Wolff: "Not Sure It's All True"


I am shocked, SHOCKED, that some of my lackeys are lying!
Trump hires only the best people. Trump is the best at hiring people in the history of America. No one has hired better people than Donald J. Trump. Only the top bestest most terrific people were able to get past Trump's amazing powers of judgement.

It is shocking, just shocking, to discover the Liar-in-Chief hired liars who told tall tales to a reporter.
One revealing part of this book is how much Trump’s staff hated his guts.
That’s been a prevailing theme from so many who have worked with him and for him over the past 5 decades.
I think I would probably not do well working directly for Trump in that I would have to be constantly kissing his ass to stay in his favor.

Liberal media finally turning on 'disgraceful' anti-Trump author Michael Wolff

“It must be fun to write and say whatever you want under the banner of ‘non-fiction,’ with zero fact-checking or basic decency.”

....but he sold a LOT of books to butt-hurt, hate-driven gullible snowflakes.... mission accomplished.

"Mainstream media members and liberal pundits have tweeted displeasure with Wolff's recent actions.

Washington Post media columnist Erik Wemple
has mocked Wolff, saying he should have simply admiteed his comments to Maher were “ill-advised” before pointing out that Wolff has bragged about writing “millions” of words without issuing a correction.

Michael Wolff is a sleaze who sleazed his way into the good graces of sleazy people to write a sleazy book about a sleazy president."

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