and angels. These collectively form up a not so trivial heresy, nay blasphemy, this is why I urged the two trolls to start in by reading the Book of Revelation, because in that book Jesus explains, along with John, just what is thought of false teaching and the leading astray of the flock!

I am not really taking a side here, I merely read the book and its an eye opener as they say, and as Jesus categorically states, there is only one way, and that is through him, not Mary, Joseph, saints, angels, or a guy called the pope, he also accentuated this by declaring the way to God narrow, and the door away from him wide, and that the vast majority will be taking that wider gate, and thus there will be an especially harsh judgement of those who led them to that wide open gate to hell!

The really big problem for all good people who believe, is they do NOT read the bible, they cherry pick it and that is not gonna get it done for them...
Wait a sec, please help me understand u. Are u now saying that Catholics ARE Christians?
Wait a sec, please help me understand u. Are u now saying that Catholics ARE Christians?
Some are, yes, but praying to Mary, Saints, Angels, and believing that salvation is via strict adherence to utterly fraudulent sacraments, or that a guy called pope can intercede on your behalf is definitely not Christian, this is because it is definitely not biblical!

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