Women at work has ruined the economy!!!


Gold Member
Nov 26, 2013
Okay, not really. But since you're reading, hear me out on a crazy idea about the effect of two income households on the American economy and how it could be said to be related to some of the economic problems we face today, particularly wage stagnation, income and wealth inequality, and unemployment.

DISCLAIMER: This is not actually about women. It's about the effect of two income households on our economy's development over time.


Let's go back for a moment to the days of our parents and grandparents. The days when single income households were much more common. Back in the golden age of the American economy. Back when most women didn't work and those who did typically made much less money than men. The wealth and income gaps were smaller back then. Blue collar folks worked hard and brought home the bacon. They might not have been rich, but they made enough to support the wife and kids at home. The market rate for jobs was decent. In fact, the market rate for most jobs paid a living wage. Not necessarily a living in luxury wage, but it was a living nonetheless. If mom did work, chances were that she didn't have a high level job. Her modest paycheck would not have supported the family. But it was icing on the cake. It helped add a few extra creature comforts to life.

As time went on, more and more women liked the idea of having their own money and not being completely dependent on their husbands. And even though some men felt like it was a slap in the face for their wives to be working, more and more men liked having the extra income, and with time it became more and more popular for women to seek jobs and bring in extra income. They were usually in lower level jobs, which meant less pay then their husbands. And even then, they were often paid a bit less than men who might have been working in those jobs. But they accepted the jobs at those wages because it was all just icing on the cake.

It was the birth of wage apathy in the American economy.

As more and more women were going to work, most households were feeling less and less pressure to strive for higher wages. It freed up the typical worker to worry less about (for example) a 10% pay difference between two different job offers. The family as a whole would still be quite comfortable with the dual channel income from both parents working, so slight differences in pay offers, or in raise offers, did not carry the same priority as they previously did. Thus was the beginning of wage atrophy. Workers began settling for slightly lower wages, whether it was a job offer or raise negotiations.


The strong economy supported many jobs. Small businesses were thriving, many were growing into large corporations but ultimately the small business man was the heartbeat of the economy. America was doing more and more new and great things. The more households joined the two income crowd, the more disposable income there was just waiting to be spent. And spend they did, fueling more and more jobs. Sure, the economy had its ups and downs. But it had found a good balance and a way to employ all these women who were entering the workforce not out of need, but out want.

For decades the American economic machine boomed and revved. Businesses found new ways to do the same things smarter, faster, leaner, cheaper. More and more money was there to be made, with less and less labor. Or sometimes just cheaper overseas labor altogether. But eventually, after decades of glory, things came to a wave head and went crashing down. In order to cope with a bad recession businesses did the best thing they could do. They looked for ways to cut costs and make production more efficient. They had no choice but to cut jobs in order to scale back production to the reduced levels of demand. Things started to improve slightly, but who could be sure? So businesses found ways to become more efficient so they could increase production without having to re-add as many new jobs. Eventually, business started booming once again, but there weren't as many jobs to go around anymore. Businesses didn't need to add as many jobs, because they found ways to increase productivity without them. It was much like the times long ago when most women stayed home and most families were single income households.

But there was a new problem. Because after all this time, the prevailing wages did not support a family like they once did. The blue collar workers of today are having a much more difficult time. Many don't make a "living" wage. Their wages, compared to their top bosses, are much smaller than all those decades ago. They're also much smaller today in terms of buying power.

So what happened?

What happened is that the wage market has atrophied because of wage apathy. Over the course of decades the pool of at large workers has settled for progressively lower wages. This is primarily attributable to reduced pressure to strive for higher wages when starting new jobs, and during routine performance evaluations. Which itself is attributable to the increased household income that resulted from the normalization of the two income household.

While 85% of employers expect a job candidate to negotiate for a salary, more than half of job seekers today do not even make an attempt. Similarly, the majority of individuals never attempt to negotiate job raises. This results in an employer friendly market for wages, which is being progressively depressed. As workers continue to simply accept whatever is initially offered to them, the median range will continue to gradually decrease. This will reduce leverage for when assertive workers do attempt to negotiate for improved wages.

We live in an economy that will not support the same levels of participation in the employment market as was previously the case. This is primarily caused by the transition from a predominantly small business economy to a predominantly large corporate economy. While this is partially being offset by large scale retirements in the baby boomer population workers cannot expect a return to worker friendly conditions anytime soon. This undermines their ability to leverage businesses' needs for labor to support worker friendly wages. Instead, businesses will offer lower wages because candidates have fewer opportunities for higher wages, especially those candidates who are not willing to attempt to negotiate.

So what happens now?

In order to gain access to improved wages workers should embrace negotiation. They should attempt to negotiate better wages from the start of their employment, beginning with the job offer. They should then endeavor to excel at their position in order to achieve high performance reviews. Once they have done so, they can use their high performance, as measured by their employer, to leverage raises above the current median level of the market range for the position they are in. Society as a whole needs to embrace individual accountability for negotiating favorable wages. Only through the efforts of assertive workers can the median wage for job positions be improved.
Basically households had an average income, and the majority of sale prices for everyday items were determined by that average.

Enter the women in the workforce. The average income of every family doubles, and therefore the sale prices of everyday items also doubled (inflation). Thus, there is no net gain for the family (the unit of society). This puts singlemen and single women at a disadvantage. Their labor is only half as valuable.

Instead of looking at it as the Man + Woman / 2 = 1 Family Average Income, you can look at it like this:

(Man + Man + Woman - Woman)/2 = 2Man/2 = 1 Man = 1 Family Average Income.

In other words, women are now working for FREE. What a clever design by the party of slavery, the Democrats.

Technically you can interpret this as men working for free, instead of women, which is just as bad.

Andnot only do they get the women to work for free, but now since they are working, they need to send their children away to Progressive Brainwashing Institutions (publik skool where 2 + 2 = 5 according to Commie Core) to further increase the power of the state.

Man, when you take the MGTOW red pill, everything finally makes sense. It's simple.
I like working. *shrug*

My post sums it up pretty well. Women working has NO effect on the economy, which means they work for free. They rarely work in economic sectors that produce tangible goods, or if they do, they still working in "service" doing some sort of paperwork/computerwork for the company.
Part of the problem is also our need for instant gratification and all the additional expenses.

When my parents were first starting out they had a mortgage, car payment, electric bill, gas bill, phone bill, water/garbage bill. They also had to feed kids and keep everyone in clothes and gas in the car.

But they did NOT have cable tv to pay for, or multiple cell phones, or gym memberships, or an alarm system on the house, or liposuction, or Sirius radio, or lots of fast food, and very few people used credit cards and had to pay the interest on the money spent.

Yes, wages have stagnated. But spending habits have gone nuts too.
Basically households had an average income, and the majority of sale prices for everyday items were determined by that average.

Enter the women in the workforce. The average income of every family doubles, and therefore the sale prices of everyday items also doubled (inflation). Thus, there is no net gain for the family (the unit of society). This puts singlemen and single women at a disadvantage. Their labor is only half as valuable.

Instead of looking at it as the Man + Woman / 2 = 1 Family Average Income, you can look at it like this:

(Man + Man + Woman - Woman)/2 = 2Man/2 = 1 Man = 1 Family Average Income.

In other words, women are now working for FREE. What a clever design by the party of slavery, the Democrats.

Technically you can interpret this as men working for free, instead of women, which is just as bad.

Andnot only do they get the women to work for free, but now since they are working, they need to send their children away to Progressive Brainwashing Institutions (publik skool where 2 + 2 = 5 according to Commie Core) to further increase the power of the state.

Man, when you take the MGTOW red pill, everything finally makes sense. It's simple.

Women are working for free? Now that's a stretch. You seem to be missing my point entirely.
I love this Bill Gates quote about women from a few years ago after speaking at an event in Saudi Arabia:

In the question-and-answer session, a member of the audience noted that Saudi Arabia aimed to be one of the Top 10 countries in the world in technology by 2010 and asked if that was realistic. “Well, if you’re not fully utilizing half the talent in the country,” Gates said, “you’re not going to get too close to the Top 10.”
Basically households had an average income, and the majority of sale prices for everyday items were determined by that average.

Enter the women in the workforce. The average income of every family doubles, and therefore the sale prices of everyday items also doubled (inflation). Thus, there is no net gain for the family (the unit of society). This puts singlemen and single women at a disadvantage. Their labor is only half as valuable.

Instead of looking at it as the Man + Woman / 2 = 1 Family Average Income, you can look at it like this:

(Man + Man + Woman - Woman)/2 = 2Man/2 = 1 Man = 1 Family Average Income.

In other words, women are now working for FREE. What a clever design by the party of slavery, the Democrats.

Technically you can interpret this as men working for free, instead of women, which is just as bad.

Andnot only do they get the women to work for free, but now since they are working, they need to send their children away to Progressive Brainwashing Institutions (publik skool where 2 + 2 = 5 according to Commie Core) to further increase the power of the state.

Man, when you take the MGTOW red pill, everything finally makes sense. It's simple.

Women are working for free? Now that's a stretch. You seem to be missing my point entirely.

Why is it that an ordinary men in developed, but traditionally minded, regions of the world can still easily support a family without the woman working, while the woman stays home and raises the children?

You can take the blue pill, and say that women working has benefited the family unit.

You can take the purple pill and say that the value labor of a man and woman each produces one half of family unit's income.

Or you can take the red pill and realize that if women had not been working to begin with, the men would then earn the entire family unit's income, thus making in unnecessary for a woman to work once she's married. Therefore, Progressives have yet again managed to fool an entire class of people into working for free: Married women.

There's a simple thought experiment that can be applied"

Suppose that women were not allowed to work at all in the past, and one day the government decides to send every family an extra 30,000 a year. Prices would go up, and now just about every family would have to accept this government handout to survive: Denial of the benefit would not be an option of most families.

Now liken this to the early 20th century. There was a time women most married women didn't work (or at least not that much) but they certainly worked very hard in the home. Now all of a sudden women started to work very hard in the career world/workforce, which necessarily subtracts time from being home raising children. This is the same as every family being mailed an 30,000 a year check. The only difference is a SLIGHT increase in physical/tangible production of goods, which only mildly counterbalances the massive inflation of the +30,000 a year. Major increase in the supply of money, but no where near such an increase in the availability of goods.

Thus the family unit does make a marginal financial gain, but it comes at the cost of outsourcing the upbringing of your children to the State --- as intended. And children indoctrinated by the State will lead to a society that decays and crumbles in service to the oligarchy that runs the state, which in the long run is a COMPLETE FINANCIAL LOSS for the family unit. I mean seriously, we have fuckhead liberals that think Obama is their middle class hero as he bails out the Wall Street oligarchy. We also have fuckhead conservatives that think it's our mission to go about policing the world, when it's really just the fucking wall street oligarchy enriching itself via imperial conquest.

There you go, the real reason Progressives gave women the right to vote, so they could dupe them into surrendering the upbringing of their child to the ultimate alpha-male: The State.

When's the last time you've seen Anti-gun females calling for the disarmament of the State? LOL

It's amazing how the Second Amendment even comes through (naturally, without being akwardly interjected) on such a topic.

Molon Labe.
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Why is it that an ordinary men in developed, but traditionally minded, regions of the world can still easily support a family without the woman working, while the woman stays home and raises the children?

Who cares about other countries, this is America.
Why is it that an ordinary men in developed, but traditionally minded, regions of the world can still easily support a family without the woman working, while the woman stays home and raises the children?

Who cares about other countries, this is America.


You truly think that American reigns supreme in all categories in this modern day, and thus any other nation or region of the world can never be used as comparison.

Your first red pill doesn't even involve the economy or feminism or even liberty vs state.

You're currently swallowing a mixture of blue and purple pills, and maybe some red pills on Marxism based on your posts.

The first red pill you need to take is the one concerning American Exceptional-ism.

We used to be the greatest nation on earth in all categories from several decades. Thankfully, we're still the greatest nation on earth in many categories, but not all of the categories anymore, thanks to Progressives.

One of the things that cracks me up about Progressives is that even the naive ones who sincerely believe in "progress" fail to realize that most mutations to the "DNA of Society" are harmful, just as real mutations to human DNA are harmful.

It's very rare that a change produces a beneficial result. Hence the most destruction line in the Declaration of Independence against Progressives:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes

Naive and sincere progressives literally advocate a revolution every election cycle, albeit a peaceful one via elections. The reason that they manage to accomplish these PEACEFUL revolutions against the long established customs, traditions and government of society is because Tyrants will not wield the sword against those who makes changes to benefit them. In other words, progressives are useful idiots for the oligarchy.
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You truly think that American reigns supreme in all categories in this modern day, and thus any other nation or region of the world can never be used as comparison.

No. I think that our country needs to find our own solutions to our own problems.
You truly think that American reigns supreme in all categories in this modern day, and thus any other nation or region of the world can never be used as comparison.

No. I think that our country needs to find our own solutions to our own problems.

And why do you exclude looking outside at other regions of the world where things are working (at least respective to topic of inquiry)?

The entire American Experiment is a culmination of the knowledge from ancient Greece and Rome, to feudalism and the Dark Ages, to the Reniassance and the Enlighenment, to the tyranny of the Stuart Kings til the American Revolution.

Notice that only the last item on that list actually occurred on American soil. The right to bear arms from the Magna Charta and was properly elucidated during the tyrannical reign of the Stuart Kings.
And why do you exclude looking outside at other regions of the world where things are working (at least respective to topic of inquiry)?

Who said any such thing? The problem is that you are proposing that America throw itself out the window and be something else entirely. Like I said before, you have missed my point entirely. I didn't post this in order to advocate for the women to withdraw from the employment market.
And why do you exclude looking outside at other regions of the world where things are working (at least respective to topic of inquiry)?

Who said any such thing? The problem is that you are proposing that America throw itself out the window and be something else entirely. Like I said before, you have missed my point entirely. I didn't post this in order to advocate for the women to withdraw from the employment market.

No, I propose that we reverse the malignant mutations to our society by the Social Engineers (progressives). These mutations are cancer. Feminism must be undone. Thankfully we need not to undo it, feminism will undo itself.


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