CDZ Woman Accuses Cop Of Racism Over Ticket

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I didn't leave anything behind. Floyd should've never been released from prison the first time.
That could quite possibly be true. But nothing he did could justify his murder by Chauvin. It's about Chauvin's actions, not Floyd's, and your inability to understand that is on account of your racism.

Dude, seriously? I could care less if you or anyone else on the left thinks I'm a racist.

You care a lot and you keep coming back with your frustrated attempts to clear yourself.

That is, unless you're acting like most of the others and trying to make a game out of the topic to gain attention.

For some reason you need me to set you free from bearing guilt, but you can't get that. You just continue to solidify your guilt even more.

Can we start with you admitting that America has a 'race' problem. I recommend that for you, in the interest of reaching some sort of understanding between us.

Or you can stop anytime you like.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks since before I was born.

ANd I am not young.
That can serve as more proof of America's racism and 'race' problem.

America didn't deal with it's race diversity in the same way as other countries, and now is stuck in a problem of it's own creation, that appears to have no solution on the horizon.

Instead, Trump capitalized on the seething hate in America's south.

He knew it was always there moldering away in the south's closets, along with the pointy hats and bedsheets with eyeholes in them.

My voice here as a Canadian is so highly valued in this discussion because Americans can forgive each other amongst themselves, but they can't buy it so easily from those of us who aren't Americans.

LO!!! That makes no sense.

seething wacism in teh south, what idiocy.

It whines about racism even as it calls for the genocide of Jews. It says that it would spare only those who are not zionist which means it wants to kill 14.65 of the 14.7 million Jews in the world.
Not true about the number of Zionists. Israelis, Palestinian Israelis, Jews, and Zionists are all distinctly different. Zionists are the evil extremist faction.

And you'r an asshole too.

But, you don't deny your support of genocide?

So much for your moral authority as a Canadian.

I didn't leave anything behind. Floyd should've never been released from prison the first time.
That could quite possibly be true. But nothing he did could justify his murder by Chauvin. It's about Chauvin's actions, not Floyd's, and your inability to understand that is on account of your racism.

Dude, seriously? I could care less if you or anyone else on the left thinks I'm a racist.

You care a lot and you keep coming back with your frustrated attempts to clear yourself.

That is, unless you're acting like most of the others and trying to make a game out of the topic to gain attention.

For some reason you need me to set you free from bearing guilt, but you can't get that. You just continue to solidify your guilt even more.

Can we start with you admitting that America has a 'race' problem. I recommend that for you, in the interest of reaching some sort of understanding between us.

Or you can stop anytime you like.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks since before I was born.

ANd I am not young.
That can serve as more proof of America's racism and 'race' problem.

America didn't deal with it's race diversity in the same way as other countries, and now is stuck in a problem of it's own creation, that appears to have no solution on the horizon.

Instead, Trump capitalized on the seething hate in America's south.

He knew it was always there moldering away in the south's closets, along with the pointy hats and bedsheets with eyeholes in them.

My voice here as a Canadian is so highly valued in this discussion because Americans can forgive each other amongst themselves, but they can't buy it so easily from those of us who aren't Americans.

LO!!! That makes no sense.

seething wacism in teh south, what idiocy.

View attachment 513490
Grow up and rise above your fascination with typos, or you will be completely ignored.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

I didn't leave anything behind. Floyd should've never been released from prison the first time.
That could quite possibly be true. But nothing he did could justify his murder by Chauvin. It's about Chauvin's actions, not Floyd's, and your inability to understand that is on account of your racism.

Dude, seriously? I could care less if you or anyone else on the left thinks I'm a racist.

You care a lot and you keep coming back with your frustrated attempts to clear yourself.

That is, unless you're acting like most of the others and trying to make a game out of the topic to gain attention.

For some reason you need me to set you free from bearing guilt, but you can't get that. You just continue to solidify your guilt even more.

Can we start with you admitting that America has a 'race' problem. I recommend that for you, in the interest of reaching some sort of understanding between us.

Or you can stop anytime you like.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks since before I was born.

ANd I am not young.
That can serve as more proof of America's racism and 'race' problem.

America didn't deal with it's race diversity in the same way as other countries, and now is stuck in a problem of it's own creation, that appears to have no solution on the horizon.

Instead, Trump capitalized on the seething hate in America's south.

He knew it was always there moldering away in the south's closets, along with the pointy hats and bedsheets with eyeholes in them.

My voice here as a Canadian is so highly valued in this discussion because Americans can forgive each other amongst themselves, but they can't buy it so easily from those of us who aren't Americans.

LO!!! That makes no sense.

seething wacism in teh south, what idiocy.

View attachment 513490
Grow up and rise above your fascination with typos, or you will be completely ignored.

I just want to have a way to distinguish between a serious discussion of racism and what the vast majority of what we get, which is really stupid and false accusations of wacism.

It is, if I can be so bold, a brilliant idea on my part.

People that engaga in the false acccusations? THey need to be ridiculed, and teh more the better.
It whines about racism even as it calls for the genocide of Jews. It says that it would spare only those who are not zionist which means it wants to kill 14.65 of the 14.7 million Jews in the world.
Not true about the number of Zionists. Israelis, Palestinian Israelis, Jews, and Zionists are all distinctly different. Zionists are the evil extremist faction.

And you'r an asshole too.

But, you don't deny your support of genocide?

So much for your moral authority as a Canadian.
And as a Pakistani.
What the hell does Trump have anything to do with this conversation. My god... can we all please let Trump go in the conversation? Please show some emotional intelligence and stick to the topic.
Trump is the reason for the increased upsurge of racism in America.

It's as noticeable as it would have been with Hitler's persecution of the Jews.
It's really Trump's only drawing card and it's so effective because of the rotten quality of life of the working class American.

Some Americans are emotionally secure enough to discuss the facts, while others are either in denial or are somehow above the working class. The latter most likely wouldln't apply to anyone on this forum.

The point is, Trump capitalized on the misery of the ordinary American by blaming minorities for the problem, when the real and obvious problem is the huge and growing income inequality.

We can talk more about it when your emotions will allow you.

Rationality and politeness please. My Canadian voice is in high demand on this board. And try to remember, you own your feelings, not me.
it started way before Trump
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
Ok thanks, I only read meaningful replies, probably why I missed it,
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing wrong with it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
Let's try to get this thread back on topic. You know what happens when you continually spam a topic with your bad behaviour. But first, bring yourself up to a basic understanding.

You're an asshole too.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
Dogmaphobe is a Zionist who always includes a standing insult to all others in his posts.

There's no possibility of any decent discussion with someone who acts that way. It can only encourage others to return the insult.

In my opinion, the moderators have set the bar for decent behaviour very low by allowing it.

I didn't leave anything behind. Floyd should've never been released from prison the first time.
That could quite possibly be true. But nothing he did could justify his murder by Chauvin. It's about Chauvin's actions, not Floyd's, and your inability to understand that is on account of your racism.

Dude, seriously? I could care less if you or anyone else on the left thinks I'm a racist.

You care a lot and you keep coming back with your frustrated attempts to clear yourself.

That is, unless you're acting like most of the others and trying to make a game out of the topic to gain attention.

For some reason you need me to set you free from bearing guilt, but you can't get that. You just continue to solidify your guilt even more.

Can we start with you admitting that America has a 'race' problem. I recommend that for you, in the interest of reaching some sort of understanding between us.

Or you can stop anytime you like.

This nation has had a bi-partisan consensus on racial equality for blacks since before I was born.

ANd I am not young.
No, you’re misinformed, intellectually lazy and now old.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!

Liberals. If they made sense, they wouldn't be liberals.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
Well, when a poster accuses somebody of racism while supporting the genocide of Jews, themselves, that doesn't give you ANY pause?
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
Well, when a poster accuses somebody of racism while supporting the genocide of Jews, themselves, that doesn't give you ANY pause?
I didn't see that
Well, when a poster accuses somebody of racism while supporting the genocide of Jews, themselves, that doesn't give you ANY pause?
All Jews are not Zionists.
And all Zionists are not Jews. Many Americans are Zionists too. This only calls for a basic understanding of what the evil of Zionism really is.

you're an asshole too.

Until you take down your insult to all others, you only deserve the same insult in return.
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything m⁶
I guess I can't see it either, if Floyd had followed simple directions he would be alive today

Had he not done the drugs, DUI to the store or tried to pass fake money, he'd also still be alive.
Had he spent that drug money on his back child support, he'd still be alive.
Floyd chose the thug life. A lot of violent druggy thugs die early.

I'm amazed at how black lives only matter when they're ended at the hands of white cops.

This is how BLM has proven itself to be a racist organization. You never hear about them marching, protesting or rioting over a black person who died at the hands of a black cop. It's always a white cop vs a black person. Not "police brutality" as they claim.
The reason why you've ensured people that you are a racist is because you have no understanding of how the punishment didn't fit the crime. You're left behind by endlessly declaring how bad Floyd was.

Your own frustration on trying to clear yourself of the racist accusation has become your own indictment.

I think it could be a true cause for you, unlike the cause of most of the others who are mostly trying to get attention. Just for the fun of it.

You said wacism, like a retarded child.
I didn't say anything, name calling means you are out of anything meaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
Well, when a poster accuses somebody of racism while supporting the genocide of Jews, themselves, that doesn't give you ANY pause?
I didn't see that
eaningful to say

Donald H did. He said wacism. That is him calling you wacist. And yes, it does mean that he has nothing meaningful to say.
But, of course, there is nothing racist about it wanting to kill nearly all the Jews in the world!!
which means what on a thread about a cop handing out a ticket??
Well, when a poster accuses somebody of racism while supporting the genocide of Jews, themselves, that doesn't give you ANY pause?
I didn't see that
Yet you keep supporting him.
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