Women should dress modestly or expect to 'entice a rapist...'

dear, you need to have a clue and a Cause. it is about "social justice".

What social justice? You think that women should be forced to be in relationships with men they don't like or are not interested in? Work on yourself. The problem is YOU. Get help and maybe someday you'll be able to find someone just as odd as you are. I'm sure plenty of odd women attend support groups and the like.
dear, adult conversation requires adults.

Exactly, so behave like an adult instead of your shoe size. What is it that you are saying? Be coherent please. Are you saying that you think women should be forced into unwilling "probationary" type marriages because YOU are a socially inept moron and cannot get a woman based upon your own merit?
No, dear; it is about social justice and Probationary staff getting paid to do a good job.
What if women start exercising their franchise; and start claiming they are going to walk around nude just for practice if not for fun, and any guy that rapes them may have to marry them due to religious precedent and, it is not their fault if they have multiple husbands, just for the "division of labor" and teamwork aspect of it. :p

You didn't mention it here (dear) but, you talk about Capitalistic women being modern, just so know, Capitalistic women are the oldest work force on the planet - nothing modern about them...:)
Nothing but diversion, dear? It is about the social equality of our franchise, not capitalism.

really? how are we unequal? do tell...
What if women start exercising their franchise; and start claiming they are going to walk around nude just for practice if not for fun, and any guy that rapes them may have to marry them due to religious precedent and, it is not their fault if they have multiple husbands, just for the "division of labor" and teamwork aspect of it. :p

I'm so very grateful you are NOT God!
It is about equality; or, shut up, wo-man, a Man is talking. :p

make me
sorry; i am not working on dominance and submission due to a lack of practice. :p
dear, you need to have a clue and a Cause. it is about "social justice".

What social justice? You think that women should be forced to be in relationships with men they don't like or are not interested in? Work on yourself. The problem is YOU. Get help and maybe someday you'll be able to find someone just as odd as you are. I'm sure plenty of odd women attend support groups and the like.
dear, adult conversation requires adults.

Exactly, so behave like an adult instead of your shoe size. What is it that you are saying? Be coherent please. Are you saying that you think women should be forced into unwilling "probationary" type marriages because YOU are a socially inept moron and cannot get a woman based upon your own merit?
No, dear; it is about social justice and Probationary staff getting paid to do a good job.

since when are you owed anything. Why do you just "take" what you want?
What if women start exercising their franchise; and start claiming they are going to walk around nude just for practice if not for fun, and any guy that rapes them may have to marry them due to religious precedent and, it is not their fault if they have multiple husbands, just for the "division of labor" and teamwork aspect of it. :p

I'm so very grateful you are NOT God!
It is about equality; or, shut up, wo-man, a Man is talking. :p

make me
sorry; i am not working on dominance and submission due to a lack of practice. :p

not my problem...
What if women start exercising their franchise; and start claiming they are going to walk around nude just for practice if not for fun, and any guy that rapes them may have to marry them due to religious precedent and, it is not their fault if they have multiple husbands, just for the "division of labor" and teamwork aspect of it. :p

You didn't mention it here (dear) but, you talk about Capitalistic women being modern, just so know, Capitalistic women are the oldest work force on the planet - nothing modern about them...:)
Nothing but diversion, dear? It is about the social equality of our franchise, not capitalism.

really? how are we unequal? do tell...
Yes; about women claiming religious morals to prevent bad boys from simply raping women; because, they may have to marry the chic, regardless of all of the other ones. i believe women will be much safer if they can enjoy polyandry with multiple husbands, simply for the sake of morals. :p
dear, you need to have a clue and a Cause. it is about "social justice".

What social justice? You think that women should be forced to be in relationships with men they don't like or are not interested in? Work on yourself. The problem is YOU. Get help and maybe someday you'll be able to find someone just as odd as you are. I'm sure plenty of odd women attend support groups and the like.
dear, adult conversation requires adults.

Exactly, so behave like an adult instead of your shoe size. What is it that you are saying? Be coherent please. Are you saying that you think women should be forced into unwilling "probationary" type marriages because YOU are a socially inept moron and cannot get a woman based upon your own merit?
No, dear; it is about social justice and Probationary staff getting paid to do a good job.

since when are you owed anything. Why do you just "take" what you want?
dear; it is about social justice and asking for permission instead of having to beg for forgiveness.
What if women start exercising their franchise; and start claiming they are going to walk around nude just for practice if not for fun, and any guy that rapes them may have to marry them due to religious precedent and, it is not their fault if they have multiple husbands, just for the "division of labor" and teamwork aspect of it. :p

I'm so very grateful you are NOT God!
It is about equality; or, shut up, wo-man, a Man is talking. :p

make me
sorry; i am not working on dominance and submission due to a lack of practice. :p

not my problem...
i am working on finding a nice local girl who is willing to also help me get good at full body massage.
What social justice? You think that women should be forced to be in relationships with men they don't like or are not interested in? Work on yourself. The problem is YOU. Get help and maybe someday you'll be able to find someone just as odd as you are. I'm sure plenty of odd women attend support groups and the like.
dear, adult conversation requires adults.

Exactly, so behave like an adult instead of your shoe size. What is it that you are saying? Be coherent please. Are you saying that you think women should be forced into unwilling "probationary" type marriages because YOU are a socially inept moron and cannot get a woman based upon your own merit?
No, dear; it is about social justice and Probationary staff getting paid to do a good job.

since when are you owed anything. Why do you just "take" what you want?
dear; it is about social justice and asking for permission instead of having to beg for forgiveness.

ask but if you are turned down be a man and accept the answer
I'm so very grateful you are NOT God!
It is about equality; or, shut up, wo-man, a Man is talking. :p

make me
sorry; i am not working on dominance and submission due to a lack of practice. :p

not my problem...
i am working on finding a nice local girl who is willing to also help me get good at full body massage.

for free?
dear, adult conversation requires adults.

Exactly, so behave like an adult instead of your shoe size. What is it that you are saying? Be coherent please. Are you saying that you think women should be forced into unwilling "probationary" type marriages because YOU are a socially inept moron and cannot get a woman based upon your own merit?
No, dear; it is about social justice and Probationary staff getting paid to do a good job.

since when are you owed anything. Why do you just "take" what you want?
dear; it is about social justice and asking for permission instead of having to beg for forgiveness.

ask but if you are turned down be a man and accept the answer
i usually do; why do you believe i am a mostly nice guy.
It is about equality; or, shut up, wo-man, a Man is talking. :p

make me
sorry; i am not working on dominance and submission due to a lack of practice. :p

not my problem...
i am working on finding a nice local girl who is willing to also help me get good at full body massage.

for free?
well; let me put it this way, i wouldn't mind a for-Cause relationship with a nice girl who is willing to be a friend; and who insists i get really really good at every Thing i do with her.
I place
Singer Chrissie Hynde has come under fire for suggesting it can be a woman's fault if she is raped.

I place 95% of the blame on the rapist. Hormone or chemical problems in the rapist. Mental and/or psychological issues.

Raping a woman is violent......with or without a weapon, and to me that is the same arena as violenting stabbing someone with a knife, repeatedly hitting someone in the head with a baseball bat, or a machete attack. Violent, one on one, eyes to eyes, breath to breath close. Some people can kill only with a handgun or rifle at distance. Others can kill at a distance, or right up in your face......and are the most dangerous and unpredictable.

If a guy notices a womans "34 D Cups", her nice and long flowing hair, her perfect butt, a winning personality and a smile - while smiling at everyone she greets ; I believe what ever she is wearing is irrelevant. Some things sets differnet people off. Pretty eyes, breast, buttocks, popularity at work. One, or a combination of things as I believe, can make a man want to rape.

Good looking guys rape, as does ugly and less prominent men. Think on that one a bit.

One average female a rapist is interested in may have the qualities that he is interested in, versus a more attractive and prettier female. Sometimes it is Apples and Oranges ; and sometimes it is not. He make like the shy girl who is attractive, and not be interested in the woman whom wears a short dress to work with her breast popping out -----> Or vice versa.

The other 5% of the time, I believe it is the womans fault. Why wear tight tank tops that are low cut, with a pair of tight jeans if they did not want men to look, or notice them? Why wear the short skirt and tight blouse that is unbuttoned to reveal a lot of cleavage with the aid of a underwire or pushup bra.... if they did not want men to look at them? Why would a woman wear a tight dress, mid thigh in length with a push up bra that makes their "C" or "D" cups stick out tremendously....if they did not want men to notice them.....why would women do that? They dress like this, then get mad when a guy walks by them and smiles, or turns around and whistles after they walk by.

Women dressing nice, and dressing to attract attention is two different things. Women need to remember that when they are standing in line at the movie theater, walking down the sidewalk....AT NIGHT, or on the city transit bus at 2 am.

Teased and fluffy hair, short skirts or tight jeans, and lots of cleavage is going to get whistles, smiles and comments. It is not the sole reason for a rape........but a small contribution to the cause.

Thinking right off the top of my head, irregardless of dress and appearance, women whom are popular and conversive with co-workers and friends are prime #1 targets.

Shadow 355
So says Chrissie Hynde...

Singer Chrissie Hynde has come under fire for suggesting it can be a woman's fault if she is raped.

"You know if you don't want to entice a rapist, don't wear high heels so you can't run from him," she said, in an interview in the Sunday Times.

The Pretenders singer, 63, said she takes "full responsibility" after she was sexually assaulted aged 21 in Ohio.

"If I'm walking around in my underwear and I'm drunk. Who else's fault can it be?" Hynde told Krissi Murison.

Chrissie Hynde under fire for rape remarks

How ignorant can a person be? I don't care if a woman is walking naked down the middle of the street, she is not looking to be raped. Anyone who believes a person's attire is an invitation to rape needs a good slap to the head...

Women should dress however they want....and carry a gun for fighting off democrats........

Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....
Well, it does make sense as you don't want to entice a sicko.

The problem op is the sicko is either going to do something or not...Why drive the sicko to do it?

Don't the true "Sickos" look at a woman for awhile, or stalk a target to be raped, versus do it spontaneously?

Shadow 355
Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....

Thumbs in the eyeballs are a good way to stop a rape.

Knee to the groin, knee to the outside of the thigh, kick the outside of the knee....also can stop a rape.

Knife eedge of the hand to the trachea....a good way to stop the rape.

Cup your hand....like when you swim = and as hard as you can and with as much force and distance as you can in your swing -----> Slap the ear. They will drop like a rock. ( This needs to be done with speed or when the assailent is not expecting it to prevent the hit from being blocked ).

A small portion of rapist......key word a small portion..... will break off their assault, when they loose physical and or psychologial control, versus the female whom only closes her eyes, turns her head and crys.

Shadow 355
Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....

Thumbs in the eyeballs are a good way to stop a rape.

Knee to the groin, knee to the outside of the thigh, kick the outside of the knee....also can stop a rape.

Knife eedge of the hand to the trachea....a good way to stop the rape.

Cup your hand....like when you swim = and as hard as you can and with as much force and distance as you can in your swing -----> Slap the ear. They will drop like a rock. ( This needs to be done with speed or when the assailent is not expecting it to prevent the hit from being blocked ).

A small portion of rapist......key word a small portion will break off their assault, when they loose physical and or psychologial control, versus the female whom only closes her eyes, turns her head and crys.

Shadow 355

You don't need weapon
All you needed is attitude.
Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....

Thumbs in the eyeballs are a good way to stop a rape.

Knee to the groin, knee to the outside of the thigh, kick the outside of the knee....also can stop a rape.

Knife eedge of the hand to the trachea....a good way to stop the rape.

Cup your hand....like when you swim = and as hard as you can and with as much force and distance as you can in your swing -----> Slap the ear. They will drop like a rock. ( This needs to be done with speed or when the assailent is not expecting it to prevent the hit from being blocked ).

A small portion of rapist......key word a small portion..... will break off their assault, when they loose physical and or psychologial control, versus the female whom only closes her eyes, turns her head and crys.

Shadow 355

I enjoy your spirit...but guns are the most effevtive way to stop a rape above all others.....studies on the issue support this. A knife is the second best way to stop a rape.
Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....

Thumbs in the eyeballs are a good way to stop a rape.

Knee to the groin, knee to the outside of the thigh, kick the outside of the knee....also can stop a rape.

Knife eedge of the hand to the trachea....a good way to stop the rape.

Cup your hand....like when you swim = and as hard as you can and with as much force and distance as you can in your swing -----> Slap the ear. They will drop like a rock. ( This needs to be done with speed or when the assailent is not expecting it to prevent the hit from being blocked ).

A small portion of rapist......key word a small portion will break off their assault, when they loose physical and or psychologial control, versus the female whom only closes her eyes, turns her head and crys.

Shadow 355

You don't need weapon
All you needed is attitude.

Attitude and a pistol is a lot better than just attitude.....
Since guns are the most effective way to stop a rape......you could get holsters that match the outfit.....

Thumbs in the eyeballs are a good way to stop a rape.

Knee to the groin, knee to the outside of the thigh, kick the outside of the knee....also can stop a rape.

Knife eedge of the hand to the trachea....a good way to stop the rape.

Cup your hand....like when you swim = and as hard as you can and with as much force and distance as you can in your swing -----> Slap the ear. They will drop like a rock. ( This needs to be done with speed or when the assailent is not expecting it to prevent the hit from being blocked ).

A small portion of rapist......key word a small portion will break off their assault, when they loose physical and or psychologial control, versus the female whom only closes her eyes, turns her head and crys.

Shadow 355

You don't need weapon
All you needed is attitude.

I used to live 5 mins from SE Dc. I was a thin, attractive white-girl, never was bothered, not even once.
Never had a weapon.
So, either it was attitude or it was God.

Attitude and a pistol is a lot better than just attitude.....

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