Wolf Blitzer vs. Donald Trump - The Kenyan President

No, I mean:

- Exploring the credible accusations that the birth certificate was forged.
- Discussing why his selective service card was forged.
- Exploring why the issue was stonewalled in the court system.
- Find out why legal requests for the short form birth certificate are not being granted.
- Exploring why a newspaper had once reported in 2004 that Obama was born in Kenya.
- Exploring why Obama's own personal brochure details claimed he was born in Kenya.

There's a mountain of evidence and anybody with half a brain knows he was born in Kenya. But the media won't even do their due diligence. That's not cool. That's dishonest.

You know what, guy, the problem here is that with any conspiracy theorist, no amount of evidence is going to ever convince them otherwise. 9/11, Waco, UFO's, the JFK assassination. No matter how many times you prove it's a weathy balloon, they will insist it's a flying saucer. And they will find some bizarre photo or document that will "prove" their facts and ignore all scrutiny of it.

Even if Obama was born in Kenya, it wouldn't matter. His mother wasn an American citizen. You pop out of an American Uterus, you are an American, no matter where that uterus happens to be at the time, whether it be in Panama (McCain) or an LDS Polygamistic compound in Mexico (George Romney).

So I'm just not seeing why Obama would lie when it wouldn't matter even if he WERE born in Keyna.

Also, watch the clip, Wolf had told Trump that they would be discussing four other issues. He never got to those issues. He spent the entire time on the birth issue, knowing he would; and he even planned a further segment on the issue. That's ambush journalism.

Or it's just doing what the audience expects.

Look, the ONLY reason why anyone cares about what Donald Trump has to say is that he's appointed himself grand poobah of the Birther Nation. No one cares about his opinion on economics or trade with China or whatever. They know he's a phony and he's gone bankrupt a bunch of times.

My question is, why has Romney gotten into bed with him at all.
He then added that there are plenty of new details emerging. Why did Wolf not bring up any of them himself? I thought he was supposed to be working for a news agency. He looked more like an Obama advocate to me.

YOu mean by actually saying a certified birth certificate actually is more solid evidence than a brochure written by someone who admits she did poor research?

No, I mean:

- Exploring the credible accusations that the birth certificate was forged.
- Discussing why his selective service card was forged.
- Exploring why the issue was stonewalled in the court system.
- Find out why legal requests for the short form birth certificate are not being granted.
- Exploring why a newspaper had once reported in 2004 that Obama was born in Kenya.
- Exploring why Obama's own personal brochure details claimed he was born in Kenya.

There's a mountain of evidence and anybody with half a brain knows he was born in Kenya. But the media won't even do their due diligence. That's not cool. That's dishonest.

Also, watch the clip, Wolf had told Trump that they would be discussing four other issues. He never got to those issues. He spent the entire time on the birth issue, knowing he would; and he even planned a further segment on the issue. That's ambush journalism.

But the State of Hawaii and two private newspapers isn't evidence? :cuckoo:
He then added that there are plenty of new details emerging. Why did Wolf not bring up any of them himself? I thought he was supposed to be working for a news agency. He looked more like an Obama advocate to me.

YOu mean by actually saying a certified birth certificate actually is more solid evidence than a brochure written by someone who admits she did poor research?

No, I mean:

- Exploring the credible accusations that the birth certificate was forged.
- Discussing why his selective service card was forged.
- Exploring why the issue was stonewalled in the court system.
- Find out why legal requests for the short form birth certificate are not being granted.
- Exploring why a newspaper had once reported in 2004 that Obama was born in Kenya.
- Exploring why Obama's own personal brochure details claimed he was born in Kenya.

There's a mountain of evidence and anybody with half a brain knows he was born in Kenya. But the media won't even do their due diligence. That's not cool. That's dishonest.

Also, watch the clip, Wolf had told Trump that they would be discussing four other issues. He never got to those issues. He spent the entire time on the birth issue, knowing he would; and he even planned a further segment on the issue. That's ambush journalism.

- There is no credible evidence his BC was forged.
- Continuously losing in the courts is not stonewalling.
- The nutters asking for his BC do not have a legal right to obtain it.
- The Honolulu newspaper announced his birth in 1961.

I want Romney to win, so birfers, please STFU.
No, I mean:

- Exploring the credible accusations that the birth certificate was forged.
- Discussing why his selective service card was forged.
- Exploring why the issue was stonewalled in the court system.
- Find out why legal requests for the short form birth certificate are not being granted.
- Exploring why a newspaper had once reported in 2004 that Obama was born in Kenya.
- Exploring why Obama's own personal brochure details claimed he was born in Kenya.

There's a mountain of evidence and anybody with half a brain knows he was born in Kenya. But the media won't even do their due diligence. That's not cool. That's dishonest.

You know what, guy, the problem here is that with any conspiracy theorist, no amount of evidence is going to ever convince them otherwise. 9/11, Waco, UFO's, the JFK assassination. No matter how many times you prove it's a weathy balloon, they will insist it's a flying saucer. And they will find some bizarre photo or document that will "prove" their facts and ignore all scrutiny of it.

Even if Obama was born in Kenya, it wouldn't matter. His mother wasn an American citizen. You pop out of an American Uterus, you are an American, no matter where that uterus happens to be at the time, whether it be in Panama (McCain) or an LDS Polygamistic compound in Mexico (George Romney).

So I'm just not seeing why Obama would lie when it wouldn't matter even if he WERE born in Keyna.

Also, watch the clip, Wolf had told Trump that they would be discussing four other issues. He never got to those issues. He spent the entire time on the birth issue, knowing he would; and he even planned a further segment on the issue. That's ambush journalism.

Or it's just doing what the audience expects.

Look, the ONLY reason why anyone cares about what Donald Trump has to say is that he's appointed himself grand poobah of the Birther Nation. No one cares about his opinion on economics or trade with China or whatever. They know he's a phony and he's gone bankrupt a bunch of times.

My question is, why has Romney gotten into bed with him at all.

Oh, shut your face with that "guy" nonsense already.

An no, if you're born outside the US and US territories then you are not a citizen. At least not when Obama was born. There were some stipulations granted in 2001 that changed the law; but that's all academic and beyond the scope.

And comparing the birth certificate situation to UFO's makes you the nut. There are legitimate questions and legitimate corrupt cover-ups occurring and legitimate evidence.

And the audience expects real diligence and real reporting. That's why CNN's ratings are crap. Nobody wants to watch the propaganda network. Sanitized discussion is not news.
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YOu mean by actually saying a certified birth certificate actually is more solid evidence than a brochure written by someone who admits she did poor research?

No, I mean:

- Exploring the credible accusations that the birth certificate was forged.
- Discussing why his selective service card was forged.
- Exploring why the issue was stonewalled in the court system.
- Find out why legal requests for the short form birth certificate are not being granted.
- Exploring why a newspaper had once reported in 2004 that Obama was born in Kenya.
- Exploring why Obama's own personal brochure details claimed he was born in Kenya.

There's a mountain of evidence and anybody with half a brain knows he was born in Kenya. But the media won't even do their due diligence. That's not cool. That's dishonest.

Also, watch the clip, Wolf had told Trump that they would be discussing four other issues. He never got to those issues. He spent the entire time on the birth issue, knowing he would; and he even planned a further segment on the issue. That's ambush journalism.

- There is no credible evidence his BC was forged.
- Continuously losing in the courts is not stonewalling.
- The nutters asking for his BC do not have a legal right to obtain it.
- The Honolulu newspaper announced his birth in 1961.

I want Romney to win, so birfers, please STFU.

There's tons of credible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was photoshopped. Apparently it was so poorly done that any photoshop expert will tell you that it's obvious that it was photoshopped.

You need to learn the difference between losing a case (in court) and not having your case heard. This issue has not been decided in the courts like it should have been. It's a front to the Constitution and the American people that is has not been.

I don't have any articles handy; but I'm not talking about your average "nutter" asking for the short form birth certificate. I'm talking about legal agencies making legal requests for the document and being illegally ignored (not told no - ignored b/c they know they're not acting within the law). If you want to not be ignorant about it do a quick google search.

The birth announcement is not a big deal. There were many fake birth announcements so that people could gain US rights. Again, you ignore that Obama's own publications have said he is "Kenyan born." You are on the "nutter" side of the ledger.
Birthers Still Going Strong:
Barack Hussein Obama
His grandmother
His step sister
The Ambassador to Kenya
Michelle Obama
His college transcripts
Again, the whole Trump thing shows how weak ROmney is.

Can anyone imagine Ronald Reagan tolerating an assclown like Trump?

True. It also shows Romney to be a coward, fearful of offending the radical right and TPM by denouncing Trump and the birth certificate idiocy.
Oh, shut your face with that "guy" nonsense already.

Sorry, that's how I talk. IRL as well. Usually I say "guy' or "cheif" or "bud" when I don't remember someone's name. It's a habit.

An no, if you're born outside the US and US territories then you are not a citizen. At least not when Obama was born. There were some stipulations granted in 2001 that changed the law; but that's all academic and beyond the scope.

No, actually, the rules have been the same. If you are an American citizen, your children retain yoru citizenship. And this was the case with McCain and Romney's Dad, who were born BEFORE Obama was.

And comparing the birth certificate situation to UFO's makes you the nut. There are legitimate questions and legitimate corrupt cover-ups occurring and legitimate evidence.

Um, no. We have actual pictures of UFO's. We do not have a picture of Obama popping out of mom's vagina with a "Nariobi General Hospital" sign in the background.

To believe the birther nonsense, you will have to believe that Obama's parents, who were known to be living in Hawaii at the time, to have secretly flown to Kenya (a third world country) to have a baby, leaving no trace, and then doing all the documentaiton to make it look like he was born in Hawaii so he could run for President in 50 years or so.

I'm just pointing out how truly ridiculous it is.

And the audience expects real diligence and real reporting. That's why CNN's ratings are crap. Nobody wants to watch the propaganda network. Sanitized discussion is not news.

Actually, CNN has crappy ratings because it isn't the "propaganda" network. If you want Right WIng propaganda, you watch Fox. If you want left win Propaganda, you watch MSNBC. Unless you are really far to the left and you watch Current.
Again, the whole Trump thing shows how weak ROmney is.

Can anyone imagine Ronald Reagan tolerating an assclown like Trump?

True. It also shows Romney to be a coward, fearful of offending the radical right and TPM by denouncing Trump and the birth certificate idiocy.

Until November Everything "ANYBODY" says, or does (who you don't agree with) will ALWAYS show "how weak and cowardly Romney is"....Blah,blah,blah Romney's weak blah,blah,blah...Blah. You people are really scared aren't you.:lol::lol::lol:
There's tons of credible evidence that Obama's birth certificate was photoshopped. Apparently it was so poorly done that any photoshop expert will tell you that it's obvious that it was photoshopped.

There is no credible evidence that the BC is photoshopped.

PDF Layers in Obama’s Birth Certificate - By Nathan Goulding - The Corner - National Review Online

You need to learn the difference between losing a case (in court) and not having your case heard. This issue has not been decided in the courts like it should have been. It's a front to the Constitution and the American people that is has not been.

Having your case consistently dismissed in court after court, in jurisdiction after jurisdiction, doesn't exactly strengthen your argument. But the state of Indiana did listen to the case and ruled against the plaintiff.


There have also been several challenges within the states to bar Obama from appearing on the ballot. Every single one has lost.

So what we have is

- courts continuously refusing to hear the birfer case
- a court which heard it ruled against the birfer argument
- courts have continuously ruled that Obama can appear on the Presidential ballot.

I can't remember what the last count was because I stopped paying attention to this ridiculous topic ages ago, but last I remember, there were something like 80 legal challenges across the country regarding Obama's eligibility, and the birfers had lost every single one. Every. Single. One.

I don't have any articles handy; but I'm not talking about your average "nutter" asking for the short form birth certificate. I'm talking about legal agencies making legal requests for the document and being illegally ignored (not told no - ignored b/c they know they're not acting within the law). If you want to not be ignorant about it do a quick google search.

I will leave that up to you to produce this, since it is your claim.

The birth announcement is not a big deal. There were many fake birth announcements so that people could gain US rights. Again, you ignore that Obama's own publications have said he is "Kenyan born." You are on the "nutter" side of the ledger.

Of course its not a big deal to the highly partisan and biased ideological opponents of Obama. Biased partisans of all political stripes will believe whatever they need to demonize their political opponents. Birfers and twoofers are different sides of the same coin, after all. As I predicted way back when, most birfers would never, ever believe that Obama was eligible. If God Himself came down from heaven to proclaim Obama was eligible to be President, most birfers still wouldn't believe Him. Because this isn't about a birth certificate. It never has been.

Birferism is hurting the Republican party. The leader of the Office of Strategic Initiatives under Bush says so. He is absolutely correct.

When prominent figures in a party play footsie with peddlers of paranoia, the party suffers an erosion of credibility. While certain corners of a party's base might be energized by conspiracy theories, the majority of the electorate will be turned off by them. People are generally uneasy about political institutions that give a home to cranks.

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No, actually, the rules have been the same. If you are an American citizen, your children retain yoru citizenship. And this was the case with McCain and Romney's Dad, who were born BEFORE Obama was.

U.S. Citizenship Through Parents or by Birth - FindLaw

No. You are one hundred percent wrong. If a child is born outside of the US to an Americian Citizen (when Obama was born) then he would have only been eligible for citizenship through a naturalization process that includes living with that American citizen and obtaining a green card. Both are criteria that Obama did not fill.
If CNN got rid of their political stooge reporting style then they wouldn't have their lowest rating in 20 years.

CNN Ratings Down -- Hit 20-Year Monthly Low In May 2012

By that logic, they would be ahead of MSNBC, which is more openly political. They aren't.

No, the logic is that CNN has bad ratings because they have a credibility gap. Just b/c MSNBC is supposedly getting slightly better ratings while being political does not defy the logic since MSNBC has terrible ratings also.
No, actually, the rules have been the same. If you are an American citizen, your children retain yoru citizenship. And this was the case with McCain and Romney's Dad, who were born BEFORE Obama was.

U.S. Citizenship Through Parents or by Birth - FindLaw

No. You are one hundred percent wrong. If a child is born outside of the US to an Americian Citizen (when Obama was born) then he would have only been eligible for citizenship through a naturalization process that includes living with that American citizen and obtaining a green card. Both are criteria that Obama did not fill.

Moot point since the State of Hawaii and two private newspapers say he was born in the US. :cool:
No, actually, the rules have been the same. If you are an American citizen, your children retain yoru citizenship. And this was the case with McCain and Romney's Dad, who were born BEFORE Obama was.

U.S. Citizenship Through Parents or by Birth - FindLaw

No. You are one hundred percent wrong. If a child is born outside of the US to an Americian Citizen (when Obama was born) then he would have only been eligible for citizenship through a naturalization process that includes living with that American citizen and obtaining a green card. Both are criteria that Obama did not fill.

Did you even read your own cite?

Generally speaking, a person can become a U.S. citizen in one of four ways. First, by being born in the United States or one of its territories. Second, if you were born to parents who are U.S. citizens, then you may be a U.S. citizen yourself. This process is called "acquisition" of citizenship. Third, you can be a citizen through the naturalization process, which generally involves applying for, and passing, a citizenship test. Lastly, you may be a citizen if one or both of your parents have been naturalized. This is called "derivation" of citizenship.

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