Wolf Blitzer vs. Donald Trump - The Kenyan President

Nah, he is going to prosecute them to hold his center and right of center. Romney is smarter than you folks, JoeB. He is going to make your side irrelevant, as he has that of Santorum et al,
No bet. Joe would throw Trump into jail as an alien because he was not born in Arizona.

NO, I'd throw Trump in jail for being an asshole who has defrauded investors repeatedly.

And for that combover...


Oh, you weren't addressing me, were you?
Nah, he is going to prosecute them to hold his center and right of center. Romney is smarter than you folks, JoeB. He is going to make your side irrelevant, as he has that of Santorum et al,

Guy, it's going to work like this.

Romney will lose.

Conservatives will complain it was because he wasn't really Conservative enough.

Other people will just point out it was because he gave them the creeps and they didn't relish the thought of watching him for the next four years.

Then the GOP will run Jeb Bush in 2016, and he'll win easily because the Dems don't have a backup player.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.
That is why you were never Republican. You don't understand just how diverse the smaller elements are and how to handle them. Romney is going to take folks from your party's right and the centrists, and make the regular Dem party a minority party for 20 years.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.

Trump got what he deserved at the President's hand at the dinner last year. Jeez, Donald got his ass kicked. And so are the birfers and the far righties on the Board and in reality,

The day of the extremists on both sides as influential has come to end.
That is why you were never Republican. You don't understand just how diverse the smaller elements are and how to handle them. Romney is going to take folks from your party's right and the centrists, and make the regular Dem party a minority party for 20 years.

I'm not seeing how Romney is handling any element particularly well.

He seems to be pandering to them, even the ones who call his religion a "cult".

Look, the only reason why Romney isn't a complete joke right now is because unemployment still sucks. Otherwise he'd be in "Goldwater Territory".

No one is really voting "For" Romney as much as they are voting "against" Obama. You could have put Santorum or Gingrich or even Crazy Ron Paul there and still got the same result.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.

Many do not consider two divorces, a multitude of lawsuits, adultery, and criminal associates "SUCCESS" He inherited a fortune and is many a comedian's dream joke.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.

Um, guy, I don't build my life around how much wealth I have.

If Trump were a happy person, he certainly wouldn't be the attention whore he is.

Bill Gates is successful, but he has balance in his life.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.

Many do not consider two divorces, a multitude of lawsuits, adultery, and criminal associates "SUCCESS" He inherited a fortune and is many a comedian's dream joke.

On the other hand, these jealous idiots are quite successful that he's a billionairre with power.
JoeB is not seeing. Exactly right.

I'm not seeing because it ain't happening.

He's failed to stand up to Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent or Donald Trump, three guys who are jokes.

Can you see Reagan putting up with any of these assclowns for a minute. Or Ike? or even Nixon?
That is why you were never Republican. You don't understand just how diverse the smaller elements are and how to handle them. Romney is going to take folks from your party's right and the centrists, and make the regular Dem party a minority party for 20 years.

He might, but with friends like Trump, he won't change voting patterns. A lot of former Trump business partners are in the slammer. Romney is turning off centrists like me with his "gay marriage" stand, Trump ties, and extreme social conservatism.
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Yup, so powerful the president verbally slapped him at a public dinner and Trump's candidacy was over.

That is the power of birferism. Political defeat for birfers.
You both are idiots with that "birfer" talk and your incessant hatred of Trump due to your own jealousy of his success.

Many do not consider two divorces, a multitude of lawsuits, adultery, and criminal associates "SUCCESS" He inherited a fortune and is many a comedian's dream joke.

On the other hand, these jealous idiots are quite successful that he's a billionairre with power.

He was born a multi millionaire and his financial claims are as reliable as his marriage vows.
Of course you think all of that. You're a Democrat cheerleader. But as a citizen, I know that the Constitution is being treaded upon and I will not be silenced by partisan hacks such as yourself. But corruption is winning out, so maybe you'll get what you want anyways. It won't make you happy though. You'll still be bitter and miserable. Your messiah won't save you from that.

Oh, gee, how I can tell when they are losing an argument? They try to make it about me.

Two issues you have yet to address.

1) Any credible proof Obama was born outside the US.

2) Any real reason why anyone should give a shit. He's president. He'll be president until the end of his term- (probably in 2017)- and where he was born isn't that important.

I still can't get any of THEM to admit that since Obama's mother is an American citizen, it does. not. matter. where he was born.
Many do not consider two divorces, a multitude of lawsuits, adultery, and criminal associates "SUCCESS" He inherited a fortune and is many a comedian's dream joke.

On the other hand, these jealous idiots are quite successful that he's a billionairre with power.

He was born a multi millionaire and his financial claims are as reliable as his marriage vows.

Is it immoral or illegal to be born into money? Families should want that for their children. And let's not get into claims b/c Obama has made many false claims.
Frankly, I find Blitzer's style a tad annoying but at least he has a brain. Trump is looney toones.

BTW whatever happened to the proof that both Trump and that other loon, Arpaio BOTH said they had and would soon share with the country?

For that matter, where's any proof from any of the Looney Toon birthers?

How do these idiots explain the birth certificate? The two birth announcements? The US born mother?

How do they explain the FACT that billions has been spent trying to bring down our president (and our country) and all of it has failed. How do they explain that?

That's the fun of being crazy. They don't have to explain anything. All they have to do is pretend it doesn't exist.
Of course you think all of that. You're a Democrat cheerleader. But as a citizen, I know that the Constitution is being treaded upon and I will not be silenced by partisan hacks such as yourself. But corruption is winning out, so maybe you'll get what you want anyways. It won't make you happy though. You'll still be bitter and miserable. Your messiah won't save you from that.

Oh, gee, how I can tell when they are losing an argument? They try to make it about me.

Two issues you have yet to address.

1) Any credible proof Obama was born outside the US.

2) Any real reason why anyone should give a shit. He's president. He'll be president until the end of his term- (probably in 2017)- and where he was born isn't that important.

I still can't get any of THEM to admit that since Obama's mother is an American citizen, it does. not. matter. where he was born.


Doesn't matter where he was born.

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